05-17-1983 PCM cMINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1983 1. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Larry Romo at 7:30 P.M., with the following members present: Ted Beatty, Elsa Young, Thomas Lyke, Roland Ebent, Don Erickson, and Chairman Romo. Absent: Jim Johnson Also present: City Administrator Gary Plotz, City Engineer Marlow V. Priebe, Building Official Homer Pittman, Fire Marshal George Field, City Attorney James Schaefer and newly appointed member, Shu -Mei Hwang. 2. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting dated Tuesday, April 19, 1983, and the minutes of the special meeting dated Tuesday, May 3, 1983, were approved on a motion by Mr. Beatty, seconded by Mr. Erickson. The motion carried unanimously. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS (a) CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR VARIANCES) AS SUBMITTED BY ANCHER NELSEN AND CLIFF POPP - Chairman Romo opened the hearing at 7:33 P.M. with the reading of publication #3057 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, May 5, 1983. The request is for a variance to allow the reduction of the sideline setback from 25' to 211, a variance to allow the reduction of the rearline setback from 25' to 619 and a variance to allow the reduction of the frontline setback from 25' to 201 on the property located at the corner of Oakland Avenue and Hassan Street. The construction of a duplex is planned for the lot. Mr. Nelsen and Mr. Popp were present to explain the request. It was the consensus of the commission that the setbacks as requested would conform to what already exists in the neighborhood and would not cause any hardship in the area. City Engineer Priebe explained that a problem exists with the parking for the proposed duplex. Two parking spaces are required for each side of the duplex. A single car garage is planned for each side which means a parking space is required on the front driveway. Parking is not permitted in the front 151. Another variance and hearing would be required to allow construction as proposed. After discussion, the hearing was closed at 7:55 P.M. on a motion by Mr. Beatty. Seconded by Mr. Erickson, the motion carried unanimously. Planning Commission Minutes - May 17, 1983 A motion was made by Mr. Erickson to recommend to the City Council approval of the variances as requested. Seconded by Mr. Beatty, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Nelsen and Mr. Popp were directed to either change the design of the building to conform to the parking requirements as well as the setbacks approved, or apply for another variance to allow the parking as now planned. (b) CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AS SUBMITTED BY CROW RIVER GLASS, INC. Chairman Romo reconvened the hearing at 7:57 P.M. City Administrator Plotz read a letter from the DNR which states that since the structure was constructed substantially below the regulatory flood protection level, the applicant should either raise first floor elevation or flood proof the structure. Upon submission of written statement of type of operation, what is to be stored and the type of customer traffic at the business place, to the State, the State will then detail the type of flood -proofing necessary. Mr. James Lanie was present to represent Crow River Glass. It was his feeling that as there hadn't ever been water up over the alley, even when the dam broke in 1965, that flood proofing shouldn't be necessary. City Engineer Priebe explained that the flood -proofing is a state requirement and the City and the DNR would have to comply. He further explained that when detailed information about the operation is supplied to the State, the State can then determine what has to be done. Discussion followed. Mr. Beatty made a motion to close the hearing at 8:14 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Erickson, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Beatty made a motion to recommend to City Council approval of the conditional use permit provided that: the applicant meets the requirements of the State Building Code; the applicant supplies written information about the business to the City so the City can obtain from State Building Code detailed flood proofing requirements for the operation; there is adaquate parking for the operation; and parking be finished to city specifications within 6 months. Seconded by Mrs. Young, the motion carried unanimously. (c) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE AS SUBMITTED BY HUTCHINSON S & L REHABILITATION, LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Chairman Romo opened the hearing at 8:16 P.M. with the reading of publication #3058 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, E Planning Commission Minutes - May 17, 1983 May 5, 1983. Mr. James McClure was present to explain the request, which is for a variance to allow the installation of awnings/flags that would extend 121 over the sidewalk on the north side of the building (First Ave. S. E.) at the property located at 101 Main Street. Mr. McClure explained that the flags are still in the design process and might extend less than 12' but not more than 121. The flags are strictly decorative, and are permanently attached to the building. After discussion, Mr. Erickson made a motion to close the hearing at 8:20 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Beatty, the motion carried unanimously. Mrs. Young made a motion to recommend to City Council approval of the