02-15-1972 PCM cMINUTES REGUTAR MEETING, HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 15, 1972 Chairman Jensen called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Members present were: D. Jensen, T. Cone, C. Tracy, Alderman Black. Also present were: Administrative Assistant Mealey, Engineer Priebe, Building Official Schmeling, Fire Chief Smith. Absent: M. Tudor, W. Vorpahl, R. Stearns. The minutes of the regular meeting of January 18 were approved on motion of T. Cone, second by D. J. Black. Chairman Jensen called for committee reports and was advised there were none. He inquired whether any response has been received to Administrative Assistant'Mealey*s letter requesting that City departments submit capital improvement programs and was advised that none has been received. It was the consensus that a follow up letter should be sent. T. Cone reported that he had nothing to present on Transportation and Thoroughfares. At 7:45 P.M. Chairman Jensen called to order Public Hearing to consider the preliminary plat and plan of final plat of Johnson's Terrace. Those present for the hearing were: Martin Prieve, 55 5th Avenue NE; Walter Korngeible, 47 5th Avenue NE; Frank Englehart, 75 5th Avenue NE; Walter Retzloff, 46 5th Avenue NE; Jeff Anderson, 37 5th Avenue NE: Leonard Larson -72 5th Avenue NE; and Howard Lewison, 80 5th Avenue NE. The extended discussion concerned costs of improvements, assessments, to the neighbors. It was explained that the developer would be required by ordinance 235 to sign a subdivision agreement in which he will carry the responsibility for costs of street, curb, gutter and any other required work. Howard Lewison was concerned about drainage and was advised that the City Engineer would examine his property and make suitable recommendations. At the conclusion of the discussions, T. Cone moved that the plat be referred to the City Council with a recommendation for approval in accordance with the provisions of ordinance 235. D. J. Black seconded the motion and all members present voted "aye". Motion carried. Chairman Jensen declared the hearing closed at 8:35 P.M. 5 M REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING -2- FEBRUARY 159 1972 Chairman Jensen introduced Mr. Gordon Fox of Kraus -Anderson, Inc., contractors and developers for the proposed shopping center on Highway 15 South. Mr. Fox then presented drawings and plans for the proposed center. An extended discussion of the center ensued. Several members of the Planning Commission had to excuse themselves before the meeting was concluded in order to meet other commitments. Consequently, at the termination of the discussion, Chairman Jensen informed the Kratis-Anderson people that a special meeting would be held prior to the next City Council meeting for the purpose of making a recommenda- tion and that they would be notified of the findings. A petition for abandonment of Third Avenue Southwest was received by Chairman Jensen from Hutchinson Futures, Inc., and read in full. The petition states that the area proposed for abandonment lies between Franklin Street and Main Street and is totally owned by the petitioner. Further, that the said street is proposed for development of off street parking complex to include Third Avenue Southwest between Main Street and Franklin Street. Chairman Jensen stated that for lack of a quorum the petition would be brought under consideration at a later date. There being no further business before the Commission at this time, the meeting was declared adjourned at 9:18 p.m.