01-15-1974 PCM cREGULAR MEETING PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 15, 1974 The meeting was called to order at the hour of 7:30 P.M. by acting Vice -President Clinton Tracy. Members present were: Kay Peterson, Tom Cone, Jack Kiland, Marlin Torgerson and Clinton Tracy. Members absent were: Dave Jensen and Milt Lueneburg. Also present was Administrative Assistant Mealey. The minutes of the regular meeting of November 20, 1973 were approved as submitted. A request for Variance was received from Joan Cotter - Presi- dent of the Otter Lake Montessori School. Mrs. Cotter ex- plained that the school isa controlled specially prepared erril.ronment where children can develop. They are taught by a specially trained person in the Montessori Method; activities of everyday life, language, math and the arts. A varisnce from a 50 foot setback was needed. After considerable discussion, Jack Kiland moved the Planning Commission approve the variance with the stipulation that the building in which the school will be operating, meet the requirements of the Uniform nuilding Code and said approval be forwarded to the City Council. Kay Peterson seconded the motion and it carried. Proposed revision of Subdivision Ordinance No. 235 was revieVed and discussed in great depth and length. -It was the consensus of the Planning Commission that Subdivision Ordinance No. 235 be forwarded to the City Councll for their revscwal. There being no further business to cone before the Planning Commission, nneting was declar,::.d adjourned at 8:00 P.M. on motion by Marlin Torgerson, seconded by Tom Cone and carried.,.