11-20-1984 PCM cMINUTES
The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was called to
order by Chairman Larry Romo at 7:30 p.m., with the following members
present: Marlin Torgerson, Roland Ebent, Thomas Lyke, Shu -Mei Hwang,
Don Erickson and Chairman Romo. Members absent: Elsa Young. Also
present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, Director of Engineering
Marlow V. Priebe, and City Attorney James H. Schaefer.
The minutes of the regular meeting dated October 16, 1984, were approved
as presented on a motion by Mr. Torgerson. Seconded by Mr. Ebent, the
motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Romo reconvened the continued hearing with the reading of
publication #3322 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on
Thursday, October 49 1984. The request is for a 3' variance to
allow the construction of a double garage 3' from the sideyard
property line.
A survey showing the present and proposed buildings on the property
was submitted to the Planning Commission as had been requested.
The drawings showed that the garage was proposed to be 212" from
the west property line which would require a 3110".variance.
Mr. Robert McGee was present to state that he intends to build a
house onto the basement that is now located on the property and
needs an attached double garage. He keeps a motorhome and boat in
the garage that is to the rear of the property. Mr. McGee also
stated that he has already paid for curb and spillway in the front
for the purpose of putting in a driveway.
City Administrator Plotz explained that a frontyard variance would
not be necessary as the house was inconformance with others in the
neighborhood. He also noted that there was 29' from the duplex on
the west of the property, providing ample room for the proposed
garage. As the whole project (adding the house and garage) would
improve the aesthetics of the property, staff recommended the
variance be approved. Mr. Torgerson noted that putting a garage on
the other side in line with the existing garage would also require
a variance.
After discussion, Mr. Torgerson made a motion to close the hearing.
Seconded by Mr. Erickson, the motion carried unanimously and the
hearing was closed at 7:38 p.m.
Mr. Torgerson made a motion to recommend to City Council approval
of the variance as requested. Seconded by Mr. Erickson, the motion
carried unanimously.
Chairman Romo opened the hearing at 7:39 p.m. with the reading of
publication #3334 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on
Thursday, November 8, 1984. The request is to rezone lots 1 and 2
Block 31, South 112 City from R-2 (Multiple Family Residence
District) to C-3 (Central Commercial District).
Mr. and Mrs. Tom McClure of 325 Glen Street South were present to
state their objection to the request. As neighboring property
owners (to the west), they were concerned about the whole block
eventually becoming commercial. They felt that since no part of
this block was commerical, it should remain residential. They also
presented a letter of objection to the rezoning from Mabel Kreft,
345 S. Glen. Ms. Linda Ziemer, 315 Glen Street was also present to
state her objection. She was concerned about increase in traffic
in the alley. She felt having a residential area near downtown
might better serve the needs of the elderly.
Director Priebe explained that the comprehentAve plan indicated
that commercial zoning would be extended from Main Street to Glen
Street and from the river to Fourth Avenue, so the proposal is in
accordance with the comprehensive plan. Chairman Romo further
explained that the trend in use of that property would be toward
Mr. Roger Kable was present to explain that the property owners
intend to tear down the existing houses within the next five years
and then restore it. There are no specific plans for development.
Director Priebe explained that when something is rezoned, it should
be done so with the feeling that anything provided for in that
zoning be acceptable to the area. It would not be good practice to
zone for a specific project as there would be no guarantee that
that project be done.
Mr. Ron Horswell, Rt. 3,(owns adjoining property at 326 Franklin)
was present to state that if the rezoning was allowed, they should
be equally able to rezone the adjoining lots so that the whole east
half of the block would be C-3. They have paid for commerical type
street and would also like to be rezoned.
In regard to property values, it was the consensus of those present
that surrounding property values would go up for commercial use,
however, values might go down as residential use. Dr. Lyke commented
that the property owners might find themselves in a position where
they would have to sell and might not have a commercial buyer. He
also expressed concern about what the intended character of that
neighborhood is to be.
After discussion, Mr. Torgerson made a motion to close the hearing.
Seconded by Mr. Ebent, the motion carried unanimously and the
hearing was closed at 8:15 p.m.
Mr. Ebent made a motion to recommend to City Council the rezoning
of the two lots as requested from R-2 to C-3. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Torgerson. A roll call vote was taken and the
motion carried with Mr. Torgerson, Mr. Ebent and Chairman Homo
voting "aye", Mr. Hwang and Dr. Lyke voting "nay". Mr. Erickson
abstained from voting.
Chairman Homo opened the hearing at 8:17 p.m. with the reading of
publication #3335 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thurs-
day, November 8, 1984. The request is for a variance to allow the
addition of two 3' by 14' by 12" deep lighted panels to the
existing marquee on the State Theatre Building, for the purpose of
providing a third reader board for the third theatre.
Mr. Russ DeCurtins, representing MidContinent Theatre, was present
to explain the request. He submitted an artist's drawing of what
the sign will look like when it is complete.
