NOVEMBER 21, 1974
Vice -Chairman Torgerson called the meeting to order at the
hour of 7:35 P.M.
Members present were: Milt Lueneburg, Clinton Tracy, Howard
Popp and Kay Peterson in addition to Vice -Chairman Torgerson.
Members absent were: Tom Cone and Thor Skeie. Also present
was: City Engineer Priebe
The minutes of the regular meeting of October 22, 1974 were
approved as read.
At 7:40 P.M., Vice -Chairman Torgerson, as duly advertised by
Publication No. 1634, called to Order Public Hearing for the
purposed of determining the advisibility of platting a plat of
land proposed as Schramm's First Addition.
Mr. Schramm was present and informed that he had not yet
obtained any easements and inquired why any easements were
necessary. City Engineer Priebe informed that in order to
obtain the necessary drainage out of the Circle, storm sewer
is needed, and also, that there is no existing storm sewer on
Juergens Road, therefore, an easement is necessary to cross
over to the existing storm sewer on Selchow Avenue. After
further discussion, Vice -Chairman Torgerson entertained a
motion that Schramm's First Additon Plat be approved contingent
upon obtaining necessary easements and that the Parks and
Playgrounds contribution is made. Milt Lueneburg so moved.
Kay Peterson seconded the motion and it carried.
Present were Mr. Dick Lenz, Mr. Garey Knudson and Mr. Lyle
Block, representatives of a Committee established in support
of a Family Recreation and Sports Complex. Said representative
presented a summary of there objectives and proposals to the
Commission. They also presented three (3) alternate designs
for said complex and four (4) different types of finance for
said complex. Mr. Lenz also reported on a meeting he had with
Mayor D. J. Black concerning said complex. After discussion,
Vice Chairman Torgerson entertained a motion to approve said
proposal and present it to the City Council as soon as possible.
Clint Tracy so moved. Kay Peterson seconded the motion and it
carried. Vice Chairman Torgerson then thanked the Gentlemen
for their presentation.
There being no further business to come before the Planning
Commission, the meeting was declared adjourned on motion by
Milt Lueneburg, seconded by Clint Tracy and carried at 8:50 P.M.