01-16-1996 PCM ca MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, January 16, 1996 CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dean Wood at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present: Roger Gilmer, Dan Prochnow, Glenn Matejka, Bill Arndt, Bill Craig and Chairman Wood. Members absent: Craig Lenz Also present: Brenda Ewing, Planning Coordinator, Jim Marka, Director of Building, Planning and Zoning, John Rodeberg, Director of Engineering, G. Barry Anderson, City Attorney, and Skip Wright, DNR Hydrologist 2. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DATED DECEMBER 19. 1995 Mr. Craig made a motion to approve the minutes dated December 19, 1996, seconded by Mr. Arndt the motion carried unanimously. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS a) CONTINUATION OF CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO SHORELAND MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE SECTIONS 2.71 AND 5.22 TO PROHIBIT BOATHOUSES Chairman Wood reopened the hearing at 5:32 p.m. with the reading of publication # 4886 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, December 7, 1995. The request is for the purpose of considering an amendment to the Shoreland Management Ordinance, Sections 2.71 and 5.22 to prohibit boathouses. Director of Building, Planning and Zoning Jim Marka commented on the proposal and introduced Mr. Skip Wright, DNR Area Hydrologist for further explanation of the request to prohibit boathouses along area lakes and rivers. Mr. Wright explained the ordinance and asked Planning Commissioners to remember there was a committee involved in the creation of the ordinance. He stated the standards are the minimum standards and explained the interpretation of allowable water accessory structures. Mr. Wright also commented on the "shore impact zone and the standards developed for water accessory structures. Discussion followed on the allowable size of the storage buildings and the setbacks. Mr. Wright stated the model ordinance follows State Statutes. There was discussion of the "shore impact zone" and restrictions in the zone. Mr. Wright suggested allowing decks of a certain size, possibly 250 sq. ft., and prohibit boathouses. Discussion followed on the difference between a boathouse and a water accessory structure. Mr. Wright stated if the purpose of the ordinance is to maintain water quality and protect the appearance of the shoreline, he would suggest prohibiting boathouses and allowing only decks. There was discussion on what the City would permit. City Attorney, G. Barry Anderson suggested the commissioners look at cleaning up the language to permit boathouses or not to permit them and provide distinct descriptions of what is and is not permitted. Discussion followed on the maintenance of the structures along the water. Mr. Arndt, a resident on Otter Lake, stated some of the changes he has seen have been destructive to the shoreline. 1 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 16, 1996 He then gave examples of the well meaning construction which over time have been destructive. Mr. Wright suggested he and the city staff meet with the county for consistency of the ordinance. There was discussion on the need to meet with county officials. Mr. Craig moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Arndt the hearing closed at 6:07 p.m. Mr. Craig made a motion to close this issue and set a new public hearing for the ordinance amendment with wording to include permitting decks and docks in the "shore impact zone". The motion was withdrawn. Mr. Craig made a motion to deny the proposed ordinance prohibiting boathouses and return next month with a public hearing to amend the ordinance as discussed reviewing staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Matejka, discussion followed on also redefining the language, the motion carried unanimously. 4. OLD BUSINESS a) CONSIDERATION OF STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING POND DESIGN CRITERIA FOR HUTCHINSON Director of Engineering, John Rodeberg, commented on his recommendation and explained the reasons for depth regulations as set by N.U.R.P. standards. He suggested changing the depth standards from 10' to 8' and commented on the basin side slopes. Mr. Rodeberg stated the Stormwater Management Plan reflects the Best Management Practices standards. He commented on the proposal for Huski Addition detention pond and stated he has not heard from Mr. Kohorst of Sand Properties. Discussion followed on the maintenance of detention ponds. Mr. Rodeberg stated maintenance is required every 20 -25 years. He commented on the design of the pond in Huski Addition and explained the inlet and outlet are to close. Mr. Matejka suggested adding a #6 to include wording so as not to infringe on utility and drainage easements. There was also discussion on adding safety issues to the list. Mr. Rodeberg explained these standards will cross reference the Best Management Practices standards. Mr. Matejka made a motion to approve the Stormwater Detention Ponds Interim Standards with the recommended changes as discussed earlier. Seconded by Mr. Craig the motion carried unanimously. b) CONSIDERATION OF HUSKI ADDITION POND DESIGN Mr. Marka suggested to move forward on the design with review by the Planning Commission when Sand Properties provides the final design. Mr. Craig made a motion to approve the pond design providing it meets the requirements of the Best Management Practices Standards as acted on in the previous item, seconded by Mr. Arndt the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Craig made a second motion that the final pond design be brought back to the Planning Commission when received and reviewed by staff for final review. Seconded by Mr. Matejka the motion carried unanimously. 2 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 16, 1996 5. NEW BUSINESS a) CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT REQUESTED BY ERICKSON'S DIVERSIFIED Planning Coordinator Brenda Ewing explained the request by Erickson's Diversified to split 40' from the southerly portion of Lot 2. She stated Coast to Coast will be increasing their lot 40' for remodeling and addition. Mr. Marka commented on staff suggestion for a parking agreement between the two businesses. Mr. Matejka made a motion to approve the request with staff recommendation, seconded by Mr. Gilmer the motion carried unanimously. 6. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF a) Update of Comprehensive Plan Landuse Map and Street System Map Jim Marka commented on the over all format of the Comprehensive Plan and the progress of the process. He stated the final product should be a more functional document. b) Update of Joint Planning Agency Mr. Marka commented on the task force and the process in place to establish a Joint Planning Agency. He stated the Joint Board will act as the Planning Commission on items within the Urban Boundary Area. Jim explained it appears the City will staff the application process, organize the informational meeting and public hearings and follow through with the customer. c) For Your Information - Parkside Resolution Jim Marka explained the resolution. d) Rezoning requested by Roger K. Olson from Agricultural to Residential the plat known as Olson's Country View Subdivision located in Lynn Twp. (2 mile radius) Brenda Ewing explained the plat was approved last month and the rezoning is the next step. Discussion followed on the legality of acting on this item since it was not received in time for the agenda. No action was taken. e) Conditional use permit requested by Patricia Schmidt which relates to operating a beauty salon employing more than one non-resident employee located in Hassan Valley Twp. (2 mile radius) Ms. Ewing explained the county requires a conditional use permit for home occupations employing more than one non-resident employee. No action was taken as the item was received too late for the agenda. Staff was directed to obtain a legal opinion from the City Attorney for clarification of acting on items not placed on the agenda. 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. 3