10-15-1974 PCM cREGULAR MEETING PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 15, 1974 Chairman Cone called the meeting to order at the hour of 7:40 P.M. Members present were: Clinton Tracy and Kay Peterson in addition to Chairman Cone. Members absent were: Howard Popp, Milton Lueneburg, Jack Kiland and Marlin Torgerson. Also present were: Administrative Assistant Mealey and City Engineer Priebe. Said members present did not constitute a quoram therefore, no official action could be taken, however, the following items were discussed. PRELIMINARY PLAT - SCHRAMM'S FIRST ADDITION City Engineer Priebe informed that no profile has been provided for drainage out of the Circle. Also, it would require storm sewer extension from Selchow Avenue to the Circle. City Engineer Priebe stated he felt the City could approve the Plat, but delay signing of said plat, until easement for the storm sewer is approved. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE Clint Tracy reported that he had met with members of the Library Board and informed that the Library is in need of additional space since 9,000 additional books will be added this fiscal year. It was questioned whether an additional building could be rented for the Children's Library or if another building could be built in Library Square. Mr. Bob Stearns, representative of the School Board, was present to request that a member of the School District be included in the Capital Improvements Committee. He informed that plans are being made to expand the Vocational Institute this year, with the first bond issue set for this spring. Also, tentative plans are being made for construction of a new elementary school with a bond issue next fall contingent upon Advisory Committee approval. Chairman Cone stated he felt that with better utilization of facilities and cooperation of all groups, everyone will benefit more. CSLG WORKSHOPS A letter was received from the Center for the Study of Local Government concerning workshops that could be held by the Planning Commission. Administrative Assistant Mealey recommended that they could possibly hold 1 workshop a month. Chairman Cone felt that it might possibly be of joint interest of the City Council and Planning Commission. It was also suggested that said workshops would be held during the winter months of this year. There being no further material to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M.