01-28-1981 PCM cMINUTES
The special meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was called to
order by member Mr. Ted Beatty at 7:40 P.M. Chairman Don Erickson arrived
late. Other members present were Roland Ebent & Larry Romo. Also present
were City Administrator Gary Plotz, Director of Engineering Marlow Priebe
and Acting Building Official Homer Pittman.
Mr. Beatty turned over the meeting to Mr. Clarence Simonowicz of C.R.S. &
Associates who spoke on "Capital Improvement Policies". (See attached)
He began by stating the planning commission should develop a plan to guide
the growth of the city. All major changes, including schools, in the city
should be reviewed yearly by the planning commission.
The following subjects were discussed:
Airport - Mr. Simonowicz suggested using primarily federal funds for im-
provements. Mr. Ted Beatty then told Mr. Simonowicz that the City is
presently working on a plan for a joint project with Litchfield midway
between the two cities.
Downtown Development - Assessment programs and tax increment financing
could be used.
Industrial Park - Felt the City Engineer should be the party responsible
for organizing and promoting the establishment of a much need industrial
Parks & Open Space - Felt Hutchinson has a good policy at the present.
Public Buildings - Felt in the years to come many new buildings would be
needed such as City Hall. Money should be allocated for this.
Major or Arterial Streets - Felt a Ring Road around the city should be
planned for future right-of-ways.
New Subdivisions - Cost of new streets and utilities should be assessed
to the requesting subdivider.
Existing Streets - Felt streets should be scheduled for improvements with-
in one to ten years. Assessments to abutting property owners.
Sidewalks - Felt sidewalks should be provided on major thoroughfares with
traffic exceeding 1,000 vehicles per day. Major routes to public schools
and major commercial areas should also have sidewalks. This could be ac-
complished through the expansion of the City's Street Bonding program.
Sidewalks in the major Central Business District would be assessed to the
abutting property owners.
Planning Commission Minutes
January 28, 1981
Page 2
A lengthy discussion followed as our policy in the past was to assess the
abutting property owner for sidewalks fn all areas. Questions arose as
to if the recent project on Stoney Point Road by the high school had been
assessed. Mr. Priebe informed the Commission it had just this year been
assessed. Other questions arose as to if a credit could be given to these
property owners. Mr. Simonowicz suggested leaving them on the assessment
rolls and beginning the policy now.
Mr. Plotz questioned if sidewalks needed to provided on both sides of the
street. It was determined one side was sufficient so that portion of the
policy should be amended. Also a clarification should be made on exactly
what is included in the Major Central Business District.
Street Trees - Felt our policy of replacement of street trees was good.
Keep the policy along with future grants.
Street Lighting - Present policy is working well.
Utilities - Present policy good with yearly reviews and rates revised
State & Federal Grants - Present policy is good. City should continue to
utilize state and federal grants.
After Mr. Simonowicz's presentation he asked the Commission to forward a
recommendation to the City Council.
Mr. Ted Beatty then made a motion to recommend to the City Council they
adopt these amended Capital Improvement Policies as a guide in 1981 and
that it be examined early in 1982 for any changes. Seconded by Larry
Romo, the motion unanimously carried.
There being no further business to come before the Commission at this
time, the meeting adjourned at 9:55 P.M. on motion by Ted Beatty. Second-
ed by Larry Romo, the motion carried unanimously.