variance to allow the installation of the awnings/flags. Seconded by Mr. Beatty, the motion carried unanimously. (d) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR REZONING AS SUBMITTED BY KENNETH GRUENHAGEN Chairman Romo opened the hearing at 8:22 P.M. with the reading of publication #3059 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, May 5, 1983. The request is to rezone the property located at 125 Water Street from R-2, Multiple Family Residence, to C-4, Fringe Commercial District. Attorney Neil Jensen was present to represent the applicant. Mr. Gib Lehman was present to voice his objection to the rezoning. He owns Lots 5 & 8 to the west of the site being considered for rezoning and he plans to develop those lots as residential. He stated that his property is somewhat elevated and overlooks area to be rezoned. Mr. Ebent suggested planting a barrier of trees in the 50' setback west of the proposed buildings— Discussion followed, The hearing was continued so Mr. Jensen could contact the applicant concerning possible suggestions. The hearing was reconvened at 8:57 P.M. Mr. Lehman asked to state that he was in favor of development and in favor of compromise. He would be in favor of barrier of trees as suggested. Mr. Beatty made a motion to -close the hearing at -8:58 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Erickson, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Beatty made a motion to recommend to City Council approval of the rezoning from R-2 to C-4 as requested. Seconded by Mr. Erickson, the motion carried unanimously. 3 Planning Commission Minutes - May 17, 1983 (e) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AS SUBMITTED BY KENNETH GRUENHAGEN Chairman Homo opened the hearing at 8:36 P.M. with the reading of publication #3060 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, May 5, 1983. The request is for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a warehouse and storage operation in a C-4 district, on the property located at 125 Water Street. Attorney Neil Jensen was present to represent the applicant. Fire Marshal Field explained a possible problem with fire protection for the entire operation as planned. After discussing it with the Fire Chief, it was their opinion that the first stage of development (up to 50% of the proposal) could be adequately handled with hydrants now available. However, before any further development was done, a hydrant would have to be put in with connecting water main at the expense of the applicant. Discussion followed. The hearing was continued until Mr. Jensen could contact the applicant. The hearing was reconvened at 9:00 P.M. Mr. Ebent made a motion to close the hearing at 9:00 P.M. Seconded by Mrs. Young, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Ebent made a motion to recommend to City Council the approval of the conditional use permit for construction of a warehouse and storage operation to be built in stages. Upon 50% completion, a fire hydrant must be installed as the Fire Marshall requested, and fast growing trees must be planted along west property line to act as a barrier, -and the landowner must meet all city fire code requirements. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Young. Discussion followed. Mr. Erickson asked that "fast growing trees" be stated as something more specific. Dr. Lyke asked that the term "50%" be more specific. He recommended 225 linear feet be stated rather than 50%. City Engineer Priebe asked when surfacing is to be done. He recommended a reasonable length of time be established. After discussion, Mr. Ebent amended the motion to read as follows: To recommend to City Council the approval of the conditional use permit for construction of a warehouse and storage operation, contingent upon the following: 1. A barrier of fast growing trees (type to be determined by City Forester) be planted along the west property line within 6 months of the start of the construction. 2. The layout must meet all city fire code requirements. This includes the installation of a hydrant and water line after 225 4 Planning Commission Minutes - May 17, 1983 linear feet of building is complete. 3. Surfacing time table be established by City Council. Seconded by Mrs. Young, the motion carried unanimously. (f) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR VARIANCE AS SUBMITTED BY KENNETH GRUENHAGEN Chairman Romo opened the hearing at 8:45 P.M. with the reading of publication #3061 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, May 59 1983• The request is for a variance to allow the reduction of setback from R-2 property from 501 to 15' on the north side, and a variance to allow the reduction of setback from R-2 property from 50' to 25' on the east side on the property located at 125 Water Street. Attorney Neil Jensen was present to represent the applicant. Discussion followed. The hearing was continued until action was taken on previous requests by applicant. The hearing was reconvened at 9:05 P.M. Mr. Beatty made a motion to close the hearing at 9:05 P.M. Seconded by Mrs. Young, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Beatty made a motion to recommend to City Council the approval of the variance granting the setbacks as requested. Seconded by Mr. Erickson, the motion carried unanimously. (g) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AS SUBMITTED BY HUTCH AGRI-TECH Chairman Romo opened the hearing at 8:50 P.M. with the reading of publication #3062 