02-03-1937 HUCM14 Due to an arrangement having been made with the City Council for the payment of all Light bills at the City Clerkta office, motion was duly made, seconded and carried that Eb en Dennis and Dorothy Walker be paid $10.00 per month each for their services . There being no further bussiness the meeting adjourned. ec ry Attest: President February 3, 1937 Special Meeting Upon notice duly given, The Light & Power Commission met with the local electrical appliance dealers and wire men in the firemens room in the City Hall in the City of Hutchinson. A general discussion was had relative to the promotion of sales of appliances and installations of same. The Commission agreed to pay for installation of electric ranges and water heaters. The sum of $30.00 to be paid for range installations in old houses. The sum of $22.50 for water heaters in old houses. All installations to have an approval from the office of the Superintendent before installations are made. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attests e residen D III, u 1