06-15-1999 PCM cMINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, June 15, 1999 1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dean Wood at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present: Dave Westlund, Jim Haugen, Jeff Jones, Bill Arndt, Dean Kirchoff, and Chairman Dean Wood. Absent: Jeff Haag Also present: Julie Wischnack, Director of Planning and Zoning, Bonnie Baumetz, Planning and Zoning; and Richard Schieffer, City Legal Counsel. 2. a) Consideration of minutes of regular meeting dated May 18, 1999. Mr. Arndt made a motion to approve the minutes. Seconded by Mr. Haugen the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS a) CONSIDERATION OF REZONING REQUEST SUBMITTED BY JUNE REDMAN TO REZONE PROPERTY FROM C-4 AND R-2 TO I/C LOCATED AT 255 AND 287 HWY 7 EAST Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 5:34 p.m. with the reading of publication #6021 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, May 6, 1999. Ms. Baumetz explained the property contains three structures: a home/office, a residence, and an accessory building which is used for the brick and tile company. The property boundaries are oddly shaped. Amcon Block abuts the north and eastern portions of the property. Staff recommends approval of the rezoning for the following reasons: 1. The zoning district adjoins an industrial area and uses within the I/C are controlled by conditional use permits. 2. The rezoning will not have a negative impact on the surrounding properties. 3. The existing use of the property is more than commercial use. Mr. Haugen moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Westlund. The hearing closed at 5:39 p.m. Mr. Haugen made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Westlund . The motion carried unanimously. b) CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS ROLLING MEADOWS AND REZONING OF THE PROPERTY FROM R-1 TO R-3 SUBMITTED BY BRUCE NAUSTDAL LOCATED NORTH OF HUSKI ADDITION (TEXAS AVE.) AND SOUTH OF JOHNSON COURT (GOLF COURSE RD. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 5:39 p.m. with the reading of publication #6022 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, May 6, 1999. Ms. Wischnack explained the existing zoning of the property is R-1. The Comprehensive Plan guides this area as Medium Density Residential, which allows for zoning of R-3. The property is approximately 31 acres. The proposed density would be 2.7 units per acre. The proposed preliminary plat provides for 84 single family lots. The final plat provides for 21 lots. The lot sizes range from 7,200 sq. ft. to 16,000 sq. feet. The R-3 Zoning District provides for a minimum lot size of 7,200 sq. ft. The minimum lot widths and depths are met by the plan. Outlot A provides a storm water ponding area. The pond elevations were provided by Barr, although, in discussing this with the project engineer, the pond will be lowered because of the existing elevations of the homes to the west. Outlot B is a swale type drainage area that leads to the storm water pond. Staff recommends approval of the rezoning, preliminary and final plat with the following conditions: 1. The subdivider's agreement be finalized and executed. 2. The identified utility easement be expanded. 3. Remove platted right of way on the southeastern portion of the plat. 4. Provide a resolution to the maintenance of Outlot B. Jean Ward explained the affordable housing planned for this area. The lots are sized for single family housing. The 60 ft. lot widths are needed to keep housing affordable. They are looking for effective designs for single family with detached garages. They are asking to be rezoned R-3 so the 60 ft. lot width will meet zoning requirements. 01 Bruce Naustdal, developer. said ( for comparison) the smallest lots in Parkside Addition, where he is currently constructing homes, are 68 to 80 ft lots. Mr. Naustdal said his intent is to construct all single family homes. Mr. LeRoy Hlavke, 925 Luedke Lane said he would like some type of buffer between Luedke Lane and R-3 development. Marty Campion, civil engineer, Otto Associates, said ponding for the project and outside area is taking up a lot area. Smaller lots are needed to make it profitable for the developer. Size of the pond was determined by a city consultant from Barr Engineering. This is a regional pond. Ms. Wischnack said cost of pond will be partially funded by the city — 31 %. Bob Williams, 945 Ludtke Lane, is concerned with water running through his back yard. His is concerned the water may back up into his back yard as it flows to the pond. He doesn't want apartment buildings in his back yard. Ms. Wischnack said in a R-3 zone the developer will have to go through the conditional use process before constructing apartment houses. Marty Campion said provisions with the grading have been made to maintain current elevations for drainage. Jeff Borkenhagen, 920Golf Course Rd. asked if an environmental impact study has been done. Mike Van Ort- 920 Luedtke Lane asked if is it possible to have mobile homes in a R-3 zone district. Jean Ward said a environmental impact study has been done and there was no impact. As part of federal funding a study is required. It was published in the newspaper. When increasing the sizes of the lots decreases afordablility of the homes. Diane Sorenson, realtor, said they wanted a mixture of houses and have worked very hard to dispurse 60' lots with 70' lots. The trend is to smaller lots with a common area. The houses will have double garages. It will be a mixture of designs of houses with basements. They need 84 units to meet requirements for funding. The pond will be a regional pond with a trail around it. Vegetation will be planted in and around it. Bill Arndt asked if the trail can be connected to existing trails. Ms. Wischnack said the city park director did look at the development plans. Developer has offered to put in a trail to make it a nicer neighborhood. LuAnn Mueller, 711 California St., would like the pond fenced in on her side for safety reasons. Marty Campion said the maximum depth slopes 1' vertical in 4-5 horizontal. They are designing a 10' shelf. The first 10' will be relatively flat. Depth of permanent pool will be 5' after a storm event and then back to 3'. The pond is placed on the western area because existing water flow drains to this area. George Gwerth, 955 Luedke Lane, said he was against R-3 zoning and would