02-20-1996 PCM cMINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, February 20, 1996 CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dean Wood at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present: Roger Gilmer, Dan Prochnow, Glenn Matejka, Bill Arndt, Bill Craig, Craig Lenz and Chairman Wood. Members absent: None. Also present: Brenda Ewing, Planning Coordinator, Jim Marka, Director of Building, Planning and Zoning and G. Barry Anderson, City Attorney. 2. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DATED JANUARY 16. 1996 Mr. Matejka made a motion to approve the corrected minutes of the meeting dated January 16, 1996, seconded by Mr. Gilmer the motion carried unanimously. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS a) CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS "SECOND ADDITION TO HUTCHINSON INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT" SUBMITTED BY CITY STAFF Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 5:35 p.m. with the reading of publication # 489LSas published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, February 8, 1996. The request is for the purpose of considering a preliminary and final plat to be known as "Second Addition to Hutchinson Industrial District" submitted by city staff. Jim Marka, Director of Building, Planning and Zoning, requested the item be continued to the March Planning Commission meeting. He stated there have been some changes to the proposed Impressions, Inc., building which may mean a change in the plat itself. Mr. Lenz made a motion to continue the hearing to the March meeting, seconded by Mr. Craig the motion carried unanimously. 4. OLD BUSINESS a) UPDATE ON THE HUTCHINSON AREA JOINT PLANNING BOARD Mr. Marka commented on the packet materials regarding the Joint Planning Board and the progress of the implementation of the board. He explained this board would be promoting the `one stop shop" concept in the Urban Boundary District. 5. NEW BUSINESS a) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY JON SPRENGLER TO CONSTRUCT A LIVESTOCK BUYING STATION LOCATED IN HUTCHINSON TOWNSHIP (2 MILE RADIUS) Jim Marka commented on the request and the type of transfer station proposed. He explained a conditional use permit is for a permitted use with possible conditions that may have to be met. 1 Hutchinson Planning Commission Minutes February 20, 1996 Mr. Jon Sprengler, owner/developer, explained the use and the type of building he will construct for Hormel Foods which will replace the buying station on Hwy. 7 West in Hutchinson. Mr. Marka commented on the history of the Hormel area and the city ordinances prohibiting expansion of the present building. Mr. Sprengler commented on the handling of the manure and the M.P.C.A. permits required for this type of operation. He stated there will be the same amount of hogs run through the station as presently in town. Brenda Ewing, Planning Coordinator, explained the notification process by the county for public hearings and the requirement of a conditional use permit. She stated the County Board of Commissioners will be the final authority on this issue. Discussion followed on the route through the city. There was also discussion on the fact the present Hormel building cannot be expanded or updated which is why they are seeking a location out of the city. Mr. Craig explained to the audience the City Planning Commission passes their recommendation on to the City Council which in tum passes their recommendation to the County Planning Commission which holds the public hearing. He stated this meeting is not a public hearing. Ms. Nancy Klapotz, neighboring property owner, presented a petition to the planning commissioners in opposition to the request. She explained the make up of the neighboring property owners and also questioned if this is agricultural or commercial use. Discussion followed regarding this being an issue for the members of the county board. Mr. David Hall, prospective property owner in the area, expressed concerns with the proposal. Jim Marka explained rezoning is not required according to the county ordinances and highway access must go through the Minnesota Dept. of Transportation. Ms. Tammy Loncorich, asked Mr. Sprengler if animals die where and when he disposes of the carcass and also is he assured of acreage to spread the manure. Mr. Sprengler stated the carcasses, if any, are picked up by a rendering company the same day as he calls them. He stated there is no problem with taking care of the manure. Ms. Diane Brenhaug, neighboring property owner across the highway, expressed concern with the accidents on the highway and the increase of traffic onto the highway. She also expressed concern with the value of the properties in the area. Mr. Craig made a motion to approve the request, which was seconded by Mr. Lenz. Mr. Matejka moved to amend the motion to include the recommendation the county hold an informational meeting prior to the county planning commission meeting. Seconded by Mr. Lenz this motion carried unanimously. Chairman Wood called for the first motion which carried unanimously. 2 Hutchinson Planning Commission Minutes February 20, 1996 b) DISCUSSION OF REVISED PORTION OF MCLEOD COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE Brenda Ewing explained city staff concerns which include the size and dimensions of industrial and residential lots in the Urban Boundary District. She stated the county board will act on the Joint Planning Board agreement and ordinance. C) CONSIDERATION OF REZONING PROPERTY ALONG HWY 7 WEST FROM AGRICULTURAL TO INDUSTRIAL REQUESTED BY GARY AND SHARON DANIELS (ACOMA TWP.) Ms. Ewing commented on the location of the request along Hwy 7 West. She stated the property is being rezoned for trailer storage. Mr. Gary Daniels, Daniels Trucking, explained the access to the property and commented on the elevation of the site. Mr. Lenz moved to approve the request, seconded by Mr. Matejka the motion carried unanimously. d) CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE TO REDUCE SETBACKS FOR STORAGE WAREHOUSE LOCATED IN SECTION 34, ACOMA TWP. REQUESTED BY GARY AND SHARON DANIELS Brenda Ewing commented on the location of this request which is the present Daniels Trucking site. Ms. Sharon Daniels, Daniels Trucking, explained the variance request for the south and east sides of the proposed buildings. Mr. Matejka made a motion to approve the request, seconded by Mr. Lenz the motion carried unanimously. 6. UPCOMING PUBLIC HEARINGS a) AMENDMENT TO SHORELAND MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE SECTIONS 2.71 AND 5.22 TO PROHIBIT BOATHOUSES b) AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE #464 SECTION 3, MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 11, ADDING DEFINITION OF MASSAGE PARLOR C) AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE #464 TO ESTABLISH A NEW ZONING DISTRICT Jim commented on the upcoming public hearings for the planning commission's information. 3 Hutchinson Planning Commission Minutes February 20, 1996 7. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF a) Update of Comprehensive Plan - Sanitary and Stormwater maps and Gas and Electrical boundaries Mr. Marka commented on the progress of the Comp Plan update and the time lines. b) Update on Word of Life Church status Jim Marka commented on the new location chosen by the church on School Rd South and South Grade Rd. He also commented on the Church of Latter Day Saints location on School Rd. North. C) Review of letter received by Kevin Kohorst, Sand Properties, Minnesota Inc. Jim Marka commented on meetings with Sand Properties. He stated the project is on -hold at this time. 8. ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 1996-1997 Mr. Craig moved to accept the present slate of officers which is Dean Wood as Chairman and Glenn Matejka as Vice Chairman the motion was seconded by Mr. Gilmer. Mr. Craig moved the nominations cease, seconded by Mr. Arndt the nominations ceased and the motion to accept the present slate of officers: Dean Wood, Chairman and Glenn Matejka, Vice Chairman carried unanimously. Discussion followed regarding the city member appointed to the Joint Planning Board. It is the consensus of the planning commission the appointment is to be made by the Mayor. 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m. 4