10-17-1972 PCM cMINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1972 Chairman Jensen called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Members present: T. Cone, C. Tracy, D. Jensen, D. J. Black, J. Killand, M. Torgerson. Absent: K. Peterson. Also present were Administrative Assistant Mealey and City Engineer Priebe. There were no items of business on the agenda prior to the scheduled public hearing and discussions on progress of the shopping center and the traffic count were held. Engineer Priebe reported that to date all counts have been one day and when that is completed it will: be determined which streets seem to warrant additional count. He stated that he hopes to have a report ready for the next meeting. Alderman Black reported to the Commission that the budget request had been approved by the City Council and that it would probably be a good idea to begin consideration of choice of consultant for ordinance updating. At 7:4S p.m. Chairman Jensen called to order public hearing for rezoning of Eldred Miller's property on Jefferson from R-1 to R-2. Four persons were present for the hearing. All the residents of the neighborhood who appeared voiced opposition to the rezoning on the basis that construction of an apartment building would add to neighborhood problems of noise, traffic and public safety. The discussion continued for over an hour. Alderman Black stated that when he had received the copy of the map of the area and had surveyed the neighborhood, it had looked to him like a natural progression and further, that inasmuch as the building would be within walking distance to the 3M plants, the potential would seem to be a reduction of traffic. All persons desiring to be heard, having been heard, J. Killand moved that the hearing be closed. Alderman Black seconded the motion and upon vote being taken all members present voted "aye" and Chairman Jensen declared the hearing closed. PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 17, 1972 J. Killand moved that approval of the rezoning request be recommended to the Council. Alderman Black seconded the motion. A discussion ensued concerning the mixed zoning surrounding the Miller property including the industrial plot to the East. The discussion being concluded, Chairman Jensen called for a vote. J. Killand, D. J. Black and D. Jensen voted "aye." C. Tracy, T. Cone and M. Torgerson voted "nay." Chairman Jensen declared that the vote had indicated no recommendation. The discussion continued and no apparent solution being reached, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Post -meeting informal discussion on the possibilities of resolving the deadlock continued and no one left the chamber. At 9:08 p.m. Chairman Jensen called the meeting to order. Alderman Black moved that the rezoning of the Eldred Miller property be tabled to the next regular meeting of the Commission for further study. J. Kiland seconded the motion and all members present voted "aye." A discussion of consultant for updating the zoning ordinance followed. Administrative Assistant Mealey was directed to bring in a list of consultant firms for consideration. The meeting was adjourned finally at 9:20 p.m.