08-17-1993 PCM cMINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, August 17, 1993 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Clint Gruett at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present: Bill Craig, E1Roy Dobratz, April Brandt, Roger Gilmer, Craig Lenz, Dean Wood and Chairman Gruett Members Absent: None Also Present: Building Official Jim Marka and Engineering Technician Larry Huhn 2. MINUTES Mr. Craig made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting dated Tuesday, July 20, 1993. Seconded by Mr. Dobratz the motion carried unanimously. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS (a) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO REZONE FROM C-3 TO R-2, LOTS 1, 2, AND 3, BLOCK 51 NORTH 1/2 CITY, LOCATED ON FRANKLIN ST. SUBMITTED BY CITY STAFF Chairman Gruett opened the hearing at 5:31 p.m. with the reading of publication #4555 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 5, 1993. The request is for the purpose of considering a request by city staff to rezone property on Franklin St. from C-3 to R-2. Building Official Jim Marka commented on the request coming from a councilman. He explained the council is undecided at this time and requests to defer the proposed rezoning. Ms. Audrey Field, 46 Franklin St N, asked if the rezoning of her property would affect the taxes. Bob Wendorf, f , Wendorf f Ins., asked about the number of families that could occupy a residence in an R-2. Mr. Gilmer moved to continue the hearing to the Sept. meeting, seconded by Mr. Craig the motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT OF REPLAT OF HELLANDIS NINTH ADDITION SUBMITTED BY TISCHER HOMES, INC. Chairman Gruett opened the hearing at 5:35 p.m. with the reading of publication #4556 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 5, 1993. The 1 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 17, 1993 request is for the purpose considering a preliminary and final plat of "Replat of Helland's Ninth Addition" requested by Tischer Homes, Inc. Mr. Tim Aarsvold, Tischer Homes, Inc., commented on the replat request for 6 single family home lots. There are 5 platted lots presently. Building Official Jim Marka commented on the drainage on Lot 6. He also stated the developer is responsible for the cost of stubbing in a sixth service if there are only five to the property. Mr. Aarsvold, stated the city engineering department told him there are already six services, if not he is willing to put in the sixth at his cost. Mr. Tom Wick, County Club Estates, commented the engineering department should be sure of the services before the request is acted on. Engineering Technician Larry Huhn stated the plans do show six services on the property. Mr. Lenz moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Wood the hearing closed at 5:42 p.m. Mr. Lenz made a motion to recommend approval of the request subject to the developer paying for a sixth service if necessary. Seconded by Mr. Gilmer the motion carried unanimously. (c) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO REZONE FROM R-2 TO R-3 LOTS IN HELLAND'S NINTH ADDITION SUBMITTED BY TISCHER HOMES INC. Withdrawn. (d) CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT AND REQUEST TO REZONE FROM C-4 TO R-3 PROPERTY ON MICHIGAN ST. SUBMITTED BY PAUL BETKER Chairman Gruett opened the hearing at 6:30 p.m. with the reading of publication #4558, 4559, and 4560 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 5, 1993. The request is for the purpose of considering a lot split, rezoning from C-4 to R-3, Variance to reduce sideyard setback, and conditional use permit to construct a seven plex dwelling unit located on Michigan st submitted by Paul Betker. Building Official Jim Marka commented on the rezoning and dimensional requirements of the property. 