10-28-1981 PCM cMINUTES
The meeting was opened by Chairman Erickson at 1:03 P.M. with the follow-
ing members being present: Ted Beatty, Clint Tracy, Bill Backen, Larry
Romo and Roland Ebent in addition to Chairman Erickson. Absent: Elsa
Young. Also attending were City Engineer Marlow Priebe and Director of
Maintenance Operations Ralph Neumann.
The Planning Commission had taken a tour on the Hutchmobile and viewed
each of the areas considered for the 1982 Improvement Projects. After
discussion, it was decided to go ahead with Hilltop Drive but defer the
assessments until the property is sold.
The idea of charging for maintenance on oiled streets was discussed but
was not recommended at this time.
Ted Beatty then made a motion the Planning Commission give a favorable
recommendation to the City Council of the listed 1982 Improvement Pro-
jects with the exception of two items listed under gravel base being
1) California Street from School Road to 2,000' South for $13,000, and
2) School Road from 7th Ave. N.W. to Co. Road 12 for $13,000. Second-
ed by Bill Backen, the motion unanimously carried.
On motion by Ted Beatty, the meeting adjourned at 1:20 P.M. Seconded by
Clint Tracy, the motion carried unanimously.