cp07-22-2014Workshop 2013 Audit Review 4:30 p.m. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JULY 22, 2014 1. CALL TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION — Word of Life Church 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS 6. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 8, 2014 Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 7. CONSENT AGENDA (Purpose: only for items requiring Council approval by external entities that would otherwise have been delegated to the City Administrator. Traditionally, items are not discussed.) 5 min. (a) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (b) PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS 1. CONSIDERATION OF DENYING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE PLAN TO ADD A DRIVE -UP TO THE MIDCOUNTRY BANK FACILITY IN THE PARKING LOT LOCATED AT 210 HASSAN STREET SE BASED ON THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO DENY (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 14304) (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING CATERER'S PERMIT J &N SCHLAGEL ENTERPRISES, 11, ON AUGUST 23, 2014, AT HUTCHINSON EVENT CENTER (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF REAFFIRMING CITY DATA PRACTICES POLICY (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ITEMS FOR 2014 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT (LETTING NO. 3, PROJECT NO. 14 -03) (f) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING TRANSIENT MERCHANT LICENSE TO KEITH HEIKES FOR FURNITURE TENT SALE AT THE HUTCHINSON MALL FROM JULY 25 — AUGUST 3, 2014 (g) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING TRANSIENT MERCHANT LICENSE TO JAY MALONE FOR CAR SALE AT THE HUTCHINSON MALL FROM AUGUST 11 — 16, 2014 (h) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RENEWING FOOD VENDOR LICENSE TO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA JULY 22, 2014 RAFAEL JIMENEZ (i) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING MCLEOD COUNTY AGRICULTURE ASSOCIATION A SHORT -TERM 3.2 MALT LIQUOR LICENSE ON AUGUST 13, 2014, AND A TEMPORARY LIQUOR LICENSE FROM AUGUST 14-17,2014, FOR THE MCLEOD COUNTY FAIR (j) APPOINTMENTS TO PARKS, RECREATION, COMMUNITY EDUCATION BOARD - MARLYS HOEFT TO AUGUST 2015 (FILLING UNEXPIRED TERM OF BETSY CZMOW SKI) - DON DEMEYER TO AUGUST 2016 (FILLING UNEXPIRED TERM OF ERIC OPLAND) (k) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS — REGISTER A (1) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS — REGISTER B 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. - NONE 9. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (Purpose: to provide Council with information necessary to craft wise policy. Always looking toward the future, not monitoring past) 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 11. NEW BUSINESS 5 min. (a) SUMMARY REVIEW OF 2013 AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 5 min. (b) ORDINANCE NO. 14 -731 - AN ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO THE REGULATION OF BREWERS (FIRST READING; SECOND READING AND PUBLIC HEARING SET FOR AUGUST 12, 2014) Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 5 min. (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF PROJECT AWARD FOR BICYCLE - FRIENDLY ROUTE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (LETTING NO. 10, PROJECT NO. 14 -10) Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 10 min. (d) DISCUSSION OF MCLEOD COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS DIRECTIONAL SIGN Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 2 min. (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SETTING AUGUST 15, 2014, TO CANVASS PRIMARY ELECTION RESULTS Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 2 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA JULY 22, 2014 12. GOVERNANCE (Purpose: to assess past organizational performance, develop policy that guides the organization and Council and manage the logistics of the Council. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items.) (a) PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES FROM JUNE 23, 2014 (b) HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD MINUTES FROM JUNE 17, 2014 (c) PLANNING, ZONING, BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR JUNE 2014 (d) CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORT AND INVESTMENT REPORT FOR JUNE 2014 13. MISCELLANEOUS 14. ADJOURN MINUTES REGULAR MEETING — HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JULY 8, 2014 1. CALL TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. Mayor Steve Cook called the meeting to order. Members present were Mary Christensen, Gary Forcier, Bill Arndt and Chad Czmowski. Others present were Marc Sebora, Interim City Administrator, Kent Exner, City Engineer and Jody Winters, Attorney 2. INVOCATION — Due to the absence of a pastor, the invocation was dispensed. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS 6. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 24, 2014 Mayor Cook suggested amending the minutes in section 8(a) as follows: "Mayor Cook mentioned that there has been discussion about forming a "Friends of the Luce Line" group and is being considered. The group could help raise money for trail improvements." Motion by Arndt, second by Christensen, to approve the minutes with the amendment noted above. Motion carried unanimously. 7. CONSENT AGENDA (Purpose: only for items requiring Council approval by external entities that would otherwise have been delegated to the City Administrator. Traditionally, items are not discussed.) (a) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES RESOLUTION NO. 14301 — RESOLUTION TO SELL AT AUCTION SURPLUS PROPERTY (MAREN BALER/COMPACTOR) 2. RESOLUTION NO. 14302 - RESOLUTION APPOINTING ELECTION JUDGES FOR PRIMARY ELECTION BEING HELD AUGUST 12, 2014 (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AGREEMENTS WITH INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 423 FOR GROUNDS MAINTENANCE AND USE OF FACILITIES (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF GRANT AMENDMENT NO. 1 WITH MN/DOT AERONAUTICS (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 1 — LETTING NO. 2, PROJECT NO. 14 -03 (LYNN ROAD) (e) APPOINTMENT OF JO PIEHL TO POLICE COMMISSION TO MAY 2017 (f) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS — REGISTER A CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 8, 2014 (g) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS — REGISTER B Items 7(a)1, 7(e), and 7(g) were pulled for separate discussion. Motion by Czmowski, second by Forcier, to approve consent agenda with the exception of the items noted above. Motion carried unanimously. Item 7(a)l had further discussion. Marc Sebora, Interim City Administrator, noted that the Creekside manager had checked with McLeod County to see if they could use the baler /compactor, however the County determined the equipment was too dated and they would not have a use for it. Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to approve Item 7(a)l . Motion carried unanimously. Item 7(e) had further discussion. Council Member Czmowski noted that Jo Piehl is his wife's aunt so he will be abstaining from voting on this item. Motion by Christensen, second by Forcier, with Czmowski abstaining, to approve Item 7(e). Motion carried unanimously. Item 7(g) had further discussion. Council Member Forcier noted he will be abstaining from this item. Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, with Forcier abstaining, to approve Item 7(g). Motion carried unanimously. 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. - NONE 9. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (Purpose: to provide Council with information necessary to craft wise policy. Always looking toward the future, not monitoring past) 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) DISCUSSION OF HOLDING APPEAL HEARING FOR PLANNING /ZONING DEPARTMENT PROPERTY DECISION Marc Sebora, Interim City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Sebora noted that this item was tabled from the last meeting to allow the requester an opportunity to be present at the Council meeting. Mr. Sebora explained that the individual requesting the hearing is appealing a decision made by the Planning /Zoning Department regarding a permit was not required for work done on a neighbor's property. Mr. Sebora explained that he is aware that the requester has contacted each of the council members via email explaining her interpretation of the situation. He also confirmed that a lawsuit has been filed by the requester against her neighbor for the property issue. For these reasons, Mr. Sebora is recommending that an appeal hearing not be held. Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to not hold an appeal hearing for the property decision as requested. Motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF ISSUING TAXICAB LICENSE TO NANCY ANGERHOFER Marc Sebora, Interim City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Sebora explained that this item was tabled from the last Council meeting to allow the applicant time to provide City staff with references to be verified as it relates to her application. The applicant did not provide staff any reference information to date, therefore no follow -up has been completed by staff. 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 8, 2014 Motion by Czmowski, second by Arndt, to deny issuing taxicab license to Nancy Angerhofer. Council Member Forcier stated that he did receive a call from an individual stating that the applicant should be granted a license and given a second chance, however because she did not follow through with the information that the Council requested, Council Member Forcier felt that denying the license was appropriate. Motion carried unanimously. 11. NEW BUSINESS (a) REVIEW AND DISCUSSION OF ORDINANCE NO. 14 -731 - AN ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO THE REGULATION OF BREWERS AND CONSIDERATION OF SETTING PUBLIC HEARING Marc Sebora, Interim City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Sebora explained that as a continuation from discussion at the last Council meeting, a revised draft of a proposed ordinance was presented based on comments received from the Council. Additions to the ordinance include definitions of each type of license that is available. Clarification was also made to the taproom license section noting that only malt liquor that is brewed on -site may be consumed on -site. In addition to the taproom section was the ability for a taproom to also operate a restaurant, however the restaurant requirements of a taproom license would not apply as they do to on -sale intoxicating liquor license holders. It was also clarified that a brew pub must be a restaurant with an on -sale intoxicating liquor license. Lastly, the ordinance includes regulations pertaining to brew on premise stores. Mayor Cook clarified what brew pubs are allowed to do, such as sell the malt liquor they brew, as well as other liquor, beer and wine. He also noted that the hours of sales are consistent with that of the liquor store. Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to set first reading for July 22, 2014, and set second reading and public hearing for August 12, 2014, at 5:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SETTING COUNCIL WORKSHOP TO DISCUSS LIQUOR ORDINANCE AND LAWS Mayor Cook noted that this topic has come up in the past in reference to various sections of the liquor code and the time seems appropriate to discuss now. Motion by Czmowski, second by Forcier, to September 9, 2014, at 4:00 p.m. to discuss liquor ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. 12. GOVERNANCE (Purpose: to assess past organizational performance, develop policy that guides the organization and Council and manage the logistics of the Council. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items.) (a) HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION MINUTES FROM MAY 28, 2014 (b) HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD MINUTES FROM MAY 20, 2014 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 8, 2014 (c) RESOURCE ALLOCATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES FROM JUNE 3, 2014 (d) CITY OF HUTCHINSON WEED NOTICES REPORT FOR JUNE 2014 (e) LIQUOR HUTCH FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JANUARY — JUNE 2014 13. MISCELLANEOUS Mary Christensen — Council Member Christensen stated she has been asked why the Lynn Road improvement project is stopping at Clinton Avenue and not running all the way to South Grade Road. Kent Exner explained that the proj ect that is being staged is the full depth road improvements with a full reclaim. Clinton Avenue to South Grade Road will be part of the pavement management program and will be completed later in the season. This is to ensure that similar work applications are being conducted on the appropriate portions of Lynn Road. Gary Forcier — Council Member Forcier commented on Oakland Cemetery. He suggested that Council and staff review the cemetery ordinance and consider allowing bicycles within the cemetery. He asked that this be considered as there are many bicyclists that visit the cemetery. Council Member Forcier also suggested that dogs should be allowed in the cemetery as long as they are on leashes. Council Member Forcier lastly mentioned that he is still working on directional signage for the Fairgrounds. Chad Czmowski — Council Member Czmowski mentioned that a food truck has been operating outside of Best Buy. He believes this food truck also operates in the City of Glencoe as well. Council Member Czmowski inquired if they have a license. They do not and staff will follow up. Kent Exner — Mr. Exner provided an update on the Jefferson Street project 14. ADJOURN Motion by Arndt, second by Christensen, to adjourn at 6:05 p.m. HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci=V�f� Request for Board Action 79 M-W Agenda Item: MidCountry Bank Drive Through Site Plan and Conditional Use Permit Department: Planning LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/22/2014 Application Complete N/A Contact: Dan Jochum Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Dan Jochum Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: MidCountry Bank, is requesting a site plan review and a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a bank drive - through on Lot 1 & 2 & N 18' of Lot 3, Block 27, Townsite of Hutchinson, South Half, currently owned by the City of Hutchinson The conditional use permit request is to construct a bank drive through with three service points in a C -3 Zoning District. A Conditional Use Permitted is required for the construction of a drive through window in C -3 Zoning Districts as noted in Section 154.063 of the Zoning Ordinance. This request would require a major change in traffic flow and parking in this area, as well as a land transaction, as the parcel being discussed is currently owned by the City. MidCountry has an option on land currently owned by the American Legion that would be conveyed to the City as part of this proposal. MidCountry is proposing to consolidate their Downtown and South locations if this request moves forward. Craig Almquist of MidCountry Bank gave a brief overview of the project from the Bank's perspective. In addition, the owner of 209 Hassan St. SE spoke about the project and indicated he didn't have any concerns with the proposal. The Planning Commission was not comfortable with the traffic flow on the site. In particular, they seemed to have issues with the drive through exiting on to Hassan St. The Planning Commission also discussed other potential site configurations. Staff noted that most if not all of the other configurations were discussed and it appeared the proposal that came forward was the best one from a traffic flow issue. Staff also noted that, the proposal was "less than ideal ", however, the report that SEH completed indicated that it would work. The Planning Commission voted unanimously to reject both the CUP and the Site Plan approval. The final vote was 5 -0 to reject with two commissioners being absent. Please note that there is a draft resolution attached that recommends denial per the planning commissions recommendation. If the council wishes to approve this item the resolution will need to be amended. If there are any questions regarding this item please contact me. