12-21-1982 PCM cMINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1982 1. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Don Erickson at 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Ted Beatty, Roland Ebent, Dr. Thomas Lyke, Larry Romo and Jim Johnson (arrived at 7:41 P.M.) in addition to Chairman Erickson. Absent: Elsa Young. Also attending were City Administrator Gary Plotz and Building Official Homer Pittman. 2. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting dated Tuesday, November 16, 1982, were approved on motion by Larry Romo and seconded by Ted Beatty. The motion carried unanimously. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. 4. OLD BUSINESS (a) REVIEW OF FINAL PLAT FOR "PRIEVE ESTATES" Chairman Erickson explained that Prieve Estates is located within a two-mile radius of the city. The final plat map was reviewed by the members of the Commission. There were no questions from the audience. After brief discussion, Ted Beatty made a motion to recommend approval to the City Council of the final plat for Prieve Estates. Seconded by Larry Romo, the motion unanimously carried. (b) REVIEW OF FINAL PLAT FOR "PETERSON ESTATES" Chr..Erickson once again explained the plat is located within the two-mile radius of the city. The map was reviewed by the members of the commission and it was determined there had not been any changes from the preliminary plat. Motion was made by Ted Beatty to recommend approval of ,the final plat for Peterson's Estates to the City Council. Seconded by Dr. Thomas Lyke, the motion carried unanimously. (c) REVIEW OF FINAL PLAT OF PHASE I AND COVENANTS FOR LARRY BETHKE'S ROLLING GREENS (PUD) Hutchinson Planning Commission December 21, 1982 Page 2 The plat was reviewed by the members and Mr. Bethke was asked questions concerning the covenants. He explained Mr. Keefe, his attorney, had drawn them up and had followed guidelines from a firm in Minneapolis using covenants for townhouses in that city. After discussion and briefly reviewing the covenants Mr. Roland Ebent made a motion to recommend approval to the City Council phase I of Larry Bethke's Rolling Greens contingent upon the City Attorney review the covenants to see they are in order. Seconded by Ted Beatty, the motion unanimously carried. (d) REVIEW OF POSSIBLE ORDINANCE CHANGE FOR REGISTRATION OF ROOMING RENTAL UNITS Building Official, Homer Pittman, had in the packet copies of a portion of an ordinance used by the city of Minneapolis. Discussion was held and it was decided it perhaps could use some changes before a hearing should be held. The fee was discussed and some questioned if it was necessary to be that high ($10.00). Also if one property owner should rent three or four separate rooms how would the fee run. Mr. Johnson suggested it be emphasized the intent of this ordinance is for fire and safety and not to make money. It was also suggested the registrations be recorded on the computer and listed on the searches done at the city. After discussion, it was determined Mr. Plotz should inform the city attorney on the points discussed and have him draw up some- thing that is simple and easy for the general public to follow. 5. NEW BUSINESS (a) DISCUSSION REQUESTED BY MR. LYLE EMME ON SIGN ORDINANCE (property zoned R-2) Mr. Lyle Emme explained to the Commission he was in the taxidermy business. 'He stated he has both a state and federal license. There is a sign located on the service road on the north side of Hwy._7 east.directing out of town customers to Highland Drive.where he has his business in his home. 'I"n the front yard he has a sign wi.t4..: the .name ..of .his .busi n.ess� ... s � , Hutchinson Planning Commission December 21, 1982 Page 3 Pictures of the signs were presented for the commission to view. After a lengthy discussion, it was determined both signs were larger than the zoning ordinance permits. Mr. Emme was advised to either reduce the signs to meet the ordinance or apply for a variance. (b) REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY HUTCH COMPUTER IND. A letter was received on December 20, 1982 by the City of Hutchinson requesting an extension of time on a conditional use permit granted to them in July. Conditional use permits are issued for a six month time period in which construction can begin. In this case, con- struction cannot be started within six months pending on City Council. Mr. Ted Beatty made a motion to extend the conditional use permit six months from the expiration date. Seconded by Dr. Lyke, the motion carried unanimously. 6. COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Lowell Baumetz, owner of Suzuki Sports Center, came before the Commission stating he was inquiring as to how they felt about him moving a building 70' in length from his old location to his present location. The exterior on both buildings is of the same material. None of the members present had any objection to this request so he was instructed to make application for a conditional use permit if he chose to pursue the project. Mr. Jim Johnson stated he was questioned by a property owner on South Grade Road about the temporary building used by the bank as to whether the building met the -setback requirements of the ordinance. Mr. Pittman informed Mr. Johnson that the building did meet the requirement. .7: ADJOURNMENT- On DJOURNMENT On motion by Larry Romo, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M. Seconded by Dr. Lyke, the motion unanimously carried.