Staff recommendation was favorable with the stipulation that the
three reader boards be uniform in appearance. Mr. DeCurtins stated
that his company would be willing to comply with the wishes of the
City in that regard, ie, taking out the light bulbs, repainting
around the middle sign, etc. Mr. Hwang asked if they had
considered replacing the signs altogether with signs that are
against the building, and if Mr. DeCurt-'.'ins knew if the existing
marquee would support the weight of the two additional panels. Mr.
DeCurtains responded that the construction of the marquee is steel
with wood skins and felt that it would be able to support it.
After discussion, Mr. Torgerson made a motion to close the hearing.
Seconded by Mr. Hwang, the motion carried unanimously and the
hearing was closed at 8:40 p.m.
Mr. Torgerson made a motion to recommend to City Council approval
of the variance as requested contingent upon 8' clearance being met
and that all three signs on both sides be uniform in appearance --
uniformity to be determined by City staff. Seconded by Mr.
Erickson, the motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Homo opened the hearing at 8:40 P.M. with the reading of
publication #3336 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on
Thursday, November 8, 1984. The request is for a conditional use
permit to allow the construction of a 26' by 60' addition (metal
storage building) on the southwest corner of the main building of
Hutchinson Manufacturing located on Hwy. 7 West in an IC -1 zone.
City Administrator Plotz explained that there had been no objection
to the request. Staff had recommended that a 40' easement be
obtained for a planned service road parallel to Hwy. 7 for sometime
in the future. Mr. Tom Daggett of Hutchinson Manufacturing had
expressed to Mr. Plotz that he was opposed to the request for an
It was the consensus of the Planning Commission that as the request
was a reasonable one for that zone the conditional use permit
should be granted without being contingent upon the easement. It
was noted by Director Priebe, however, that the intent of the City
to acquire such an easement should be recorded with the conditional
use so that it is a matter of record.
Mr. Torgerson made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr.
Hwang, the motion carried unanimously and the hearing was closed at
8:45 p.m. Mr. Torgerson made a motion to recommend to City Council
approval of the conditional use permit as requested without the
easement contingency, but that the intent of the City to obtain the
40' easement for service road purposes be recorded. Seconded by
Mr. Erickson, the motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Homo opened the public hearing at 8:46 p.m. with the
reading of publication #3337 as published in the Hutchinson
Leader on Thursday, November 8, 1984. The request is for a
conditional use permit to allow the construction of a 12' by 40'
leanto on the northside of their building located on Hwy 7 west
in an IC -1 zone.
There was no one present who objected to the request. Staff had
recommended that the City obtain a 40' easement parallel to Hwy 7
for a planned service road. It was the consensus of the Planning
Commission that the request was a reasonable one and should not be
contingent upon acquiring the easement. It was recommended,
however, that the City's intent to acquire the 40' easement for
service road purposes be recorded.
A concern about a leanto becoming an eyesore was brought up. It
was determined that the leanto would have to meet building code
Mr. Erickson made a motion to close the hearing at 8:50 p.m.
Seconded by Mr. Torgerson, the motion carried unanimously. Mr.
Erickson made a motion to recommend to City Council approval of the
conditional use permit as requested without the easement
contingency, but that the intent of the City to acquire the 40'
easement for a planned service road be recorded. Seconded by Mr.
Torgerson, the motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Romo opened the hearing at 8:53 p.m. with the reading of
publication #3338 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on
Thursday, November 8, 1984. The request is for the rezoning of the
properties located at 29 4th Ave. N.W., 35 4th Ave. N.W., and 402
North Main Street from R-2 (Multiple Family Residence District) to
C-2 (Automotive Services District).
Director Priebe was present to state that the Comprehensive Plan
does show extension of the commerical zone at least as far west as
the lots requested, but not necessarily as far north.
Mr. Robert Horniek, 6020 Stoneybrook Court, Minnetonka, was present
to explain the request. He stated that he intends to expand and
remodel the present gas and grocery store that is located on the
corner of Hwy. 7 West and 15 North. Due to the expansion, he would
need more property for parking purposes. Contingent upon the
rezoning, he will purchase the Hoeft property (29 Fourth Ave.
West). They then intend to move their house to another property
(for which they have already received a conditional use permit.)
Mr. Wayne Kasich, 45 4th Ave. N.W., neighboring property owner was
present to state his objection to the request. He stated that "Bob
has not been a good neighbor," as the basis for his objection. He
went on to site incidences of violation of the weed ordinance (not
keeping the property mowed), location of and use of the dumpster
for dead minnows (odor and litter), privacy fence was not painted
until it was finally painted by neighboring property owner (Hoeft),
sidewalk not being shoveled and an old bulk truck sitting behind
the gas Hutch attracting neighborhood children (safety). Mr.
Kasich also stated that he thought IC -1 would be better zoning for
the area. He then submitted documentation of his complaints to the
Planning Commission.