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, May 5, 1983• The request is for a conditional use permit to allow a soap manufacturing business at the property located at 15 Monroe Street. The property is located in an IC -1 zone and the flood fringe area. Discussion followed. A letter from the DNR stated that since the structure was constructed substantially below the regulatory flood protection level, the applicant should either raise the first floor elevation or flood proof the structure. Upon submission of a written statement of the type of operation, what is to be stored and the type of customer traffic at the business place to the State, the State will detail the type of flood -proofing necessary. It was noted that the building extends 1.0' to 1.5' into street right Planning Commission Minutes - May 17, 1983 of way. Parking requirements were discussed. Mr. Beatty made a motion to close the hearing at 8:55 P.M. Seconded by Mrs. Young the motion carried unanimously. Mrs. Young made a motion to recommend to City Council approval of the conditional use permit with the following stipulations: The applicant must meet the requirements of the State Building Code; the applicant must supply to the City information about the business so the City can obtain from the State Building Code detailed flood proofing requirements for the operation; there must be adequate parking provided; the parking area must be finished according to city specifications within six months; City Council addresses franchise because 1.0' to 1.5' of the building is located in the street right of way. Seconded by Mr. Beatty, the motion carried unanimously. (h) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE AS SUBMITTED BY DOUG AND SHARON WULKAN Chairman Romo opened the hearing at 9:10 P.M. with the reading of publication #3063 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, May 5, 1983. The request is for a variance to allow the reduction of a sideyard setback from 6' to 4' on the property located at 736 Glen Street. Mr. Wulkan was present to explain the request. After discussion, Mr. Beatty moved to close the hearing at 9:11 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Erickson, the motion carried unanimously. Mrs. Young made a motion to recommend to City Council approval of the variance as requested. Seconded by Mr. Beatty, the motion carried unanimously. (i) CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AS SUBMITTED BY SWANKE MOTORS Chairman Romo opened the hearing at 9:12 P.M. with the reading of publication #3070 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, May 5, 1983. The request is for a conditional use permit to allow the moving in of a 13' by 13' sales office to the center of the lot located at the corner of Washington Ave. E. and Adams St. City Administrator Plotz explained the request. He stated that the placement of the building will meet all setbacks. After discussion, Mr. Erickson moved to close the hearing at 9:14 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Beatty, the motion carried unanimously. 6 Planning Commission Minutes - May 17, 1983 Mr. Erickson made a motion to recommend to City Council the approval of the conditional use permit as requested as long as setback requirements are met. Seconded by Mr. Beatty, the motion carried unanimously. 4. OLD BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST BY LARRY SORENSON TO MAKE -CHANGES IN PROPOSAL AS PRESENTED AT APRIL 19 -MEETING Mr. Sorenson was present to explain that he would like to put the fence around proposed parking areas rather than on the other side of the parking. During the day, a gate to the parking area would be open. It would be closed and locked after business hours. Mr. Sorenson brought up another request for blacktopping a boulevard that he was previously granted use of. The area is now gravel. After discussion, Mr. Beatty moved to recommend to City Council approval of request for moving fence and blacktopping as requested. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Young, and carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF THE FINAL PLAT FOR WOOD VIEW ACRES City Engineer Priebe explained that plat was the same as preliminary plat previously approved by the commission and council. Mr. Beatty made a motion to recommend to City Council the approval of the final plat for Wood View Acres as submitted. Seconded by Mr. Erickson, the motion carried unanimously. 5. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF SKETCH PLAN AS PRESENTED BY WALLY TEICH City Engineer Priebe explained the proposal. Because the area is less than 10 acres it must be platted for the proposed use as required by the County. After discussion, Mr. Beatty moved to recommend to the City Council approval of the sketch plan. Seconded by Mrs. Young, the motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSAL BY MR. WARD HAUGEN Mr. Haugen was present to ask for direction from the Planning Commission on a proposed project for an 1C-1 zone. After discussion, it was the consensus of the commission that Mr. Haugen should proceed with more specific plans to be presented at a later date, if he so desired. 7 Planning Commission Minutes - May 17, 1983 (c) VIEWING PLANNING SLIDE PRESENTATION A slide presentation about procedures for zoning amendments, variance and conditional use requests was shown. 6. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Beatty made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Erickson, the motion carried unanimously. E.3