09-24-2014 HUCMMINUTES
Regular Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Call to order — 3:00 p.m.
Vice President Morrow called the meeting to order. Members present: Vice President
Monty Morrow; Secretary Mark Girard; Commissioner Donna Luhring; Commissioner
Dwight Bordson; Attorney Marc Sebora; and General Manager Jeremy Carter.
Member absent: President Anthony Hanson.
1. Approve Minutes of August 27, 2014 Regular Meeting
The minutes of the August 27, 2014 regular meeting were reviewed. A motion was
made by Commissioner Luhring, seconded by Commissioner Bordson to approve
the minutes. Motion was unanimously carried.
2. Ratify Payment of Bills for August 2014
The August 2014 payables were discussed. After discussion, a motion was made
by Commissioner Bordson, seconded by Commissioner Luhring to ratify the
payment of bills in the amount of $2,347,275.06 (detailed listing in payables book).
Motion was unanimously carried.
3. Approve Financial Statements/Budget Year to Date
GM Carter and Jared Martig presented the August 2014 financial
statements/budget year-to-date. After discussion, a motion was made by Secretary
Girard, seconded by Commissioner Bordson to approve the financial
statements/budget year-to-date. Motion was unanimously carried.
4. Review Policies
GM Carter presented the policies, sections:
• Cold Weather Rule
• Definition of Your Bill
• Payment of Your Bill
No changes were recommended.
5. Approve Changes to Policies
GM Carter presented changes to the policies, section:
• Errors in Billing
Changes made were for clean-up purposes and to change two years to one year in
the second and third paragraphs. Commissioner Luhring suggested adding "year'
back into the last paragraph. After discussion, a motion was made by
Commissioner Luhring, seconded by Commissioner Bordson to approve changes
to section, Errors in Billing to include the amended change. Motion was
unanimously carried. (Changes attached.)
6. Review Exempt and Non -Exempt Employee Handbooks
GM Carter presented exempt and non-exempt handbooks, sections:
• Unsafe Conditions or Practices
No changes were recommended.
7. Approve Changes to Exempt and Non -Exempt Employee Handbooks
GM Carter presented changes to the exempt and non-exempt employee
handbooks, sections:
• Health and Safety
• Accidents and Injuries
• Employee Right -to -Know
Changes made to section Health & Safety were for clean-up purposes. Changes to
section Accidents and Injuries were for clarity. In section Employee Right -to -Know,
MSDS was changed to safety data sheet (SDS).
After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Luhring, seconded by
Commissioner Bordson to approve changes to the exempt and non-exempt
handbooks. Motion was unanimously carried. (Changes attached.)
8. Approve Summary of Closed Meeting Proceedings for the General Manager
Performance Appraisal Session Held on August 27, 2014
Vice President Morrow presented the Summary of Closed Meeting Proceedings for
the General Manager Performance Appraisal. After discussion, a motion was made
by Secretary Girard, seconded by Commissioner Luhring to approve the Summary
of Closed Meeting Proceedings for the General Manager Performance Appraisal
Session Held on August 27, 2014. Motion was unanimously carried. (Summary
9. Declare HUC Open House as an Open Meeting on Tuesday, October 7 from
4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bordson, seconded by Secretary Girard to
declare the HUC Open House scheduled for October 7, 2014, as an open meeting.
Motion was unanimously carried.
10. Communication from the Interim City Administrator
Interim City Administrator Sebora mentioned there was no update regarding the
detachment petition submitted to City regarding the by-pass. City Council approved
refinancing bonds from 2008 which will result in about $150,000 savings. Nothing
new regarding the City Administrator search.
11. Division Reports
Electric — Dan Lang
Nothing to report
Electric — Dave Hunstad
Nothing to report
Finance — Jared Martig
Nothing to report
Electric — Randy Blake
• Intake fans were damaged during storm last weekend and are being repaired.
• McCormick Insulation starting on unit 5 exhaust stack cover next Monday,
October 6.
Natural Gas — John Webster
• Greater Minnesota Gas will be visiting HUC on October 9 to learn about our
Sensus/AMI system.
• Passed a MNOPS fields and records audit yesterday.
• Highway 7 East construction complete.
• Investigating new plastic piping to use instead of the 6 inch steal for next year's
high pressure natural gas line project. There may be a cost savings.
• Working on setting up a meeting with BP Power regarding purchasing power off
HUC's units.
12. Legal Update
Nothing to report
Unfinished Business
• Discuss Separate Business Unit for Wholesale Business
o Nothing to report
• Discuss Industrial Rate Change — Electric
o Meeting next week regarding industrial rate.
• Discuss Compensation Study
o Nothing to report
• 2015 Budget
o Nothing to report
New Business
There being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Bordson,
seconded by Secretary Girard to adjourn the meeting at 3:50 p.m. Motion was
unanimously carried.
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Ma(k Girard, Secretary
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Monty Mo ow, Vice President
Errors in Billing
Overcharged customers will be credited on the next statement or refunded on their final
billing. ARy adjustments resulting in a Gredit greateF thaR thFee (3) Menths billing well
Overcharges will not be refunded for any errors exceeding two (2) „oars one (1) year
from the date of notice by the customer.
Undercharged customers w4 -may be billed for any errors not exceeding two (2) dears
one (1) year from the date of notice, and wH-may be billed on a separate invoice, with
an explanation of charges.
HUC is very concerned about the safety of its employees and the public HUC serves. All employees are
required to follow all HUC safety rules and make the safety of themselves, their co-workers, and the
public a priority. To encourage a safe workplace, The Commission has adopted the APPA — Utilities
Safety Handbook. All non-exempt employees are required to read the APPA safety handbook.