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Denial of request if Council agrees with the Planning Commission. If Council doesn't agree, the proposal could be approved. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: DIRECTORS REPORT - PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Mike Schumann, Dolf Moon, Dave Hunstad, Lee Miller, Jeff Page, Jean Ward, Judy Flemming, John Webster, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Kent Exner, John Paulson, Marc Sebora, Dan Hatten, Brian Mehr, Dan Jochum, Andrea Schwartz, and Kyle Dimler (Persons in attendance at Planning Staff Meeting in bold) Date: July 7, 2014, for July 16, 2014, Planning Commission Meeting Application: SITE PLAN AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A BANK DRIVE THROUGH Applicant: MIDCOUNTRY BANK, APPLICANT CITY OF HUTCHINSON, PROPERTY OWNER SITE PLAN AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A BANK DRIVE THROUGH — MidCountry Bank, is requesting a site plan review and a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a bank drive - through on Lot 1 & 2 & N 18' of Lot 3, Block 27, Townsite of Hutchinson, South Half, currently owned by the City of Hutchinson The conditional use permit request is to construct a bank drive through with three service points in a C -3 Zoning District. A Conditional Use Permitted is required for the construction of a drive through window in C -3 Zoning Districts as noted in Section 154.063 of the Zoning Ordinance. This request would require a major change in traffic flow and parking in this area, as well as a land transaction, as the parcel being discussed is currently owned by the City. MidCountry has an option on land currently owned by the American Legion that would be conveyed to the City as part of this proposal. MidCountry is proposing to consolidate their Downtown and South locations if this request moves forward. 146 z 147 1 4 148 149 201 221 225 227 245 3RD AVE SE 105 1 115 1 1 133 2ND AVE SE 308 335 305 F1 34 209 144 212 215 W co H 225 222 U) Z co 234 co = 235 135 308 335 305 F1 34 Conditional Use Permit 210 Hassan St. SE — Bank Drive Through Planning Commission — 7 -16 -14 Page 2 Existing Zoning: Property Location: Lot Size: Existing Land Use: Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Zoning History: Applicable Regulations: Site Plan: GENERAL INFORMATION C -3 (Central Commercial District) 210 Hassan St. SE 133'x 150'(19,950 sq. ft.) Commercial parking lot C -3 (Central Commercial District) Mixed Use This parcel was acquired by the City of Hutchinson on 1/31/1983. No other zoning /permitting activity is recorded in this property address file. Sections 154.063 (C) (8) (a): 154.170 The City Council deems it is necessary and appropriate to require site plan approval of developments in certain zoning districts to preserve and promote attractive, well - planned, stable urban conditions. The following is an overview of site plan considerations. Structure: The proposed structure is approximately 25 x 40 or 1,000 square feet and will be a typical bank drive through structure with a roof and three drive through lanes. It should be noted that the transactions will be sent back to the main bank building through a tube vacuum system and there will not be any personnel staffing the structure. The height of the structure to the top of the roof is approximately 20 feet and the height of the opening to the drive through is approximately 12 feet tall. Refer to attached building elevations for a visual picture of the drive through structure. The proposed structure appears to meet all applicable setbacks, as well as all other Zoning Ordinance requirements. Traffic /Circulation Traffic, site circulation, and parking are the most critical aspects of the proposed plan and need to be studied carefully. There is a memorandum attached to this staff report that was prepared by Mid Country Bank's Engineer, SEH. Please refer to the memorandum for more detailed technical analysis. It should also be noted that there are no raised medians as part of the opposing one -way traffic flow. All of the pavement marking would be painted on and accompanying signage would direct traffic. According to the SEH memo, MidCountry is assuming an increase of approximately 5,000 visits per month to the Downtown location. This number is based on historical transaction counts at both facilities. The 5,000 visits per month would equate to approximately 192 trips per day, excluding Sunday's. It should also be noted Conditional Use Permit 210 Hassan St. SE — Bank Drive Through Planning Commission — 7 -16 -14 Page 3 that Monday and Friday appear to be the busiest business days for banking according to table 1 in the SEH memo. The majority of the additional trips to the Downtown location are already served on the street network with many of them likely already passing through or doing other business in the downtown area. Therefore, the addition of peak hour traffic demands on the roadway network is not anticipated to be a concern. However, staff believes that the additional traffic being diverted to the existing alley and parking lot have the potential to cause some traffic congestion issues. The major feature of the site circulation of this plan is an opposing one -way street configuration. Ingress to the site from the north end would come off 2nd Avenue SE. Ingress to the site from the south end would come off 3rd Avenue SE. Egress from the site is proposed to go Hassan St. SE for the drive through, as well as other alley traffic that access the site from either 2nd or 3rd Avenues. The SEH memo suggests that the drive through traffic should have a right turn only onto Hassan St rather than having left hand turns so close to an intersection. Please see the attached site plan for more detailed information and a visual aide. It appears that the vast majority of the traffic entering the site from the north end would likely be using the drive through facility and therefore would exit the site on Hassan St. never really having entered the core of the site and the opposing one -way traffic configuration. However, there still will be bank customers, as well as customers of other Main St. businesses that wish to park in the City owned parking lot that will have to navigate, at least partially, the opposing one -way traffic configuration. City staff understands that the majority of the walk in bank traffic enters the building from the City owned parking lot/alley area. The biggest concern with any proposed drive through facility is "stacking" or "queuing" of vehicles both entering the drive through and exiting the drive through. The City Zoning Ordinance requires 80 feet for stacking of vehicles in a drive through. 80 feet allows for about four cars to be in line. The drawings submitted by MidCountry include 70 feet for stacking, however the SEH memo recommends moving the drive through canopy 10 feet further east to accommodate more stacking to get to the 80 feet stacking required. It should be noted that there are three drive through lanes and generally speaking, users do not want to wait in line so they will go to the shortest line, which in turn limits stacking/queue lengths. In addition, not having a drive through commercial business lane will also make transactions occur quicker. Staff would like to note that there is the potential during eak times, for the stacking area to fill up, causing cars to spill out into the alleyway and possibly onto 2" Ave. SE. It should be noted that the Post Office is another major traffic generator in Downtown Hutchinson. Many of the Post Office users are dropping off mail at the drop boxes located at the rear of the Post Office in the alley. City staff has watched the traffic flow near the alley Post Office drop boxes and it appears the majority of the traffic turns right and heads east and uses the American Legion Parcel to exit onto Hassan St, rather than continuing north and exiting on to 2nd Ave. SE This is likely due to the difficulty of exiting onto 2nd Ave. SE because of the high volumes of traffic and stacking that occurs at the 2nd Ave. SE and Main St. stoplight. Because of this condition on the southern portion of the alley, the opposing one -way will likely not cause an issue for the Post Office traffic because the majority of the traffic is already making the movements that are shown in the proposed Plan. Also, as it relates to traffic circulation and alley operations, the SEH report notes that the opposing one -way configuration is the preferred operation for the MidCountry Bank proposal. It is also noted that the circulation patterns appear compatible for the other businesses on the block as well. Passenger vehicles and single unit trucks can successfully make the turning maneuver eastbound from the alley (see attached drawing). The SEH Conditional Use Permit 210 Hassan St. SE — Bank Drive Through Planning Commission — 7 -16 -14 Page 4 report notes the ability for large trucks (including semi's) to maneuver through the alley is a concern. In addition, City staff has concerns with this issue as well. As it relates to large trucks or semi trucks, it is a known fact that these vehicles regularly use the alley. In particular, Benny's Meats and the Post Office utilize semi trucks quite frequently. The Post Office sees large semi -truck loading at its dock on a daily basis. The Post Office loading dock used by large trucks /semi's is positioned slightly northeasterly from the north face of the building which is complimentary to the proposed alley exit route. Furthermore, postal trucks and semi's already utilize the proposed alley route exiting to Hassan St. Based on the review by SEH and an on -site meeting with SEH and the Postmaster, the proposed changes by MidCountry Bank on the north end of the block do not appear to impact the Post Office operation on the south end of the block. Benny's Meat Market has indicated they receive daily deliveries in the alley. The alley is commonly blocked to through traffic while unloading of trucks occurs. SEH notes that large semi's /tractor trailer combinations will not be able to make the turn to the eastbound alley exit. Once in the alley, a large semi would need to continue against the flow of traffic to exit the alley, which would be a wrong way traffic movement. It should be noted that in many urban /downtown areas semi alley traffic is often problematic, yet a necessary function of deliveries. Oftentimes, these large semi's and trucks have to go against the flow of alley traffic or block an alley for a period of time in order to make their deliveries. Parking Parking is also one of the main factors that needs consideration for this request. It should be noted that Downtown businesses are not required to provide "off- street" parking. This is very typical in downtown districts and the rationale is that municipal lots and on- street parking will accommodate parking. From Staff's perspective the parking discussion really revolves around two items: 1) How many parking spaces are going to be lost in the City parking lot that the drive through is proposed to be located in? 2) Is there other public parking in the area that can offset the loss of parking spaces in the City lot? The SEH memo included a significant amount of information regarding parking and the amount of spaces in the area. As stated above, Staff is concerned about the amount of spaces being lost in the City parking lot. The SEH memo indicates that there are currently 52 spaces in the City lot and between 36 and 39 of the spaces were utilized during their parking survey. The proposed MidCountry site plan includes 31 spaces in the City parking lot or a reduction of 21 parking spaces. As noted previously, the City lot typically had 36 to 39 cars parked in it meaning that approximately 5 to 8 cars and possibly more at busy times would have to find parking in another location. The SEH report also notes that there is currently 7 parking spaces available in the American Legion north parking lot and that there were no cars parked in these spaces when the parking survey was completed. It should be noted that businesses along the alley have told City staff that during busy times the public often utilizes the Legion Parking stalls, even though they are for the Legion only. The MidCountry proposal is to acquire the Legion North parcel and convey it to the City in some sort of land deal /swap and the parcel would be utilized for egress from the opposing one -way alley configuration and for parking. It is proposed that there would be 10 public parking spaces on this lot if this proposal goes through. The 10 spaces would, in theory, make up for the shortage of parking of the 5 to 8 vehicles noted above from the parking survey, however there still would be a net loss of 11 parking stalls from the current City owned parking lot. The Planning Commission and City Council will need to determine if a loss of 11 parking stalls from the City lot is acceptable or not. The SEH memo also looked at the on- street parking dynamics in the vicinity of the Conditional Use Permit 210 Hassan St. SE — Bank Drive Through Planning Commission — 7 -16 -14 Page 5 proposed project and surveyed the amount of spaces available and the amount of spaces actually being used. From the SEH analysis, it appears there are 36 on- street parking spaces in the immediate vicinity of this project (see SEH memo for exact locations). Based on the parking survey, it appears that anywhere between 12 and 16 of the parking spaces are being used on the street meaning that there are approximately 20 open on street parking spaces at any given time. Theoretically, these 20 open parking spaces would at least partially make up for the 11 actual parking stalls being taken away. However, staff would like to point out that these stalls exist today, along with the 52 in the City owned lot, so there is still a net loss of parking spaces. Furthermore, using the parking survey data, it would appear that there still would be adequate parking in the area based on the percentage of existing stalls currently being utilized. It is also important to note that future parking demand is difficult to predict without knowing how the additional traffic that is proposed to be going to the Downtown MidCountry location is going to function. City staff feels that generally speaking there is more than enough parking in Downtown Hutchinson. The issue appears to be that downtown users want to park very close to their destination. City staff conducted an informal parking survey on the municipal parking lot that sits just west of Hassan St. between 1st Ave and 2nd Ave on July 7h 8t . Each time this lot was surveyed, over 50% of the lot was not being utilized for parking. MidCountry Bank has indicated to Staff that between 15 and 17 of their employees currently park in the City parking lot in question. MidCountry has also stated they would be open to requiring their employees to park either on the street or in a different City parking lot. If the Planning Commission feels that this project should move forward, a condition could be made to prohibit MidCountry employees from parking in the lot in question. This would free up approximately 15 spaces taking the parking demand generated from the survey from approximately 36 spaces being used to 21 spaces being used. In addition, MidCountry is proposing adding 3 parking stalls adjacent to the back side of the bank building, near the current ATM, for customers to park in. In conclusion regarding parking, there is in fact a net loss of 21 parking stalls in the City Parking lot. This is something that was concerning to neighboring business during the open house that was held regarding this project in April. The loss of 21 parking stalls is concerning, however it appears that based on parking demand there will not be a shortage of parking spaces in the vicinity of this project. It is likely that the parking spaces in the area will be more fully utilized and there will be less open spaces. In addition, both the on- street parking spaces, as well as the City lot on the west side of Hassan St between 1st and 2nd Avenues will be more fully utilized. It is difficult to predict what the added traffic volume from the two bank facilities combining will do to circulation and parking in this area. Because of this there is always a risk that there could be a parking shortage in the immediate vicinity in the future. The Planning Commission should be aware of this risk. Staff doesn't anticipate a major shortage of parking but it is difficult to predict how this area will behave with the new traffic patterns associated with combining two bank facilities into one. The likely worst case scenario is users would have to park further away from their destination to find a parking space, especially when there are other activities occurring downtown that have parking demand. Conditional Use Permit: The Conditional Use Permit (CUP) is required for the drive through. As noted above, the drive through is proposed to be a three lane drive through. Eighty (80) feet of stacking is required and the site plan should be modified as noted in the SEH memo in order to accommodate the 80 feet of stacking required by ordinance. If the Planning Commission feels the site plan is acceptable, the CUP should be approved. If the CUP isn't acceptable, then the CUP should be denied. If it is denied, items b and c below would likely not be able to be met and would be suitable reasons for denying the CUP. Conditional Use Permit 210 Hassan St. SE — Bank Drive Through Planning Commission — 7 -16 -14 Page 6 The following are standards for granting a conditional use permit: (a) The proposed building or use at the particular location requested is necessary or desirable to provide a service or a facility which is in the interest of the public convenience and will contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood or community; (b) The proposed building or use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare; and (c) The proposed building or use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations. Conclusion: It is difficult for staff to make a recommendation one way or another on this request. It appears there are both pros and cons associated with this project, much like there is with any redevelopment project, with the latest example in Hutchinson being the Walgreens project. Some of the pros that should be considered by the Planning Commission include: 1) more users coming downtown to do business. 