like it to remain R-1. Jill Corson, 910 Golf Rd., doesn't want the zoning changed to R-3. Nathaniel Olson, 771 California St. , asked if the development is going to increase traffic on California St., the increased traffic may cause concern for safety. Amy Anderson, said the potential for apartments in this area is a concern. She felt apartment complexes tend to devalue surrounding property. Bruce Naustdal said he was willing to increase the size of lots on the northern portion of the plat to meet criteria of the R-2 zoning requirements and make lot area 8400 sq. ft. Jim Weckman, 761 California St., said he was concerned with R-3 zoning and asked if a covenant could be attached to the property to protect present property owners. He would like the grade changed on the pond, and he was also concerned with congestion on California St. 2 Marty Campion said the grades coincide with existing grades along the west property line providing enough storage area for storms. Bruce Naustdal said he would agree to include in covenants a statement limiting the lots to single family dwellings. Mr. Arndt moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Westlund the hearing closed at 7:05 p.m. Mr. Jones made a motion to recommend approval of the consideration for preliminary and final plat with staff recommendations, the lots north of 8th Ave NW meet the 8400 sq. ft. area requirement, wording be added to the association agreement limiting construction to single family homes, and the city staff address roadway widths and maintenance around the pond. Seconded by Mr. Westlund the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Arndt moved to Gose the hearing, seconded by Mr. Jones the hearing closed at 7:05 p.m. Mr. Arndt made a motion to recommend approval of the request for rezoning with staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Jones. The motion carried unanimously. C) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY THERMAN ELIOTT, 964 CHURCH STREET TO CONSTRUCT A 6 FOOT FENCE ON A CORNER LOT. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 7:22 p.m. with the reading of publication #6024 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, May 6, 1999. Ms. Baumetz explained the applicant is requesting the allowance of a conditional use permit to construct a 6' fence along the front yard of a corner lot. The lot is located on the northwest corner of Church Street S.W. and South Grade Road. The fence will be placed on South Grade Road. The property is very flat toward both streets. The fence is proposed to be located 20 feet from the sidewalk area. The location has been checked by the City Engineer and will not create a visual problem for accessing the roadway. Staff recommends approval of the request. Mr. Jones moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Haugen the hearing closed at 7:25 p.m. Mr. Haugen made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Jones. The motion carried unanimously. d) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY MARK RIEGER TO CONSTRUCT A 1,104 SQ. FT. ACCESSORY STRUCTURE TO BE LOCATED AT 888 ELM ST S.E. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 7:26 p.m. with the reading of publication #6023 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, May 6, 1999. Ms. Baumetz explained the applicant has met the criteria of Section 6.07 for issuance of a conditional use permit. It should be noted that the maximum height of the building is 16 feet. There is a storm sewer catch basin to the north of the proposed garage. The required setback off of the adjoining property line is 6 feet. Staff recommends approval. Mr. Kirchoff moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Arndt the hearing closed at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Kirchoff made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Arndt. The motion carried unanimously. e) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ARRIVAUDEPARTURE BUILDING AND A CIVIL AIR PATROL OFFICE TRAILER LOCATED AT THE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT ON HWY 15 SOUTH. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 7:30 p.m. with the reading of publication #6025 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, May 6, 1999. Ms. Wischnack said the applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to locate a 24' x 60' office trailer on airport property, 16713 Hwy. 15 South for use as a meeting and training headquarters. The City is also required to obtain a conditional use permit to construct an arrival/departure building on the property. Mr. Arndt moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Jones the hearing closed at 7:35 p.m. Mr. Haugen made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Westlund. The motion carried unanimously. f) CONSIDERATION OFAMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REGARDING THE INFRASTRUCTURE STAGING PLAN. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 7:36 p.m. with the reading of publication #6026 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, May 6, 1999. Ms. Wischnack said staff is requesting allowance to amend the Comprehensive Plan to update the infrastructure staging plan (map). The map will indicate the direction of infrastructure development and update the expected year of priority to service the city. Mr. Arndt moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Westlund the hearing closed at 7:38 p.m. Mr. Arndt made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Westlund. The motion carried unanimously. 4. NEW BUSINESS a) CONSIDERATION OF FINAL PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS HUNTER'S RIDGE SECOND ADDITION SUBMITTED BY DENNIS KAHL. The final plat for the second addition consists of 6 lots. The lot configuration has changed slightly, but has removed one lot. Staff recommends approval with the following conditions: 1. Execute Subdivider's Agreement 2. If the preliminary plat will not be followed in future platting, a new preliminary plat must be submitted. 3. Final grading and utility plan approval. Mr. Westlund made a motion to approve the request with staff recommended conditions. Seconded by Mr. Arndt. The motion carried unanimously. 5. OLD BUSINESS 6. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF Discussion regarding changing the format of the minutes. 7. ADJOURNMENT Being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:57 p.m. 4