11-21-1972 PCM cMINUTES REGULAR MEETING HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1972 Chairman Jensen called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Members present were K. Peterson, D. J.. Black, D. Jensen, T. Cone, C: Tracy, J. Kiland, M. Torgerson. No one was absent. Also present were Administrative Assistant Mealey and City Engineer Priebe. Chairman Jensen.asked whether there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of the regular meeting of October 17'and special meeting of October 27 as presented. There being none, the minutes were declared accepted as submitted. Renneth Born of Midwest Modules was recognized by the Chair and presented colored layouts of a gpoposedplanned unit development on their 66 acre plat on T.H. 15 South opposite the Hospital -Shopping Center area. He expressed concern for the adequacy of the existing zoning ordinance and stated again that his interest is in making the most eampatible use of undeveloped periferal lands within the city and that while he -is anxious to begin development in order to recoup his expenditures he is also anxious to have the proper zoning so that future problems can be circum- vented. He stated again, that for the time being he needs the B-3 zoning for the 4 -acre parcel adjoining the highway, but realizes that the pro- visions of the present ordinance would allow too much leeway and somehow he would like to specify construction of a small shopping area to serve the development without having to cross the highway, and a service station. A number of potential problems with traffic were pointed out .and D. J. Black reaffirmed his opposition to.construction of a service -station. There was speculation on how long it might take to rewrite the zoning ordinance. K. Born inquired whether his plan might be left open to further consideration in connection with a review of the zoning ordinance. He was assured that this is the case . Chairman Jensen then declared that the consideration of Eldred Miller's request for rezoning would be taken up at this time. There.were three people present from the neighborhood including Mr. Miller, who was asked to explain his.proposed plan. He outlined the plan for an 18 unit apartment building to consist of two bedroom units on a lot approximately 360* x 253* and indicated a sufficiency of.parking space to the East using the same driveway as the adjacent apartment unit. REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION FETING NOVEMBER 219 1972 Mr. A. Jorgenson pointed out that people would be inclined to park on the street and create considerable traffic congestion during heavy snowfall. D. J. Black informed him that snow removal parking restrictions are .in effect in other areRs of the.city.and it would seem reasonable to believe they could.be-put into effect on Jefferson if the"need arises. An extended discussion arose having to do with objections to the unit creating traffic problems and the potential for juvenille problems. Mr. Jorgenson presented a petition signed by three neighboring property owners requesting that the rezoning request be denied. D. J. Black moved that the hearing be closed at 8:45 p.m. The motion: was seconded by C. Tracy and carried. D. J. Black moved that the request for rezoning be forwarded tQ the City - Council with a recommendation that it be approved. Jo Kiland seconded the motion. T. Cone stated that in his opinion there should be controlled access to the parking area and that the plan should be reviewed by Planning Commission before. in the building permit is approved. Methods of controll' the plan were discussed and D. J. Black revised his motion to recommend to the City Council that the Eldred Miller request for rezoning be approved'as requested with the prior agreement that before construction is started, all plans and specifications be reviewed by the Planning Commission and City Council. J. Kiland seconded -the revised motion and all present voted "aye." The map of proposed annexations was studied and discussed. A list of certified planners from the Office of Urban Affairs was reviewed and discussed briefly. Administrative Assistant Mealey was requested to send a letter to the firms listed asking for information on whether they have worked with cities of comparative size in the state. 'It was also agreed that a letter should be sent to other eormLmities who have recently updated or instituted zoning ordinances and subdivision ordinances and ask them for information. T. Cone agreed to make some inquiries also. Engineer Priebe presented a map marked with preliminary traffic count figures, all one day counts. He informed the Commission that he would now study the figures and determine where to make more extensive counts@ in order to create a true picture and also that he would contact the highway department and coordinate with their counts. There being no further business at this time, the meeting was adjourned. at 9:45 p.m.