2) more jobs added to downtown area. 3) added tax base to the community. 4) working with a business to expand their operation to be more efficient. Cons that should be considered include: 1) loss of parking in the City lot and how this affects other businesses. 2) semi trucks not being able to navigate the eastern exit and having to drive against traffic to leave the site (Post Office semi's would continue to exit eastbound, which is consistent with proposal). 3) potential traffic congestion at drive through facility due to added trips going to this area at peak times. 4) possible driver confusion, at least initially, because of the change in traffic operations in this area. Recommendation: Staff recommends deferral of the approval or denial of this request to the Planning Commission due to the fact that the question at hand is not simply evaluation of an existing ordinance or statute. Rather, does the Planning Commission believe the anticipated increase in traffic in the downtown area and the do the positive benefits of more traffic provide a benefit to surrounding business and to the greater community or is the loss of 21 parking spaces in this particular municipal parking lot and the potential traffic congestion /flow issues a detriment to the surrounding business and the greater community? If the Planning Commission recommends approval of the applicant's request, staff suggests the following conditions be part of the approval: 1. A Developer's Agreement that clearly defines the necessary infrastructure revisions /improvements and associated cost - sharing responsibilities (currently assumed to be 100% Developer funded) shall be executed between the City and the Developer. 2. The Developer shall be responsible for preparing infrastructure revisions /improvements plans and specifications per City standards /approvals for all necessary work, at their expense. 3. Approval of the conditional use permit must be contingent upon City Council's approval of the proposed property transaction. 4. The implementation of timed /designated parking stalls within City lots or along City streets does not appear to be justified or in the best of the City at this time. Conditional Use Permit 210 Hassan St. SE — Bank Drive Through Planning Commission — 7 -16 -14 Page 7 5. The functionality of the proposed three diagonal parking stalls along the east side of the bank (former ATM area) should be monitored relative to conflicting with alley traffic and, if safety concerns arise, the developer shall be responsible to potentially reconfigure or remove these stalls as directed by the City Engineer. 6. The feasibility of installing an underground conduit system (beneath the alley corridor) should be fully examined and considered by the Developer. Any conduit systems beneath or over the alley corridor shall be approved by the City Engineer. 7. Exiting from the drive through facility to Hassan Street will need to signed and configured for a right turn only movement. 8. The property will need to be platted by MidCountry Bank to ensure a developable parcel of property for the proposed project. i SEH Building a Better World for All of Us® TO: Craig Almquist and Megan Karg MidCountry Bank, Hutchinson Minnesota FROM: Mike Kotila, PE John Rodeberg, PE DATE: June 23, 2014 RE: MidCountry Bank Drive - Through Site Review SEH No. 127949 MEMORANDUM MidCountry Bank has been consolidating services at its two Hutchinson locations into the downtown facility. The south facility (905 Hwy 15 S) previously held agricultural related banking service offices as well as drive - through facilities. The offices have already been relocated to the downtown facility, and the potential for the future relocation of the drive - through facility to the downtown site is a primary driver of this review. This memorandum summarizes our review of proposed improvements to the MidCountry Bank site in Downtown Hutchinson (201 Main Street S). This review considers operational considerations for access to and from the site, alley operational issues, drive - through and ATM stacking, as well as impacts to neighboring sites and public parking supply and demand on the block. The site and alley configuration evaluated in this memorandum is represented by the attached drawing entitled: Proposed Alley & Parking Lot Reconfiguration. Existing Conditions MidCountry Bank is located in downtown Hutchinson on the southeast corner of Main Street (TH 15) and 2" d Avenue SE. The main floor (street level) of the bank building includes teller windows and personal banking offices. The second floor consists of office space for approximately 10 personnel with negligible customer access. The basement consists of storage, vehicle parking and custodial space. There are no public spaces or offices in the basement. An Automated Teller Machine (ATM) is located in the rear of the building, accessible for walk -up customers or drive - through service. The drive - through approach to the ATM is accessible while traveling northbound through the alley. The drive aisle serves one vehicle at the ATM while one or two vehicles can be waiting without blocking the alley. The existing bank employs approximately 30 people, 75% of which are typically present during the busiest banking hours of a typical week day. Most bank employees utilize parking in the public parking lot east of the alley or on- street parking typically along the west side of Hassan Street, or other adjacent areas. The bank building includes a basement level garage with three parking stalls for staff. The basement originally provided parking for more vehicles, but the number of stalls has been reduced due to the need for storage and logistical issues with the parking space. Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc., 10901 Red Circle Drive, Suite 300, Minnetonka, MN 55343 -9302 SEH is an equal opportunity employer I www.sehinc.com 1 952.912.2600 1 800.734.6757 1 888.908.8166 fax MidCountry Bank Site Review June 23, 2014 Page 2 The public alley from 2nd Avenue SE to 3rd Avenue SE provides access to the bank, the US Post Office, Allied Insurance office, Crow River Eye Care Clinic, Benny's Meat Market, the recently vacated American Legion building and a City owned public parking lot. The public alley right of way is 15 feet in width making one -way operation most desirable due to limited passing opportunities. The City has promoted southerly flow through the alleys on the east side of Main Street to be consistent with preferred direction of flow through alleys on the adjacent blocks, however existing uses on this block continue to generate primarily northbound flow (The US post office drop boxes and MidCountry Bank ATM are both set up for northbound flow). Proposed Improvements MidCountry Bank proposes to construct new, downtown drive - through services by adding two drive - through lanes with air -tube conveyance systems and an ATM drive - through lane. The drive - through stations would be located on the parcel immediately east across the alley from the existing bank building. This parcel is currently owned by the City of Hutchinson and operated as part of a public parking lot. MidCountry Bank has the option to acquire a parcel of similar size to the proposed drive - through parcel mid -block on the other side of the current City parking lot, and proposes a land swap to facilitate their expansion plans and replacement of the City owned property. The current ATM would be removed and relocated to the new drive - through site. Several concerns have been raised relative to the impacts that the proposed change may have including new traffic generated, site access and safety, traffic circulation, parking availability and potential impacts to operations of neighboring businesses on the block. Each of these topics is addressed in the following sections. Trip Generation The consumer banking business continues to evolve, with less demand for walk -in banking service and greater demand for on -line, drive - through and ATM service, although this trend is less clear in rural, outstate communities like Hutchinson. It is assumed that existing walk -in customers will continue to be served, most users of the current drive - through facility will adapt to the new location for drive - through operations, and new customers will be attracted because of the expanded service. The change is expected to result in a net increase in trips to and from the downtown site and corresponding decrease at the south location. MidCountry Bank staff has indicated that their studies assume an increase of approximately 5,000 total visits per month to the downtown site when the south location is eventually closed and all services are located at the downtown facility. This is based on recent historical transaction counts from the existing MidCountry facilities at north and south locations as shown in Table I below. The highest level of activity generally occurs on Mondays and Fridays with the highest hourly banking activity occurring on Friday afternoons and /or on Monday Mornings. It is estimated that the peak hours of drive - through activity correspond to peak hours of traffic demand on the roadway system. For roadways, 10% of the daily traffic demand typically occurs during the afternoon rush hour. Based on this it is estimated that 10% of the highest daily drive through demand would occur during the peak hour of activity on the street. From Table 1, the maximum number of daily transactions is 278 x 10% = 28 peak hour round trips; or, 56 one -way trips per hour; or, about 1 inbound or outbound vehicle per minute. MidCountry Bank Site Review June 23, 2014 Page 3 The majority of these trips are already served in the street network with many of them likely already passing through or doing other business in the downtown area. Therefore, the addition of peak hour traffic demands on the roadway network is not anticipated to be a concern. Table 1- Mid Country Bank Transaction Counts Week of M Tu W Th F Total South Bank 3/17/2014 231 146 153 189 259 978 3/24/2014 212 175 187 166 278 1018 3/31/2014 227 197 200 209 230 1063 4/7/2024 209 144 156 164 261 934 4/14/2014 206 200 123 171 270 970 Sub -Total 1085 862 819 899 1298 4963 Downtown Bank 3/17/2014 183 139 123 142 188 775 3/24/2014 226 118 160 125 262 891 3/31/2014 224 260 228 231 226 1169 4/7/2024 343 168 161 193 268 1133 4/14/2014 185 234 121 176 274 990 Sub -Total 1161 919 793 867 1218 4958 Total Transactions 2246 1781 1612 1766 2516 9921 Site Access and Safety The drive through operation should be planned to be compatible with the long term one -way southbound operational scheme envisioned by the City. As other sites are redeveloped over time, they too can be adapted to the one -way flow condition. An interim condition which serves both directions of flow may be needed to facilitate all existing users. Egress from the site onto the public street system should be planned onto Hassan Street rather than 2nd Avenue SE to avoid conflicts with traffic to and from the 2nd Avenue traffic signal on Main Street. The driveway exiting to Hassan Street should be restricted to right turn only due to its proximity to the northbound stop sign on Hassan Street at 2nd Avenue. Drive - Through Operations The drive - through bank or ATM stations should be positioned easterly on the site to maximize queuing for vehicles waiting for service while maintaining merging and queuing space for vehicles exiting the driveway to Hassan Street. A recent study entitled Drive- Through Queue Generation published by COUNTINGCARS.com (Drive - Through Queuing Study) compiled actual queue lengths at banks in Minnesota and Kansas. Maximum queues were typically observed at the commercial window or the ATM aisle while air -tube service aisles tended to experience shorter queues. Despite the apparent preference toward ATM or personal service, customers were observed to have a tolerance limit for waiting and MidCountry Bank Site Review June 23, 2014 Page 4 would change lanes to a shorter line. This behavior tends to naturally limit the maximum queue lengths that will occur. For the MidCountry Bank we expect queue length leveling to naturally occur also because there will not be a drive - through commercial window directly attached to the building. Based on these reviews and additional analysis completed by Overland Park, Kansas staff it appears that a queue length of about 4 cars, or 80 feet, is appropriate for both the air -tube and ATM drive - through lanes. Current City of Hutchinson requirements are also at 80 feet. The location of the drive - through service stations depicted on the drawings provided to SEH allowed approximately 70 feet of queuing. The concept site plan should be modified by moving the move the air tube and ATM stations 10 feet to the west. This appears to be feasible and would still allow space exiting vehicles to merge and wait before making a right turn to enter southbound Hassan Street. Traffic Circulation and Alley Operations The option being considered is for the public alley to be re- configured to operate one -way southbound from 2nd Avenue and one -way northbound from 3rd Avenue to the midpoint where both movements would turn east to exit through the existing North Legion Parking lot (which is proposed to be conveyed to the City for public use). This circulation pattern is compatible with the preferred operation of the MidCountry Bank site but also with the patterns utilized by other businesses on the block. Passenger vehicles and single unit trucks can successfully make the turning maneuver in the alley. See attachment entitled: Single Unit (SU -30) Turning Movements. The ability for large trucks to maneuver through the alley is a concern which is further discussed in the next section of this memorandum. Neighboring Businesses - Needs /Impacts Large trucks regularly use the alley to and from the Post Office and to deliver product to Benny's Meat Market. Articulated tractor - trailer combinations (also known as semi - trucks) are commonly used for both businesses. A tractor - trailer combination with a 48 foot trailer is referred to as a WB -62 inferring a 62ft wheel base. The maneuvering capability of a WB -62 is an industry standard used for roadway and site design purposes. See attachment entitled: " -62 Turning Movements. The US Post office has heavily utilized drop boxes located adjacent to the alley which are accessible from the driver's window (left side), which induces significant northbound traffic through the alley from 3rd Avenue. Mail delivery vehicles use the alley many