12-20-1983 PCM cMINUTES
Tuesday, December 20, 1983
The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was
called to order by Chairman Larry Romo at 7:30 P.M., with the
following members present: Ted Beatty, Elsa Young, Roland Ebent,
Thomas Lyke, Don Erickson, Shu -Mei Hwang and Chairman Romo. Also
present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, Director of Engineering
Marlow V. Priebe, and City Attorney James H. Schaefer.
The minutes of the regular meeting dated November 15, 1983, were
approved as presented upon motion by Mr. Beatty. Seconded by Mr.
Erickson, the motion carried unanimously.
(a) Continuation of the Consideration of a Request for a
Conditional Use Permit (PUD) submitted by Dick and Jim
Chairman Romo began by reviewing the request by reading
publication #3171 as published in the Hutchinson Leader
on Thursday, November 3. He noted that Mr. McClure and
representatives of the residents in the neighborhood
affected by the request had met prior to this meeting
and asked Mr. McClure to update the P.U.D. plan.
Mr. McClure noted the changes that had been made as a
result of the concerns of the neighborhood residents.
The major changes were putting the garages under one
roof and moving them to the west side of the PUD, and
the redesign of the front line of the building running
along South Grade Road increasing the maximum number of
units to 45. Ultimately the number of units will depend
upon the size of each unit, as stipulated by those buying
the units.
Mr. McClure read from a list of restrictions the residents
had indicated they would like to see. 1) There would be
no parking along South Grade Road to the west end of the
PUD. 2) The exterior of the building would be wood siding.
3) and 4) There would be sound and visual control of the
heating and airconditioning units located on the roof.
5) The parking area would be moved -- divided between east
and west sides of the center.
Discussion followed. Linda Willmsen of 935 Steven St. commented
that their main concern was the increase in traffic in the area
of the parking. The neighborhood residents felt that it should
divided rather than be in one area.
Planning Commission
Minutes - Page 2
December 20, 1983
Mrs. Willmsen also wondered about where the overflow
of guests might park if there was no parking on South
Grade Road.
Mike Padrnos of 955 Keith Street asked what the City
requires in terms of number of parking spaces per unit
for a development of this type. Referring to the Zoning
Ordinance City Administrator Plotz noted that for
"Multiple,Family Dwelling - (Elderly)" .5 (1/2) parking
space is required per dwelling unit. "Multiple Family -
(Non -elderly)" requires 1 parking space per sleeping unit.
Discussion followed about whether or not the P.U.D. qualifies
as "elderly".
In the discussion the following points were brought up --
The clientele will not be of the type to have more than
one car -- some will not have a car at all. A van will
be provided making daily runs as determined by the associa-
tion.- Age should not be the determining factor, as there
may be a spouse under the 55 age limit or possibly a child.
Many of the residents may be gone during the winter months.
The number of units will not be more than 45. There might
be less than 45 units depending upon the size of each unit
as determined by the individual buying the unit. Each unit
will be custom designed.
It was the consensus of the Commission that the number of
spaces be determined by consideration of this particular
P.U.D. and made part of the conditional use permit. It
was also noted during the discussion that this part of the
zoning ordinance (elderly - multiple family dwellings) be
looked at in the future.
Dr. Lyke noted he was concerned that the character of the
plan be carried through. How can keep it as it is intended?
There were further comments about what has been presented so
far as being limited in terms of building plans, etc. Pro-
cedure for approving a P.U.D. of this type was discussed. Mr.
McClure was told that this request would go to the City
Council as a preliminary request. If approval is granted, Mr.
McClure would have to come back to the Planning Commission with
a more finalized plan. If there were no substantial changes,
a public hearing would not be necessary, and those things al-
ready approved would be approved once again.
In regard to keeping the center a retirement center, Mr.
Padrnos asked who would be the voting members of the' _,
association who would have the power to change the age of
the residents., It was noted that the voting members could
be the residents rather than the owners if established in the
by-laws and could be a part of the conditional use permit.
Planning Commission
Minutes - Page 3
December 20, 1983
Mrs. Young made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by
Mr. Beatty, the motion carried unanimously and the hearing
was closed at 8:52 P.M.
Chairman Romo reviewed the various points that had been discussed
as being contingencies in a conditional use permit.
Mr. Beatty made a motion to recommend to City Council approval
of the Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of the
P.U.D. as presented by Mr. McClure with the following contingencies:
1. There will be 45 units or less.
2. The City Council approves the residents' request for no parking
on either side of South Grade Road to the West line of the PUD.
3. The structure will have wood siding.
4. Air-conditioning and heating units on the rooftop will
be fenced.in.
5. The garages will be under one roof.
6. One resident of each unit must be 55 or older. This
stipulation will be for a minimum of 30 years.
7. 1.25 parking spaces per dwelling unti will be required
for this P.U.D., with a minimum of 58 spaces.
8. That the association include in their by-laws the
stipulation that the residents of the P.U.D, be the voting
members of the association rather than the unit owners.
The motion was seconded by Mrs. Young. Discussion followed.
Mr. Beatty noted that the reason for the contingencies is to
try to keep the final structure as close as possible to what
is expected. There was a question about mentioning landscaping.
City Attorney Schaefer noted that a P.U.D. must conform to the
neighborhood and the landscaping should be as such.
Mr. Erickson noted that he would like to go on record as
wanting to have an easement for Keith Street considered.
The motion unanimously carried.
4. Old Business
Planning Commission
Minutes - Page 4
December 20, 1983
S. New Business
(a) Consideration of Variance Request referred by County
Director of Engineering Priebe explained that a request
for a variance to allow the reduction of the sideyard
setback from 30' to 15' for the purpose of constructing
a 30' by 70' storage shed, to be considered
by the McLeod County Board of Adjustment on December 29,
was referred to the City as it is within the 2 mile
Mr. Beatty made a motion to recommend to City Council
a recommendation of approval for the request as the 15'
setback would be in compliance with City specifications.
Seconded by Mr. Ebent, the motion carried unanimously.
6. Adjournment
There being no -further business, the meeting was adjourned upon
a motion by Mr. Beatty. Seconded by Mrs. Young, the motion
carried unanimously.
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on Tuesday, January
17, 1984, at the hour of 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall for
That part of Lot 1, Block 2, Helland's First Addition, according to the
recorded plat thereof, described as follows:
Beginning at the southwest corner of said Lot 1; thence easterly along the
south line of said Lot 1 a distance of 150.02 feet; thence North, parallel
with the west line of said Lot 1 a distance of 507.60 feet; thence West,
deflecting to the left 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds a distance of 149.36
feet to the west line of said Lot 1; thence southerly, along said west line, a
distance of 510.01 feet to the point of beginning.
This hearing will be held by the Planning Commission of the City of
Hutchinson. At such hearing, all persons interested may be heard. If you
would desire to appeal the Planning Commission's recommendation, you can take
your request to the City Council which has the power to overrule the decision
of the Planning Commission.
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January 3, 1984