08-15-1972 PCM cMINUTES, REGULAR MEETING OF THE HU?CHINSON PIANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 15, 1972 Chairman Jensen called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Members present were: D. J. Black, D. Jensen, J. Kiland, C. Tracy, M. Torgerson, K. Peterson. Absent: T. Cone. Also present: Administrative Assistant Mealey, Engineer Priebe. The minutes of the regular meeting of July 18, 1972 were approved as submitted. -d Plans for the pylon signs for Plaza 15 Shopping Center and Gibson*s Store on Highway 15 S we studied and discussed. J. Kiland moved that a recommendation for approval be forwarded to the City Council the only modification being that no portion of the sign be closer than 3 feet from the curb. Motion was seconded -and carried. The budget for FY 73 was discussed and considered. It was determined that more study would be required by members of the Commission before reaching any determinations. It was also determined that the potential total would not have significant impact upon the total City budget anis therefore the immediacy of determination is reduced. .pan recommendation by D. J. Blade, the subject was tabled to the next regular meeting. There being no further business at this time, the meeting was declared adjourned by Chairman Jensen at 8:45 p.me