The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Dave Jensen.
Members present were: Chairman Jensen, Ray Peterson, Les Linder, Clint
Tracy, Jack Kiland and Marlin Torgerson. Members absent were: Tom
Cone. Also present were Administrative Assistant Mealey and City
Engineer Priebe.
Chairman Jensen called to order at 7:30 P.M. Public Hearing as duly
advertised for Rezoning Lots 79 and 8 Southside Terrace Addition from
R-2 Multiple Family Residential District to B -SC Shopping Center District
or B-3 General Business District. Present for the hearing were Bud and
Steve Richards representing Richwalks, Inc. Three other persons appeared
for the hearing. Motion was made and seconded to clo s e the hearing.
Motion carried and hearing was declared closed at 7:50 P.M. Jack Kiland
moved that recommendation be forwarded to the Council of Rezoning
Southside Terrace from R-2 to B -SC. Les Linder seconded the motion and
vote being taken all members voted "aye".
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 19 were approved as submitted.
The Bills submitted from Mason Wehrman Chapman were approved for payment.
Consideration of 1974-1975 budget was reviewed. After due deliberations
Jack Kiland moved that the following recommendations be forwarded to the
City Council for approval.
Salaries Temporary $ 250
Professional b Consultant $ 39000
Travel -Conference $ 250
Miscellaneous $ 00
Clint Tracy seconded the motion and it was carried.
The revised plan of proposed apartment buildings was presented by Eldred
Miller and reviewed. After due deliberation Marlin Torgerson moved
recommendation of Rezoning Eldred Miller property from R-1 Residential
to R-2 Multiple Dwelling be forwarded to the City Council for approval.
There being no further business before the Planning Commission, the
meeting was ceclared adjourned at 8:45 P.M.