09-21-1999 PCM cMINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, September 21, 1999 CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman Bill Arndt at 5:40 p.m. with the following members present: Jim Haugen, Jeff Jones and Vice Chairman Bill Arndt Members Absent: Dean Wood, Jeff Haag, Dave Westlund, and Dean Kirchoff Also present: Julie Wischnack, Director of Planning and Zoning; Bonnie Baumetz, Planning and Zoning; and Richard Schieffer, City Legal Counsel. Due to lack of a quorum, the planning commissioners present were not able to take action on the agenda items. After discussion, the consensus was to hear the public input for the public hearings. 2. CONSENT AGENDA a) CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DATED AUGUST 17, 1999 b) CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT REQUESTED BY EARL OLSON ON 1125 CHEYENNE ST. S.W. C) CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLITS REQUESTED BY PAUL BETKER ON THE FOLLOWING: 1) 901 & 903 HILLCREST RD. N.E. 2) 907 & 909 HILLCREST RD. N.E.. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS a) CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT AND VARIANCE TO INCREASE LOT COVERAGE FROM 35% TO 39% REQUESTED BY PAUL BETKER LOCATED AT 825 & 827 HILLCREST RD N.E. Ms. Wischnack commented on the request by Mr. Betker in Hillcrest Rd. and explained the issue of the building covering more than 35% of the lot. She stated staff recommended approval of the request and explained the hardship of the lot depth in the wetland. She explained the City inadvertently issued the permit without notifying the developer of the problem. Mr. Betker commented on the hardship also on Lot 7. b) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY MCLEOD COUNTY TO. CHANGE USE TO HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE/MATERIALS RECOVERY FACILITY TO BE LOCATED AT 1065 5T" AVE S.E. (SOLITRA BUILDING) IN AN 1-2 (HEAVY INDUSTRIAL) DISTRICT Ms. Wischnack explained the location and the requirement for hazardous household waste and materials recovery facilities. She stated transportation is not an issue. The building will be open from 8:00 a.m. — 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday. Ms. Wischnack explained State permits must be acquired. Staff recommends approval contingent on the following: Permits for other agencies must be submitted to the City, any expansions of the facility would require a building permit and no outside storage of materials is permitted. Ed Homan, Solid Waste Director McLeod County, introduced Roxy Traxler, Solid Waste Coordinator. Mr. Homan explained the access to the facility. He commented on the space available and space necessary for the operations. He presented a sketch of the building and explained the proposal for remodeling of the building. Mr. Homan explained there are two types of MRF buildings: clean or dirty. McLeod County will operate a clean type facility. He stated this facility will not be used for compost. Mr. Homan presented a detailed schematic of the building. Ms. Traxler explained the types and sorting of household hazardous waste. She presented a list of items accepted at the facility. Mr. Homan commented on the collection items at the MRF facilityand reported on the average number of users per day. Discussion followed on the process to shred glass and plastic. There was discussion regarding the office area. c) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY REX ERICKSON FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A 50'X 30'(1500 SQ.FT.) GARAGE LOCATED AT 590 PETERSON CIRCLE N.E. HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 21, 1999 PAGE 2 Ms. Wischnack commented on the request and staff recommendations. Mr. Erickson explained the need for the garage. Ms. Wischnack stated the applicant must contact theCity Forester before removing trees to confirm they are not city boulevard tree. d) CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT OF WALNUT RIDGE ESTATES PLAT SUBMITTED BY PAUL BETKER Ms. Wischnack commented on the request and explained staff recommendations Mr. Betker stated utilities are in a portion of the development. Gerald Deleeuw, 815 Spruce St., commented on the hill to the north of his lot. He has a concern with the drainage when the development of the lots occur. Discussion followed on the elevation and grading plan review. Mr. DeLeeuw is to keep in contact with the city. Ms. Wischnack stated the finished grade appears to be in compliance. Robert Rossell, 740 Hillcrest, voiced concerns with drainage. e) CONSIDERATION OF REZONING REQUEST SUBMITTED BY GREAT PLAINS DEVELOPMENT TO REZONE PROPERTY FROM R-1 (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE) TO R-2 (MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENCE — 1 & 2 FAMILY) LOCATED EAST OF LAKEWOOD DR. S.W. AND NORTH OF SOUTH GRADE RD. Vice Chairman Arndt abstained and Mr. Haugen will act as chair of this item. Ms. Wischnack commented on the location of the request and the present zoning. She stated this public hearing is for rezoning only and presented a site plan. She commented on the density requirements and the surrounding use of properties. She also explained the density in the shoreland district. Staff recommends the rezoning which abuts R-2, meets density requirements and is consistent with the comprehensive plan. Brian Sullivan, RLK Kuusisto, commented on the request. He stated 20 duplex units are being proposed for the development at this time. Mr. Sullivan commented on the meetings they have had with staff regarding the plat. Ian McDonald, 925 Lakewood Dr. SW, understood the area was to be single family and there would be a park in the area. Ms. Wischnack explained the use of covenants. Bill Arndt, 1660 South Grade Rd., voiced concern with the ponding and the infestation of mosquitoes. He stated ponds are not to be deeper but shallow and larger. Dale Baker, 715 Lakewood Drive, is opposed to the rezoning of R-2 in this area. He stated the neighbors would expect the area to remain single family as there is single family abutting the property. He also voiced concerns with the proposed size and appearance of the homes and does not see need for twin homes. Mike Braml, 775 Roberts St. SW, voiced concerns of previous neighbors and also the increase of traffic. Bill Alexejun, 735 Lakewood Dr. SW, stated his opposition for same reasons. Roger Steams, 720 Honey Tree Rd. SW, commented on the lot sizes recommended in the past plats. He would recommend lots be larger. Randy Peters, 1620 - 8"' Ave. SW, voiced similar