12-19-1972 PCM cREGULAR MEETING OF MWT'f � TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1972 The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. Members present were' Chairman Jensen, D. J. Black, M. Torgerson, C. Tracy, J. Kiland, K. Peterson. T. Cone was absent. Also present were Administrative Assistant.Tom Kealey and City Engineer -M. Priebe. The minutes were approved'as submitted. Letters received from Planning Consultants were reviewed in the few minutes time before the scheduled public hearing. At 7:45 p.m. public hearing was called to order as duly advertised for rezoning of the Roger Ziemer property on Highway 7 West. There were 4 people present for the hearing. R. Danielson spoke on behalf of other nearby property owners and presented a petition signed by 12 persons$ objecting to the proposed B-3 zoning. Chairman Jensen acknowledged receipt of another petition signed by several property owners objecting to the rezoning. All persons desiring to be heard, having been heard the hearing was closed at 8:50 p.m. Chairman Jensen called for discussion or comments from the Commission concerning the rezoning. -D, J." Black stated that there seemed to be no overriding reason to effect such a rezoning inview .of the fact that the surrounding property is all R -l. Kay Peterson moved that the recommendation be forwarded to the City Council for 'denial of the rezoning. J. Ki,land seconded the motion and it.was carried. Chris Harshbarger appeared before the Commission and explained that in connection with the West Central Mental Health Center, a grant has been received through the Catalyst program for establishment of a Detoxification and Referral Center for Chemical Abuse. He further explained that his need'is for a building in a suitable zone and asked for the advice of the Cocmission. During the course of the ensuing discussion, Mr. Harshbarger suggested that so far they have been looking for an existing building to lease, but that it'might also be feasible to consider construction of a modular type house if an appropriate location could be found. Kenneth born of Midwest Modules was also present and suggested that perhaps something could be worked out with a building he has in mind on his property on T.H. 15 South. Some discussion was held which indicated that this would be a logical course 'to follow and Mr. Born and Mr. Harshberger retired to discuss the proposal. REGULAR MEETING PLANNING COMMISSION -2- DECEMBER 19, 1972 Frank Fay appeared before the Commission on behalf of T. Hemman whose property is on North Glen Street, which is a platted street North of T. H. 7, but is not a useable street and stated that he is requesting vacation of the street. He was advised to present his request to the City Council in -writing so that a public hearing could be ordered in accordance with provisions of the City Ctaarter, H. Heyer and Harvey Wendt representing the Hutchinson Alcoholics Anonymous group carne before the Commission to inquire about the possibility of using the old beer -warehouse on Merrill near Linden for a club house. Dis€:ussion was held at length as to the Possibilities of rezoning, special use permit, or changing use permit. It was agreed that the City Attorney should bd consulted for advice -on the matter, and that Mr. Heyer should return to the next meeting for further eonsiderationend determination. i Roger Ziemer appeared before the Commission and explained that he had not been able to arrive in time for the rezoning hearing due to icy highways. He said that he understood that the rezoning had been denied acid asked whether it would be appropriate to try again for perhaps a different zoning inasmuch as his purpose is to sell the property. He was advised -that the zoning ordinance and subdivision ordinance would soon be under revision and that perhaps after this is completed he might be able to fit the property into a different category. He stated that the neighbor adjacent to the East is also interested in •rezonink and asked whether it would be advisable to present a joint petition. He was advised that this would be his decision and that a single fee would be charged for the joint petition. The responses from Planners were taken under consideration and discussed. The following assignments were made to check with cities which have worked with the planners for their recommendations: AEI: D. Jensen; Beckman Yoder: J. Kiland (Winona, Farmington, Park Rapids) ; Urban Planning: M. Torgerson (Grand Rapids) ; Design Planning: C. Tracy (Stillwater); Amenity -One: K. Petersou (Redwood Falls, Rochester, Breckenridge); Rieke -Carroll -Muller: D. J. Black; E. A. Hickock: D. Jensen. It was agreed that reports would be brought to the next regular meeting. Engineer Priebe distributed maps showing locations of stop signs throughout the City for study by the Commission for determination of need for the signs, either for removal., addition. or relocation. There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 10:11 p.m.