03-21-1989 PCM cMINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, March 21, 1989 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Craig at 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Roland Ebent, Clint Gruett, Marlin Torgerson, Bruce Drahos, Larry Romo and Chairman Craig. Members absent: Tom Lyke. Also present: Building Official Jim Marka. 2. MINUTES Mr. Torgerson made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting dated Tuesday, February 21, 1989. Seconded by Mr. Romo the motion carried unani- mously. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS (a) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY RICHARD LARSON, LARSON BUILDERS Chairman Craig opened the hearing at 7:31 p.m. with the reading of publication #3973 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, March 9, 1989. The request is for the purpose ofcon is dering a conditional use permit to allow the owner to move a 26' x 22' storage building onto property located at 640 Adams. There was discussion on the appearance of the building. Building Official Jim Marka commented on his discussion with Mr. Larson stating the door would face East. Mr. Ebent moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Torgerson the hearing closed at 7:33 p.m. Mr. Ebent made a motion to recommend approval to City Council subject to a 25' setback being maintained from the West property line and the loading area and door being placed to South or East. Seconded by Mr. Gruett the motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY ROSEN'S INC. (FORMER HUTCH AGRI TECH PROPERTY) Chairman Craig opened the hearing at 7:33 p.m. with the reading of publication #3974 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, March 9, 1989. The request is for the purpose ofsTo—rage of agricultural chemicals on property located at 15 Monroe St. Discussion followed on the type of chemicals being stored in the building. Representatives from Rosen's Inc. explained that the existing use was approved by the DNR and the similar use is also approved. They commented that the primary floor would be the upper deck of the present building. Discussion followed on the packaging and how the product is stored qualifies with the DOT for transportation and PCA for storage. There would strictly be agricultural chemicals stored at the site and an inventory list will be provided March 1st every year. HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 3/21/89 Building Official Jim Marka commented on the vacated street right-of- way. Mr. Torgerson made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Ebent the hearing closed at 7:37 p.m. Mr. Torgerson made a motion to recommend approval subject to staff recommendations as follows: 1) Survey showing the flood fringe finished floor elevation being 1041.5' for material storage. 2) Provide a list of actual material to be stored on site to be distributed to, and written approval from, DNR, Hutchinson Fire Marshal, PCA and also CAER (Community Awareness Emergency Response). Seconded by Mr. Drahos the motion carried unanimously. 4. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF JAY FREEDLAND FENCE PROPOSAL Building Official Jim Marka commented on the history of the proposal and suggests tabling the action since Mr. Freedland was not present. Discussion followed on the use of plastic and costs of fencing. Mr. Torgerson moved to table the issue until the April meeting, seconded by Mr. Gruett the motion carried unanimously. (b) DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED SKETCH PLAN SUBMITTED BY GALEN HOUK (2 MILE RADIUS) Withdrawn. (c) DISCUSSION OF REVIEW OF BURGER KING SITE PLAN AND REMOVAL OF YELLOW HOUSE ON THE PROPERTY Mr. Bob Hornick, owner of the property, commented that the convenient store/gas station plans will be in within 3 seeks. He anticipates beginning construction this summer. Mr. Hornick also explained that he is negotiating with Burger King and possibly finalizing the contract. Discussion followed on the time table of filling the hole to the north of the property and the removal of the yellow house to the west. Building Official Jim Marka asked for a site plan by the April meeting. The Planning Commission instructed Mr. Hornick to remove the house and fence -in the hole until construction plans are complete. Mr. Hornick agreed to remove the chimney and will work on removal. (d) CONSIDERATION OF DAKOTA RAIL - HERCULES SALE Building Official Jim Marka explained the letter from Attorney McGraw and City Attorney Anderson on the encroachment of the property onto Washington Ave. Discussion followed on the vacation of the street. Mr. Torgerson made a motion to recommend approval subject to city staff conferring with City Attorney to draft an agreement that addresses the 8' encroachment. 2 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 3/21/89 (e) DISCUSSION OF K MART EXPANSION - PARKING requested by Jim Marka Building Official Jim Marka commented on the K Mart expansion and plans to fill in the ditches. (f) DISCUSSION REVIEW OF HWY 7 BOARDING AND LODGING FOR ELDERLY requested by Jim Marka Withdrawn. (g) DISCUSSION OF REVIEW OF JR. HIGH SCHOOL SITE PLAN requested by Jim Marka Mr. Marka presented and commented on the Jr. High School site plan stating it was designed for expansion. (h) DISCUSSION OF ANNEXATION FOR RON HANSON PROPERTY AND SURROUNDING AREAS Mr. Ron Hanson commented on the property and the annexation of his house 14 years ago. Discussion followed on the annexation and the property owners involved. Mr. Torgerson made a motion to contact property owners and begin annexation proceedings, seconded by Mr. Romo the motion carried unanimously. 5. OLD BUSINESS (a) BRW UPDATE Building Official Jim Marka commented on his discussion with Mr. Bill Weber on codifying the Zoning Ordinance and the costs involved. 6. ADJOURMENT There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. 3