times per day. The Post Office also receives WB -62 semi -truck loading at its dock on a daily basis. The Post Office loading dock used by large trucks is positioned facing slightly northeasterly from the north face of the building which is complimentary to the proposed alley exit route. In fact, postal trucks already utilize the proposed alley route through the Legion parking lot as they exit. Based on our review and an on -site meeting with Hutchinson Post Master Paul Johnson, the proposed changes by MidCountry Bank on the north end of the block do not appear to impact the Post Office operation on the south end of the block. Benny's Meat Market receives daily deliveries in the alley. The alley is commonly blocked to through traffic while off - loading of trucks is in progress. Large tractor — trailer combinations (WB -62) however will not be able to make the turn to the eastbound alley exit. Once in the alley, a WB -62 would need to continue against the flow of traffic to exit the alley (a wrong way movement). Preliminary discussions with Hutchinson staff, including Police Services, indicate that this issue needs further review and discussion. MidCountry Bank Site Review June 23, 2014 Page 5 Parking A parking occupancy study was conducted on Thursday April 17, 2014 and Friday April 18, 2014. All on- street and off - street parking stalls on and around the block were inventoried at noon and at 3:00 pm each day. These times were selected to be representative of the busiest times on typical week days. Table 2 displays the results of the field observations. Also shown in Table 2 is the proposed number of parking spaces anticipated after the Mid - Country Bank drive - through facilities are constructed. The existing MidCountry Bank ATM drive aisle can be converted to angle parking spaces (see attached drawing: Additional Parking Options). These are anticipated as short term parking spaces (i.e. 15 or 30 minute maximum). Removal of the existing ATM driveway apron adjacent to the alley creates the opportunity for an additional on- street parking stall. The overall parking supply would be reduced from 95 parking spaces to 81 (reduction of 14 parking spaces). The parking spaces most relevant (closest) to the proposed change include the City Lot, Legion North Lot, 2nd Ave (South Side) and Hassan St (West Side) with a total of 77 spaces available that will be reduced to 63 in the proposed condition (includes new spaces near existing ATM). Of those spaces, the highest demand observed was 46 vehicles. The proposed additional of drive - through lanes by Mid- Country Bank's is not anticipated to result in an increase in parking demand, and may serve to reduce the parking demand. All new traffic generated by the drive - through service will not need to park. Some existing walk -in customers that currently park their car may change to become drive through customers resulting in a reduced parking demand. Table 2 Mid - Country Bank Block Parking Parking Lot (or on- street location) Parking Supply Parking Demand Existing Spaces Proposed Spaces Thursday, April 17 Friday, April 18 Noon 3 p.m. Noon 3 p.m. City Lot 52 31 39 37 36 36 Legion N Parking' 7 10 0 0 0 0 Legion Private lot2 0 0 0 0 2nd Ave N (S side )5 8 9 0 4 4 3 Hassan St (W side )3 10 10 7 3 4 5 3rd Ave S (N side )4 12 12 4 4 4 2 Main Street (E side) 6 6 2 3 4 2 MidCountry Bank Sites 3 Total 95 81 52 51 52 48 Notes: 1. Legion North Parking included in City Lot #, usually 2 - 4 cars 2. Never observed cars parked in this lot 3. Most cars parked in angled stalls, w /average of 1 car parallel parked near Legion 4. Usually 1 car on east half with remainder on west half close to Post Office 5. 3 new stalls on MidCountry Bank site area currently utilized for ATM drive aisle; 1 new on- street stall on the south side of 2 "d Avenue SW immediately west of the alley. MidCountry Bank Site Review June 23, 2014 Page 6 Other Information and Discussions The City and MidCountry Bank have been discussing the pros and cons of a buried versus overhead conduit to serve the drive - through bank. It is understood that an overhead conduit would need to have 16 foot minimum clearance, and could be visually unappealing. An underground conduit would likely be 24 -36 inches in size and would need to fit between other underground facilities already located under the alley. The supplier of the system has noted that it has about a 300 foot length limit, which is not expected to be an issue in this case. Either option is likely feasible, but the location of existing infrastructure under the alley needs to be verified. Summary of Findings and Recommendations This evaluation results in the following findings and recommendations: • Traffic Impacts due Trip Generation — Vehicle trips will be displaced from the south bank facility to the downtown location. Peak hour traffic demands downtown are expected to increase by about 1 vehicle per minute. This increase is not expected to require any mitigation beyond the site and alley. • New Parking Spaces — MidCountry Bank should utilize the existing ATM drive aisle for parking. Up to three 60 degree angle stalls can be provided. An additional on- street space on 2nd Avenue should also be considered with removal of the ATM driveway apron. • Parking Impacts — There will be a net reduction of 14 parking spaces on and around the block. Based on observations, the existing parking demand would consume 73% (46 of 63) of the most convenient spaces on the north end of the block and 64% (52 of 81 spaces) for the whole block. • Drive Through Configuration — The proposed configuration appears viable. The drive through should be planned to operate as a one -way flow to the east from the alley exiting with a right turn only to Hassan Street. Stacking room for 4 vehicles (80 feet) should be provided (includes the 1St vehicle being served at the drive - through station. • Alley operations — The proposed changes by MidCountry Bank are compatible with the City's long term vision for one -way alley operation. One -way flow in the alley, northbound from 3rd and southbound from 2" d, with both movements exiting easterly to Hassan Street is workable for passenger vehicles and single unit trucks. Large trucks in the alley may need to exit the block in the opposite (wrong way) direction. Management of this operation should be further studied by the City. • Other considerations — MidCountry Bank should continue to work with the City to determine how the air tube conveyance system should be planned (underground versus overhead) Attachments: Additional Parking Options Proposed Alley and Parking Lot Reconfiguration Single Unit Trucks (SU -30) Turning Movements Semi - Trucks (WB -62) Turning Movements pAfj\h\hutch \common\mid country bank \final midcountry bank memo 062314. docx HASSAN ST. S.E. LEGION TOTAL 7WE p ®�l Y � I u IL p z - is ..® i. 4 � L W do L4 Id f z /A, A I + I I w A i L� M N N 'I N N O�ti y IL tic N0. BY DATE REVISIONS I NEARBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BV ME OR DRAWN BY: CM DN ➢ER MY ➢IRECT PDRERVIPION AND THAT I AM A PULP LICENSE➢ SHEET PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER DNBER THE F-A OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Cityof PROPOSED ALLEY � PARKING LOT RECONFIGURATION 2ND AVE SE TO 3RD AVE SE DESIGNED BY.CM/KE ALTERNATIVE NO. 1 APPROVED BY HE PRINTED E BASE OF PRINTED HNAME L]L. NO. 0 IF � n SCALE HASSAN ST, SE, FEE, Ln L a cd C GO o PE PE 0 �� o Ln Cu DRAWN D xxxxxx oesc "EO By, xxxx APPROPEB BY: Kf P s Io s o A. "ESOFA UROFR SY pAREFT INEEP UP 11 AND THAT OF RHE DULY STATE PRINTETRNAME xE "T ExMER E,B. "T. Qz9BT City of, XX LETTING N0. X CITY PROJECT NO. x —X TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION SU -30 TURNING MOVEMENTS 11 IT XX OF XX Pt IF � SCALE FEE, HASSAN ST, SE, Ln a m Cu o 0 o ED Ln cu cu DRAWN er, xxxxxx oesicNEO Rw xxxx APPreovEO By Ke NO Ey DATE PROFESSIONAL pARE ET INFER UND AND THAT P] FAM reHE PE EY ELIOENMIN s .o N� s o A, NESO1A PRINTEDRNAME xENT ExNER �,�. N0. Qz9AT Cttynf A w XX LETTING NO. X CITY PROJECT NO. x —X TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION WB -62 TURNING MOVEMENTS SHEET XX OF XX k.[7 Fi Fvni.nu Batt Fi 13d' AR) HAUGEN RcHMECTUxE.INr: MidCounry Sank t�--I �u Afchgal,art MumL,g RdapM•e Reus[ a �novatlon Drive -up Facility Hutchinson, Minnesota 59L1iH RF t�nn (SECCIlU A4E NEE SC�VTHEAS�._,_ CITY OF HUTCHINSON MCLEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 14304 RESOLUTION ADOPTING FINDINGS OF FACT AND REASONS FOR DENIAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A DRIVE THROUGH FOR MIDCOUNTRY BANK AT 210 HASSAN ST SE, HUTCHINSON, MN. FACTS 1. The City of Hutchinson is currently the owner of the municipal parking lot located at 210 Hassan St. SE; and, 2. The subject property is legally described as: Lots 1 & 2 & N 18' of Lot, Block 27, Townsite of Hutchinson, South Half MidCountry Bank has applied to the City for a conditional use permit and site plan approval to allow construction of a 3 station drive through for their operations located at 210 Hassan St. SE, Hutchinson MN. 4. The Planning Commission met on July 16, 2014 and held a public hearing on the request and considered the effects of the proposal on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, and hereby recommends denial of the request due to the following findings and conditions: a. The standards for granting a conditional use permit would not be met. b. The proposed impacts to current traffic flow appear to increase congestion and possible driver confusion in the alley way and at the proposed north entrance served by 2nd Ave. SE. C. The proposed drive - through egress onto Hassan St. SE is in such close proximity to the intersection of 2nd Ave. SE and Hassan St. SE that it would create difficulty for patrons to exit to 2nd Ave. SE. 5. The City Council of the City of Hutchinson reviewed the requested conditional use permit and site plan approval at its meeting on July 22, 2014, and has considered the recommendation and findings of the Planning Commission and hereby does recommend denial of the conditional use permit, subject to the following findings and conditions: a. The standards for granting a conditional use permit would not be met. b. The proposed impacts to current traffic flow appear to increase congestion and possible driver confusion in the rear alley and at the proposed north entrance served by 2nd Ave. SE. C. The proposed drive - through egress onto Hassan St. SE is in such close proximity to the intersection of 2nd Ave. Se and Hassan St. SE that it would create difficulty for patrons to exit to 2nd Ave. SE. APPLICABLE LAW Findings of Fact — Resolution # 14281 Disabled American Veterans CUP Page 2 6. The conditional use permit request does not meet the following standards as required in Section 154.170 of the City of Hutchinson Municipal Code: (a) The proposed building or use at the particular location requested is necessary or desirable to provide a service or a facility which is in the interest of the public convenience and will contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood or community; (b) The proposed building or use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare; and (c) The proposed building or use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations. CONCLUSIONS OF THE LAW 7. The requested conditional use permit is consistent with the comprehensive plan. 8. The proposed use will likely have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare. 9. The proposed use is not designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, that the application to issue a conditional use permit and site plan approval to allow construction of a drive through for operations of the MidCountry Bank located at 210 Hassan St. SE, Hutchinson MN is denied. Adopted by the City Council this 22nd day of July, 2014. ATTEST: Marc Sebora City Administrator Steven W. Cook Mayor HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci=V�f� Request for Board Action 79 M-W Agenda Item: Caterer's Permit - J &N Schlagel Enterprise II Ltd. Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/22/2014 Application Complete Yes Contact: Marc A. Sebora Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Marc A. Sebor Reviewed by Staff ✓❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: J &N Schlagel Enterprise II Ltd. has submitted a caterer's permit application into Administration for review and processing. The applicant would like to provide liquor catering services on August 23, 2014, at the Hutchinson Event Center. The applicant meets statutory requirements and City requirements to hold a caterer's license. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve caterer's permit to J &N Schlagel Enterprise II Ltd. on August 23, 2014. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: I I l 11assan Street Southeast Hutchinson, MN 55354 (3 20) 587- 5 15 11Fax! (3 20) 234 -4240 CITY OF HUTCHINSON CATERER'S PERMIT APPLICATION License Fees Annual $300.00 One-Time $100.04 To obtain a Caterer's Permit, applicant must currently hold a valid retail on -sale intoxicating liquor license at a restaurant. All liquor laws and rules apply to both the on -sale license as well as this caterer's permit. Liquor liability and workers compensation insurance are mandatory and a certificate showing off premises coverage must accompany this application for a caterer's permit. Cancellation or suspension of the on -sale license invalidates the caterer's permit also. Only the licensee holding the caterer's permit shall provide food and liquor at catered events. .4pplicani Name (Individual, Partnership. Corporation (If Corporation stale fidl corporate name) DOB social. Security # -_1%e__.&e_ AX�e 'Trade Name or DBA of Restaurant ? Qo &)e 14 Address of'Reslourant Telephone City or county where on -sale license isseeed�� Wv- 4 i�Ve,,J Ce #,4.1_ Locution of Event Date(s) of went I certify that the above information provided by the applicant is true, complete, correct and made in good faith and agree to comply with the above paragraph's requirements and all other applicable law in the use of the caterer's permi •taco Signature — Authorized Applicant Date Print Full Name of Person Signing Please attach the following documents to this form: 1} A copy ofthe applicant's caterer's permit issued by the State of Minnesota 2) A copy of the applicant's valid on -sale intoxicating liquor license 3) A copy ofthe applicant's valid restaurant license issued by the Health Department 4} A certificate of liquor liability insurance that states "off premises coverage included" {No applications, binders or declarations]. 5) Check or money order payable to the City of Hutchinson /p�. fd —711114 Ci-M 'j/ ? 17 /_: ILicenseslApplicationslCaterer 's Pennit.doc 902 ) &: CATERERS s PE RM I 'r TS I u e 3 E'n t fl, 0'� 0 d 130d St. al w i t e d 9 MN rn, -" C.) r-- PURS IIAI BEEN fSSUE�D THfS LICI-'NSLjpEzj2h4l,r STXI,,-, -'sojA 0112 MWNJ� UAN"To"ITNNESOTA ST�4�'rUTF-'S CHAPTER 340A AND RELATEID C RE , U ]_AT, 0 4 /,w/,,I & CrrrnGlilj T ENS $ 2,600.00 State of Minnesota County of McLeod No. 2014-02 City of Winsted Liquor License "On Sale" PURSUANT TO APPLICATION THEREFORE, payment of a fee of $ 2,600.00, and upon investigatign and satisfactory evidence of the qualification of the license, herein named to receive the same and that the place of sale hereinafter described. is a proper and legal place therefore, LICENSE IS HERESY GRANTED To J & N Sehiagel Enterprises ll, Ltd for the term of One (1) Year from the 151 day of July, 2014 through the 34th day of June, 2415, TO SELL INT XICATING LIQUORS as defined by law AT RETAIL ONLY FOR CONSUMPTION "ON PREMISES" described as 320 - 3rd Street South Winsted, Minnesota 55395 IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF WINSTED in said County and State, at which premises said licensee controls ald operates a Liquor Establishment as defined by law; subject, however, to the laws of the United States, the laws of the State of Minnesota, the regulations and ordinances of said municipality, and the rules and regulations of the LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISIONER, relating to the sale and distribution of intoxicating liquors, hereby made a part hereof, and subject to revocation according to law for violation thereof. This license is non - transferable except by consent of the authority issuing the same. WITNESS THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF WINSTED and the seal thereof thi' 201h day of May, 2014. The City Council of the City of Winsted iA By� __ - A� "t­::_S_ Steve Stotko, Mayor i Attest: RQOO y Kirchoff, Dep Ay, City Cler -,T ensurer w IVI'mN N D'JART MUNT of H EALTH NOT TRAN,3FERABLE. ri 5 lri., e, t North PQ. Box 134 975 AS TO PERSON OR PLACE 1)5,164-0975 1 201 -4; 0.5, -HE - 'ERATI' jo -:es 'I ervie -! L I C-.E?11!