03-27-1973 PCM cSPECIAL MEETING WTCHINS011 PLUD= COHMISSION March 27, 1973 Vice -President Cone called the meeting to order at 12:30 p.m. Members present were: K. Peterson, C. Tracy, D. J. Black as well as T. Cone, Also present were Administrative Assistant Mealey and City Engineer Priebe. John Miller presented a rough sketch of the revised preliminary plat and plan of final plat for Rolling Oaks Third Addition. The plat indicated 11 lots in block 1, lot 10 being 180' by 200, all others being 1351 by 2001. Also indicated was a dedication of School Road to the East bordering two undivided blocks separated by a 901 entry to the central wooded area of approximately 24 acres. Mr. Miller indicated the restrictions on the wooded area to be as follows: 1. To be preserved in its natural state 2. Shelters and picnic tables to be permitted - shelter to be restricted to roof and supports 3. No roads, utility structures or motor vehicles 4. No overnight camping 5. No weapons The access area on the East side' of the plat is to be retained for parking and rest room space. A 601 roadway easement is indicated along the southerly perimeter of the platted area. A 10 -year phase-out time period has been requested for the tree nursery and stable operation existing. Mr. Miller agreed to removal of the barbed wire fencing on the west side of the plat. Mr. Miller asked that the 24 acre wooded area be designated as park and playground contribution for the total Rolling Oaks Subdivision, in accordance with ordinance, the total area being 187 acres. After due deliberation and discussion, D. J. Black moved that the plat be recommended to the City Council for approval as submitted. K. Peterson seconded the motion and all meimbers present voted "aye." Nays there were none and the motion was carried. There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 1:11 p.m.