12-20-1994 PCM cHUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, December 20, 1994 CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Clint Gruett at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present: Glenn Matejka, Roger Gilmer, Bill Craig, Craig Lenz, Dean Wood and Chairman Gruett. Member absent: April Brandt. Also present: Brenda Ewing, Planning Coordinator and Jim Marka, Building Official. 2. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DATED NOVEMBER 15, 1994 Mr. Lenz made a motion to approve the minutes dated November 15, 1994, seconded by Mr. Wood the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE 4. OLD BUSINESS NONE NEW BUSINESS a) DISCUSSION OF AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE REGARDING GROUP HOMES Planning Coordinator Brenda Ewing commented on City Attorney Barry Anderson's letter and legal opinion to permit the use of group homes in the C-4 district. Building Official Jim Marka commented on the building permit requested by the McLeod Treatment Programs, Inc., for a crisis shelter located on Hwy 7 E. in the C-4 district. He stated the planning staff recommend to move forward on the permit. Discussion followed on the need for a public hearing. Mr. Marka stated the use according to the interpretation of our zoning ordinance is permitted in C-4 districts. Grant Knutson, Chair of McLeod Treatment Program board, explained they are working with the bank contingent on approval of the city. Discussion followed on the procedure which would not include a public hearing. Building Official Marka commented on proposed language to bring the ordinance to State Statutes. 1 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 20, 1994 Mr. Craig stated this is an appropriate use of the property. There was discussion on the need for a motion. Mr. Lenz stated this is a permitted use and does not require a motion from the planning commission. Staff will bring this to the City Council's attention. Mr. Matejka asked if this should go to City Council. Mr. Craig explained the council should be aware of the proposal to place a shelter home in the C-4 district as a "for your information only" motion. Mr. Craig made a motion in favor of the request of land use and action by the City Council is not required. This is for your information only. Seconded by Mr. Gilmer the motion carried unanimously. Discussion followed on the amendment language proposed for the zoning ordinance to keep our ordinance in line with State Law. There was also discussion on sorting "types" of people by conditional use permits. The planning commission agreed the city council should also look at the proposed language and directed staff to obtain a legal opinion, city council input, along with staff input to be presented at a future meeting. Mr. Craig suggested that staff summarize the request and present with the proposal. Mr. Matejka made a motion to table discussions to a future meeting, seconded by Mr. Lenz the motion carried unanimously. b) DISCUSSION OF SURVEY FOR ANNEXATION IN LYNN TOWNSHIP Planning Coordinator Brenda Ewing explained the annexation would fill the gap in the present boundary created by the Cowger annexation. She stated Mr. Johnson has been notified and asked to dedicate road right of way to the city. Discussion followed on the frontage road concept and the confusion that could create. Building Official Jim Marka explained Mr. Johnson has no intent to annex. He stated this is creating dialogue for now. He explained the frontage road would create a controlled intersection and the city could ask Mr. Johnson for an easement for utilities and roadway. There was discussion on the possibility of Underwood Ave. as the controlled intersection. The planning commission directed staff to correspond with Mr. Johnson for an easement along So. Grade Rd. and Ulm Ave. and possibly seek his input on the draft of the Comprehensive Plan. c) DISCUSSION OF PHASE II - MONTGOMERY PROPERTY - SPRING 1195" IMPROVEMENT Building Official Marka explained Mr. Montgomery did not present Phase II. Mr. Marka then showed the planning commission a sketch by Land Innovation Inc. which is the concept Mr. Montgomery would possibly by using. The sketch was showing the curvelinear road concept in the Southwest area of the city. 2 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 20, 1994 d) STATUS OF UPDATE TO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Brenda Ewing explained the preliminary review of the Comprehensive Plan and stated the preliminary draft would possibly be completed early to mid January. Ms. Ewing stated H.C.D.C. will be receiving a draft copy. e) DISCUSSION OF AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE REGARDING OVER CROWDING OF DWELLINGS No discussion pending legal opinion. f) COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF 1) Consideration of variance requested for billboard sign in Hutchinson Twp., 2 mile radius Brenda Ewing explained this is the John Jorgensen property on Hwy 15 N. She commented on the proposal and the lack of hardship. Ms. Ewing explained the staff would recommend the county follow their ordinance. Mr. Craig made a motion to deny the request due to lack of hardship, seconded by Mr. Lenz the motion carried unanimously. 2) Bud Daggett easement - Brenda Ewing explained the easement is a private easement between Mr. Daggett and the Utilities. 3) Steve Wadsworth property - All Seasons property - Staff requires a scaled site plan and building plan. 4) Update on Acoma Twp Annexation - Brenda Ewing commented on the discussion with city and township officials as a positive meeting. She explained an orderly annexation agreement should be completed in the near future. 5) Mobile Homes in Flood Plain - Ms. Ewing requested direction from the planning commission whether or not to pursue the matter. The planning commission directed staff to proceed with the ordinance language. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 6:57 p.m. 3