-, B -is p . e-3 - F B I Flospital4yFee, Fee Paid: S722-50 224 :}C; H--zj J H RIJ Fl3)TAr3J-1,S;,lMF-NT kfAME lrrpf:, -, 11 LIT) i 11e P I Note 120 3rd Street S,'-LJth VV[Ju5tecl, Minnesota 5-5395 C-)Untv: Mr:Leod ►Q CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 4,24;20 4UYYYYI THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER($), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER KIM L BROWN INC PO Box 25407 Woodbury, MN 55125 www.klbins.com CLNTAOT Kim L Brown PHONE ( 651) 730 -9803 Ne,. {651} 578 -2427 E-MAIL kim lns . com ADDRESS- INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAICs Illinois Casualty Company 15571 INSURED Blue Note Ballroom & Bar J & N Schlagel Enterprises II 320 3rd St. South P.O. Sox 847 Winsted NIN 55395 INSURER COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS-MACE El OCCUR INSURER INSURER E EACH OCCURRENCE INSURER F COVERAGES CFRTIFICATF NtJMRFR' RFVIRION NLJMRFR- THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BE LOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWTHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE I AUTHORIZED REPRESENT F 320 -485 -2858 POLICY E Y LICY Y LIMITS ]{ COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS-MACE El OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE s 1,000,000 PREMISES fEa occurrence $ 100,000 MEDEXP An one person) $ excluded A BP30976 7/1/Z014 /1/2015 PERSONAL&ADVINJURY s 1,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LI M IT APP LI E$ PER POLICY PRO, ❑ J RO, LOC GENERAL AGGREGATE s 2,000,000 PRODUCTS • COMPIOP AGG s 0 0 4 0 0 0 $ OTHER AUTOMOBILELJABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ ANYAUTO ALL OWN ED SCHEDULED AUTOS AUTOS BODILY INJURY (Per accident} $ PROPERTY DAMAGE $ NON -OWNED HIRED AUTOS AUTOS a UMBRELLA OAS OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ AGGREGATE $ EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE ED RETENTION WORKERS COMPENSATION PER O A AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETORIPARTNEafEXECUTIVE OFFICERROEMBER EXCLUDED? NIA WC13454 7/1/2014 /1/2015 EL.EACHACCIDENT $ 500,400 E.L. DISEASE • EA EMPLOYEE $ (Mandatory In NHI If yes, desaioe untllr DESCRI PTI TIONG below .L. DISEASE - POLIO 5 0 0 4 n v J , 0 VV A Liquor Liability LL92109 7/1/2014 /1/2015$500,000 OCC. unlimited aggregate DESCRIPTION OP OPERATIONS 1LOCATI0NSI VEHICLES (AC 0RD 101. Add ilional Remarks Sched ale, may be attached it more space is required) Includes coverage for all events including off premise for food and liquor. CFRTIFICATE HOLDFR r.ANI'.F1 I ATInN City of Winsted SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE PO Box 126 THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF. NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Winsted, MN 55395 ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS Attn: Raquel AUTHORIZED REPRESENT F 320 -485 -2858 ® 1988 -2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (201410 1) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci=V�f� Request for Board Action 79 M-W Agenda Item: Consideration for Approval of Reaffirming City Data Practices Policy Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/22/2014 Application Complete N/A Contact: Marc A. Sebora Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Marc A. Sebora Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: In accordance with Minnesota law, the City must update or reaffirm its Data Practices policy by August 1 of each year. The policy has been reviewed and no updates or revisions are being recommended. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve reaffirmation of City Data Practices policy. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: City of Hutchinson Guidelines and Procedures For the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act City of Hutchinson Data Practices Procedures Table of Contents Subj ect Page 1. Introduction ................................................ ............................... 4 2. Responsible Authority .................................... ..............................4 3. Access to Public Data ..................................... ..............................4 A. People Entitled to Access ............................. ..............................5 B. Form of Request ........................................ ..............................5 C. Time Limits ............................................ ............................... 5 D. Fees ...................................................... ..............................5 4. Access to Data on Individuals ............................ ..............................5 A. People Entitled to Access ............................... ............................5,6 B. Form of Request ...................................... ............................... 6 C. Identification of Requesting Party ................... ..............................6 D. Time Limits ............................................. ..............................7 E. Fees ....................................................... ..............................7 F. Summary Data .......................................... ..............................7 G. Juvenile Records ......................................... ............................7,8 5. Denial of Access ............................................ ..............................8 6. Collection of Data on Individuals ........................ ..............................9 7. Challenge to Data Accuracy .............................. ..............................9 8. Data Protection ............................................. ..............................9 A. Accuracy and Currency of Data .................... ............................... 9,10 B. Data Safeguards ........................................ .............................10 Exhibits Page 1. List of Designees ............................................ .............................11 2. Data Request /Cost Calculation Form ..................... .............................12 3. Photocopying Charges ...................................... .............................13 4. Consent to Release Private Data ........................... .............................14 5. Information Disclosure Request ........................... .............................15 6. Access and Nondisclosure Agreement ...................... ..........................16,17 7. Notice to Juveniles .......................................... .............................18 8. Data Practices Advisory (Tennessen Warning) ......... .............................19 9. Contract Language, Outside Agents ..................... .............................20 Appendix Letter Nonpublic, Private & Confidential Data Maintained by the City .....................A CITY OF HUTCHINSON DATA PRACTICES PROCEDURES 1. Introduction. These procedures are adopted to comply with the requirements of the Minnesota Data Practices Act (the "Act "), specifically Minn. Stat. Sec. 13.025; 13.03, Subd. 2 and 13.05, Subd. 5 and 8. 2. Responsible Authority. The person who is the responsible authority for compliance with the Act is the City Administrator. The responsible authority has designated certain other City employees to assist in complying with the act. These designees are listed on attached Exhibit 1. 3. Access to Public Data. All information maintained by the City is public unless there is a specific statutory designation, which gives it a different classification. Categories of classification are as follows: Data on Individuals* Data on Decendents Data not on Individuals* MS 13.02, Subd. 5 MS 13.10, Subd. 1 MS 13.02, Subd. 4 Public Accessible to anyone MS 13.02, Subd. 15 Public Accessible to anyone MS 13.02, Subd. 15 Public Accessible to anyone MS 13.02, Subd. 14 Private Private * * Nonpublic Assessible to the data Assessible to the Accessible to the data Subject; Not accessible representative of the subject; Not accessible To the public decendent; Not accessible to the public To the public MS 13.02, Subd 12 MS 13.10, Subd 1B MS 13.02, Subd 9 Confidential Confidential ** Protected Nonpublic Not accessible to the Not accessible to the Not accessible to the data subject; Not representative of the data subject; Not accessible to the public decendent; Not accessible accessible to the Public to the public MS 13.02, Subd. 3 MS 13.10, Subd. IA MS 13.02, Subd. 13 *Individual is defined at MS 13.02, subdivision 8. Individual means a living human being. It does not mean any type of entity created by law, such as a corporation. * * Private and confidential data on decedents become public data ten years after the death of the data subject and 30 years after the creation of the data. A. People Entitled to Access. Any person has the right to inspect and copy public data. The person also has the right to have an explanation of the meaning of the data. The person does not need to state his or her name or give the reason for the request. B. Form of Request. The request for public data may be verbal or written. C. Time Limits. Requests. Requests will be received and processed only during normal business hours. Response._ If copies cannot be made at the time of the request, copies must be supplied as soon as reasonably possible. Fees. Fees may be charged only if the requesting person asks for a copy or electronic transmittal of the data. Fees will be charged according to the City's standard photocopying policy, attached as exhibit 2, unless significant time is required. In that case, the fee will include the actual cost of searching for, retrieving, and copying or electronically transmitting the data. The fee may include time necessary to separate public from non - public data. The responsible authority may also charge an additional fee if the copies have commercial value and are a substantial and discreet portion of a formula, compilation, program, process, or system developed with significant expenditure of public funds. This additional fee must be related to the actual development costs of the information. The responsible authority may also charge an additional fee if requested to certify the correctness or completeness of documents. 4. Access to Data on Individuals. Information about individual people is classified by law as public, private, or confidential. A list of the private and confidential information maintained by the City is contained in Appendix A. A. People Entitled to Access. Public information about an individual may be shown or given to anyone. Private information about an individual may be shown or given to: ► The individual, but only once every six months, unless a dispute has arisen or additional data has been collected. ►A person who has been given access by the express written consent of the data subject. This consent must be on the form attached as Exhibit 4, or a form reasonable similar. 10- People who are authorized access by the federal, state, or local law or court order. 10- People about whom the individual was advised at the time the data was collected. The identity of those people must be part of the Tennessen warning described below. 10,- People within the City staff, the City Council, and outside agents (such as attorneys) whose work assignments or responsibilities reasonably require access. * Confidential information may not be given to the subject of the data, but may be given or shown to: 10- People who are authorized access by federal, state, or local law or court order. 10,- People within the City staff, the City Council, and outside agents (such as attorneys) whose work assignments or responsibilities reasonably require access. B. Form or Request. Any individual may request information verbally or in writing if the City has stored data about that individual and whether the data is classified as public, private, or confidential. All requests to see or copy private or confidential information must be in writing. An Information Disclosure Request, attached as Exhibit 5, must be completed to document who requests and who receives this information. The responsible authority or designee must complete the relevant portions of the form. The responsible authority or designee may waive the use of this form if there is other documentation of the requesting party's identity, the information requested, and the City's response. C. Identification of Requesting Party. The responsible authority or designee must verify the identity of the requesting party as a person entitled to access. This can be through personal knowledge, presentation of written identification, comparison of the data subject's signature on a consent form with the person's signature in City records, or other reasonable means. D. Time Limits. *Requests. Requests will be received and processed only during normal business hours. *Response. The response must be immediate, if possible, or within 5 working days, if an immediate response is not possible. The City may have an additional 5 working days to respond if it notifies the requesting person that it cannot comply within 5 days. E. Fees. Fees may be charged in the same manner as for public information. F. Summary Data. Summary data is statistical records and reports derived from data on individuals but which does not identify an individual by name or any other characteristic that could uniquely identify an individual. Summary data derived from private or confidential data is public. The responsible authority or designee will prepare summary data upon request, if the request is in writing and the requesting party pays for the cost of the preparation. G. The responsible authority or designee must notify the requesting party about the estimated costs and collect these costs before preparing or supplying the summary data. This should be done within 10 days after receiving the request. If the summary data cannot be prepared within 10 days, the responsible authority must notify the requester of the anticipated time schedule and the reason for the delay. Summary data may be prepared by "blacking out" personal identifiers, cutting out portions of the records that contain personal identifiers, programming computers to delete personal identifiers, or other reasonable means. The responsible authority may ask an outside agency or person to prepare the summary data if (1) the specific purpose is given in writing (2) the agency or person agrees not to disclose the private or confidential data, and (3) the responsible authority determines that access by this outside agency or person will not compromise the privacy of the private or confidential data. The responsible authority may use the form attached as Exhibit 6. H. Juvenile Records. The following applies to private (not confidential) data about people under the age of 18. *Parental Access. In addition to the people listed above who may have access to private data, a parent may have access to private information about a juvenile subject. "Parent" means the parent or guardian of a juvenile data subject, or individual acting as a parent or guardian in the absence of a parent or guardian. The parent if presumed to have this right unless the responsible authority or designee has been given evidence that there is a state law, court order, or other legally binding document, which prohibits this right. *Notice to Juvenile. Before requesting private data from juveniles, city personnel must notify the juveniles that they may request that the information not be given to their parent(s). This notice should be in the form attached as Exhibit 7. *Denial of Parental Access. The responsible authority or designee may deny parental access to private data when the juvenile requests this denial and the responsible authority or designee determines that withholding the data would be in the best interest of the juvenile. The request from the juvenile must be in writing, stating the reasons for the request. In determining the best interest of the juvenile, the responsible authority or designee will consider: • Whether the juvenile is of sufficient age and maturity to explain the reasons and understand the consequences, • Whether denying access may protect the juvenile from physical or emotional harm, • Whether there are reasonable grounds to support the juvenile's reasons and • Whether the data concerns medical, dental, or other health services provided under Minnesota Statute Sections 144.341 to 144.347. If so, the data may be released only if failure to inform the parent would seriously jeopardize the health of the minor. The responsible authority or designee may also deny parental access without a request from the juvenile under Minnesota Statute Section 144.335. 