concerns and stated there should be a contingency on the lots for house sizes. Dale Baker, commented on appropriate placement of R-2. Jennifer and Paul Traymor, 770 Roberts. St. SW, reject rezoning. f) CONSIDERATION OF REZONING REQUEST SUBMITTED BY THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON TO REZONE PROPERTY FROM R-2 (MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENCE —1&2 FAMILY) TO 1-2 (HEAVY INDUSTRIAL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF COMPOST FACILITY LOCATED ALONG HWY 22S Ms. Wischnack commented on the location of the site and current zoning. She stated this is an 80 acre site to expand the present composting facility. The public hearing is only the rezoning request. A conditional use permit will be required for fill in the flood fringe. Ms. Wischnack explained the site plan proposed and the HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 21, 1999 PAGE 3 rezoning of the HATS facility area to 1-2 . The request is consistent with the comprehensive plan guidelines. Mr. Wayne Oliva, 1570 Hwy 22 S, asked if this will be again discussed at next meeting. Mr. Lawrence Winter, City Resource Recovery Coordinator, commented on the facility and the location of the building. He explained the vision of the City to provide for the process of composting. He commented on the plans for the site and the present use of the site. Mr. Winter described the traffic pattern on the site. He stated expanded service will be required as the city grows. He commented on the flood elevation and showed the flood way line. Ms. Wischack explained the differences between flood plain, flood way and flood fringe and uses allowed in the different areas. She then commented on the fill required in the flood fringe. Mr. Robert Anderson, 1545 Hwy 22 S., lives directly across the highway from the rezoning. He commented on the site plan and the residential area located near the operation and will reserve comments until there is a quorum. Mr. Oliva, stated his residence is zoned residential and commented on the other residences in the area. He stated he would like this to remain R-2. The property is adjacent to residential. Mr. Winter commented on the possibility of a 300 ft. buffer from the east property line stipulated by the MPCA. Mr. Oliva asked it the area for future expansion remain R-2. He would request that area remain R-2 Mr. Jerry Zajicek, 1515 Hwy 22, asked that the property remain R-2 and voiced concern with odors of the composting. g) CONSIDERATION OF AMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY BARRY BARTON FOR CONTINUED CONSTRUCTION ON STORAGE UNITS LOCATED ON 407 SCHOOL RD. NORTH Ms. Wischnack commented on the status of the request and the issues brought forward to the City Council. She updated the commission on the conditions recommended in the first public hearing. She commented on the applicant's timeline proposal to construct fencing (2001), four buildings (2000) and (2001) and pavement (2001). There is a temporary certificate of occupancy presently on the buildings. Barry Barton, owner, commented on the timeline. He would like to construct the pads and paving soon. The fence will be put up this Fall. He stated he will change buildings in width to provide for a drive and fence along the north side and commented on the need for a fence on the west side. Mr. Barton stated he will correct problems on the north and the east side and would like direction on the fence. Mr. Orlin Henke, 410 School Rd N, across from the north end of the development. He has concerns with the unfinished project. He stated he has no problem with the development he just would like to see it completed. He voice concerns if the new plans will be followed. Mr. Henke stated a fence is a must to prevent trespassing. He commented on the problem of dust control and wants the project completed in 2000. Discussion followed on the original proposal completion date which began in 1998. Mr. Barton commented on his credibility with past developments. Mr. Arndt commented on the improvement s that have already take place on the property. h) RECONSIDERATION OF PAXTON ANDERSON'S PROPOSAL FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT MULTI -FAMILY HOUSING (5 PLEX) LOCATED AT 851 DALE STREET SW IN THE R-3 DISTRICT Atty. Pete Kasai, representing Mr. Anderson, commented on the need for a revised plan. Ms. Wischnack commented on the original plan and issues brought forward to the board previously. She presented the present request and commented on staff concerns. She stated drainage would be piped back to Dale Street. The ponding area would not be a water retention area but a storm pond. The pond must be relocated not to disturb the tree buffer. Another option would be to move the building. There is no subdivision of the property planned at this time. Mr. Haugen and Mr. Paxton Anderson commented on the proposed plan. Mr. Haugen recommends the building be moved to the east and the pond to the west. He stated they would try retaining as many trees as possible. Mr. Haugen commented on the placement of the 5 plex along the buffer. Mr. Don Pankake, 805 Laura Ave., asked for the definition of NURP pond standards. Ms. Wischnack explained development of less than an acre does not require a NURP pond design but a more of a swale. Mr. Pankake asked about a catch basin on the property not a pond . There was discussion on drainage to Linden Ave. and drainage on the Jerry Block property. HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 21, 1999 PAGE 4 Bryce Grundahl, 804 Laura Ave., commented on his proposal from the last meeting. He would like to maintain the integrity of the neighborhood. He inquired if the building is proposed close to the buffer how would the buffer be protected? Mr. Haugen disagreed that the buffer would be removed and stated the buffer will be maintained and made more dense with new trees. Ms. Wischnack stated the recommendation by staff is that the buffer not be removed by the construction. Mr. Anderson stated he is trying to keep all the neighbors happy. Right now has no plans to construct a duplex. Mr. Grundahl is concerned with a duplex being constructed on the property. He explained he is not opposed to development on the property however, he is concerned with the effect on his property. Mr. Schieffer stated a special meeting can be set at this meeting. The agenda and public hearings are continued to October 5, 1999, at 5:30 p.m. 4. NEW BUSINESS NONE 5. OLD BUSINESS NONE 6. COMMUNICATIONFROM STAFF a) UPDATE ON HWY 22 CORRIDOR STUDY 7. ADJOURNMENT