09-16-1986 PCM cMINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, September 16, 1986 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Roland Ebent at 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Marlin Torgerson, Larry Romo, Spencer Beytien, Elsa Young, Thomas Lyke and Chairman Ebent. Members absent: Shu -Mei Hwang. Also present: Director of Engineering Marlow V. Priebe and City Attorney James Schaefer. 2. MINUTES Mr. Romo made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting dated Tuesday, August 19, 1986. Seconded by Mr. Beytien, the motion carried unanimously. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS CONSIDERATION OF REZONING AS SUBMITTED BY HELLAND/BETHKE Chairman Ebent opened the hearing at 7:32 p.m. with the reading of publication #3613, as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, September 4, 1986. The request is for the reitoning ofproperty located on School Rd. North and County Road 12 from R-2 (multiple family residence) to R-3 for the purpose of an apartment dwelling. Director Priebe explained the request noting the plans to construct deluxe apartments to resemble the Townhouses north and west of them. The 4 -unit apartments will be built structurally to be used as condominiums if necessary. Some discussion followed, with a motion by Mr. Romo to -close the hearing and recommend City Council approval of the rezoning request. Seconded by Dr. Lyke, the motion carried unanimously. The hearing was closed at 7:38 p.m. 4. OLD BUSINESS (a) CONTINUED DISCUSSION OF BOARDING HOMES FOR ELDERLY Director Priebe explained the staff recommendation in regard to the lot size of 15,000 square feet for the use of a boarding home. 6,000 square feet is to be used for a single family (manager) and 1,500 square feet per occupant with 6 occupants maximum. He also noted staff recommendation of the two -lot size to be replatted as one parcel so as not to sell one lot separately. The parking requirement of 1/2 space per occupant met staff approval. Chairman Ebent inquired of Mr. Priebe as to the zoning of R-2 or , R-1, 2, and 3. The latter being correct. Mr. Torgerson made mention of the staff researching other city 1 w � X ordinances regarding the living conditions inside the home. City Attorney Schaefer noted that the land area is dealt with by the City. The State regulates living area size. Discussion followed on the concern not only for the appearance of the property, but also the living conditions for the occupants. Chairman Ebent instructed City Attorney Schaeffer to consult the State Life Safety Codes and Standards with a report at the next meeting. 5. NEW BUSINESS (a) REVIEW OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT GRANTED TO HAVTI FOR PORTABLE TRAINING UNITS Chairman Ebent addressed the permanent status of the temporary building used at HAVTI noting the correspondence from Mr. Macemon, Director of HAVTI. Mr. Ron Jonas, Assistant Director of HAVTI, explained that there is a request made to the legislature yearly for funding to expand the facility to include classes now conducted in temporary classrooms, it could take several years to see that happen. Discussion followed noting a possibility of using space from phased -out programs with the conclusion that remodeling would be an expensive alternative also. Mr. Torgerson made the motion to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit reviewal on an annual basis as necessary. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Young and carried unanimously. (b) ELIMINATION OF PLAYGROUND PARK AT COUNTRY CLUB TERRACE Mr. Gordon Hedland, owner of Country Club Terrace explained the problem that exists at the playground park in the mobile home park with regard to teenagers misusing equipment intended for small children. His suggested use would be to fill the area with four mobile homes as a way to alleviate the problem. Director Priebe noted the park was in the plat but not as a public park. Discussion followed on the requirment as stated in the Ordinance Section 7.14 with regard to all the Mobile Parks in the City and if it is necessary to act on this matter or amend the ordinance itself. City Attorney Schaefer stated that the residents should be notified of the request for elimination of the playground park and have the opportunity to respond. This was the consensus of the Commission also. Mr. Torgerson made a motion to continue discussion at the 2 next meeting October 21, at which time Mr. He Bland would submit a survey of the residents views to the Commission. Seconded by Mrs. Young, the motion was carried unanimously. 6. OTHER BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUEST SUBMITTED BY DR. JAMES KUEHL TO THE COUNTY OF MCLEOD Director Priebe opened discussion with an explanation of the variance request submitted. He advised it being the responsibility of the DNR to approve the setbacks designated from the lake side of the property. Discussion followed with consensus of the Commission that it was not a hardship due to lot size and niether City of County could act without DNR approval of variance. Mr. Torgerson noted undue hardship as stated in the Excerpts: Minnesota Statues and Adminstrative Rules, 1984 ection 62.33T, Paragrap 2;Undue ar s ip as usedin cconnection with the granting of a variance means the property in question cannot be put to reasonable use if used under conditions allowed by the official controls,...." Mr. Romo made a motion to deny the variance request based on noncompliance of state statutes. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Young and carried unanimously. (b) ZONING NOTIFICATION OF APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT TO HUMAN SERVICES PROGRAM LICENSE The consensus of the Commission would be that the Montessori School is in compliance with the zoning ordinance. Mr. Romo made the motion to recommend approval with a response by Building Inspector Homer Pittman. Seconded by Mr. Torgerson, the motion carried unanimously. (c) DISCUSSION OF ZONING IN REGARD TO PLATTING AREA WEST OF VINEYARD METHODIST CHURCH Director Priebe suggested an R-3 zone is needed in the event of platting the area across from the Vineyard Methodist Church. Mr. Torgerson instructed Mr. Priebe to bring staff recommendation to the Commission. No action was taken. (d) RESIGNATION OF MR. SHU-MEI HWANG FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION Chairman Ebent noted the resignation of Mr. Hwang from the Commission stating that City Administrator, Gary Plotz will advertise to fill the remainder of the term. 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mr. Romo moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m. Seconded by Mr. Torgerson, motion carried unanimously. 3