FEBRUARY 20, 1973
Cllair:riau ,Juns(tn called the meeting iv order at 7:30 p.m. Manners
1)r(!sv11t were: K. Peterson, D. J. Black, D. Jensen, C. Tracy, J.
Kilana, T. Cone, M. Torgerson. Also present wore Administrative
Assistant MeaLey and City Engineer Priebe.
Tfte minuttis of the regular meeting of January 16, 1973 and Sl)ce L11
1)_ February 15, 1973 were approved as submitted.
Otto Schmidt of Nason Wherman and Chapman was present for discussion
of procedures for revision of the zoning and subdivision ordinances.
Mr. Schmidt presented a form of contractual agreement for services
which w,.s reviewed by the members and referred to -the City Council
with a recommendation for approval.
The major portion of the meeting was given•over to discussion of
desirable changes in the ordinances. Mr. Schmidt offered suggestions
for Planned Unit Development to be incorporated.
Mr. Schmidt advised the Commission that he plans to have -a rough
draft prepared in two months and has set August 1 as a target
date for completion..
Chairman Jenson noted that T. Cune*s term,of office expires in
March. Motion was made by C. Tracy; seconded by K. Peterson that
a recommendation be forwarded to the Mayor for reappointment for
another five year term. Motion was carried.
It was noted ..11so that annual reappointments to the Conimist ion are
due for Council and Utilities representatives.
There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting -
was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.