2 Mr. Craig moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 17, 1993 Wood the hearing closed at 6:40 p.m. Mr. Craig made a motion to reject the rezoning and lot split and all other related activities on the property until a plat is submitted. Seconded by Mr. Lenz the motion carried unanimously. (e) CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE TO REDUCE SIDE YARD SETBACK LOCATED ON MICHIGAN ST REQUESTED BY PAUL BETKER Denied. (f) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT 7- PLEX ON MICHIGAN STREET REQUESTED BY PAUL BETKER Denied. (g) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY CITY STAFF TO PLACE 1400 CU. YD. OF FILL FOR BERM LOCATED AT TARTAN PARK Chairman Gruett opened the hearing at 5:45 p.m. with the reading of publication ##4561 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 5, 1993. The request is for the purpose of considering a conditional use permit by city staff to place approximately 1400 cu. yd. of fill in the flood fringe for construction of berm located at Tartan Park. Building Official Jim Marka commented on the request to protect to the 10-20 year flood. Director of Park and Recreation Dolf Moon explained the berm is to be placed at the perimeter of the outfield fence. He commented on discussions with Barr Engineering and their recommendation. The DNR and Corps of Engineers do not require permits for this request. DNR does require a 3 to 1 slope and vegetation to prevent erosion. Discussion followed on the homes in the area and the effect of flooding. Mr. Moon stated according to Barr Engineering information the homes should not flood. There was discussion on the cost of repairing or replacing the ball park. Discussion followed on the water flow in the area and the engineering elevations. Mr. Lenz explained the City Council directed Barr Engineering to study the effects of berming in the entire area. Mr. Craig moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Gilmer the hearing closed at 6:00 p.m. Mr. Craig made a motion to recommend3 approval contingent on Barr Engineering verifying the impact to be zero on the HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 17, 1993 surrounding property. carried unanimously. 4. NEW BUSINESS Seconded by Mr. Lenz the motion (a) CONSIDERATION OF FINAL PLAT OF MAC'S 2ND SUBDIVISION SUBMITTED BY ROXANNE KOKESH, ACOMA TWP, 2 MILE RADIUS Building Official Jim Marka commented staff has no objection to the request subject to percolation tests, plumbing schematic and certified septic inspectors and installers. Mr. Craig moved to recommend approval with no objection, seconded by Ms. Brandt the motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION TO BEGIN ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS REQUESTED BY LARRY MCKIMM, HASSAN VALLEY TWP., 2 MILE RADIUS Building Official Marka stated Mr. McKimm is working with the city engineer on assessment costs. Mr. Larry McKimm stated the MN Pollution Control has many requirements for floor drains, holding tank, recycling water. The sewer is the largest concern. Mr. Lenz moved to recommend approval with no objection, seconded by Mr. Dobratz the motion carried unanimously. (c) CONSIDERATION OF SKETCH SUBMITTED BY FRANK FAY ON WILLIS MILLER PROPERTY IN HUTCHINSON TWP, 2 MILE RADIUS Building Official Marka stated the County Engineer recommended the property will be affected by State Aid Hwy 8. Mr. Lenz made a motion to reject the sketch noting the difference between the county and township recommendations, seconded by Mr. Craig the motion carried unanimously. (d) DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT OF ISLAND VIEW HEIGHTS SUBMITTED BY RICH WESTLUND, TOM DAGGETT AND JEFF HAAG Building Official Marka commented on the RCM Engineering comments. He explained the discussion at this meeting was to understand the concept of the plat. Mr. Tom Daggett and Mr4. Rich Westlund commented on the development. Mr. Westlund stated their engineers are HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 17, 1993 addressing the comments from the city. Building Official Marka commented on three items still in question. He stated the staff is in approval of the plan. (e) CONSIDERATION OF FINAL PLAT OF "KOELLN'S SUBDIVISION", HUTCHINSON TWP, 2 MILE RADIUS Building Official Jim Marka stated the staff has no objection to the request. Mr. Lenz moved to recommend approval of the plat, seconded by Mr. Gilmer the motion carried unanimously. (f) COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF Building Official Marka explained the problem of soils on a lot in Hillcrest Addition. This would require a variance to move the location of a new home. Building Official Marka commented on the 1994 Budget. There was discussion on the review of the comprehensive plan to be in December. Mr. Marka commented on Municipal Code adding language on sump pumps. There was discussion on the Wadsworth properties. Building Official Marka commented on concerns with the S.W. annexation sketch and the right of ways. 5. OTHER BUSINESS NONE 6. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m. 5