5. Denial of Access. If the responsible authority or designee determines that the requested data is not accessible to the requesting party, the responsible authority or designee must inform the requesting party orally at the time of the request or in writing as soon after that as possible. The responsible authority or designee must give the specific legal authority, including statutory section, for withholding the data. The responsible authority or designee must place an oral denial in writing upon request. This must also include the specific legal authority for the denial. 6. Collection of Data on Individuals. The collection and storage of information about individuals will be limited to that necessary for the administration and management of the programs specifically authorized by the state legislature, city council, or federal government. When an individual is asked to supply private or confidential information about the individual, the City employees requesting the information must give the individual a Tennessen warning. This warning must contain the following: • The purpose and intended use of the requested data, • Whether the individual may refuse or is legally required to supply the requested data, • Any known consequences from supplying or refusing to supply the information, and • The identity of other persons or entities authorized by state or federal law to receive the data. A Tennessen warning is not required when an individual is requested to supply investigative data to a law enforcement officer. A Tennessen warning may be on a separate form or may be incorporated into the form which requests the private or confidential data. See attached Exhibit 8. 7. Challenge to Data Accuracy. An individual who is the subject of public or private may contest the accuracy or completeness of that data maintained by the City. The individual must notify the City's responsible authority in writing describing the nature of the disagreement. Within 30 days, the responsible authority or designee must respond and either (1) correct the data found to be inaccurate or incomplete and attempt to notify past recipients of inaccurate or incomplete data, including recipients named by the individual, or (2) notify the individual that the authority believes the data to be correct. An individual who is dissatisfied with the responsible authority's action may appeal to the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Administration, using the contested case procedures under Minnesota Statues Chapter 14. The responsible authority will correct any data if so ordered by the Commissioner. 8. Data Protection. A. Accuracy and Currency of Data. • All employees will be requested, and given appropriate forms, to provide updated personal information to the appropriate supervisor, City Administrator, or Finance Director, which is necessary for tax, insurance, emergency notification, and other personnel purposes. Other people who provide private or confidential information will also be encouraged to provide updated information when appropriate. • Department heads should periodically review forms used to collect data on individuals to delete items that are not necessary and to clarify items that may be ambiguous. • All records must be disposed of according to the State of Minnesota General Records Retention Schedule. B. Data Safeguards. *Private and confidential information will be stored in files or databases which are not readily accessible to individuals who do not have authorized access and which will be secured during hours when the offices are closed. *Only those employees whose job responsibilities require them to have acess will be allowed access to files and records that contain private or confidential information. These employees will be instructed to: • Not to discuss, disclose, or otherwise release private or confidential data to City employees whose job responsibilities do not require access to the data. • Not leave private or confidential data where non - authorized individuals might see it, and • Shred private or confidential data before discarding. *When a contract with an outside party requires access to private or confidential information, the contracting party will be required to use and disseminate the information consistent with the Act. The City may include in a written contract the language contained in Exhibit 9. Exhibit 1 LIST OF DESIGNEES The Minnesota Data Practices Act establishes a system for compilation and distribution of data gathered by government agencies. All data collected and maintained by the City of Hutchinson ( "City ") is presumed public and is accessible to the public for both inspection and copying, unless classified as Private, Confidential, Nonpublic or Protected Nonpublic in accordance with Federal law, State Statute or a temporary classification. The City of Hutchinson has appointed the following position to administer this system. Responsible Authority City Administrator City of Hutchinson 111 Hassan St. SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320) 587 -5151 Positions appointed as Designees in system administration are as follows: Hutchinson Utilities Commission Records (gas and electric records) Police Records Official Records Clerk General Manager Hutchinson Utilities Commission 225 Michigan St. SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320) 587 -4746 Chief of Police Hutchinson Police Department 10 Franklin St. S. Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320) 587 -2242 City Administrator City of Hutchinson 111 Hassan St. SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Other positions responsible for maintenance of City Records are as apparent or assigned. Exhibit 2 DATA REQUEST COST CALCULATION FORM Fees charged are in accordance with Minn. Statute Section 13.03 (3) Date of Request: Description of information requested: (Please be specific) Costs for duplication of standard materials are included on Exhibit 3. Please use this section to calculate fees for other data requests. Estimated Cost Actual Cost A. LABOR X # Hours Hourly Rate X #Hours Hourly Rate B. PHOTOCOPY X Rate #Pages C. MAILING X D. PRINTING COSTS E. OTHER COSTS (May include computer time, programming, terminal access, microfilming, document certification and any other costs not listed above.) 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL CHARGES AMOUNT TO BE PREPAID (50% of est. total if exceeds $50) AMOUNT DUE UPON COMPLETION PREPARED BY: DEPARTMENT: DATE: Exhibit 3 Photocopying Charges The following rates shall apply for request of standard materials: STANDARD CHARGES Photo Copies 25 cents /page Document Research $25 /hour MN Statute 13.03 Subd. 3. Request for access to data. (a) Upon request to a responsible authority or designee, a person shall be permitted to inspect and copy public government data at reasonable times and places, and, upon request, shall be informed of that data's meaning. If a person requests access for the purpose of inspection, the responsible authority may not assess a charge or require the requesting person to pay a fee to inspect data. (b) For purposes of this section, "inspection" includes but is not limited to, the visual inspection of paper and similar types of government data. Inspection does not include printing copies by the government entity, unless printing a copy is the only method to provide for inspection of the data. (c) The responsible authority or designee shall provide copies of public data upon request. If a person requests copies or electronic transmittal of the data to the person, the responsible authority may require the requesting person to pay the actual costs of searching for and retrieving government data, including the cost of employee time, and for making copies, certifying, compiling, and electronically transmitting the copies of the data, but may not charge for separating public from nonpublic data. If the responsible authority is not able to provide copies at the time a request is made, copies shall be supplied as soon as reasonably possible. Exhibit 4 CONSENT TO RELEASE PRIVATE DATA I, , authorize the City of Hutchinson to release the following private data about me: To the following person or people: The person or people receiving the private data may use it only for the purpose or purposes: This authorization is dated and expires on The expiration cannot exceed one year from the date of the authorization, except in the case of authorizations given in connection with applications for life insurance or non - cancelable or guaranteed renewable health insurance and identified as such, two years after the date of the policy. I agree to give up and waive all claims that I might have against the City, its agents and employees for releasing data pursuant to this request. Signature Identity Verified By: Witness: X Identification: Driver's License, State ID, Passport, other: Comparison with signature on file Other: Responsible Authority/Designee: Exhibit 5 INFORMATION DISCLOSURE REQUEST Minnesota Government Data Practices Act A. Completed by Requester Name (Last, First, MI) Date of Request Street Address Phone Number City, State, Zip Signature Description of the information requested: attach additional sheets if necessary) B. Completed by the City of Hutchinson Handled by: Information classified as: Public Non - Public Private Protected Non - Public Confidential Action: Approved Approved in part (Explain Below) Denied (Explain Below) Remarks or basis for denial including MN Statute if applicable: Charges: None Photocopy: Pages x cents = Special Rate: Explanation: Other: Explanation: Identify Verified for Private Information: Identification: Driver's License, Etc. Comparison with Signature on File Personal Knowledge Other: Authorized Signature Date Exhibit 6 GOVERNMENT DATA ACCESS AND NONDISCLOSURE AGREEMENT 1. AUTHORIZATION. City of Hutchinson ( "City ") hereby authorizes ( "Authorized Party ") access to the following government data: 2. PURPOSE. Access to this government data is limited to the objective of creating summary data for the following purpose: COST. (Check which applies): The Authorized Party is the person who requested the summary data and agrees to bear the City's costs associated with the preparation of the data which has been determined to be $ The authorized Party has been requested by the City to prepare summary data and will be paid in accordance with Attached Exhibit 4. SECURITY. The Authorized Party agrees that if it and any employees or agents under its control must protect the privacy interests of individual data subjects in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. The Authorized Party agrees to remove all unique personal identifiers which could be used to identify any individual from data classified by state or federal law as not public which is obtained from City records and incorporated into reports, summaries, compilations, articles, or any document or series of documents. Data contained in files, records, microfilm, or other storage media maintained by the City are the City's property and are not to leave the City's custody. The Authorized Party agrees not to make reproductions of any data or remove any data from the site where it is provided, if the data can in any way identify an individual. No data which is not public and which is irrelevant to the purpose stated above will ever be disclosed or communicated to anyone by any means. The Authorized party warrants that the following named individual(s) will be the only person(s) to participate in the collection of the data described above: 5. LIABILITY FOR DISCLOSURE. The Authorized party is liable for any unlawful use or disclosure of government data collected, used and maintained in the exercise of this agreement and is classified as not public under state or federal law. The Authorized Party understands that it may be subject to civil or criminal penalties under those laws. The Authorized party agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold the City, its officers and employees harmless from any liability, claims, damages, costs, judgements, or expenses, omission of the Authorized Party's failure to fully perform in any respect all obligations under this agreement. 6. INSURANCE. In order to protect itself as well as the City, the Authorized party agrees at all times during the term of this Agreement to maintain insurance covering the Authorized Party's activities under this Agreement. The insurance will cover $1,000,000 per claimant for personal injuries and /or damages and $1,000,000 per occurrence. The policy must cover the indemnification obligation specified above. 7. ACCESS PERIOD. The Authorized Party may have access to the information described above from to 8. SURVEY RESULTS. (Check which applies): If the Authorized Party is the requester, a copy of all reports, summaries, compilations, articles, publications or any document or series of documents that are created from the information provided under this agreement must be made available to the city in its entirety. If the Authorized Party is a contractor of the City, all copies of reports, summaries, compilations, articles, publications or any document or series of documents that are created from the information provided under this agreement must be provided to the City. The Authorized party may retain one copy for its own records but may not disclose it without City permission, except in defense of claims brought against it. AUTHORIZED PARTY: 0 Title (if applicable): CITY OF HUTCHINSON: IM Its: Date: Date: Exhibit 7 NOTICE TO PERSONS UNDER AGE 18 Some of the information you are asked to provide is classified as private under State Law. You have the right to request that some or all of the information not be given to one or both of your parents /legal guardians. Please complete the form below if you wish to have information withheld. Your request does not automatically mean that the information will be withheld. State law requires the City to determine if honoring the request would be in your best interest. The City is required to consider: • Whether you are of sufficient age and maturity to explain the reasons and understand the consequences, • Whether denying access may protect you from physical or emotional harm, • Whether there is reasonable grounds to support your reasons, and • Whether the data concerns medical, dental, or other health service provided under Minnesota Statues Sections 144.341 to 144.347. If so, the data may be released only if failure to inform the parent would seriously jeopardize your health. NOTICE GIVEN TO: BY: (Name) DATE: REQUEST TO WITHHOLD INFORMATION I request that the following information: Be withheld from: For these reasons: Date: Signature: Print Name: (Title) Exhibit 8 DATA PRACTICES ADVISORY (Tennessen Warning) Some or all of the information that you are asked to provide on the attached form is classified by State law as either private or confidential. Private data is information that generally cannot be given to the public but can be given to the subject of the data. Confidential data is information that generally cannot be given to either public or the subject of the data. Our purpose and intended sue of this information is: You are are not legally required to provide this information. If you refuse to supply the information, the following may happen: Other persons or entities authorized by law to receive this information are: Exhibit 9 CONTRACT PROVISION Data Practices Compliance. Contractor will have access to data collected or maintained by the City to the extent necessary to perform Contractor's obligation under this contract. Contractor agrees to maintain all data contained from the City in the same manner as the City is required under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. Chap. 13 (the Act). Contractor will not release or disclose the contents of data classified as not public to any person except at the written direction of the City. Contractor agrees to defend and indemnify the