02-21-1984 PCM cMinutes vu:. __ .. nson Planning ";-day, February 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. 3. Commission 21, 1984 The regular rn,u,eting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was :alled to order by Chairman Larry Romo at 7:30 P.M., with the following members present: Marin Torgerson, Don Erickson, Roland Ebent, Shu-Mp i ►.wang, Thomas Lyke and Chairman Romo. Members abse ,-I' , Elsa Young. Also present: City Administrator Gciry D. Plotz, Building Official Homer Pittman., City:torney James H. Schaefer. MINUTES The minutes o!' the regular meeting 1984, were app, oved as corrected Erickson. SFco .ded by Mr. Ebent, unanimously. VUBLIC HEARINGS dated January 17, on a motion by Mr. the motion carried (�) CONSIDERA'T'ION OF SKETCH PLAN SUBMITTED BY JIM REID ;O 1111'21.,EOD COUNTY (WITHIN TWO MILE RADIUS) Cha i r,.. n r.omo opened the public hearing at 7:33 P.M. w.Lt': the reading of Publication No. 3207 as publ.�hed in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, February 9, 1984. Chairman tomo noted the memo from staff recom- mending the request be rejected as well as the memo frori: Director of Engineering Marlow Priebe who a I � ., recommended the request be rejected. Mr. �i,r Reid also handed out a letter in whist= h►- responded to Mr. Priebe's objections. Disc �-on followed regarding the various obi .L io ,s Director Priebe had indicated coni:,y n: c,g a) the advantages or disadvantages to Boy Ie's ::•ddition, b) possible street improvements ti, m (.)ht be required and who would be is• .,ss( for them, c) the possibility of :n,, xa —, , on to the City, and d) inadequate storm ra, <.r inage. It was determined the proposed ske. r. .lan would not surround the City but wou i :,ut it; that a 66' driveway would be bu ' }-cording to township specifications -- gr. i -urface; that Mr. Reid was planning to bui 0 house on one lot and a warehousing bui!dio,, on another. M . mdj. in Hoops, representing Boyle's Addition 1 Minutes 2/26/84 was present to ask if Boyle's Addition would be assessed for the new street to'be put in. They have access from County Road 76. It would be no advantage to them to have a thru street there. Another representative from Boyle's Addition noted that they were not against development but that they were concerned about what effect it might have on Boyle's Addition. Building Official Pittman noted that County Ditch 18 serves that area for storm sewer drainage. It was his opinion that the County tile is already overloaded, and the area had to be pumped out in previous seasons. He felt that a storm sewer would have to be put in to handle excess water. Mr. Reid felt there would be no increase in the amount''of water due to his plans for development. After discussion, Mr. Reid stated 'that he would be willing to discuss with City staff various options, and to continue the hearing until April. The County had postponed their hearing on the matter until March 28. ' Mr. Torgerson made a motion,to continue the hearing to the March meeting. Seconded by Mr. Erickson, the motion carried unanimously. The Planning Commission then reviewed the comprehensive plan for that area. (b) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY HUTCH AGRI-TECH '' Chairman Romo opened the public hearing at 8:00 P.M. with the reading of Publication No. 3209 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on February 9, 1984. The request is for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a 48' by 112' addition to an existing structure in an IC -1 zone. The conditional use permit is required because this is in an IC -1 zone. Mark Mortenson was present to explain the request. He stated parking could either be in the front or the back. Mr. Erickson noted that it was the recommendation of staff that a sign 2 Hutchinson Planning Commission be put up to indicate parking in the rear. After discussion, Mr. Torgerson made a motion to close the hearing at 8:05 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Erickson, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Torgerson made a motion to recommend to City Council approval of the Conditional Use Permit as requested, contingent upon adequate parking (six spaces) being provided to the rear and that a sign indicating parking in the rear be posted. Seconded by Mr. Erickson, the motion carried unanimously. 4. OLD BUSINESS (a) REVIEW STREET NAME FOR HELLAND'S FIFTH ADDITION Mr. Torgerson commented that after looking at the area and the street names that are already there, i.e, California, Colorado, Connecticut, and after considering the best system for emergency vehicles, it was his recommendation to name the street in Helland's Fifth Addition Carolina Avenue. After discussion, Mr. Torgerson made a motion to name the street in Helland's Fifth Addition Carolina Ave. Seconded by Mr. Ebent, the motion carried unanimously. 5. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF SKETCH PLAN SUBMITTED BY GERALD GASSMAN TO MCLEOD COUNTY (WITHIN 2 MILE RADIUS) City Administrator Plotz commented that this request was submitted to the Planning Commission for a recommendation to the McLeod County Planning Commission. After discussion, Mr. Erickson made a motion to recommend to the County Planning Commission approval of the sketch plan as presented. Seconded by Mr. Torgerson, the motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY SUE CALLIER TO MCLEOD COUNTY City Administrator Plotz explained that the request was referred to the City Planning Commission as the home is within the two mile 3 Hutchinson Planning Commission radius of the City. The request is for a conditional use permit to allow a home occupation of a beauty shop employing more than one person. Following discussion, Mr. Erickson made a motion to recommend to the County Planning Commission approval of the conditional use permit as requested. Seconded by Mr. Hwang, the motion carried unanimously. (c) ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 1984 Chairman Romo asked for nominations for the offices of Chairman, Vice -Chairman and Secretary. Mr. Hwang made a motion to nominate Mr. Romo as Chairman, Mr. Ebent as Vice - Chairman and Mrs. Young as Secretary, and that nominations be closed. Seconded by Mr. Erickson, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Hwang made a motion that the board cast a unanimous vote for the ballot as presented. The motion was seconded by Mr. Erickson and unanimously carried.,, 6. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mr. Ebent made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Mr. Lyke, the motion carried unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 8:25 P.M. 4