05-16-1972 PCM cMINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING, MAY 16, 1972 Chairman Jensen called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Members present were: D. Jensen, C. Tracv. J. Kiland, M. Tudor, M. Torgerson., D. J. Black. Absent: T. Cone, R. Stearns. Also present: City Engineer Priebe; absent was Administrative Assistant Mealey. Minutes of the regular meeting of April 18 and special meeting of May 2 were considered and approved. A memorandum from Administrative Assistant Mealey submitting a request by the Utilities Commission for rezoning of the two lots at the inter- section of Juul Road and Dale Street to R-2 in order that it might be offered for sale to Goebel Fixture Co. for parking was received and considered. On motion by C. Tracy, second by D. J. Black, the matter was referred to the City Council with request that hearing date be set. At 7:45'p.m. Chairman Jensen called to order public hearing on prelim- inary plat submitted by David Clark. The area proposed for platting lies along the westerly edge of Shady Ridge Road. There was no noone present for the hearing. The plat having been studied and discussed, J. Kiland moved that it be forwarded to the City Council with a recom- mendation for approval subject to park and playground contribution of $540 in accordance with the schedule. C. Tracy seconded the motion and it was carried. The hearing was declared closed. At 8:10 p.m. Chairman Jensen called to order public hearing as duly advertised to consider preliminary plat and plan of final plat for Hutchinson Industrial Corporation property in Ahrens' Highland Park. Three persons were present for the hearing. Chairman Jensen announced that simultaneous hearing is now open for vacation of East Highland Park Drive North of Hackberry Avenue, said street being located in the same property. John Korngeibel explained that it is desirable to replat lots 16 through 51 in order to create one lot on which the company plans to expand. The matter of vacation of E. Highland Park Drive was discussed and it was determined that the portion of the street in question no longer serves the best interest of the City and that there is therefore no objection to the vacation. D. J. Black moved that the matter be referred to the City Council with recommendation for approval. J. Kiland seconded the motion and it was carried. Regular Meeting - Planning Commission - 2 - May 16, 1972 There being no objection to the revised preliminary plat and plan of final plat for the Hutchinson Industrial Corporation property, M. Tudor moved that the plat be referred to the City Council with a recommenda- tion for approval. D. J. Black seconded the motion and it was carried. Chairman Jensen declared the hearings closed. Chairman Jensen then declared open simultaneous public hearings for vacation of a portion of Glen Street, rezoning of the old hospital property and request of HRA to alleviate height restrictions as specified in Section7D of Ordinance 245 in order to construct an apartment building for low income elderly. Two members of the HRA, were present for the hearing. Extended discussion was held concerning the request for relief of the height restrictions. C. Tracy moved that a recommendation be forwarded to the City Council to amend Ordinance 245, Section 7 D to provide that plans and specifications for any proposed building exceeding 40 feet in height must be submitted for approval to the Planning Com- mission and City Council. D. J. Black seconded the motion and it was carried. There being no one present to object to the rezoning of the old hospital property, and the matter having been discussed and studied, M. Tudor moved that a recommendation be forwarded to the City Council that Ordinance 24.� be amended to rezone said property from R-1 to R-2, to revert to R-1 in the event the property is not used by HRA for construc- tion of housing i'ur elderly. D. J. Black seconded the motion and it was carried No objection was forthcoming after study ana consideration of the proposed vacation of a portion of Glen Street. Therefore, M. Tudor moved that a recommendation be forwarded to the City Council to initiate an ordinance to vacate that portion of Glen Street abutting Lots nine through 6, Block 29, South Half City.for the purpose of constructing housing for elderly, said ordinance to become invalid should HRA not use the site for the stated purpose. D. J. Black seconded the motion and it was carried. At 8:58 Chairman Jensen called to order public hearing for consideration of preliminary plat and plan of final plat, McDonald's Fourth Addition. There being no one present for the hearing, the proposed plat was studied and duly considered. There being no objection, C. Tracy moved the plat be forwarded to the City Council with a recommendation for approval, subject to park and playground contribution of $741.00 in accordance with the schedule. M. Tudor seconded the motion and it was carried. Question was raised concerning park and playground contribution by Hutchinson Industrial Corp. and it was determined that previously established policy would require park and playground contribution with the new plat. J. Kiland moved that it be set at $400.00. D. J. Black seconded the motion and it was carried. Regular Meeting - Planning Commission - 3 - May 16, 1972 'John Korngeibel appeared before the Commission to present his credentials in the capacity of Planning Consultant. He proposed a team concept and introduced Richard Larson of Minnetonka with whom he would plan to work on planning activities for the City of Hutchinson. He outlined resources and personnel available to him and suggested a fee in the area of $200.00 to 250.00 per month with extra services additional. No conclusions were reached and it was the consensus of the Commission that they would meet in the near future to determine budget needs for the next fiscal year. Chairman Jensen reminded the Commission of the second half of the Planning Workshop to be held at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, May 17 at City Hall. There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was declared adjourned at 10:00 p.m.