03-16-1993 PCM cMINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, March 16, 1993 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Clint Gruett at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present: Dean Wood, Bill Craig, Roland Ebent, Roger Gilmer, Craig Lenz and Chairman Gruett. Members Absent: E1Roy Dobratz Also Present: Jim Marka, Building Official. 2. MINUTES Mr. Ebent made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting dated Tuesday, February 16, 1993. Seconded by Mr. Wood the motion carried unanimously. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS (a) CONTINUATION OF CONSIDERATION OF REZONING FROM R-3 TO R-4 REQUESTED BY AUGUSTA BUILDING CORPORATION FOR PROPERTY SOUTH OF PLAZA HEIGHTS ADDITION Chairman Gruett reopened the hearing at 5x31 p.m. with the reading of publication #4472 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, January 7, 1993. The request is for the purpose of considering rezoning from R-3 to R-4 property south of Plaza Heights. Building Official Jim Marka commented on the staff recommendation to withdraw the request. Mr. Craig moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Lenz the hearing closed at 5:32 p.m. Mr. Craig made a motion to remove the rezoning from the agenda, seconded by Mr. Gilmer the motion carried unanimously. (b) CONTINUATION OF CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY CONNIE CAMPA, KARATE SCHOOL, HWY 15 N Chairman Gruett reopened the hearing at 5:33 p.m. with the reading of publication #4473 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, January 7, 1993. The request is for a conditional use permit to allow the owner to construct a karate school located on Hwy 15 N. Mr. Marka explained the type of structure has possibly changed and will no longer require a conditional use permit. 1 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 3/16/93 Mr. Lenz moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Wood the hearing closed at 5:34 p.m. Mr. Lenz made a motion to withdraw the request from the agenda, seconded by Mr. Wood the motion carried unanimously. (c) CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT OF "OAKRIDGE" SUBMITTED BY JAMES JOHNSON Chairman Gruett reopened the hearing at 5:35 p.m. with the reading of publication #4477 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, February 4, 1993. The request is for the purpose of considering a preliminary and final plat of Oakridge located on Texas Ave. Building Official Jim Marka commented on the revised drawings including plat, rezoning and conditional use permit. He stated the developer is working on the financing of the project. Mr. Marka addressed the following items of staff recommendation: - Proposed parking is adequate for the development. - There are concerns with water service for fire protection. - Dolf Moon is discussing park land with the Park Board. - Calculations for ponding are adequate. - Addressing system has been completed. - A mechanical engineer is to verify the 8" watermain. - Water services are to be upgraded to 1-1/2". - 10' easements are now revised on the property. - The plat name is to be changed. (The new proposed name is Jim Johnson Addition). - $75.00 fee is to be paid for the conditional use permit. (This fee was paid on 3/18/93) Mr. Marka stated the staff is positive to the development. Mr. Ebent made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Wood the hearing closed at 5:38 p.m. Mr. Ebent made a motion to approve the request subject to the staff recommendations and the approval of the rezoning and conditional use permit. Seconded by Mr. Gilmer the motion carried unanimously. (d) CONSIDERATION OF REZONING FROM R-3 TO R-4 IN TWIN OAKS ADDITION REQUESTED BY JAMES JOHNSON Chairman Gruett opened the hearing at 5:39 p.m. with the 2 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 3/16/93 reading of publication #4476 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, February 4, 1993. The request is for the purpose of rezoning property from R-3 to R-4 located on Texas Ave. Building Official Jim Marka commented on staff recommendation of approval based on execution of the building permit and subdivision agreement. Mr. Lenz made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Wood the hearing closed at 5:40 p.m. Mr. Lenz made a motion to approve the rezoning based on staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Wood the motion carried unanimously. (e) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY JAMES JOHNSON FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 92 UNIT RENTAL TOWNHOUSES ON TEXAS AVE Chairman Gruett opened the hearing at 5:41 p.m. with the reading of publication #4484 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, March 4, 1993. The request is for the purpose of allowing the construction of a 92 unit rental townhouse located in the proposed Oakridge plat. Building Official Marka commented on staff review of the site plan being positive. Mr. Ebent moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Gilmer the hearing closed at 5:42 p.m. Mr. Ebent made a motion to approve the request subject to approval of the plat and rezoning. Seconded by Mr. Lenz the motion carried unanimously. (f) CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED BY W.A. HELLAND FOR CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSE LOCATED AT 1200 