03-21-1972 PCM cMINUTES
MARCH 21, 1972
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman David Jensen.
Members present were J. Kiland, D. J. Black, M. Tudor, D. Jensen, C.
Tracy, T. Cone, R. Stearns. Also present were Administrative Assistant
Mealey, Engineer Priebe, Building Official Schmeling. Absent: W. Vorpahl,
The minutes of the regular meeting of February 15 and the special meeting
of February 16 were approved on motion by D. J. Black, second by C. Tracy
Motion carried by affirmative vote of all members present.
Chairman Jensen announced that he had received a call from S. Hjort of
Micro Cities who is setting up a joint meeting of the Hutchinson and
Litchfield Planning Commissions and City Councils for a seminar with
David Lecht who is an instructor at the University of Minnesota and is
working with the Robbinsdale Planning Commission and others on community
comprehensive plans. It is requested that April 26, 1972 be established
as the date from one to five in the afternoon at either the Litchfield or
Crow River Gulf Club. Chairman Jensen said that he would make arrangements
for the meeting at the Crow River Club for the meeting upon I approval by
all concerned. D. J. Black said that he would coordinate the meeting with
the Council.
Chairman Jensen then reported that he has received a letter from Nursing
Home Administrator Mrs. Geier stating that they cannot submit a capital
improvements plan since there is no further expansion or major construction
contemplated in the forseeable future.
At 7:45 p.m. Chairman Jensen called to order public hearing on preliminary
plat and plan of final plat for Hilltop Addition submitted by Thomas
Lenneman, Jr. and advertised in publication No. 1424. Engineer Priebe
presented maps and explained the layout. The plat was duly discussed
and considered by the Commission. There was no one present to object to
the plat as presented. The hearing was declared closed at 7:55 p.m.
T. Cone moved that approval of the plat as presented be recommended to
the City Council and that the park and playground contribution be set at
$57.00 per lot in accordance with the schedule. M. Tudor seconded the motion
and it was carried.
At 8:00 p.m. Chairman Jensen called to order public hearing on the vacation
of a portion of Third Avenue South. T. Savage, representing Hutch Futures,
presented a proposed plan to provide additional parking for 75 vehicles
and indicated the proposed site of a new retail store on the present site
of the Meade's 66 Station. Mayor Kost was present for the hearing and
spoke in favor of the proposed vacation stating that the City has encouraged
the down town merchants to innovate in the central business district and
that he is in favor of their efforts to do something to update the area,
and further, that unless some serious detriment is discovered this plan
will keep the downtown area viable and growing.
Engineer Priebe stated that this plan is too preliminary and asked when the
final plan would be presented. He pointed out that the First National
Bank is not represented.
R. Stearns pointed out that this plan is subject to revision.
D. J. Black pointed out that while the request is for vacation of the
street for purposes of off street parking, there is no assurance that it
will be used for the stated purpose in 10 or 15 years when the situation
may be different and it may be decided that it should be used for building.
Administrative Assistant Mealey pointed out that the utilities easement
would provide control.
T Cone asked what would prevent other property owners on Main Street from
petitioning for vacations for parking.
T. Savage stated that this is a preliminary plan and that a final one would
be drawn after the vacation is granted.
S. Martin pointed out that there is a house facing on Third Avenue
which needs access to Main Street.
John Keefe stated that he has lived on Third Avenue for 10 years and can
never find a parking place.
G. Schulte stated that he would like -10 see some figures on usage of the
meters across from the Red Own Store - that he couldnt belive there is a
financial aspect involved.
Lloyd Torgrimson stated that the town is growing and that there is proof in
other communities that down town will be in big trouble if we don't up-
grade the area. He said that they (the downtown merchants) were told some
years ago to work out a plan and figure out the financing and that that is
what they are doing.
A discussion ensued between Alderman Black and L. Torgrimson concerning the
value of the property to be vacated.
G. Schulte stated that the parking plan should be kept in the public interest.
J. Kiland stated that this -seems to be a good idea but that better planning
is needed. He suggested professional advice on traffic patterns as they
apply to exits and entrances.
T. Cone stated that there is a need for parking down town, but that he
would not vote for this plan as it stands without further consideration of
the Bank's needs.
K. Born explained that the plan is to develop the plat into two and three
bedroom single family dwellings conforming to the lots. He assured the
Commission that there would be no movilla type construction and that all
designs would conform to building code. Engineer Priebe stated that the
street pattern follows the existing plan.
D. J. Black moved that the plat be recommended for approval to the Council
and that the park and playground contribution be set at $47.50 in
accordance with the schedule. M. Tudor seconded the motion and it was
Chairman Jensen declared the hearing closed at 9:14 p.m.
At 9:15 p.m. Chairman Jensen declared open public hearing on zoning of
proposed annexation of Santleman property. The proposed zoning is B-3
general business.
K. Santleman stated that a new family type restraunt is planned for this
area. He pointed out that this area would come under the orderly annexa-
tion plan eventually and that extension of water and sewer services would
be needed to serve the rest of the area at that time.
Discussion followed on possible extension of services and streets. K.
Santleman said that he had checked the access to the proposed business
with the Highway Department and had their approval.
M. Tudor moved that the B-3 zoning be recommended to the Council for
approval. C. Tracy seconded the motion and it was carried.
The hearing was declared closed at 9:35 p.m.
V. Olson presented a request for variance on construction of a garage
and sales building for his auto agency at Washington and Jefferson.
The variance needed is for reduction of parking spaces. Extensive
discussion was given the matter but no satisfactory conclusion was reached.
Mr. Olson was advised to revise his plan and resubmit it.
H. Wilson of Rieke -Carroll -Muller, St. Cloud, along with Mr. and Mrs.
V. Krsiean, presented a proposed plat of 9.84 acres just outside the
City limits Northwest and stated that they were requesting approval
of the plat since it is within the two mile jurisdictional limits of the
City. It was determined that the platting fee had not been paid and
that it has not been presented to Council for setting of hearing.
Considerable discussion of the need for platting was held since Mr.
Wilson stated that only two homes are planned for the property..
Further discussion was held on the possibility of annexation and the
need for services.. Chairman Jensen advised the parties concerned that
the fee should be paid and the plat presented to the Council for hearing