06-18-1996 PCM cMINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, June 18, 1996 CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dean Wood at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present: Bill Craig, Bill Arndt, Glenn Matejka, Roger Gilmer, Dan Prochow and Chairman Wood. Members Absent: Craig Lenz Also Present: Jim Marka, Director of Building, Planning and Zoning, Brenda Ewing, Planning Coordinator, G. Barry Anderson, City Attorney and Matt Mullins, Planning Intern. 2. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DATED MAY 21. 1996 Mr. Matejka made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting dated May 21, 1996, seconded by Mr. Arndt the motion carried unanimously. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS a) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY DENNIS CZECH, DMC DEVELOPMENT CO., TO CONSTRUCT THREE 30 UNIT BUILDINGS AND ONE 47 UNIT BUILDING LOCATED AT 55 NORTH HIGH DRIVE N.W. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 5:31 p.m. with the reading of publication #4924 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, June 6, 1996. The request is for the purpose of considering a conditional use permit requested by Dennis Czech, DMC Development Co., to construct three 30 unit buildings and one 47 unit building located at 55 North High Drive N.W. Ms. Ewing commented on the checklist and review held on Friday, June 12, 1996. She stated Mr. Czech has agreed to meet all requirements of the on-site ponding. Mr. Dennis Czech, DMC Development Co., St. Cloud, MN. stated the 137 units would be market rate apartments and they would like to break ground in July. The first phase would be to construct the east 30 units and the first 30 garages to the northeast. He commented on their agreement regarding the park dedication fees and the access approach. He stated there would be one, two and three bedroom units in the buildings which also include dens and snack bars. Jim Marka commented on the 50' setback with brems and plantings from the residential property to the north. Mr. Czech stated he will apply with the City Forester in the Fall for plantings for the north side. Mr. Marka stated there will be a pond design review. He also commented on the fact the project is market driven. All four buildings are included in the request however the developer may need an extension on the conditional use permit if the six month time period would lapse. Mr. Marka commented on the parking concerns and the requirements in our ordinance. He stated architects have questioned the parking ratio in Hutchinson's Ordinance and city staff will be researching the possibility of 2 parking spaces per unit. Mr. Czech stated they are anticipating to open December 1, 1996. HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 18, 1996 Discussion followed on infrastructure to that area. Mr. Marka stated the storm sewer run off will be held in the pond and ditch. Sanitary is sufficient for all four buildings. There are no wetlands on the property. Ron Hommerdius, RMC Architect, stated the run-off is a controlled run-off. There was discussion of the pond and the guidelines. Mr. Hommerdius stated the guidelines are being followed and the plans have been submitted to the city engineer. There was discussion on the depth of the pond. Mr. Czech commented on the phasing of the play areas. Amy Rossiter, neighboring property owner to the north, commented on her concerns with security of the area. Discussion followed of the market value of the apartments. Mr. Czech commented on the berming and plantings to buffer from the residential properties to the north. Mr. Arndt made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Gilmer the hearing closed at 5:55 p.m. Mr. Craig made a motion to recommend approval of the request. Seconded by Mr. Prochnow the motion carried unanimously. b) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY BETHANY BAPTIST CHURCH TO CONSTRUCT A CHURCH BUILDING LOCATED AT 850 SCHOOL RD S. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 5:56 p.m. with the reading of publication #4925 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, June 6, 1996. The request is for the purpose of considering a conditional use permit requested by Bethany Baptist church to construct a church building located at 850 School Rd S. Ms. Ewing commented on the technical review held on June 14th noting the major issues to be resolved which include surface water collection, parkland dedication, landscaping and hardsurfaced parking. She stated staff recommends a conceptual approval of the project and to table the conditional use permit to next month to allow Bethany Baptist to resolve the major issues on the site. Tim Parsons, architect, commented on the site location. He commented on the diagrams handed out at the meeting and the final parking. Jim Marka commented on the ponding and stated Bethany Baptist is working toward coordination of the ponding with the Word of Life Outreach Center to the south. Mr. Parsons commented on the proposal of sharing the ponding on site and an agreement between the two churches. Discussion followed of drainage to the southwest there is a natural holding pond with a drain tile in place. Mr. Parsons presented an earlier grade plan. Mr. Dennis Kahl, Bethany Baptist Church, stated there is no school planned with the church. There was discussion on the curb cut directly across from the West Elementary School. Discussion followed on the height of the building and sky lights. Mr. Marka stated the height is not a problem with the airport flight zone. They are scheduled to begin construction in July and would like authorization to begin site grading. Mr. Marka stated the staff would like to continue the hearing to the next meeting to resolve the issues Brenda Ewing commented on earlier. Discussion followed on hardsurfacing and the requirements of the three year time limitation. Mr. Craig made a motion to continue the hearing to next month to review requirements and ra HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 18, 1996 also, conceptually the plan is favorable however, site grading is at the owner's risk. Seconded by Mr. Arndt the motion carried unanimously. c) CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO SHORELAND MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE SECTIONS 2.71 AND 5.22 REGARDING BOATHOUSES Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 6.20 p.m. with the reading of publication #4926 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, June 6, 1996. The request is for the purpose of considering an amendment to the Shoreland Management Ordinance Sections 2.71 and 5.22 regarding boathouses. Jim Marka commented on the request and prohibiting of boathouse storage in the shore impact zone. Mr. Prochnow made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Arndt the hearing closed at 6:25 p.m. Mr. Prochnow made a motion to approve the amendment, seconded by Mr. Matejka the motion carried with Mr. Gilmer voting nay. ��1>�i•1.1�I+�LI�� a) CONTINUATION OF CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY BRIAN AND BRAD LOKENSGARD TO REZONE PROPERTY IN SECTION 33, HUTCHINSON TWP., FROM AGRICULTURAL TO HWY BUSINESS (B-1) Brenda Ewing stated no site plan has been received and staff recommends denial. Mr. Arndt made a motion to recommend to reject, seconded by Mr. Gilmer the motion carried unanimously. a) CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED BY HENRY OGITZAK, 1060 BLUFF ST., FOR REDUCTION OF SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM 10' TO 5' FOR THE INSTALLATION OF AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM LOCATED IN HUTCHINSON TWP. Planning Coordinator Brenda Ewing commented on the request and explained the location in Hutchinson Twp. on Bluff St. She stated the lots are small and the septic system is failing. Staff has no recommendation as the City will not be providing services to the area in the near future. Discussion followed on the area and the cost of the septic system and the possibility of a joint powers agreement being reached with the township and city regarding services to those developments bordering the city. City Attorney Barry Anderson commented on the possibility of the cooperation with the townships and the city. Jim Marka will request direction for an agreement such between as the City of White Bear and White Bear Twp. Mr. Craig made a motion of no recommendation to the city council, seconded by Mr. Gilmer the motion carried unanimously. Note the County Board of Adjustments acted on this at a special meeting on June 13. Mr. Craig made a motion to proceed with exploring a joint powers agreement with townships in similar situations. 3 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 18, 1996 Seconded by Mr. Gilmer the motion carried unanimously. b) CONSIDERATION OF REZONING REQUESTED BY SKIP QUADE TO REZONE PROPERTY IN THE SIOUX HILLS NO. 3 PLAT FROM AGRICULTURAL TO RURAL RESIDENTIAL Jim Marka commented on the rezoning request and the platting process. Mr. Craig made a motion of no recommendation, seconded by Mr. Gilmer the motion carried unanimously. 6. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF None 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m. 4