city from any claim, liability, damage or requirements of the Act or this contract. Upon termination of this contract, Contractor agrees to return data to the City as requested by the City. APPENDIX A NONPUBLIC, PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL DATA MAINTAINED BY THE City of Hutchinson 1. PERSONNEL DATA (PRIVATE) Generally dall data about people who are or were an employee, applicant for employment, volunteer, independent contractor, or member of or applicant for a board or commission is private, with the exceptions noted below. Public Data — Applicants The following data on current and former applicants is public: * Veteran Status * Relevant test scores * Rank on eligible list * Education and training * Work availability * Name, after being certified as eligible for appointment to a vacancy or when considered a finalist for a position of public employment (which occurs when the person has been selected to be interviewed by the appointing authority) * Names and addresses of applicants for appointment to and members of an advisory board or commission. Public Data — Employees The following data on current and former employees, volunteers, independent contractors, and members of advisory boards and commissions are public: * Name * Actual gross salary * Salary range * Contract fees * Actual gross pension * Value and nature of employer paid fringe benefits * Basis for and the amount of added remuneration, including expense reimbursement, in addition to salary * Job title * Job Description * Education and training background * Previous work experience * Date of first and last employment * The existence and status (but not nature) of any complaints or charges against the employee, regardless of whether the complaint or charge resulted in a disciplinary action * Terms of any agreement settling any dispute arising from the employment relationship, including a "buyout" agreement. * Work location * Work telephone number * Badge number * Honors and awards received * Payroll time sheets or other comparable data that are only used to account for employee's work time for payroll purposes, except to the extent that release of time sheet data would reveal the employee's reasons for the use of sick or other medical leave or other non- public data. * City and county of residence Undercover Law Enforcement Officer All personnel data about an undercover law enforcement officer is private until no longer assigned to those duties. Then the officer is subject to the same rules applicable to other employees unless the law enforcement agency determines that revealing the data would threaten the officer's safety or jeopardize an active investigation. Access by Labor Organizations Personnel data may be given to labor organizations and the Bureau of Mediation Services to the extent this it is necessary to conduct elections, notify employees of fair share fee assessments, or to implement state labor laws. Employee Assistance Programs All data associated with employee assistance programs is private. Harassment When there is a harassment complaint against an employee, the employee may not have access to data that would identify the complainant or other witnesses if the data would threaten the personal safety of the complainant or witness, or subject the complainant or witness to harassment. However, this information will be provided to the employee in order for him /her to prepare for a disciplinary proceeding that has been initiated. Peer Counseling Debriefing Data acquired by a peer group member in a public safety peer counseling debriefing is private data on the person being debriefed. Protection of Employee or Others If it is reasonably necessary to protect an employee from harm to self or to protect another person who may be harmed by the employee, information that is relevant to the safety concerns may be released to (1) the person who may be harmed or to the person's attorney when relevant to obtaining a restraining order, (2) a prepetition screening team in the commitment process, or (3) a court, law enforcement agency or prosecuting authority. 2. PROPERTY COMPLAINT DATA (CONFIDENTIAL). Minn. Stat. 13.44 The identities of individuals who register complaints concerning violations of state laws or local ordinances concerning the use of real property. 3. PLANNING QUESTIONAIRES (PRIVATE). Minn. Stat. 13.59 Names, addresses, and legal descriptions of property, that are collected in questionnaires or surveys of individuals and businesses for the purposes of planning, development, or redevelopment. 4. SECURITY INFORMATION (Nonpublic). Minn. State. 13.37 Data which is disclosed would be likely to substantially jeopardize the security of information, possessions, individuals or property against the theft, tampering, improper use, attempted escape, illegal disclosure, trespass, or physical injury. This includes crime prevention programs and their home addresses and telephone numbers, but these may be disseminated to other volunteers participating in crime prevention programs. 5. ABSENTEE BALLOTS (Nonpublic). Minn. Stat. 13.37 Sealed absentee ballots before opening by an election judge. 6. SEALED BIDS (Nonpublic) Minn. Stat. 13.37 7. LABOR RELATIONS INFORMATION (Nonpublic). Minn. Stat. 13.37 Management positions on economic and non - economic items that have not been presented during the collective bargaining process or interest arbitration, including information collected or created to prepare the management position. 8. FIREARMS DATA (PRIVATE). Minn. Stat. 13.87 Data about the purchase or transfer of firearms and applications for permits to carry firearms. 9. EXAMINATION DATA (Nonpublic). Minn. Stat. 13.34 Completed versions of personnel and licensing examinations shall be accessible to the individual who completed the examination, unless the responsible authority determines that access would compromise the objectivity, fairness, or integrity of the examination process. 10. ELECTED OFFICIALS CORRESPONDENCE (PRIVATE). Minn. Stat. 13.601 Correspondence between individuals and elected officials is private data on individuals, but may be made pubic by either the sender or the recipient. 11. BENEFIT DATA (PRIVATE). Minn. Stat. 13.462 All data about individuals participating in the City's rehabilitation program. 12. CIVIL INVESTIGATIVE DATA. Minn. Stat. 13.39 13. APPRAISAL DATA (CONFIDENTIAL). Minn. Stat. 13.44 Appraisals made for the purpose of selling or acquiring land. 14. ASSESSOR'S DATA (PRIVATE). Minn. Stat. 13.51 Data on sales sheets from private multiple listing service organizations. Income information on individuals used to determine eligibility of property for class 4d under Minn. Stat. 273.13 and 273.126. The following data regarding income properties: • Detailed income and expense figure, • Average vacancy factors, • Verified net rentable or net useable areas, • Anticipated income and expenses, • Projected vacancy factor, and • Lease information Social Security Numbers (Minn. Stat. 13.355) 15. TRANSPORTATION SERVICE DATA (PRIVATE). Minn. Stat. 13.72 Personal, medical, financial, or locational information, except name of applicants or users of transportation services for the disabled or elderly. 16. RECREATION DATA (PRIVATE). Minn. Stat. 13.548 For people enrolling in recreational or other social programs: name, address, telephone number, any other data that identifies the individual, and any data which describes the health or medical condition of the individual, family relationships, living arrangements, and opinions as to the emotional makeup or behavior of an individual. 17. LAW ENFORCEMENT DATA. Minn. Stat. 13.80 & 13.82 Data collected under the domestic abuse act is confidential. The audio recording of a 911 call is private regarding the individual making the call, but written transcript is public. Certain arrest data, request for service data, and response or incident data is public, under Minn. Stat. 13.82. Otherwise, investigative data collected to prepare a case against a person for the commission of a crime or civil wrong is confidential while the investigation is active. Photographs that are part of inactive investigation files are private if they are clearly offensive to common sensibilities. Booking photographs are public. The identity of a victim of child abuse or neglect is private. The identity of a reporter of child abuse or neglect is confidential. Inactive investigative data that relates to the alleged abuse or neglect of a child by a person responsible for the child's care is private. Videotapes of child abuse victims may not be released under any circumstances without a court order. The following are private: • The identity of undercover law enforcement officers. • The identity of criminal sexual conduct victims. • The identity of certain informants. • The identity of victims, witnesses, people making 911 call whose personal safety or property would be threatened by disclosure. • The identity of a person making a 911 call to receive help in a mental health emergency. Unique descriptions of stolen, lost, confiscated, or recovered property are private. Identities of customers of licensed pawnshops and secondhand goods dealers are private. Detention data that would disclose personal, medical, psychological or financial information or endanger an individual's life is private data (Minn. Stat. 13.85). Criminal history data is private, except convictions of crimes within the past 15 years (Minn. Stat. 13.87) Deliberative processes or investigative techniques are confidential. 18. CITY ATTORNEY RECORDS. Minn. Stat. 13.393 Statutes, rules, and professional standards concerning discovery, production of documents, introduction of evidence, and professional responsibility govern the use, collection, storage, and dissemination of data by the city attorney. 19. COUNCIL MEETINGS HAVING DATA CLASSIFIED AS NONPUBLIC Minn. Stat. 13D.05 Subd. 2. When meeting must be closed: (a) any portion of a meeting must be closed if expressly required by other law or if the following types of data are discussed: I . data that would identify alleged victims or reporters of criminal sexual conduct, domestic abuse, or maltreatment of minors or vulnerable adults; 2. internal affairs data relating to allegations of law enforcement personnel misconduct collected or created by a state agency, statewide system, or political subdivision; or 3. educational data, health data, medical data, welfare data, or mental health data that are not public data. (b) A public body shall close one or more meetings for preliminary consideration of allegations or charges against an individual subject to its authority. If the members conclude that discipline of any nature may be warranted as a result of those specific charges or allegations, further meetings or hearings relating to those specific charges or allegations held after that conclusion is reached must be open. A meeting must also be open at the request of the individual who is the subject of the meeting. Subd. 3. When meeting may be closed. (a) a public body may close a meeting to evaluate the performance of an individual who is subject to its authority. The public body shall identify the individual to be evaluated prior to closing a meeting. At its next open meeting, the public body shall summarize its conclusions regarding the evaluation. A meeting must be open at the request of an individual who is the subject of the meeting. (b) Meetings may be closed if the closure is expressly authorized by statute or permitted by the attorney - client privilege. HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci=V�f� Request for Board Action 79 M-W Agenda Item: Items for 2014 Pavement Management Program Project (L3/P14 -03) Department: PW /Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/22/2014 Application Complete N/A Contact: Kent Exner Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Kent Exner Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: City staff requests that the City Council approve the appropriate Resolutions to set the Assessment Hearing and potential Project Award for the above referenced letting at their August 12th meeting. Construction bids will be received on Monday, July 21st. Thus, due to time constraints and Council packet submittal deadlines, the final drafts of the necessary Resolutions and associated documents reflecting the apparent low bid amount will be distributed immediately prior to the upcoming City Council meeting. Please note that the current project approval time frame will allow for City staff to review the construction bidding results and proposed project funding with the Resource Allocation Committee prior to the City Council's final consideration to award the project their July 21 st meeting. City staff has had ongoing communications with adjacent property owners in regards to the proposed project improvements and estimated special assessment amounts throughout the project development process. We recommend that the attached Resolutions be approved. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Resolutions Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 1,200,000.00 Total City Cost: $ 900,000.00 Funding Source: Bonding, Utility Funds Remaining Cost: $ 300,000.00 Funding Source: Improvement Special Assessments RESOLUTION NO. 14305 RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5110, 5110A, 5110B LETTING NO.3 /PROJECT NO. 14 -03 WHEREAS, cost has been determined for the improvement of. Dale Street SW from Century Avenue SW to CSAH 7, TH 15 Service Rd from Echo Drive SE to Hutchinson Health Center, Freemont Ave SE from TH15 to East Termini, Lynn Road SW from Clinton Avenue SW to South Grade Road SW and Michael Court NW and potentially other roadways by roadway mill /overlay, reclamation or reconstruction by construction of grading, curb & gutter, draintile, bituminous /concrete pavement, storm sewer, watermain, sanitary sewer, street lighting, restoration and appurtenances and South Grade Road Trail (adjacent to South Grade Rd near the Otter Lake bridge) and Century Avenue Trail Overlay (Dale St SW to TH15) by construction of grading, bituminous /concrete pavement, milling, street lighting, electronic crossing warning system, trail, sidewalk, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances; and the construction cost for such improvement is $965,659.22. With expenses incurred or to be incurred in the making of such improvement in the amount of $202,788.44, the total cost of the improvement is $1,168,447.66. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The portion of the cost of such improvement to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be $872,414.33 and the portion of the cost to be assessed against benefited property owners is declared to be $296,033.33. 2. Assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a proposed period of ten (10) years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 2015 and shall bear interest at the rate of percent per annum from November 1, 2014. 3. The City Administrator, with the assistance of the City Engineer, shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 4. The City Administrator shall, upon the completion of such proposed assessment, notify the Council thereof. Adopted by the Council this 22nd day of July 2014. Mayor City Administrator J . CITY OF HUTCHINSON, 111 HASSAN ST& HUTCHINSON MN 55350 320 - 234 -4209 BID TABULATION - CITY OF HUTCHIN7MN LETTING NO. 3 /PROJECT NO. 14 -03 2014 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT, SOUTH GRADE ROAD TRAIL & CENTURY AVENUE TRAIL BID OPENING: 05/21/2014 AT 11:00 AM ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $987,000.00 COMPLETION DATE: 11/07/2014 z LU U w a N ITEM DESCRIPTION z H z Q ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE Wm Mueller & Sons Inc 831 Park Ave P O Box 247 Hamburg MN 55339 952 -467 -2720 Fax 952-457-3894 coryh @wmmueller.com Knife River Corporation Joan Porter 4787 Shadow Wood Dr NE Sauk Rapids MN 56379 320 - 258 -2943 Fax 320 - 258 -2940 krcmn.subquotes @kniferive Duininck Inc 408 6th St P O Box 208 Prinsburg MN 56281 320 - 978 -6011 Fax 320-978-4978 estimator @duininck.com $995421.55 $965,659.22 $1,0 4 177.06 $1,136;530.66 BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BASE BID 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS 1.0 $17,250.00 $17,250.00 $26,000.00 $26,000.00 $35,00000 $35,000.00 $45,000.00 $45,000.00 2 2104.501 REMOVE CURB & GUTTER LF 601.0 $4.85 $2,914.85 $7.80 $4,687.80 $3.65 $2,193.65 $6.00 $3,606.00 3 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SY 67.0 $6.00 $402.00 $9.00 $603.00 $5.00 $335.00 $8.00 $536.00 4 21044505 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SY 148.0 $11.00 $1,628.00 $12.00 $1,776.00 $7.00 $1,036.00 $9.00 $1,332.00 5 2104.509 REMOVE HYDRANT EA 2.0 $400.00 $800.