08-21-1990 PCM cMINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, August 21, 1990 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Craig at 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Tom Lyke, Dean Wood, Roland Ebent, Clint Gruett, E1Roy Dobratz and Chairman Bill Craig. Members absent: Craig Lenz Also Present: Building Official Jim Marka, Director of Engineering John Rodeberg and City Attorney Barry Anderson. 2. MINUTES Mr. Gruett made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting dated Tuesday, July 17, 1990. Seconded by Mr. Wood the motion carried unanimously. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS ✓( a) CONSIDERATION OF C IT10*ftb, -V",,4M9RN1TREQUF&- BY MAIN WILLHI-Tr Chairman Craig opened the hearing at 7:31 p.m. with the reading of publication # 4147 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 9, 1990. The request is for the purpose of considering a request for a conditional use permit to allow the owner to construct a 24' x 42' garage unto an existing nonconforming home located at 465 High St. Mr. Marvin Willhite, 465 High St., commented on his request and the 42' length rather than 28'as originally proposed. Building Official Jim Marka stated Mr. Willhite said he would tear one accessory building down if the garage would be 42' and explained the curb cut. Discussion followed on the farm equipment in the yard. Mr. Willhite stated the a9ekp"fft would be stored in the sheds and garage. Mr. Ebent commented on safety of the property. Minnie Albrecht, 428 Hilh St., commented on her concern and objection with the proposal of adding another building to the property. Mr. Ebent made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Gruett the hearing closed at 7:42 p.m. Mr. Ebent 1 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 8/21/90 made a motion to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit provided the farm equipment in the yard is removed or stored in the structure, siting the safety issues, and one existing garage be removed. Seconded by Mr. Wood the motion carried unanimously. There was discussion on enforcement of removal of the one building and the possibility of enforcement. " ) CONSIDERATION OF RI-AMCB REQUESTED BY HAR"VVY2WITE Chairman Craig opened the hearing at 7:50 p.m. with the reading of publication #4148 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 9, 1990. The request is for the purpose of considering a request for a variance by the owner to z#Auce. side yard sat Amok from 10' to 6' on property located at 465' High at., Chairman Craig commented on the proposal. Mr. Ebent moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Gruett the hearing closed at 7:53 p.m. Mr. Ebent made a motion to deny the request due to lack of haril"jp.. Seconded by Mr. Dobratz the motion carried by a 5-1 vote Chairman Craig voting nay. X-C) CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED BY OMAR COLLIS; MIKE'S MOBIL STATION Chairman Craig opened the hearing at 7:56 p.m. with the reading of publication #4149 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 9, 1990. The request is for the purpose of considering a request for a variance by the owner to reduce side.prapert,, lines from 25' up to 0' located on property at 90S.,Ray, 15- South,.Mike's Mobil. Nr. Mike, Cowmertord; Mike's Mobil, presented the site plan proposed. Building Official Marka commented on the s► and his understanding of the proposal being for a 23' variance and the appropriate parking is now in place. A hardship is created by the peculiar lot. City Attorney Barry Anderson commented on the timing concern of this project due to the ShopKo project. Discussion followed on the site plan. City Engineer John 2 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 8/21/90 Rodeberg commented on the site drainage being in compliance from a landuse standpoint the proposal is appropriate. Mr. Commerford stated grass is proposed for the back portion of the lot and possibly employee parking. He commented the UPS truck would be the largest truck to unload merchandise. Building Official Marka stated a green space variance will be needed in the future. Mr. Wood made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Lyke the hearing closed at 8:10 p.m. Mr. Lyke moved to recommend approval. Seconded by Mr. Gruett the motion carried unanimously. VA) CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE RBQUN817&L1..BY RANDY-NORDI.ING, Chairman Craig opened the hearing at 8:10 p.m. with the reading of publication #4150 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 9, 1990. The request is for the purpose of considering a variance by the owner to increase acce-asory -structure height from required maximum of 15' to 19' on property located at .305t. Hassan St. S. Mr. Randy Nordling, 305 Hassan, commented on his construction of a garage. Asking for the variance to keep the roof lines in historical balance with the 1902 architectural existing roof lines. He stated the hardship is the placement of the new structure to historically fit the other buildings. Building Official Marka commented on the architectural character of the house. There was discussion on the existing garage and roof lines and lot coverage being at 30% of the lot. Mr. Lyke made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Dobratz the hearing closed at 8:20 p.m. Mr. Lyke moved to recomx&n4d approval - Seconded by Mr. Dobratz the motion carried unanimously. 4. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONTINUATION CONSIDERATION OF ANNUAL. REVIEW OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR PORTABLE BUILDINGS AT 3 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 8/21/90 HUTCHINSON TECHNICAL COLLEG& AS PRESENTED BY DICK LENNE9"' Mr. Dick Lennes, President of Hutchinson Technical College, introduced Ms. Beth Heploa, Director of Marketing and commented on the pattern of funding for the Technical College. He presented a site plan of the Technical College and where the mobile units sit and explained the full use of the buildings. Mr. Lennes explained that proposals are in to the State Legislature for both long range plans and projects. Ms Hepola commented on the remodeling or the Technical College and the stages that have been completed. Mr. Lennes presented a master plan in front of the legislature for the past six years. Phase I includes construction to eliminate the temporary buildings and the square footage of space and suggested the City write to the legislators. He explained the process of applying to the legislation for funding. The options without the building space would be to eliminate courses or go into the community for other room. Neither would be ideal. Building Official Marka recommended the City Council pass a resolution