Mr. Daniel Wink of 35 4th Ave. N.W., owner of property included in
the request presented a petition signed by notified property owners
stating their objection to the rezoning. Mr. WinkMted that he
had no objection to the rezoning if the property more taken care
of. He agreed with Mr. Kasich's explanation of maintenance of the
area. Mr. Ron McGraw, representing property owner Helen Zeleny,
stated Mrs. Zeleny's objection to the request, noting that it would
change the character of their residential neighborhood. He also
pointed out that the Comprehensive plan does not include the north
half of the Zeleny property as commercial. Ms. Diane Ekstrom, 480
Main Street North, stated she would like the area to remain
residential. Mr. Elton Lueck, 94 5th Ave. N. W., stated he would
like to keep the area residential.
Mr. Horniek responded to Mr. Kasich's complaints, stating 'i h&4 -how
he was working to remedy each of the problems sited. He presented
pictures to the Planning Commission showing how he might use obese.•
ideas from other stations to solve the problems, as well as a
possible site plan for the proposed expansion and remodeling.
Mr. Erickson stated that the City would have much more control
(ability to provide assurances for compliance with wishes of the
neighborhood) with IC -1 zoning. Mr. Hornick responded that he
preferred to Zone C-2 and comply with requirements of that zone.
Director Priebe pointed out that there are specific requirements
for service stations in C-2 zoning.
Mr. McGraw asked if the granting the request might be spot zoning
as the character of the area is residential. Chairman Romo stated
that it was not spot zoning as it adjoined C-2 and he noted that he
thought the trend for use of that property would definitely be
commerical (ie, After Hoeft's move their house, the property would
no longer be rebuilt upon as residential).
After further discussion, Mr. Torgerson made a motion to close the
hearing. Seconded by Mr. Erickson, the motion carried unanimously
and the hearing was closed at 9:40 pan. Mr. Erickson made a motion
to deny the request. Seconded by Mr. Torgerson, the motion carried
Chairman Romo opened the hearing at 9:52 pan. with the reading of
publication #3340 as published in the Hutchinson 'Leader on
Thursday, November 8, 1984. The request is for an amendment to
include the following in Zoning Ordinance #464, Section Nine (9),
read as follows: 4. No accessory building shall be erected or
located within any yard other than the rear or side yard; nor shall
it occupy more than 25% of a required rear yard and in no case
within a "R-1" district shall it exceed 1,000 square feet in area.
Accessory buidings shall not exceed fifteen feet in height, shall
be six feet or more from all lot lines of adjoining lots and shall
be six feet or more from any other building or structure on the
same lot.
During discussion it was determined that any R-1 requirements for
accessory buildings also applied to R-2.
Mr. Torgerson made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr.
Erickson, the motion carried unanimously and the hearing was closed
at 10:00 pan. Mr. Torgerson made a motion to recommend to City
Council approval of the amendment as requested. Seconded by Dr.
Lyke, the motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Romo opened the hearing at 10:00 pan. with the reading of
publication #3341 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on
Thursday, November 8, 1984. The request is for an amendment to
Zoning Ordinance 464, Section 8.01.1 entitled RULES FOR STRUCTURES
IN DISTRICTS, to read as follows: All etpuatuves pematted In the
9-4 1-47 and IC -4 and RuD distptets
shah be ooaatpusted In aoaopdanee with the valtops Sodding Code
as adopted by the State of M#nne804a and the 91ty of i�utoh�naon�
No residential structure in any district shall have a width of less
than twenty-four (24) feet at its narrowest point. Width
measurement shall not take into account overhang or other
projections. Such width measurement shall be in addition to the
minimum area per dwelling requirements of this ordinance.
During discussion, it was determined that the amendment should also
include a stipulation stating structures be placed on a foundation.
As this would require that the amendment be republished, Mr.
Erickson made a motion that the hearing be continued until the next
regular meeting. Seconded by Mr. Hwang, the motion carried
(within two mile radius)
The County referred the sketch plan submitted to them by Herb Filk
to the City of Hutchinson for a recommendation as the property lies
within the two mile radius of the City. It was the recommendation
of staff that the sketch plan be approved subject to a subdivision
agreement between the City and the subdivider to provide for an
understanding of how assessments would be paid for if and when the
subdivision were ever annexed into the City of Hutchinson.
Mr. Frank Fay was present to answer any questions about the
request. He read a letter from the Hassan Valley Town Board to the
Hutchinson Planning Commission stating their consideration and
approval of the request. Mr. Fay also stated it would be difficult
to negotiate such an agreement so far in the future.
After discussion, Mr. Erickson made a motion to recommend approval
of the sketch plan as submitted subject to the subdivikn agreement
being negotiated by the City staff to protect the interests of the
City in the event the subdivision was ever annexed. Seconded by
Mr. Torgerson, the motion carried unanimously.
The County referred the sketch plan submitted to them by George
Herbert to the City of Hutchinson for a recommendation as the
property lies within the two mile radius of the City. It was the
recommendation of staff that the sketch plan be approved subject to
a subdivision agreement between the City and the subdivider to
provide for an understanding of how assessments would be paid for
if and when the subdivision were ever annexed into the City of
As there had been nothing received from the Township regarding this
request, Mr. Hwang made a motion to table this item until we hear
from the township. Seconded by Mr. Torgerson, the motion carried
Mr. Torgerson made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Mr.
Ebent, the motion carried unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at
10:25 P.M.