11-16-1993 PCM cMINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, November 16, 1993 1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Clint Gruen at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present: Bill Craig, April Brandt, Craig Lenz, E1Roy Dobratz, Dean Wood, Roger Gilmer and Chairman Gruen. Absent: None. Also Present: Building Official Jim Marka, Director of Engineering John Rodeberg, City Administrator Gary Plotz and Engineering Technician Larry Huhn. 2. MINUTES Mr. Craig made a motion to approve the revised corrected minutes of October 19, 1993 seconded by Mr. Lenz the motion carried unanimously. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS None 4. OLD BUSINESS None 5. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTED BY JIM HEIKES, HUTCHINSON TWP, 2 MILE RADIUS Building Official Jim Marka commented on the layout of lots and the narrowness of the lots. He stated staff recommends denial of the preliminary plat. The plat is non-compliant based on the city zoning ordinance. Director of Engineering John Rodeberg commented on access and frontage road, parking lots on narrow lots are difficult. Ms. Brandt made a motion to reject the preliminary plat. Seconded by Mr. Lenz the motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION TO BEGIN ANNEXATION PROCEDURE SUBMITTED BY SAM MONTGOMERY, ACOMA TWP, AND DISCUSSION OF SKETCH 1 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 11/16/93 Building Official commented on the developer and his willingness to work with the city. Director of Engineering John Rodeberg explained the location of the annexation. Mr. Marka stated the staff had met with Mr. Montgomery on the proposal and he also discussed deferred assessments. Mr. Marka stated staff would like to proceed with orderly annexation in Acoma Township. He explained the possibility of annexing the property in two stages. Mr. Rodeberg stated the first phase is under 60 acres and single ownership and there will be no problem in senicing this smaller development. Mr. Sam Montgomery, developer, commented on the proposal and his discussions with the country club, county and city. There was much discussion on the extension of services for the first phase. Mr. Rodeberg stated any further development will take lift stations. Discussion followed on deferred assessments =and --how the city -captures -the costs. Discussion followed on the annexation of the 52 acres immediately and annexing the remaining 140 acres with an orderly annexation procedure in Acoma Twp. Director of Engineering Rodeberg commented on the possibility of adding an Agricultural Zoning District in the future. Mr. Montgomery commented on his concerns with waiting to annex the larger portion. Mr. Craig made a motion to recommend approval to annex the 52.3 acres and proceed with orderly annexation of the 140.5 acres. Seconded by Mr. Gilmer the motion was withdrawn by Mr. Craig. Discussion followed on making two motions for this request. Mr. Craig made a motion to immediately annex the 52.3 acres. Seconded by Mr. Gilmer the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Craig made a motion to proceed with orderly annexation of the 140.5 acres, seconded by Mr. Dobratz the motion carried unanimously. (c) DISCUSSION OF BED AND BREAKFAST ANNUAL REVIEW Building Official Jim Marka commented on the request to hardsurface parking. It is the consensus of the Planning Commission the Bed and Breakfast is not a problem and they are happy with the establishment. 2 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 11/16/93 (d) COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF 1) Discussion of Elliot's Eatery in Flood Plain Building Official Jim Marka explained the request being in the flood plain. The building is not flood proofed or elevated. He commented on the remodeling of the building. Staff recommends approval of the request. Mr. Marka stated there is no specific language in the zoning ordinance addressing the need for a conditional use permit. Mr. Jim Bullard explained the remodeling of the building from a restaurant to offices for the Chamber of Commerce. He stated they will replace the roof and stucco the building. 90% of the remodeling is not structural. Mr. Marka will contact City Attorney Barry Anderson to obtain his legal opinion regarding a conditional use permit. 2) Discussion and consideration of Tax Increment District #7 City Administrator Gary Plotz explained the present tax increment district. The new Peace Lutheran project would be District V. He presented a summary of findings of the properties in that area. Mr. Plotz stated the city's bond consultant has reviewed the findings for a 40 unit congregate housing for the elderly in this district. Mr. Craig made a motion to recommend to proceed with the Tax Increment District #7, seconded by Mr. Dobratz the motion carried unanimously. 3) Director of Engineering John Rodeberg commented on the water retention requirements. He explained the city already utilizes these requirements. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. 3