listing reasons for the expedient passage of the funding. Mr. Lyke moved to recommend approval of the. on*,, year review of the conditional use permit and suggests the City Council draft a resolution to encourage the legislators to appropriate funds to replace the temporary facility with a permanent structure. Seconded by Mr. Gruett the motion carried unanimously. V"( b ) CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT OF LOT- SP -11T IN WOODVIEW ACRES REQUESTED BY RXANNE KOKRSH ( 2''}`1nLS RADIUS) There was discussion on set backs of the accessory building. Mr. Lyke moved to recommend approval -of lot split, seconded by Mr. Wood the motion carried unanimously. *"c) CONSIDERATION OF CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT IN SANTELMAN'S 2ND ADDITION REQUESTED BY KEN SANTELMAN Building Official Marka explained the proposal and services running into the lot. He stated staff has 2 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 8/21/90 concerns with possible utility and drainage easements.. The lot does not require platting. Mr. Ebent moved to recommend approval of the split based on staff recommendation to provide utility and drainage easements if there would be separate ownership in the future. (d) CONSIDERATION TO BEGIN AWNZXA'TION,,�PROCEEDINGS REQUESTED BY ATTY. PETE KASAL FOR HUTCHINSON DEVCO (WALMART) Mr. Tim Loose, Engineer representing. Bolton Menk,•Inc., commented on the proposal as presented. He presented a brief background on WalMart proposal and stated the annexation is for the 20,acre parcel in the SW quadrant of Hwy 15 and Baltimore. Mr. Loose explained that the WalMart proposal is a 80,600 sq. foot retail store with a possible 30,000 sq. ft. expansion to the rear or south. Discussion followed on the ownership of the property being owned by WalMart. Mr. Philip Plaisance, Rt. 2, farms south of the airport and voiced concern about excess water draining into the present drainage ditch. City Engineer John Rodeberg commented on the proposed detention pond and possible legal aspects of dumping water into ditch. The detention pond is to be designed to withhold water not to drain into the ditch any faster than it drains at present. Discussion followed on blacktop being 75% of site coverage which is 15 acres. Mr. Richard Schmidtbauer, Rt. 2, commented on the cleaning of the private ditch in 1976. City Engineer Rodeberg stated the system would work for a short term solution but he would like to see a long term study for future planning. Mr. Marlow Priebe commented on discussion years ago pertaining to the ditch problem and long range planning. City Attorney Anderson commented on the drainage system and the city possibly needing an indemnity agreement from WalMart if drainage does not comply. Mr. Lyke commented on the utility's concerns and services. 5 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 8/21/90 Building Official Marka commented on staff outline of criteria to be met. City Attorney Anderson explained the annexation process and legal aspect the Municipal Board follows. Mr. Loose commented that WalMart has looked at the drainage problems and cooperation with the city to meet criteria the city requires. He stated WalMart is willing to address requirements at the appropriate timing. There are also DNR and Corps of Engineer requirements which will be met at the time of platting. Building Official Marka asked about traffic flow. Mr. Loose stated they have discussed the MN DOT requirements of one access to Hwy 15 and the major access on Baltimore. Mr. Ebent moved to b-agi-&-annexation .proceedings, seconded by Mr. Wood the motion carried unanimously. kee) DISCUSSION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT IN WAGNER DEVELOPMENT REQUESTED BY KEVIN COWLES Building Official Marka explained the proposal to plat two lots but a better solution would be to vacate the easement for the placement of the house and make one buildable lot. ,f/f) DISCUSSION OF FINAL PLAT OF SCHMIDTBAUER'S 4TH ADDITION (STREET NAMES AND NUMBERING) Building Official Marka explained the numbering system and there was discussion on the soil borings. �g) DISCUSSION OF REZONING AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATIONS REQUESTED BY CHARLES RESS Mr. Ress explained the proposal. Mrs. Ress stated this would be a craft consignment shop and commented on off street parking, turn around on property, and that the garage would be the shop. Building Official Marka commented on the criteria for in home occupations including artistic or food crafts. Discussion followed on the necessity of a rezoning or conditional use permit with the consensus that a home occupation is permitted use in R-2 districts. 6 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 8/21/90 (h) DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR CATALOG SALES AND SERVICE REQUESTED BY JEFF BRENHAUG ON LEWIS AVE Withdrawn. ( i ) DISCUSSION OF SRE'TCH PLAN PRE -SENT, -9D BY JOEL VINIfLMEIft IN LYNN TOWNSHIP (2 MILE RADIUS) City Engineer Rodeberg commented on the proposed sketch plan stating the developer is willing to pay cost of frontage road and utility easement. He stated this is a better layout than previously proposed. Mr. Marlow Priebe representing the developer, stated Lynn township denied the request. Chairman Craig commented the Comprehensive Plan suggests the development is malt,, appropriate at this time because of services to the area. (j) OTHER DISCUSSION Mr. Loren Ahlstrand owner of Kentucky Fried Chicken explained the signage and has a variance application in for the September planning commission meeting. 5. OLD BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF COMPLETED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Mr. Ebent made a motion to adopt the Comprehensive Plan with notation of correction on cover and illustration numbering, seconded by Mr. Gruett the motion carried unanimously. (b) DISCUSSION OF ANNUAL REVIEW OF IiAitCiW=BTUflZO, JEFF MU"FAL& PROPERTY City Engineer Rodeberg stated Florida St. improvements did not go through. Building Official Marka stated the permit to hard surface will be obtained, he has contacted Mr. Munsell. (c) COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF Planning Commission Budget - Building Official Marka commented on presenting basically the same budget as last year. City Engineer Rodeberg proposed $40,000 for a Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan. 7 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 8/21/90 Building Official Marka addressed a letter of concern from Mr. Richard Danielson. Mr. Marka commented on a proposal for the carwash behind Taco Johns and stated everything in IC -1 requires a conditional use permit. 6. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 P.M. 8