12-18-2001 PCM cMINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2001 5:30 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Arndt at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present: Lynn Otteson, Brandon Fraser, Jason Olsen, Jim Haugen and Dean Kirchoff. Also present: Julie Wischnack, AICP, Director of Planning/Zoning/Building; Melissa Starke, Recorder; and Dick Schieffer, City Attorney. Member Absent: Jeff Jones 2. CONSENT AGENDA James Haugen moved to approve the minutes for the November 20, 2001, meeting as submitted. Dean Kirchoff seconded the motion. Motion carried. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS A.) CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO OPERATE A COMPUTER UPGRADING REPAIRING AND SOFTWARE STORE IN AN INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL (UC) DISTRICT, AS REQUESTED BY JAMES BROWN AND BONITA COX, LOCATED AT 255 HWY 7 E. Chairman Arndt opened the hearing as published in the Hutchinson Leader on December 6, 2001. Julie Wischnack, Director Planning/Zoning/Building, clarified that the property owner is Mark Fratzke, not Mr. Brown and Ms. Cox. When this parcel was rezoned UC, it was reworded that a conditional use permit be required. The occupants of this building will not be changing any structures, simply moving in and changing the type of activity out of the building. There will be a total of five parking spaces available, which meets the parking requirements. Staff recommends approving the conditional use permit with the following guidelines: The conditional use permit will be valid for six months. If activity does not happen within those six months, a new application will have to be submitted. If use changes, a new permit would be required James Brown, applicant, added that this type of business is needed in this area, since there are very few types of this business in the area. Dean Kirchoff questioned the Planning Commission Minutes December 18, 2001 Page 2 applicant regarding signage. Mr. Brown explained that they are following the city guidelines and will be working with a local business to create the appropriate signage. The applicants will only be renting the front portion of the building. The back portion of the building is a rental unit. Motion by Kirchoff, second by Olsen to close the public hearing. Motion carried. Motion by Haugen, second by Otteson to approve conditional use permit with staff recommendations. Ms. Wischnack noted to the applicants that if there is any remodeling needed, a building permit will need to be acquired. Motion carried. 4. NEW BUSINESS a.) CONSIDERATION OF A NEW SECTION FOR THE ZONING ORDINANCE REGARDING THE DEVELOPMENT ALONG HIGHWAY 7 E. Ms. Wischnack explained that this is a rather confusing ordinance that needs to be written. Urban design guidelines need to be considered, as well as researching other city's ordinances. Ms. Wischnack further explained the process taken with the Comprehensive Plan regarding land usage. The assumption from the Comprehensive Plan meeting is that the majority of people were not in favor of the "look" of the land. The C-5 ordinance will be used as an aid for the draft of the new ordinance. The new ordinance needs to incorporate the process used if there is no sewer hook-up in new land development. There is a parcel of land near Airport Road that did develop without sanitary/sewer hook- up and there are now issues that need to be discussed and investigated. Ms. Wischnack reviewed the sample ordinances from other cities with the Planning Commission. Mr. Arndt referred to the area north of St. Cloud on Highway 10. He was in favor of the way this area was designed. He stressed the importance of making sure there is ample room for turning lanes, etc. in the newly annexed area. Mr. Kirchoff questioned whether or not a requirement in the ordinance could be that utilities are in place before development occurs. Ms. Wischnack explained that the issue of utilities is being discussed. She further explained that there is an engineer that is considering putting in a temporary lift station in this area, with future plans to hook the sanitary/sewer area to this line. Mr. Kirchoff was in favor of Mankato's urban design guidelines. Mr. Kirchoff feels that all nine items should be addressed in Hutchinson's new ordinance. Mr. Olsen recommended researching the city of Brainerd's urban design guidelines. Planning Commission Minutes December 18, 2001 Page 3 Mr. Haugen noted that Cross Lake has had much new development happening as well. Mr. Kirchoff expressed the need to meet with the City Council on the draft of the new ordinance. Mr. Haugen suggested discussing this topic at a City Council workshop. Ms. Wischnack explained that staff feels this is important and it is time to deal with this issue. There is concern about signage in this area. Ms. Wischnack gave visual examples of current businesses that could use improvement as far as "the look" of their business as gateways to Hutchinson. Ms. Otteson explained that the importance of this issue is very good. She does feel that this is somewhat overwhelming from the standpoint of a new member of the Planning Commission. She would prefer not to see parking in the frontage area. She would also prefer not to see mixing of commercial and industrial in this area, rather have it completely commercial. Mr. Arndt referred to the Coors building on Hwy 15 near Luxemburg. This is a completely tip -up building and is very interesting and pleasing to the eye. Mr. Haugen doesn't feel that signage needs to be addressed in the draft of the new ordinance. He also feels the nine items should be addressed. Ms. Wischnack plans to have a draft of the ordinance a week prior to the next Planning Commission meeting. Ms. Otteson feels that these guidelines should apply to the area of Hwy 15 South and Airport Road as well. She feels this area will soon be under much new commercial development. Bob Weir, Yamaha Motor Sports, presented before the Planning Commission. Mr. Weir is in favor of the preliminary road that was developed. Mr. Weir noted that his business is currently located in a C-5 district. He requested that the Planning Commission keep in mind where they would like businesses to be located and try not to focus too much on structural requirements. Mr. Weir passed around a picture of very nice frontage on a building. However, it is possible that this will not be allowed in the new ordinance. He also noted some concerns with outdoor storage. Ms. Wischnack commented that there is flexibility in the C-5 district, but the draft will have more specifics. Mr. Kirchoff clarified that the Planning Commission is not re -writing the C-5 district ordinance. Urban design guidelines are what are being considered. Planning Commission Minutes December 18, 2001 Page 4 5. OLD BUSINESS 6. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF a) Tentative January Agenda Ms. Wischnack explained that interviews are being conducted this week for the Planning Coordinator position, and the individual should be hired by the next meeting. 7. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Otteson, second by Kirchoff to adjourn. With no further business to discuss, the Planning Commission adjourned at 6:30 p.m.