10-01-1974 PCM cSPECIAL CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 1, 1974 Mayor Black called the meeting to order at the hour of 7:40 P.M. Members present were: Alderman Westlund, Lueneburg, Haag and Ackland in addition to Mayor Black. Planning Commission members Tom Cone, Jack Kiland, Clinton Tracy, Kay Peterson, and Howard Popp. Also present were Administrative Assistant Mealey, City Engineer Priebe and Consulting Engineer Bill Chapman of Nason, Wherman and. Chapman Associates. Mayor Black opened the meeting by welcoming the Planning Commission and giving a background of the construction of the two proposed ordinances. Mr. Tom Cone commented on the proposed zoning ordinance. He stated this project was started due to the changes in Hutchinson and the need for the zoning ordinance to conform to these changes. In updating this ordinance, the existing land frame of Hutchinson was conformed to the new zoning code as much as possible. Alderman Haag questioned what the total acreage of parkland is in Hutchinson. City Engineer Priebe referred him to Park Super- intendent Roberts. Mayor Black requested that the Planning Commission explain what the sub -classifications meant under each classification of the ordinance. Clinton Tracy informed that we have better control over develop- ment with these classification and also, it gives a better selection of areas in which to develop. Mr. Bill Chapman then commented on the structure of an Ordinance. He stated an ordinance should be an out growth of a Comprehensive Plan and also, there are three divisions of an ordinance: A. Administrative Procedure B. Provisions or Special Provisions C. Zoning Map Mayor Black then requested further explanation of the sub- classifications under each classification of the ordinance. Mrs. Kay Peterson informed that there are three (3) sub- classifications under each classification, which are: Permitted Uses, Additional Permitted Uses and Accessory Uses. Permitted Uses are buildings that can be built in a zoned area. Additional Permitted Uses are buildings that - 4 - within the usuary rate limitation and abide the provisions of the law relative to the Housing finance agency of the State of Minnesota. No prospect of improvement looms, however, so the efforts put forth are mostly hoping. Representative James Pehler, Sartell, took the stand next and plainly stated that the prospect of major changes in levy limits or open meeting laws is negligible. According to Representative Pehler, the legislators are concerned that the news media be impressed favorably by legislative actions. There might, however, be some possibility of modest amendments to mitigate some of the harsher results of the laws concerning levy and usury limits and the open meeting law if media can be persuaded that the proposals are not detrimental. Mayor Schisler thanked Representative Pehler for appearing, and for his frankness. The next meeting was announced for Luverne on November 1, 1974. Dick Kirkham is directed to prepare the fatted calf. There being no further business to come before the Coalition of Outstate Cities, Mayor Schisler declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 1:24 P.M. Members then enjoyed a tour of the City by bus, courtesy of Mayor Loehr and the City of St. Cloud. 40 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL AND -2- OCTOBER 1, 1974 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING can be built only if it connects or is in conjunction with the Permitted Use. Mr. Cone then gave an explanation of the Zoning Classifications. City Engineer Priebe inquired as to which zoning classification the present parkland fell under. Mr. Chapman recommended that all parkland and publicly owned property should be left unzoned and marked on the Comprehensive Plan. In conjunction with the adoption of the proposed zoning map, Mr. Chapman recommended each zoning district be designated by a different pattern. In conjunction with Section Five of the proposed zoning ordinance, Mayor Black stated that Non -Conforming Uses of Structures ex- pires after ten (10) years from the effective date of this ord- inance and can only be allowed to continue by a 4/5 vote of approval by the City Council after a Public Hearing. Mr. Chapman recommended that the narative text of the proposed ordinance be adopted before the proposed zoning map. In conjunction with Mr. Chapman's statement, City Engineer Priebe inquired what the effective date of the proposed ordinance would be? Mr. Chapman informed it would be effected upon the approval of the proposed zoning map. It was the consensus of the Council that a joint Public Hearing of the City Council and Planning Commission be held for the purpose of considering the text of the proposed zoning ordinance. Mr. Chapman informed that there were no significant changes in the proposed subdivision ordinance, but that the smoke regulations are more clear. Since there were no significant changes, a public hearing on the text of the proposed sub -division ordinance could be held at the same time as the proposed zoning ordinance. After further discussion, Alderman Westlund moved to hold a Public Hearing on October 22, 1974, 8:00 P.M., City Hall for the purpose of considering the text of the proposed subdivision and zoning ordinance and to hold a Public Hearing on November 12, 1974 for the purpose of considering the proposed zoning map and the second reading of the proposed subdivision and zoning ordinances. Mayor Black thanked the Planning Commission for the many long hours of work put in on the proposed ordinances. SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL AND -3- PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 8, 1974 Mayor Black informed the Planning Commission that due to inflation and lack of funds, the 1975-1976 fiscal budget had to be cut. Their request, therefore, of $12,500 could not be granted. Administrative Assistant Mealey commended the Planning Commission for the job they did. He stated he felt it was one of the best jobs he had seen by a small city planning commission. Mr. Cone informed that it will be the Planning Commissions recommendation that all new plats presented for approval within a two (2) mile radius of the City express intention to be annexed to the City. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M. on motion by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Lueneburg and carried.