01-17-1995 PCM cMINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, January 17, 1995 CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Clint Gruett at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present: Glenn Matejka, Roger Gilmer, Bill Craig, Dean Wood, April Brandt and Chairman Gruett. Member absent: Craig Lenz. Also present: Planning Coordinator Brenda Ewing, Building Official Jim Marka, Director of Engineering John Rodeberg and Asst. City Attorney Gina Brandt. 2. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DATED DECEMBER 20, 1994 Mr. Craig made a motion to approve the minutes dated December 20, 1994, seconded by Mr. Wood the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS a) CONSIDERATION TO REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED ON HWY 22 SOUTH FROM C-2 AND R-2 TO I-2 AS REQUESTED BY CITY STAFF Chairman Gruett opened the hearing at 5:31 p.m. with the reading of publication #4756 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, January 5, 1995. The request is for the purpose of considering to rezone city property located along Hwy 22 South from C-2 (Automotive Service Commercial District) and R-2 (Multiple Family Residence District) to I-2 (Heavy Industrial District). Planning Coordinator Brenda Ewing read the Planning Staff recommendation and showed an overhead of the site plan for the Hutchinson Area Transportation Services (H.A.T.S.).facility which will be located on a portion of the property to be rezoned. Building Official Jim Marka explained the use and location of the city owned property which now houses the city garage, wastewater treatment facility, compost site and demolition dump site. Mr. Marka commented on the property and ownership of the adjacent parcels. He also explained the present zoning and the request to rezone. Mr. Robert Anderson, 1545 Hwy. 22 S., adjacent property owner, requested an outline of the property by the legal description. He stated he has no objection to the I-2 zoning for the H.A.T.S. facility but is concerned with heavy industry zoning further south or across the highway from his property and would like to see that portion left R-2 as there are homes abutting that property. Director of Engineering John Rodeberg commented on the demolition site and understands the concern of neighboring property owners for that portion of Lot 14. He explained the distance and buffering requirements for the I-2 district. 1 UTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 17, 1995 Jim Marka explained the separation of industrial and residential if there would be development on the property across from the residential. John Rodeberg stated the lots in question are not easily developed and addressing the concern is appropriate. He also stated Lots 9 and 14 could remain R-2 as the composting site has no permanent buildings. Discussion followed on this use in an R-2 and if commercial would be more appropriate to be consistent with the ordinance. Mr. Matejka moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Gilmer the meeting closed at 5:51 p.m. Mr. Matejka moved to recommend approval of a portion on the property to I-2 (Heavy Industrial District) and Lots 9 and 14 to C-4 (Fringe Commercial District) as a transition to residential. Seconded by Mr. Craig the motion carried unanimously. b) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR OUTDOOR STORAGE ON HUTCHINSON AREA TRANSPORTATION SERVICES FACILITY PROPERTY LOCATED ON HWY 22 S REQUESTED BY CITY STAFF Chairman Gruett opened the hearing at 5:54 p.m. with the reading of publication 94757 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, January 5, 1995. The request is for the purpose of considering a conditional use permit requested by City Staff for outdoor storage to be located on the H.A.T.S. facility property on Hwy 22 S. Director of Engineering John Rodeberg commented on the building interior. He explained the conditional use permit is required for outdoor storage consisting of pipe products, culverts, sand and gravel, etc. Building Official Jim Marka commented on the professional design and all building code requirements are addressed. John Rodeberg stated that the environmental controls will be in the building. Jim Marka explained the outdoor storage will be screened to protect the looks of the property. Mr. Matejka moved to close the hearing, seconded by Ms. Brandt the hearing closed at 5:59 p.m. Mr. Matejka made a motion to recommend approval of the request with storage limited to 200' from the right of way and screening with plantings 200' on either side of the building. Seconded by Mr. Craig the motion carried unanimously. c) CONSIDERATION OF ANNEXATION BY BOARD ORDER OF 225.95 ACRES LOCATED IN ACOMA TOWNSHIP REQUESTED BY CITY STAFF Chairman Gruett opened the hearing at 6:04 p.m. with the reading of publication #4758 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, January 5, 1995. The request is for the purpose of considering the annexation of 225.95 acres in Acoma Township by board order requested by City Staff. 