APRIL 16, 1974
The meeting was called to order by acting Vice -President Tracy.
Members present were: Clint Tracy, Jack Kiland, Howard Popp,
and Milton Lueneburg. Members absent were: Marlin Torgerson,
Tom Cone, and Kay Peterson. Also present were: Administrative
Assistant Mealey and City Engineer Priebe.
The minutes of the regular meeting of March 19, 1974 were
approved as presented.
Submitted by E. D. Maynard, Community Credit Company was a request
for Variance. Community Credit Company is moving to 26 West
Washington Avenue and wished to erect the existing lighted
flourescent sign at the new location. According to -Ordinance No.
245, Section 14, A-1.0 which reads,
C. Signs within the "B2" District may extend into the
public right-of-way a distance not to exceed six
(6) feet provided no part of said sign or super
structure shall extend nearer than three (3) feet
to the vertical line extended from the face of the
however, the sign Community Credit Company wished to erect would
extend 8 feet instead of the 6 feet allowed. After a lengthy
discussion, Milton Lueneburg moved the Planning Commission
recommend approval to the City Council for granting the variance.
Jack Kiland seconded the motion and it carried.
Present was Mr. Virgil Goets, representative of the V.F.W. Post
No. 906, to request a Special Use Permit for the purpose of
building a front addition approximately 23 feet long and 28 feet
wide to the present structure which is located at 247 1st Avenue
S.E. The existing porch would be removed. In accordance with
Ordinance No. 245, Section 10, C.4, a Special Use Permit is
required. After discussion, Milton Lueneburg moved the Special
Use Permit be §ranted contingent upon the fact that the parking
lot to the East of the building be black topped by June 15, 1975, and
said approval be referred to the City Council. Howard Popp
seconded the motion and it carried. It was suggested the V.F.W.
Post No. 906 meet with City Engineer Priebe, Building Official
Willard and decided contractor, to work out details.
Mr. Earl Manson, Contractor for the owner of King Motel, Highway
7 and 22 West, was present to request a Special Use Permit to
build an additional 5 units to the motel. Mr. Hanson indicated
that more units are intended to be added within the next 2,. -Years
and requested receiviAg the Special Use Permit for those additions
also. It was noted according to Ordinance No. 245, Section.10, C.4
a Special Use Permit is required. After discussion, Jack Kiland
moved that the Special Use Permit be granted for the 5 units and
that said recommendation be referred to the City Council. Milt
Lueneburg seconded the motion and it carried. it was noted when
the additional units are to be added in the next 2 years, a request
for a Special Use Permit must be made at that time.
Received was a memo from Administrative Assistant Mealey indicating
the request of Otto-Schrinid - Planning Consultant, Nason; Wehrman,
Chapman,Associates, to finish the project of revising Ordinance
No's. 235 and 245 and to close out the contract. ;,lifter discussion,
it was the concensus of the Planning Commission that final revisions
be made and the matter be discussed at the next Planning Commission
Acting Vice -Chairman Tracy called for annual election of officers
and declared nominations open for Chairman. Jack Kiland nominated
Tom Cone. Jack Kiland then moved that nominations for Chairman
be closed and a unadimous._ ballot be cast for Tom Cone for Chairman
of the Planning Commission. Howard Popp seconded the motion. All
present voted "aye" and the motion carried.
Acting Vice -Chairman Tracy called for nominations for Vice -Chairman.
Jack Kiland nominated Marlin Torgerson. Howard -Popp then moved
that nominations be closed and a unaminous ballot be cast for
Marlin Torgerson for Vice -Chairman of the Planning Commission.
Jack Kiland seconded the motion. All present voted "aye" and the
motion carried.
Acting Vice -Chairman Tracy declared nominations open for Secretary.
Clint Tracy nominated Jack Kiland for Secretary. Howard Popp then
:roved that nominations for Secretary be closed and a unaminous
ballot be cast for Jack Kiland for Secretary of the Planning
Commission. Clint Tracy seconded the motion, all present voted
"afire" and the motion carried.
Correspondence was received from Mr. and Mrs. Earl McDonald
regarding a proposal for the City to purchase parkland as follows:
1. Land Cost - 35 Acres at $500 per Acre.
2. Improvement Cost - $243 per Acre.
3. Total Cost - 35 Acres at $743 per Acre : $26,000.
4. Purchase on a 5 to 10 year contract at 7% interest is
5. Sale of land to School was 20 Acres of a total price of
$900 per Acre for a total cost of $18,000.
After a lengthy discussion, Jack Kiland moved that the City purchase
from Mr. and Mrs. Earl McDonald, 35 Acres at $743 per Acre on a
10 year contract at 7% interest to be used for City Parkland and
said recommendation be referred to the City Council. Howard Popp
seconded the motion and it carried.
There being no further business to come before the Planning Com-
mission, meeting was declared adjourned at 8:41 P.M.