Compliance with the APPA is "mandatory and is considered a requirement for employment". (Pp. 20
and 23 APPA Safety Handbeelo.
Employees must immediately report to a Director, Manager or Supervisor job-related illnesses, all
accidents and injuries (regardless how minor) that occur during the course of employment with HUC.
The Employee and Supervisor must fill out and sign an accident report. See Customer/Human Relations
Manager for form.
If a supervisor is not available and the nature of injury or illness requires immediate treatment the
employee is to go to the nearest available medical facility for treatment and, as soon as possible notify
his/her supervisor of the action taken. In the case of a serious emergency, 911 should be called.
If the injury is not of an emergency nature, but requires medical attention, the employee will report it to
the supervisor and make arrangements for a medical appointment.
Worker's compensation benefits and procedures to return to work will be applied according to
applicable state and federal laws. HUC contracts with Corvel as the worker's compensation managed
care provider.
Pursuant to Minnesota Law, HUC has established a labor-management safety committee that
investigates or reviews all accidents to identify causes of the accidents and suggest ways to prevent
reoccurrence of the accident. The safety committee may request to interview any employee involved in
an accident or any employee who may have knowledge of an accident. All employees are required to
cooperate with the safety committee.
HUC is very concerned about the safety of its employees and the public HUC serves. All employees are
required to follow all HUC safety rules and make the safety of themselves, their co-workers, and the
public a priority. To encourage a safe workplace, The Commission has adopted the APPA — Utilities
Safety Handbook. All non-exempt employees are required to read the APPA safety handbook.
Compliance with the APPA is "mandatory and is considered a requirement for employment". (Pp. 20
and 73 APPA Safety LJandb. elo
Employees must immediately report to a Director, Manager or Supervisor job-related illnesses, all
accidents and injuries (regardless how minor) that occur during the course of employment with HUC.
The Employee and Supervisor must fill out and sign an accident report. See Customer/Human Relations
Manager for form.
If a supervisor is not available and the nature of injury or illness requires immediate treatment, the
employee is to go to the nearest available medical facility for treatment and, as soon as possible, notify
his/her supervisor of the action taken. In the case of a serious emergency, 911 should be called.
If the injury is not of an emergency nature, but requires medical attention, the employee will report it to
the supervisor and make arrangements for a medical appointment.
Worker's compensation benefits and procedures to return to work will be applied according to
applicable state and federal laws. HUC contracts with Corvel as the worker's compensation managed
care provider.
Pursuant to Minnesota Law, HUC has established a labor-management safety committee that
investigates or reviews all accidents to identify causes of the accidents and suggest ways to prevent
reoccurrence of the accident. The safety committee may request to interview any employee involved in
an accident or any employee who may have knowledge of an accident. All employees are required to
cooperate with the safety committee.
Minnesota's Employee Right -to -Know law requires HUC to inform employees when they may be
exposed to hazardous substances, harmful physical agents, or infectious agents. HUC has adopted a
written Employee Right -to -Know program. HUC has evaluated and reevaluates the work sites to
determine the presence of hazardous substances. Employees shall become familiar with the location of
AASBS safety data sheets SDS in their work area.
Minnesota's Employee Right -to -Know law requires HUC to inform employees when they may be
exposed to hazardous substances, harmful physical agents, or infectious agents. HUC has adopted a
written Employee Right -to -Know program. HUC has evaluated and reevaluates the work sites to
determine the presence of hazardous substances. Employees shall become familiar with the location of
IVISDS safety data sheets SDS in their work area.
Hutchinson Utilities Commission
Summary of Closed Meeting Proceedings
General Manager Performance Appraisal
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
On August 27, 2014, the Hutchinson Utilities Commission closed its meeting at 3:55 p.m. to
conduct the three-month performance appraisal for General Manager, Jeremy Carter.
Individuals present included General Manager Jeremy Carter, Commission Members Donna
Luhring, Mark Girard, Anthony Hanson, Monty Morrow, and Dwight Bordson, City Attorney
Marc Sebora, and City of Hutchinson Human Resources Director Brenda Ewing. Mr. Carter
exercised his right to close the proceedings to the public as permitted under Minnesota Statute
13D.05, Subdivision 3(a).
Motion by Luhring, seconded by Bordson to go into closed session to conduct the General
Manager's performance review. The motion passed unanimously. The Commission then
proceeded into a closed session at 3:55 p.m.
The Commission reviewed with Mr. Carter his performance for the initial three-month period of
employment which commenced on May 27, 2014. The review is required per the terms of the
employment contract in place between the Hutchinson Utilities Commission and General
Manager Carter. President Hanson noted that the Commission is to provide Mr. Carter with
direction and feedback regarding his performance to date and to provide guidance to advance
the organization in the direction the Commission deems appropriate.
Mr. Carter provided the Commission with an overview of his initial 90 days of employment as
General Manager.
Mr. Carter's performance was evaluated in the following areas: Organizational Management,
Fiscal/Business Management, Program Development, Relationship & Communication with the
Commission, Long -Range Planning, and Relationships with Public & Outside Organizations. The
consensus of the Commission is that Mr. Carter's transition into the position of General
Manager is going well, and the cumulative performance for the review period was found to be
satisfactory in all areas.
City Attorney Marc Sebora left the meeting at 4:25 p.m.
Motion by Bordson, seconded by Luhring, to open the closed proceedings. The motion passed
unanimously. The Commission moved back to the open session at 4:55 p.m.
Motion by Luhring, seconded by Bordson, to adjourn the meeting at 4:55 p.m. The motion
passed unanimously.