7TH AVE NW Chairman Gruett opened the hearing at 5:43 p.m. with the reading of publication #4485 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, March 4, 1993. The request is for the purpose of considering a variance to meet average setback located at 1200 7th Ave NW. Building Official Marka commented on the site plan and the minimum setbacks. Mr. Les Bulau, 530 School Rd N, voiced concern with the proposed home blocking view for his home. 3 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 3/16/93 Mr. Marka commented on the previously granted variance in the area also on a corner lot. He stated the home fits with the character of the neighborhood. Discussion followed on the size of home that would fit on the lot. After explanation Mr. Bulau had no problem with the request. Mr. Craig moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Wood the hearing closed at 5:52 p.m. Mr. Craig moved to approve the request sighting the corner lot as a hardship. Seconded by Mr. Lenz the motion carried unanimously. (g) CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE REQUESTED BY CITY STAFF TO CHANGE DWELLING UNIT DENSITY FROM 4500 SQ. FT. TO 4000 SQ. FT. IN R-3 DISTRICTS Chairman Gruett opened the hearing at 5:53 p.m. with the reading of publication #4487 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, March 4, 1993. The request is for consideration requested by city staff to amend the Zoning Ordinance #464 to change dwelling density in the R-3 District from 4,500 square feet to 4,000 square feet per unit on 4 or more family or townhouses in Section 8.05 and Section 9. Building Official Jim�Iazka—exp-ia�ne�c-- the previous ordinance was considerably less and__the_ revised ordinance in very restrictive to develop. He explained density fluctuates from city to city. Mr. Ebent moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Gilmer the hearing closed at 5:59 p.m. Mr. Ebent made a motion to approve the request. Seconded by Mr. Lenz the motion carried unanimously. (h) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY MCLEOD GROUP HOME FOR RESIDENT'S SCHOOL Chairman Gruett opened the hearing at 6:00 p.m. with the reading of publication #4488 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, March 4, 1993. The request is for the purpose of considering a conditional use permit requested by McLeod Group Home for a resident's school. Building Official Jim Marka commented on the school the use of the building. He stated there will be no change in the dimension of the building or in occupancy. 4 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 3/16/93 Dr. Peter Malmberg, Director of Crow River Special Education, explained the placement of students into the group homes and what counties they come from. Mr. Craig moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Wood the hearing closed at 6:05 p.m. Mr. Craig made a motion to approve the request. Seconded by Mr. Gilmer the motion carried unanimously. (i) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY MCLEOD COUNTY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY IN FAIR GROUNDS ADDITION Chairman Gruett opened the hearing at 6:06 p.m. with the reading of publication # as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, March 16, 1993. The request is for the purpose of considering a conditional use permit for the construction of a household hazardous waste facility in the Fair Grounds Addition. Building Official Jim Marka explained the meaning of household hazardous waste. Mr. Ed Homan, McLeod County Zoning Administrator presented several options of the site plan with option #3 being the county selection. Mr. Tim Ulrich, McLeod County Fair Board, commented on the proposed main entrance to the fairground. There was discussion on the structure of the building and the handling of the products. Mr. Craig moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Lenz the hearing closed at 6:35. Mr. Craig moved to approve option #3 of the request. Seconded by Mr. Ebent the motion carried unanimously. 4. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF SKETCH PLAN SUBMITTED BY LEROY CHRISTENSEN, HUTCHINSON TWP, 2 MILE RADIUS Building Official Marka explained the staff recommendations and the major concern is developing urban in rural. County Zoning Administrator Ed Homan addressed the procedure for reviewing the proposed streets. Discussion followed on the testing of soils and the desirability to develop outside the city limits. There was much discussion on the city making recommendations on 5 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 3/16/93 sketch plans as a concept. Mr. Craig moved to recommend no objection to the concept of this sketch plan, seconded by,Mr. Lenz the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Lenz moved to direct city staff to work with county staff to develop a procedure for criteria of which the city and county would have the same procedures to follow. This would be presented at the next planning commission meeting. Seconded by Mr. Ebent the motion carried unanimously. (b) COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF Building Official Marka presented a request for a conditional use permit within the 2 mile radius submitted by Skip Quade regarding a gravel pit operation. There was no motion made. 5. OLD BUSINESS NONE 6. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. 6