06-20-1972 PCM cMINUTES
Chairman Jensen called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Members also
present were: C. Tracy, M. Tudor, M. Torgerson, D. Black. Absent:
T. Cone, J. Kiland. Also present: Administrative Assistant Mealey,
Engineer Priebe, D. Slipy of the Micro Cities Project.
Minutes of the regular meeting of May 16 , 1972 were discussed and
approved as submitted on motion by D. Black, second by M. Tudor.
Discussion ensued with D. Slipy concerning the progress and achieve-
ments of the Micro Cities Project. The discussion was interrupted
for the scheduled hearing at 7:45.
Chairman Jensen called to order public hearing, as duly advertised,
for preliminary plat and plan. of final plat of Southview Terrace.
Engineer Priebe explained that this is a re -plat submitted by property
owner because the original intention was to build apartment buildings
on the land, the plan for which would create a curve in'Echo Drive.
With the new land use intended, the Register of Deeds has requested
that the property be replatted to straighten out the street and clarify
the property description. He further explained that the proposed plat
is in effect an administrative change.
Park and Playground contribution was discussed, and it was determined
that the owner had originally made a contribution of $1,600.00 and
it was the concensus that .no further assessment should be levied for
this purpose.
M. Tudor moved that a'recomnendation be forwarded to t1►e Council for
approval of the plat with no park and playground contribution. D. Black
seconded the motion. There being no further discussion, vote was Taken
and all members present voted "aye" and said motion was
The hearing was declared closed at 8:00 p.m.
Chairman Jensen then called to order public hearing for rezoning of
two lots at the intersection of Juul Road and Dale Street from R-1 to
R-2. Two persons were present for the hosing
It was determined that a misprint in the publication would make it neces-
sary to republish the hearing.
Extensive discussion was held.with S. Martin and T. Konitzko who both
indicated that they are not in favor of the rezoning on the basis that
it makes it possible to construct something other than the intended
parking space at some time in the future. It was explained that in
accordance with the provisions of the zoning ordinance, this would be the
more desirable designation for the property)of the alternatives.
At the close of discussion, Chairman Jensen adjourned the hearing to the
next regular meting of the Planning Commission and instructed the secretary
Minutes ;
Regular Meeting, Planning Cummission ,lune 20, 1972
to republish the hearing notice and send notices as prescribed by law.
The Micro Cities discussion was resumed. D. Slipy told the Commission
that the grant for the project expires on June 30 so that the project
will be discontinued. He volunteered to perform any services that might
be requested in the future having to do with resource information or
reference to documentation concerning the project in any area of t<<e
state. He also told of an article soon to be published in Nation's
Cities which he has written on the project. He also.said that he would
be back in July to present an evaluation of the project as it applies to
Chairman Jensen acknowledged receipt of a letter from Marshall Tudor and
read it aloud. The letter announced his resignation due to transfer
from the community. Chairman Jensen, on behalf of the Commission expressed
regret and thanks for Mr. Tudor's services and wished him well in his
new position. ,
There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was
adjourned at 8:50 P.M.