05-21-1974 PCM cREGULAR MEETING MANY 21, 1974
Viae -President Torgerson called -the meeting to order at 7:35
Members present were: Milton Lueneburg, Clinton Tracy, Jack
Kiland, Marlin Torgerson, and Kay Peterson. Members absent
were: Howard Popp and Tom Cone. Also present were:- Admin-
istrative Assistant Mealey and City Engineer Priebe.
Vice -President Torgerson read the minutes of the regular
meeting of April 16, 1974 andordered•them approved as read.
The request from Dorman Tulman for annexation to the City of,
Lot 7 and the North 48.5 feet of Lot 6 together with
Lakewood Drive abutting said property and -that part
of Lakewood Drive extending over the Easterly 66 feet
of Lot 8 all in First Addition to Maryview.
was reviewed. After discussion, Jack xiland moved the request
for annexation of the above stated property description be
granted and said recoaameadation'be-referred to the City Council.
Kay Peterson seconded the motion whereupon all voted "aye".
After discussion, Clint Tracy moved revision of Ordinance No.
235 (Subdivision) and Ordinance No. 245 (Zoning) be referred
to the Council for review'and adoption. Marlin Torgerson
seconded the motion and it carried. Marlin Torgerson then
requested that the Planning Commission receive a large map of
the City so areas for zoning designation could be studied.
Administrative Assistant Mealey informed that said maps could
be obtained after adjournment.
City Engineer Priebe requested that recoamaendation be referred
to the City Council from: the Planning Commission for extension
of Freemont Avenue to Century Avenue. After discussion, Ray
Peterson moved the Planning Commission recommmend,to-the City
Council that Freemont Avenue be extended to Century Avenue
as previously planned and agreed upon by the Planning Commission,
City Council and Hospital Board due to the increased-deve,19PmeAt
on Freemont Avenue this extension should be finalized as soon
as possible to enable planning for construction of underground
facilities in 1975 and basic grading and temporary surfacing in
1966. Clint Tracy seconded the motion and it carried.
There being no furt�*r business to come before the Planning
Commission, meeting was declared adjourned at 8x12 R.K., on,
motion by Clint Tracy, seconded by Milton Lueneburg and carried.