04-21-1981 PCM cMINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, April 21, 1981 1. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Don Erickson at 7:30 P.M. with the following mem- bers being present: Bill Backen, Ted Beatty, Roland Ebent, Larry Romo, and Clint Tracy in addition to Chairman Erickson. Elsa Young arrived at 8:05 P.M. Absent: None. Also attending were City Administrator Gary Plotz, Director of Engineering Marlow Priebe and Acting Building Official Homer Pittman. Assistant City Attorney Jim Schaefer arrived at 8:55 P.M. 2. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting dated March 19, 1981 were unanimously approved on motion by Clint Tracy and seconded by Larry Romo. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS (a) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST SUBMITTED BY STAFF FOR REZONING OF NEWLY ANNEXED CLIFTON HEIGHTS FROM R-1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT TO R-3, MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT The hearing was opened at 7:32 P.M. by Chairman Don Erickson with the reading of publication # 2408 as published in the Hutch Leader on Friday, April 10, 1981. City Engineer, Mr. Marlow Priebe, explained all annexations come into the city as R-1 and it was felt by staff R-3 would fit better with the Comprehensive Plan. Chairman Erickson then asked for further comments. Mr. Dick Holt, 108 Garden Road, felt where his house is as well as others already built should be left R-1. He then presented a map of his proposal. Mr. Lee Stritesky, 709 Hilltop Drive, stated he didn't see any rea- son for a change of zoning. Mr. Roman Haas, 113 Mark Drive, questioned why everything couldn't be left R-1. Mr. Tom Schafer, 708 Hilltop Drive, stated they have only been in the city four months and now you want to rezone. What's the pur- pose? Hutchinson Planning Commission Tuesday, April 21, 1981 Page 2 A lengthy discussion followed at which time it was explained to the residents that with R-2 zoning setbacks are less restrictive and perhaps this would be the route to take. In the case of a disaster it would be easier to fully utilize each lot should it be necessary to remodel or rebuild. Most of the residents attend- ing said they didn't know the difference between R-1 and R-2 and would agree to the R-2 zoning. Mr. John Mliner, 704 Hilltop Drive, asked if more entrances were proposed for this area? Mr. Marlow Priebe replied not at the present time. The hearing was closed at 8:01 P.M. on motion by Ted Beatty and seconded by Bill Backen. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Ted Beatty stated he would rather see the whole area zoned the same than split it up. Clint Tracy stated he agreed. Mr. Bill Backen then made a motion to rezone the developed area including the three developed lots on Garden Road to R-2 and the undeveloped portion R-3. Seconded by Larry Romo, the motion car- ried with Larry Romo, Roland Ebent, Bill Backen and Don Erickson voting in favor and Ted Beatty and Clint Tracy being opposed. (b) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (PUD) SUBMITTED BY RICHARD LARSON Chairman Don Erickson opened the hearing at 8:06 reading of publication # 2409 as published in the on Friday, April 10, 1981. P.M. with the Hutch Leader Marlow Priebe, Director of Engineering, explained Mr. Larson's PUD proposal for single, two family and four family structures. This type of housing would conform to the zoning and the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. John Mliner, 704 Hilltop Drive, stated he was concerned about a problem of congestion on Garden Road for safety and in the case of a fire. Mr. Dick Holt - objected to the placement of the road as shown on the map. Mr. Duane Pischke, 114 Garden Road, felt this project would devalue his property. It will be like a raceway by his house. Hutchinson Planning Commission Tuesday, April 21, 1981 Page 3 Mr. Dick Holt suggested that the three lots on Garden Road that are undeveloped face Garden Road. After a lengthy discussion, it was determined if the plan were changed the land may not be used to its fullest extent. It was pointed out also that this would not happen over night but rat- her take place over several years. Larry Romo stated we will be seeing more of this type of dwell- ings in the future. He didn't feel traffic would be a problem. Clint Tracy inquired if the duplex on the corner could possibly face the other direction. Mr. Larson replied this couldn't be done very easily. Dick Holt questioned if there were any plans for playground area. After discussion it was decided this should be brought to the attention of the Park Board. Larry Romo made a motion to close the hearing at 8:45 P.M. The motion was seconded by Roland Ebent. After a brief discussion it was decided it would be better to continue this hearing as many things have yet to be resolved. Larry Romo rescinded his motion to close the hearing and Roland Ebent rescinded his second to the motion. Clint Tracy felt perhaps an alternate street pattern could be worked on and that playground area could be designated. Chairman Erickson asked that the Park & Rec. Board see this plan