02-19-1974 PCM cREGULAR MEETING PLANNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 19, 1974 Chairman Jensen called the meeting to order at the hour of 7:40 P.M. Members present were: Milt Lueneburg, Kay Peterson, Clint Tracy and Tom Cone, in addition to Chairman Dave Jensen. Members absent were: Marlin Torgerson and Jack Kiland. Also present were: Administrative Assistant Mealey and City Engineer Priebe. The minutes of the regular meeting of January 15, 1974 were approved as submitted. Continued discussion was held concerning proposed Subdivision Ordinance No. 235. After considerable discussion, Tomo Cone directed Administrative Assistant Mealey to contact City Attorney Schantzen for his review of the proposed Subdivision and Zoning Ordinance A lengthy review and discussion was held regarding proposed Zoning Ordinance No. 245 and various revisions were made. A copy of Chairman Jensen's letter of resignation was received as follows: Mr. D. J. Black, Mayor City of Hutchinson 950 2nd Avenue S.W. Hutchinson, Minn., 55350 Dear Mr. Black: For the past serveral years, I have served on the Planning Commission for the City of Hutchinson and enjoyed my association with this group. Because of added responsibilities with Citizens Bank & Trust Co., I find it necessary to resign from the Planning Commission effective March 19, 1974. I have gained a great deal of information and knowlege and hope that I have contributed in some small manner to the City of Hutchinson through the Planning Commission. Yours very truly, /s/ D. H. Jensen DHJ/lm cc: City Clerk City of Hutchinson Hutchinson, Minn., 55350 REGULAR MEETING PLANNING COMMISSION - 2 - FEBRUARY 19, 1974 After discussion, the Planning Commission expressed appreciation and regret to Chairman Jensen. Administrative Assistant Mealey noted that Kay Peterson's term expires March 31, 1974. After discussion, Tom Cone moved Mrs. Peterson be reappointed for another full five year term to the Planning Commission. Clint Tracy seconded the motion and it carried. There being no further business to come before the Planning Commission, meeting was declared adjour:ied at 10:12 P.M. on motion by Tom Cone, seconded by Clint Tracy and carried.