09-17-1974 PCM cB
P.E ntTLA R i�:E.. i IININIC T?1.1
SEPTEMBER 1-i; , 1974
Chairman Cone ca L,'(: the meeting to order at :he hour of7:30 P.M.
Members present were: Howard Popp, Milt Lueneburq, Clinton Tracy,
Marlin `t'or:Terson, and Jack Kiland in addition to Chairman Cone.
Members absent were: Kay Peterson. Also present were: Admin-
istrative Assistant Mealey.
Present was Mr. Darrell Strand to request a variance to build
a 12' x 24' addition to his home. Under Section Five of the
Zoning Ordinance such an addition could not be made. It was
inquired by Mr. Strand if said addition could be called an
office for existing business and be constructed under these
terms. It was the concensus of the Planning Commission it
could be added under these terms and directed further considera-
tion to Building Official Willard.
At 7:45 P.M., Chairman Cone, as duly advertised by Publication
No. 1626, called to order Public Hearing for the purpose of
determining the advisability of platting a plat of land pro-
posed as Judson Woods Addition. It was noted there was no one
present to be heard for said hearing. Mr. John Korngiebel,
developer of said Preliminary Plat was present to answer any
questions the Planning Commission might have.
Chairman Cone then acknowledged receipt of a memorandum from
City Engineer Priebe recommending that the following changes
or additions be made to Judson Woods Plat.
1. Utility and drainage easements at least 6' in width
be made on each side of all side and rear lot lines.
names changed to -conform to the City's program.
Linaen Lane could be confusing since there is a
Linden Avenue already.
3. Linden Lane Cul-de-sac exceeds limits for such a
street and the street could be projected to the
East sometime in future and right-of-way should be
4. City, Township and/or County shall be provided with
66' wide easement for Judson Road between south line
of the Plat and County Road 76 or Judson Road should
be in plat South to County Road 76.
5. Grades and drainage for streets is satisfactory. Same
information should be submitted before "Final Plat"
for that portion of Judson Road south of the Plat.
R-'GUL!�Vi. MEETING 2 -- SEPTEMBER 17, 1974
Mr. K )rngiebcl .informed that the following changes had been
completed and thea presented Judson Woods Final Plat.
After further discussion, Administrative Assistant Mealey
recommended that Judson Woods Plat be annexed to the City
if approved. Administrative Assistant Mealey then explained
the reasons for his recommendation.
1. Many City Services will be used.
2. Orderly growth of the City.
3. Regulation of Building Activity.
After further discussion, Milt Lueneburg moved that Judson
Woods Plat be approved contingent upon intent given to be
annexed to the City as soon as feasible and said recommendation
be referred to the City Council for consideration. Jack
Kiland seconded the motion and it carried.
After further discussion, Milt Lueneburg moved that notice
be given that the Planning Commission will only approve new
plats that have expressed intent to be annexed to the City
as soon as feasible. Jack Kiland seconded the motion and
it carried.
Received from Administrative Assistant Mealey was a memorandun
concerning the 1975-1976 proposed budget. Administrative
Assistant Mealey recommended that professional assistance be
sought in making up a Capital Improvement Program and that
money be allocated to do a Downtown Traffic Study. It was
Administrative Assistant Mealey's recommendation that a
budget of $12,500 be requested. After discussion, Clinton
Tracy moved to request a budget of $12,500. Howard Popp
seconded the motion and it carried.
It was the consensus of the Planning Commission that a formal
letter of acceptance be sent to Mayor Black in regards to his
letter concerning Long Range Capital Improvements Committee.
In conjunction with Mayor Black's memorandum concerning Long
Range Capital Improvements Committee, it was suggested by
Chairman Cone that the Planning Commission divide into
small groups, each group taking a specific area of interest.
Under these terms each group could become an expert in his
group. The groups are as follows:
Recreation and Fire Department - Milt Lueneburg and Marlin Torgerson
City Hall and Police Department - Jack Kiland and Howard Popp
- 3 - SEPTEMBER 1'1, 1974
Library and Meeting Facilities - Clinton Tracy and Kay Peterson
Downtown Business,Chamber of - Tom Cone
Commerce, Off Street Parking
and Hospital
It was also recommended by Chairman Cone to meet with all pertinent
people in eacy group and have a report ready at the next regular
It was the concensus of the Planning Commission that consideration
of the proposed subdivison and zoning ordinance be tabled until
a joint meeting of the Planning Commission, Consulting Engineer
Bill Chapman and the City Council was scheduled at the Council's
There being no further business to come before the Planning
Commission, the meeting was declared adjourned at 9:45 P.M.
on motion by Clinton Tracy seconded by Jack Kiland and