and give a recommendation. Mr. Ted Beatty then made a motion to continue this hearing at the next regular meeting which will be held May 19, 1981 and that the developer Mr. Richard Larson consider a different layout and that park area be considered. Seconded by Clint Tracy, the motion unanimously carried. (c) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY THE OWNER TO VACATE A PORTION OF PARK LANE IN HELLANDS FOURTH ADDITION AND A PORTION OF THE EASEMENTS IN HELLANDS THIRD AND FOURTH ADDITION The hearing was opened at 9:00 P.M. by Chairman Erickson with the reading of publication # 2410 as published in the Hutch Leader on Friday, April 3, 1981 and Friday, April 10, 1981. Hutchinson Planning Commission Tuesday, April 21, 1981 Page 4 Marlow Priebe explained that Mr. Helland had someone interested in purchasing the three lots and dividing them into two lots. He explained that Mr. Helland only wanted to relocate the access to the park. Mr. Helland also owns lot 4 so he would be the only one affected by the change. Mr. Priebe had checked with the utilities and they had no objection. On motion by Bill Backen, the hearing was closed at 9:04 P.M. Seconded by Ted Beatty, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Ted Beatty then made the motion to recommend approval to the City Council to rededicate the park access known as Park Lane to the western edge of Lot 5. Seconded by Elsa Young, the motion carried unanimously. (d) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR REZONING OF NEWLY ANNEXED SCHMIDTBAUER PROPERTY FROM R-1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT, TO R-2 & R-3, MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT The hearing was opened at 9:05 P.M. with the reading of publication # 2411 as published in the Hutch Leader on Friday, April 10, 1981. It was pointed out that this is the same situation as earlier presented for the Clifton Heights area. The newly annexed areas come into the city as R-1 and now for future development it was felt R-2 and R-3 would be more suitable. Mr. Jim Black, 15 Century Ave., felt that traffic would become a real problem on Century Avenue. He said he was speaking in behalf of his neighbor Garey Knudsen as well who couldn't attend this meeting tonight. Mr. Donn Hoffman, 45 Century Avenue, stated that traffic is already a problem. Future development will make it even worse. Mr. Schmidtbauer, owner of the property, explained there were many possibilities for exits to the west connecting to Hwy. # 15. Elsa Young stated as the city grows more streets will automatically be built. There was question by Mr. Tracy about the one lot on Century Ave. being zoned R-3 rather than R-2. Mr. Schmidtbauer explained this was a large lot and he had a party interested in building a four-plex on it. It was somewhat undesir- able because of the city putting a water tower directly by it. He also indicated that the building would not face Century Avenue but rather be facing the East. Hutchinson Planning'Commission Tuesday, April 21, 1981 Page 5 Mr. Tracy asked Mr. Schmidtbauer if we could be assured there would be nothing larger than a four-plex built on the lot located on Century Ave. Mr. Schmidtbauer replied this could be in writing if so desired. On motion by Ted Beatty, the hearing was closed at 9:32 P.M. Seconded by Bill Backen, it carried unanimously. Mr. Ted Beatty then made a motion to recommend approval to the City Council that the zoning be adopted as proposed. Seconded by Elsa Young, the motion unanimously carried. Mr. Black then thanked the Commission for this discussion and stated he appreciated their time. (e) CONSIDERATION OF REVISIONS TO ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464 The hearing was opened by Chairman Erickson at 9:45 P.M. Mr. Plotz explained these changes had all been discussed at earlier workshops and all of the members had received copies of the changes to review. On motion by Clint Tracy, the hearing was closed at 9:48 P.M. Seconded by Ted Beatty, the motion unanimously carried. Mr. Ted Beatty then made a motion to recommend approval of the presented revisions to Zoning Ordinance No. 464. Seconded by Bill Backen, the motion carried unanimously. 4. OLD BUSINESS (a) DISCUSSION ON PROCEDURES CONCERNING SOLAR HEATING Mr. Priebe stated he was waiting for material he had requested from various places and when he received it staff will mail it to the members for review and it will be discussed at next months meeting. 5. NEW BUSINESS (a) DISCUSSION ON AL BRINKMAN'S SKETCH PLAN OF SECTION 32 OF HUTCHINSON TOWNSHIP TO SPLIT PRESENT LOT INTO TWO PARCELS After a brief discussion a motion was made by Ted Beatty to approve to the City Council this request subject to receiving a letter from the present property owner that it will be annexed into the City at the time Our Saviors Lutheran Church or any other surrounding prop- erty owner requests annexation. Seconded by Clint Tracy, the motion carried unanimously. Hutchinson Planning Commission Tuesday, April 21, 1981 Page 6 6. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 9:58 P.M. on motion by Clint Tracy. Seconded by Ted Beatty, the motion unanimously carried.