10-15-1996 PCM cMINUTES`'•_ HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, October 15, 1996 CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dean Wood at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present: Bill Craig, Bill Arndt, Paul Ackland, Craig Lenz, Dave Westlund, Glenn Matejka and Chairman Wood. Also present: Jim Marka, Director of Building, Planning and Zoning, Brenda Ewing, Planning Coordinator and G. Barry Anderson, City Attorney. 2. CONSENT AGENDA a) CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DATED SEPTEMBER 17, 1996 Mr. Matejka made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting dated September 17, 1996, seconded by Mr. Arndt the motion carried unanimously. b) OLD BUSINESS NONE C) NEW BUSINESS NONE 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 5:30 P.M. a) CONTINUATION CONSIDERATION TO REZONE PROPERTY KNOWN AS CENTURY COURT ADDITION FROM R-3 (MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT) TO PDD (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT -HIGH DENSITY DISTRICT) REQUESTED BY BRIAN SOLSRUD, AUGUSTA BUILDING CORPORATION Chairman Wood reopened the hearing at 5:35 p.m. with the reading of publication #4956 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, September 5, 1996. The request is for the purpose of considering to rezone property known as Century Court Addition from R-3 (Multiple Family Residence District) to PDD (Planned Development District) requested by Mr. Brian Solsrud, Augusta Building Corporation. Director of Building, Planning and Zoning Jim Marka explained the staff recommendation as presented in the packet with both a request for PDD (R-3) density and PDD (R-4) density. He commented on the second option which would be to rezone only the area along Century Ave. to R-4 and not to zone to PDD. Discussion followed regarding the PDD density requirements. There was also discussion of the TIF status with the property and requirements for less density. Mr. Marka explained the second option as transitional from I/C to R-4 and R-3. Mr. Craig stated he is not in favor of the rezoning because it is a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) project. Mr. Craig moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Matejka the hearing closed at 5:43 p.m. Mr. Craig made a motion to leave the property as presently zoned and recommend to deny the request. Seconded by Mr. Lenz the motion carried unanimously. b) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY BARRY BARTON TO CONSTRUCT MINI STORAGE LOCATED IN CASA ADDITION SOUTH OF TEXAS AVE. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 5:45 p.m. with the reading of publication # 4970 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, October 3, 1996. The request is for the purpose of considering a conditional use permit requested by Mr. Barry Barton to construct mini -storage to be 1 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 10/15/96 located in Casa Addition South of Texas Ave. Mr. Marka commented on the site plan, drainage and staff recommendations regarding the 6' setback from the curbing and not 4'. He stated there will be no access to Texas Ave. to maintain a controlled access. Mr. Barton explained the buildings will be similar to the present buildings and low profile. Mr. Lenz moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Arndt the hearing closed at 5:50 p.m. Mr. Lenz made a motion to recommend approval of the request. Seconded by Mr. Arndt the motion carried unanimously. c) CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED BY KEVIN OTTO TO REDUCE LOT WIDTH REQUIREMENT 25 FEET FROM 105 FEET TO 80 FEET FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A TWIN HOME 60 FEET IN WIDTH LOCATED AT 909 HILLCREST RD N.E. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 5:51 p.m. with the reading of publication #4971 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, October 3, 1996. The request is for the purpose of considering a variance requested by Mr. Kevin Otto to reduce lot width requirement 25 feet from 105 feet to 80 feet for construction of a twin home to be located at 909 Hillcrest Rd. N.E. Mr. Marka commented on the history of the area beginning with the Redman property adjacent to the proposed property. He stated Ms. Redman replatted her property as the lots were too small to accommodate the density requirement for town homes. Mr. Marka explained Mr. Otto does have the required density as his lot is larger and staff believes the hardship is legitimate. He stated Mr. Otto is accommodating the sideyard setback and the density. The proposed twin homes are smaller than some built in Hutchinson. Mr. Otto explained the request stating each unit will be owned. He stated he has a possible buyer. The unit will be completed in the Spring of 1997. Mr. Marka stated there is service available for one unit. The second unit will require another service. Discussion followed on the possibility of the remaining lots developing twin homes also requiring a variance. Ms. Redman commented on the previously platted lots for town homes and asked what would happen to outlot A. Mr. Marka explained the density requirements. There was discussion of hardship which is not to be of the owners making. Mr. Otto commented on the purchase of the lot contingent on the variance approval. Discussion followed on the possibility of replatting the four lots to three to meet the requirements for placement of twin homes. Mr. Craig moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Arndt the hearing closed at 6:05 p.m. Mr. Craig made a motion to deny the proposal due to lack of hardship. Seconded by Mr. Lenz the motion carried unanimously. d) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY JOEL GROEBNER TO MOVE A 30'X 26' HOME ONTO PROPERTY LOCATED AT 504 CALIFORNIA ST. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 6:06 p.m. with the reading of publication #4972 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, October 3, 1996. The request is for the purpose of considering a conditional use permit requested by Joel Groebner to move a 30' x 26' home onto property located at 504 California St. Mr. Groebner explained his request and presented a video of the house to show the condition of the roof and cedar siding. He stated they plan to reshingle and possibly restain the siding. He commented on the addition to the house of 100 sq. ft. plus a deck. K HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 10/15/96 Mr. Arndt moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Lenz the hearing closed at 6:11 p.m. Mr. Arndt made a motion to recommend approval of the request. Seconded by Mr. Lenz the motion carried unanimously. e) CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED BY SOLITRA INC. TO REDUCE PARKING LOT AND CIRCULATION DRIVE FROM THE REQUIRED 20' TO 10' Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 6:13 p.m. with the reading of publication #4973 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, October 3, 1996. The request is for the purpose of considering a variance requested by Solitra Inc. to reduce parking lot and circulation drive from the required 20' to 10'. Mr. Marka explained the request and the addition to Solitra for expansion. He stated the non- conforming lot of record is the hardship and explained the intent of setback for snow removal. He explained there is room to the North for snow removal and the lot to the East is not a buildable lot and used only for railroad right of way. Mr. Matejka moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Craig the hearing closed at 6:20 p.m. Mr. Matejka made a motion to recommend approval of the request. Seconded by Mr. Craig the motion carried unanimously. f) CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO HUTCHINSON ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION 8.11, C-3 DISTRICT, REGARDING NEW/USED AUTOMOBILE SALES Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 6:21 p.m. with the reading of publication #4974 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, October 3, 1996. The request is for the purpose of considering an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, Section 8.11, C-3 District, regarding new/used automobile sales. Mr. Marka explained items f and g tie together. He commented on the request by Mr. Kleman for an automobile dealer license. Mr. Marka stated staff recommended to amend the ordinance to allow new and used car sales with indoor display area only. Atty. Ron McGraw, representing Mr. Kleman, commented on the indoor display area as appropriate for their request in item g. Discussion followed on the ordinance being restrictive enough. City Attorney G. Barry Anderson commented on the existing parking ordinance and stated the proposed language would be adequate. Mr. Matejka moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Arndt the hearing closed at 6:26 p.m. Mr. Matejka made a motion to recommend approval of the request. Seconded by Mr. Arndt the motion carried unanimously. g) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY ROGER KLEMAN, SPORT CARS INC., TO OPERATE A CLASSIC AUTOMOBILE SALES BUSINESS TO BE LOCATED AT 5 JEFFERSON ST. S.E. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 6: 27 p.m. with the reading of publication #4975 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, October 3, 1996. The request is for the purpose of considering a conditional use permit requested by Mr. Roger Kiernan, Sport Cars Inc., to operate a classic automobile sales business to be located at 5 Jefferson St. S.E. Mr. Craig moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Lenz the hearing closed at 6:28 p.m. Mr. Craig made a motion to recommend approval of the request subject to staff recommendations 3 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 10/15/96 contingent on the approval and final reading of the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance regarding conditionally permitting new/used automobile sales in the C-3 District. Seconded by Mr. Lenz the motion carried unanimously. h) CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO HUTCHINSON ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION 10 REGARDING SIGNS IN THE MAIN STREET AREA Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 6:30 p.m. with the reading of publication #4976 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, October 3, 1996. The request is for the purpose of considering an amendment to Hutchinson Zoning Ordinance Section 10 regarding signs in the Main Street Area requested by the Downtown Design Review Committee and City Staff. Planning Coordinator Brenda Ewing commented on the request regarding downtown signage. She stated the changes would be less restrictive and more customer service oriented. Mr. Marka explained the purpose of the Downtown Design Review Committee as a City Council appointed committee to monitor signs and enhance the authenticity of the buildings in the downtown. Mr. Matejka moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Craig the hearing closed at 6:35 p.m. Mr. Matejka made a motion to recommend approval of the request. Seconded by Mr. Westlund the motion carried. Mr. Craig voted nay stating the ordinance is too restrictive for the businesses. 1) CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE SECTION 12.40, REGARDING TEMPORARY DEAD-END STREETS Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 6:41 p.m. with the reading of publication #4977 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, October 3, 1996. The request is for the purpose of considering an amendment to Subdivision Ordinance Section 12.40, regarding temporary dead-end streets. Ms. Ewing commented on the amendment and the responses from the Linder Bus company and Emergency Services. Discussion followed concerning the request and the determination of the term temporary. Mr. Marka stated there are presently only two situations in the city which would require turn arounds. He stated it would be the developer's responsibility to keep the turnaround maintained. Mr. Lenz moved to continue the hearing to the November meeting, seconded by Mr. Matejka the motion carried unanimously. j) CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO HUTCHINSON ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION 3, ADDING DEFINITION FOR LOT WIDTH Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 6:49 p.m. with the reading of publication #4978 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, October 3, 1996. The request is for the purpose of considering an amendment to Hutchinson Zoning Ordinance Section 3, adding definition for lot width. Ms. Ewing commented on the need for a definition for lot width in the ordinance. There was discussion of the unusual pie -shaped lots. The proposed definition does not solve the problem of lot width and setback for the unique lot shapes. Atty. Anderson explained there is no perfect language. He concluded the city does need a definition in the zoning ordinance to protect ourselves. Mr. Craig moved to continue the hearing to the November meeting, seconded by Mr. Lenz the motion carried unanimously. H HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 10/15/96 4. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF Brenda Ewing commented on the public information cards proposed by staff. 5. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting closed at 7:00 p.m. 5