JUNE 190 1973
The meeting was called to order at 7:43 p.m. by Chairman Dave Jensen
with Clint Tracy, D. J. Black, and Marlin Torgerson present. It was
noted that Jack Kiland and Kay Peterson would arrive later. Absent
was Tom Cone. Also present were Administrative Assistant Mealey and
City Engineer Priebe.
The minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 15, and Special Meeting of
May 22 were approved as submitted.
A request for variance made by Zajicek Brothers Company, Inc. to build
a house and attached garage at Lot 12, Block 40, Christensen's Addition;
corner of Glen Street and 1st Avenue N.W. was reviewed. All requirements
were met except the rear yard which required a minimum of 30', the house
was 21' from the rear yard. The matter was discussed and it was the
concensus that there is no valid objection to granting the variance of
9'. D. J. Black moved that the Planning Commission recomend approval
to the City Council. Clint Tracy seconded the motion and it was carried.
Harold Odegaard appeared to present a request for variance to permit
construction of a double garage where his existing porch is now located.
Mr. Odegaard's existing garage located on the alley and the North line
would remain and be used for storage. The drawing submitted was studied
and discussed. Reduce rear yard set back from 30' to 17'. This
variance was allowed inasmuch. as the open space in balance of the lot
is greater than the mininum requirement as provided by Ordinance.
There being no objection to granting the variance Clint Tracy moved
that the Planning Commission recommend approval to the City Council.
Marlin Torgerson seconded the motion and it was carried.
Chairman Jensen called to order Public Hearing as duly advertised for
Preliminary and Plan. of Final Plat, Shady Ridge Road and Highway*7 West
submitted by Mr. Mills representing the Ten Part Company. After a lengthy
discussion D. J. Black moved that the Planning Commission recommend
approval to the City Council subject to Park and Playground contribution
of $253.00. Jack Kiland seconded the motion and it was carried.
Public hearing was called to order by Chairman Jensen for Revised
Preliminary and Plan of Final Plat Betkers Addition, Chuck Pierson was
present for hearing. After due deliberation and discussion, Clint Tracy
moved that the Planning Commission recommend approval to the City Council
subject to Park and Playground contribution of $297.00. D. J. Black
seconded the motion and it was carried.
The slide film on Planned Unit Development loaned by First State Federal
was shown.
There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was
adjourned at 9:15 p.m.