2 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 17, 1995 Planning Coordinator Brenda Ewing commented on the history of the request and explained annexing by board order instead of orderly annexation. Mr. James Field, Acoma Township, stated the township is working with their attorney on an agreement between the city and township. Building Official Jim Marka commented on the meeting with Acoma Township officials regarding orderly annexation. He also commented on Mark Fratzke's concerns should his mobile home park be annexed into the city. One concern would be the requirement of a storm shelter. Mr. Marka stated the basement of the owners dwelling could be considered a storm shelter. Mark and Cindy Fratzke, 25 Northview Court, explained the location of their property and their concerns with annexing their property. Discussion followed on the annexation process and the reasons for recommending annexation by city staff. Mr. Fratzke commented on his concerns of higher taxes and losing hunting rights on his property. Ms. Fratzke commented on the cost of water and sewer. Discussion followed on projection of growth in that area. Mr. Gilmer stated it is the Planning Commission's responsibility to project the growth of the city and direct that growth. Ms. Ewing explained the Planning Commission is to forward and recommendation on to the City Council to adopt a resolution for annexation that would be then sent to the Municipal Board for public hearing and action. Mr. Craig stated the final decision rests with the Municipal Board. Mr. Ron Krsiean, representing his mother Ann Krsiean, asked about the water and sewer services in Krsiean Acres. Building Official Marka stated they are not required to hook up to city services immediately and he explained the septic systems must be certifiable by the State. Mr. Krsiean also asked about the assessments on the property. Director of Engineering John Rodeb erg explained there would not be an immediate assessment if there is not an immediate need. Mr. Krsiean had questions regarding deferred assessments on the property. Mr. Rodeberg explained that if the property is adjacent to undeveloped property the assessments would continue to be deferred. Mr. Marka commented on the process of deferring assessments. He stated the city must prove benefit for service. 3 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 17, 1995 Discussion followed on the time lines for services when the property is annexed. Chairman Gruett read a letter from Mr. Ralph Neuman, 980 Rolling Greens Lane, regarding the wetlands in that area. Mr. Craig moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Wood the hearing closed at 6:51 p.m. Mr. Craig commented on working with property owners about to be annexed regarding gas and electric service, identifying the city and county taxes, and defining specifically the taxes and benefits in dollars and cents keeping in mind the recommendation goes to the City Council and the Municipal Board for public hearing. Planning Commission is the first step in the process. Mr. Craig made a motion to recommend approval of the resolution to annex by board order and forward to City Council. Seconded by Ms. Brandt the motion carried unanimously. 4. OLD BUSINESS a) CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION TO CHANGE STREET NAME OF ROBERTS RD. TO ROBERTS AVE. S.W. (east/west) and ROBERTS ST. S.W. (north/south) Building Official Jim Marka commented on the request and the directive to wait until there is further development to the south. He explained our ordinance does not address the addressing of properties. Mr. Marka commented on the proposal by staff to help in correcting the problem. He stated staff recommends that the street names be changed immediately. Discussion followed regarding the location of Roberts Road and concerns with changing the name. A question was asked if the police department and emergency services were requesting the change. Mr. Marka stated the request was motivated by the police department and also the problem the staff has with addressing. Mr. Matejka stated he would urge an ordinance change for consistency. Chairman Gruett commented on the need for the ordinance change not changing Roberts Rd. Ms. Brandt explained they should look at the whole picture and research the address ordinance. Mr. Wood explained something must be done with future addressing on Roberts Rd. Mr. Craig made a motion to move forward with the address ordinance for presentation at the next meeting, seconded by Mr. Matejka the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Craig made a motion to reject renaming of Roberts Rd and directed staff to return with a site plan for new development area if possible, seconded by Mr. Matejka the motion carried unanimously. 4 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 17, 1995 5. NEW BUSINESS a) COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF 1) Jim Marka commented on the Hunter's Ridge plat and the 100 year flood elevation. 2) Ulm Ave. easement is still being considered by Mr. Johnson. 3) Jim Marka commented on a garage being constructed by Mr. Theodore Verhey without a permit. Mr. Verhey has stated this is temporary and the construction will be tagged in the property I.D. system. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. 5