FEBRUARY 15, 1973
ThJ.,-, �j ecial , i,,c L_i.n; ; of ttie Planning Comillis til on was ea L.lcd to order
at 12:00 N ,i t the Velvet Coach by Chairman David Jensen.
Meiilber; pi,eseriL ware: David Jensen, D. J. Bl�tc1., M. Torgerson,
i`ir,. K. Peterson, C. Tracy. Absent: T. Cone, J. Kiland
Chai.rm,in Jansen ---viewed with the members of the Commission the
1)r(':1) Sals made Vegardi_ng assistance in updating our zoning and
Iulci reg at ions. Atter considerable dlscusslo11 a
n of i_on WdS made by Clint Tracy, seconded by K. Peterson and
eai,ried rueomm`ndiiig to the City Council that the planning firm
ol. Nason, Whei,inaTi & Chapmttrt Associates, Inc. be contacted and
c;i} �i�;c�<1 to serve as consultant for updating the zoning and
suudi.visi_on ordinances. Chairman Jensen volunteered to contact
the i irn.
Ther,! bo iiig no further bus.ines before the commission at this time,
th, rieet_ing was adjourned at 1.:00 p.m.