NOVEMBER 20, 1973
Chairman Jensen called the meeting to order at the hour of
7:40 P.M. Members present were: Kay Peterson, Clint Tracy,...
Marlin:Torgerson, Tom Conlin addition to Chairman Jensen.
Members absent were: Les Linder and Jack Kiland. Also present
was Administrative Assistant Mealey.
The minutes of the.Regular.Meeting of October 16, 1973 were
approved as submitted.
A bill received from Nason-Wehrman-Chapman Associates, Inc.
in the amount of $475.57 was approved -for payment'and forwarded.
to the City Council for final approval of payment.
Receivedon November -20, 1973 was a Notice of Hearing from the
McLeod County Planning Commission concerning -Mr. Clarence
Mohler's Application for a Conditional Use'Permit to construct
a multifamily dwelling in an agricultural zone. Mr. Clarence
Mohler answered questions and presented a rough draft of the
proposed plan to the Planning Commission. After due deliberation,
Marlin Torgerson moved recommendation from the Planning Cc mmissioR
be forwarded to the Council of having''no objection to the
Conditional Use Permit as presented. Chairman Jensen asked for
a second to the motion. There being none'--- motion died.
After continued discussion, it was the concensus that due to
the fact such short notice -was given the Planning Commission
of the Hearing, insufficient time -was given in order '
to consider and make a reasoned statement on the matter.
Kay Peterson noted that the Annual Conference of the Minnesota
Planning Commission was to be held on the 29th and 30th.
There being no further business to come before the Planning
Commission, meeting was declared adjourned at 10:00 P.M. on
motion by Marlin Torgerson,-seconded by Clint Tracy and carried.