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $650.00 $1,300.00 6 2104.509 REMOVE CATCH BASIN EA 1.0 $285.00 $285.00 $250.00 $250.00 $50000 $500.00 $200.00 $200.00 7 2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS (FULL DEPTH) LF 340.0 $4.50 $1,530.00 $4.50 $1,530.00 $3.00 $1,020.00 $4.00 $1,360.00 8 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION (EV) (P) CY 65.0 $32.00 $2,080.00 $22.00 $1,430.00 $15.00 $975.00 $19.00 $1,235.00 9 21050501 COMMON EXCAVATION AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 7 (EV) (P) CY 1641.0 $18.00 $29,538.00 $7.65 $12,553.65 $1100 $21,333.00 $12.00 $19,692.00 10 2105.525 TOPSOIL BORROW (LV) CY 25.0 $32.00 $800.00 $55.00 $1,375.00 $35.00 $875.00 $29.00 $725.00 11 2105.541 SUBGRADE CORRECTION (CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE( (EV) CY 20.0 $48.00 $960.00 $36.00 $720.00 $30.00 $600.00 $27.00 $540.00 12 2105.541 SUBGRADE CORRECTION (RECLAIM AGGREGATE CLASS 7) (EV) CY 520.0 $18.00 $9,360.001 $13.40 $6,968.00 $20.00 $10,400.00 $8.00 $4,160.00 13 2112.604 SUBGRADE / BASE PREPARATION SY 17379.0 $1.95 $33,889.05 $3.60 $62,564.40 $1.40 $24,330.60 $2.10 $36,495.90 14 2211.500 RECLAIM AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 7 PRODUCTION (8" DEPTH) SY 16625.0 $1.60 $26,600.00 $1.15 $19,118.75 $1.65 $27,431.25 $2.08 $34,580.00 15 2211.503 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 (CV) (P) CY 90.0 $45.00 $4,050.00 $54.00 $4,860.00 $63.00 $5,670.00 $48.17 $4,335.30 16 2331.603 JOINT ADHESIVE LF 5689.0 $1.05 $5,973.45 $0.65 $3,697.85 $0.65 $3,697.85 $0.65 $3,697.85 17 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GA 1071.0 $3.85 $4,123.35 $4.00 $4,284.00 $2.50 $2,677.501 $2.40 $2,570.40 18 2360.503 TYPE SPWEA240C WEARING COURSE MIXTURE -1 %" SY 17361.0 $7.25 $125,867.25 $7.95 $138,019.95 $8.50 $147,568.50 $9.46 $164,235.06 19 2360.503 TYPE SPNWB230C NON - WEARING COURSE MIXTURE -2" SY 16885.0 $10.75 $181,513.75 $10.55 $178,136.75 $11.00 $185,735.00 $11.95 $201,775.75 20 2360.503 TYPE SPNW8230C NON - WEARING COURSE MIXTURE -41/2" SY 476.0 $42.00 $19,992.00 $26.20 $12,471.20 $35.00 $16,660.00 $29,141 $13,870.64 21 2502.541 4" PVC SDR 35 PERF PIPE (INC SOCK & BENDS) LF 1371.0 $8.50 $11,653.50 $5.81 $7,965.51 $15.50 $21,250.50 $15.00 $20,565.00 22 2503.573 4" DRAIN TILE SERVICE (INC PIPE, FITTINGS, REBAR, GRATE, & CURB TUNNELING) EA 1.0 $235.00 $235.00 $228.00 $228.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $385.00 $385.00 23 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER EA 1.0 $725.00 $725.001 $320.00 $320.00 $300.00 $300.00 $750.00 $750.00 24 2503.602 CONNECT PIPE DRAIN TO EXISTING DRAIN TILE EA 2.0 $165.00 $330.00 $126.00 $252.00 $350.00 $700.00 $300.00 $600.00 25 2503.602 CONNECT PIPE DRAIN TO EXISTING STRUCTURE EA 4.0 $350.00 $1,400.00 $220.00 $880.00 $400.00 $1,600.00 $30000 $1,200.00 26 2503.603 CLEAN PIPE SEWER LF 2180.0 $1.25 $2,725.00 $1.00 $2,180.00 $1.50 $3,270.00 $1 50 $3,270.00 27 2504.602 6" WET TAP EA 1.0 $3,600.00 $3,600.00 $3,376.00 $3,376.00 $3,500.00 $3,500.00 $3,98500 $3,985.00 28 2504.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN EA 2.0 $875.00 $1,750.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $780.00 $1,560.00 $1,80000 $3,600.00 29 2504.602 6 "HYDRANT EA 2.0 $3,600.00 $7,200.00 $4,625.00 $9,250.00 $4,975.00 $9,950.00 $5,58500 $11,170.00 30 2504.602 6" GATE VALVE EA 2.0 $1,450.00 $2,900.00 $1,172.00 $2,34400 $2,710.00 $5,420.00 $2,850.00 $5,700.00 31 2504.602 ADJUST GATE VALVE EA 1 4.0 $365.00 $1,460.00 $295.00 $1,180.00 $250.00 $1,000.00 $350.00 $1,400.00 32 2506.502 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 48 -4020 EA 1.0 $2,650.00 $2,650.00 $2,743.00 $2,743.00 $4,400.00 $4,400.00 $2,975.00 $2,975.00 33 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING MANHOLE EA 13.0 $685.00 $8,905.00 $690.00 $8,970.00 $500.00 $6,500.00 $73500 $9,555.00 34 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DESIGN B618 LF 601.0 $27.00 $16,227.00 $29.40 $17,669.40 $26.40 $15,866.40 $26.40 $15,866.40 35 2531.507 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SY 49.0 $76.00 $3,724.001 $72.00 $3,528.00 $60.00 $2,940.00 $60.00 $2,940.00 36 2531.604 CONCRETE CROSS GUTTER SY 17.0 $68.00 $1,156.00 $60.00 $1,020.00 $60.00 $1,020.00 $60.00 $1,02000 37 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LS 1.0 $8,500.00 $8,500.00 $13,000.00 $13,000.00 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 $7,271.00 $7,271.00 38 2565.616 REVISE SIGNAL SYSTEM SYSI 1.0 $3,800.00 $3,800.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $4,900.00 $4,900.00 $4,900.00 $4,900.00 39 25730530 INLET PROTECTION EA 16.0 $85.00 $1,360.00 $140.00 $2,240.00 $250.00 $4,000.00 $139.85 $2,237.60 40 2575.505 SODDING, TYPE LAWN SY 1 285.0 $8.50 $2,422.50 $24.001 $6,840.00 $6.50 $1,852.50 $6.50 $1,852.50 41 2582.502 4" SOLID LINE WHITE -EPDXY LF 5674.0 $4.50 $25,533 00 $0.54 $3,063.96 $0.54 $3,063.96 $0.54 $3,063.96 aye u' 4 J • CITY OF HUTCHINSON, 111 HASSAN ST HUTCHINSON MN 55350 320 - 234 -4209 BID TABULATION - CITY OF HUTCHINSTN LETTING NO. 3 /PROJECT NO. 14 -03 2014 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT, SOUTH GRADE ROAD TRAIL & CENTURY AVENUE TRAIL BID OPENING: 05/21/2014 AT 11:00 AM ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $987,000.00 COMPLETION DATE: 11/07/2014 z 2 LLJ U W a N ITEM DESCRIPTION H z > H F z Q CY ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE Wm Mueller & Sons Inc 831 Park Ave P O Box 247 Hamburg MN 55339 952 -467 -2720 Fax 952-457-3894 coryh @wmmueller.com Knife River Corporation Joan Porter 4787 Shadow Wood Dr NE Sauk Rapids MN 56379 320 - 258 -2943 Fax 320 - 258.2940 krcmn.subquotes @kniferive Duininck Inc 408 6th St P O Box 208 Prinsburg MN 56281 320.978 -6011 Fax 320-978-4978 estimator @duininck.com $995, 421.55 $965,659.22 $1,014,177.06 $1,136,530.66 BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL 42 2582.502 4" SOLID LINE YELLOW -EPDXY LF 168.0 $4.50 $756.00 $5.10 $856.80 $5.10 $856.80 $5.10 $856.80 43 2582.502 24" STOP LINE WHITE -EPXY LF 16.0 $12.00 $192.00 $11.25 $180.001 $11.25 $180.001 $11.25 $180.00 44 2582.502 24" SOLID LINE YELLOW -EPDXY LF 109.0 $12.00 $1,308.00 $11.25 $1,226.25 $11.25 $1,226.251 $11.25 $11226.25 45 2582.502 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW -EPDXY LF 2835.0 $9.00 $25,515.00 $1.08 $3,061.80 $1.08 $3,061.80 $1.08 $3,061.80 46 2582.502 4" BROKEN LINE YELLOW -EPDXY LF 100.0 $4.50 $450.00 $0.54 $54.00 $0.54 $54.00 $0.54 $54.00 47 2582.502 8" SOLID LINE WHIT -EPDXY LF 125.0 $9.00 $1,125.00 $10.15 $1,268.75 $10.15 $1,268.75 $10.15 $1,268.75 48 2582.618 ICROSSWALK MARKING -EPDXY SF 252.0 $7.25 $1,827.00 $10.45 $2,633.40 $1045 $2,633.40 $10.45 $2,633.40 TOTAL BASE BID - LETTING NO. 3 /PROJECT 14 -03 83258.0 $so8,s85.7o $585,377.22 $599,912.71 $654,834.36 ALTERNATE BID NO. 1 - FREEMONT AVENUE SE 1 20210501 MOBILIZATION LS 1.0 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $0600 $0.00 $16,000600 $16,000.00 2 2104.501 REMOVE CURB & GUTTER LF 60.0 $4.85 $291.00 $7.80 $468.00 $10.00 $600600 $8.00 $480600 3 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SY 56300 $6.00 $3,378.00 $6.00 $3,378.00 $5.00 $2,815.00 $6600 $3,378.00 4 2104.505 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SY 32.0 $11.00 $352.00 $12.00 $384.00 $10.00 $320.00 $12.00 $384.00 5 2104.511 SAWING CONCRETE (FULL DEPTH) LF 2560 $8.50 $212.50 $12.00 $300.00 $7600 $175.00 $8600 $200.00 6 2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS (FULL DEPTH) LF 160.0 $4.50 $720.00 $6.50 $1,040.00 $5.00 $800600 $4.00 $640.00 7 1 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 7 (EV) (P) CY 435.0 $18.001 $7,830.00 $7.65 $3,327.75 $13.001 $5,655.00 $12.00 $5,220.00 8 2105.541 SUBGRADE CORRECTION (RECLAIM AGGREGATE CLASS 7) (EV) CY 450.0 $18.00 $8,100.00 $13.40 $6,030.00 $20.00 $9,000600 $8.00 $3,600.00 9 21120604 SUBGRADE / BASE PREPARATION SY 4505.0 $1.95 $8,784.75 $3.60 $16,218.00 $1.50 $6,757.50 $2.10 $9,460.50 10 2211.500 RECLAIM AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 7 PRODUCTION (8" DEPTH) SY 4038.0 $1.60 $6,460.80 $1.15 $4,643.70 $2.30 $9,287.40 $1.91 $7,712.58 11 2211.503 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 (CV) (P) CY 4060 $45.00 $1,800.00 $54.00 $2,160.00 $63.00 $2,520.00 $54.02 $2,160.80 12 2331.603 JOINT ADHESIVE LF 2280.0 $1.05 $2,394.00 $0.65 $1,482.00 $0.65 $1,482.00 $0.65 $1,482.00 13 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GA 270.0 $3.85 $1,039.50 $4.001 $1,080.00 $2.50 $675.00 $2.40 $648.00 14 1 2360.503 TYPE SPWEA240C WEARING COURSE MIXTURE -1 %" SY 1 4505.0 $7.25 $32,661.25 $7.95 $35,814.75 $8.501 $38,292.50 $9.35 $42,121675 15 23600503 TYPE SPNWB230C NON - WEARING COURSE MIXTURE -2" SY 4505.0 $10.75 $48,428.75 $10.55 $47,527.75 $11.001 $49,555.00 $12.27 $55,276.35 16 2502.541 4" PVC SDR 35 PERF PIPE (INC SOCK & BENDS) LF 1730.0 $8.50 $14,705.00 $6.31 $10,916.30 $15.50 $26,815.00 $15.00 $25,950.00 17 2503.573 4" DRAIN TILE SERVICE (INC PIPE, FITTINGS, REBAR, GRATE, & CURB TUNNELING) EA 3.0 $235.00 $705.00 $228.00 $684.00 $800.00 $2,400.00 $385.00 $1,155.00 18 2503.602 CONNECT PIPE DRAIN TO EXISTING STRUCTURE EA 4.0 $350.00 $1,400.00 $220.00 $880.00 $400.00 $1,600.00 $300.00 $1,200.00 19 2503.603 CLEAN PIPE SEWER LF 653.0 $1.25 $816.25 $1.00 $653.00 $1.50 $979.50 $1.50 $979.50 20 2504.602 REMOVE AND REPLACE GATE VALVE -6" EA 2.0 $2,450.00 $4,900.00 $3,180.00 $6,360.00 $4,185.00 $8,370.00 $2,850.00 $5,700.00 21 2504.602 REMOVE AND REPLACE GATE VALVE -8" EA 1 1.0 $2,850.00 $2,850.00 $4,003.00 $4,003.00 $4,400.00 $4,400.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 22 2504.602 ADJUST GATE VALVE BOX EA 10 $365.00 $1,095.00 $295.00 $885.001 $250.00 $750.00 $350.00 $1,050.00 23 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING MANHOLE EA 6.0 $685.00 $4,110.00 $690.00 $4,140.00 $500.00 $3,000.00 $750.00 $4,500.00 24 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DESIGN B618 LF 60.0 $27.00 $1,620.00 $29.40 $1,764.00 $26.40 $1,584.00 $26.40 $1,584.00 25 2531.507 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SY 26.0 $76.00 $1,976.00 $72.00 $1,872.00 $60.00 $1,560.00 $60.00 $1,56000 26 2531.604 CONCRETE CROSS GUTTER SY 22.0 $68600 $1,496.00 $60.00 $1,320600 $60,001 $1,320.00 $60.00 $1,320.00 27 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LS 1.0 $3,500.00 $3,500.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,00000 28 2573.530 INLET PROTECTION EA 1 4.0 $85.00 $340.00 $140.00 $560.00 $250.00 $1,000.00 $139685 $559.40 29 2575.505 SODDING, TYPE LAWN SY 35.0 $8.50 $297.50 $24.00 $840.00 $6.50 $227650 $6.50 $227.50 30 2582.502 8" SOLID LINE WHITE -EPDXY LF 55.0 $9.00 $495.00 $10.15 $558.25 $10.15 $558.25 $10.15 $558.25 31 2582.618 CROSSWALK MARKING -EPDXY SF 198.0 1 $7.25 $1,435.50 $10.45 $2,069.10 $10.45 $2,069610 $10.45 $2,069610 TOTAL ALTERNATE BID 1 - Freemont Ave SE 24672.01 $169,193.80 $165,858.60 $185,567.751 $201,176.73 Paget of 4 J . CITY OF HUTCHINSON, 111 HASSAN ST HUTCHINSON MN 55350 320 - 234 -4209 BID TABULATION - CITY OF HUTCHINS LETTING NO. 3 /PROJECT NO. 14 -03 2014 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT, SOUTH GRADE ROAD TRAIL & CENTURY AVENUE TRAIL BID OPENING: 05/21/2014 AT 11:00 AM ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $987,000.00 COMPLETION DATE: 11/07/2014 z W U a ITEM DESCRIPTION H j H Q 7 C{ ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE Wm Mueller & Sons Inc 831 Park Ave P O Box 247 Hamburg MN 55339 952 -467 -2720 Fax 952 -457 -3894 coryh @wmmueller.com Knife River Corporation Joan Porter 4787 Shadow Wood Dr NE Sauk Rapids MN 56379 320 - 258 -2943 Fax 320 - 258 -2940 krcmn.subquotes @kniferive Duininck Inc 408 6th St P 0 Box 208 Prinsburg MN 56281 320- 978 -6011 Fax 320 - 978 -4978 estimator @duininck.com $995,421.55 $965,659.22 $1,014 177.06 $1,1361530.66 BID PRICE I BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL ALTERNATE BID NO. 2 - SOUTH GRADE ROAD TRAIL 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS 1.0 $4,550.00 $4,550.00 $3,500.00 $3,500.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $20,378.80 $20,378.80 2 21016507 GRUBBING TREE 1.0 $350.00 $350.00 $250.00 $250.00 $350.00 $350.00 $290.32 $290.32 3 2104.501 REMOVE CURB & GUTTER LF 85.0 $4.85 $412.25 $9.00 $765.00 $4.00 $340.00 $8.00 $680.00 4 21046501 REMOVE PIPE CULVERTS LF 37.0 $10.00 $370.00 $6.80 $251.60 $25.00 $925.00 $14.00 $518.00 5 2104.501 REMOVE SEWER PIPE STORM LF 14.0 $15.00 $210.00 $6.80 $95.20 $19.00 $266.00 $18.00 $252.00 6 21046521 SALVAGE SPRINKLER SYSTEM LF 20.0 $55.00 $1,100.00 $20.00 $400.00 $20.00 $400.00 $94.55 $1,891.00 7 2104.523 SALVAGE SIGN EA 2.0 $25.001 $50.00 $50.00 $100.00 $25.00 $50.00 $25.00 $50.00 8 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION (EV) (P CY 642.0 $18.50 $11,877.00 $23.00 $14,766.00 $15.00 $9,630.00 $19.00 $12,198.00 9 2105.541 SUBGRADE CORRECTION CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE E CY 34.0 $21.00 $714.00 $54.00 $1,836.00 $30.00 $1,020.00 $22.00 $748.00 10 2105.604 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC TYPE 5 SY 2050.0 $2.10 $4,305.00 $2.00 $4,100.00 $1.75 $3,587.50 $2.50 $5,125.00 11 2112.604 SUBGRADE / BASE PREPARATION SY 2050.0 $1.95 $3,997.50 $1.90 $3,895.00 $3.00 $6,150.00 $2.85 $5,842.50 12 2211.503 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 CV P CY 470.0 $34.00 $15,980.00 $37.10 $17,437.00 $55.00 $25,850.00 $31.89 $14,988.30 13 2360.503 TYPE SPWEB230B WEARING COURSE MIXTURE- 3" SY 1707.0 $17.00 $29,019.00 $19.70 $33,627.90 $17.00 $29,019.00 $29.92 $51,073.44 14 1 2501.515 12" RC PIPE APRON EA 3.0 $850.00 $2,550.00 $565.00 $1,695.00 $675.00 $2,025.00 $850.00 $2,550.00 15 2503.541 12" RC PIPE STORM SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL V LF 86.0 $55.00 $4,730.00 $49.80 $4,282.80 $59.00 $5,074.00 $59.00 $5,074.00 16 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER STRUCTURE EA 1.0 $985.00 $985.00 $410.00 $410.00 $250.00 $250.00 $900.00 $900.00 17 2504.603 INSTALL SPRINKLER SYSTEM LF 20.0 $55.00 $1,100.00 $20.00 $400.00 $50.00 $1,000.00 $41.19 $823.80 18 2506.502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 48 -4020 EA 2.0 $2,650.00 $5,300.00 $2,011.00 $4,022.00 $1,240.00 $2,480.00 $2,975.00 $5,950.00 19 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING MANHOLE EA 2.0 $725.00 $1,450.00 $690.00 $1,380.00 $700.00 $1,400.001 $750.00 $1,500.00 20 2521.501 4" CONCRETE WALK SF 476.0 $5.25 $2,499.00 $7.00 $3,332.00 $9.40 $4,474.40 $5.50 $2,618.00 21 1 2521.501 6" CONCRETE WALK SF 513.0 $6.85 $3,514.05 $8.30 $4,257.90 $10.00 $5,130.00 $6.80 $3,488.40 22 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B618 LF 42.0 $27.00 $1,134.00 $29.40 $1,234.80 $26.40 $1,108.80 $26.40 $1,108.80 23 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN S LF 43.0 $27.00 $1,161.00 $29.40 $1,264.20 $26.40 $1,135.20 $26.40 $1,135.20 24 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES SF 120.0 $45.00 $5,400.00 $40.00 $4,800.00 $40.00 $4,800.00 $40.00 $4,800.00 25 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LS 1.0 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.001 $100.00 26 2564.602 INSTALL SIGN EA 2.0 $135.00 $270.00 $100.00 $200.00 $100.00 $200.00 $100.00 $200.00 27 2564.531 SIGN PANELS -TYPE C SF 25.5 $45.00 $1,147.50 $35.00 $8927 $35.00 $892.50 $35.00 $892.50 28 2565.616 PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALK FLASHER SYSTEM SYS 1.0 $45,500.00 $45,500.00 $43,000.00 $43,000.00 $41,200.00 $41,200.00 $41,200.00 $41,200.00 29 2573.502 SILT FENCE, TYPE MACHINE SLICED LF 1 760.0 $1.85 $1,406.00 $1.90 $1,444.00 $1.65 $1,254.00 $1.65 $1,254.00 30 2573.530 INLET PROTECTION EA 1 5.0 $85.00 $425.00 $140.00 $700.00 $250.00 $1,250.00 $139.85 $699.25 31 2573.540 FILTER LOG, TYPE STRAW BIOLOG LF 50.0 $3.85 $192.50 $4.50 $225.00 $3.00 $150.00 $3.00 $150.00 32 2575.501 SEEDING, HYDROSEED AC 0.4 $3,200.00 $1,280.00 $6,590.00 $2,636.00 $2,800.00 $1,120.00 $2,800.001 $1,120.00 33 2582.618 ICROSSWALK MARKING -EPDXY SF 180.0 $725 $1,305.00 $10.45 $1,881.00 $107 $1,881.00 $10.451 $1,881.00 TOTAL ALTERNATE BID 2 - South Grade Road Trail 9443.9 $155,783.80 $160,080.90 $158,512.40 1 $191,480.31 ALTERNATE BID NO. 3 - CENTURY AVENUE TRAIL 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS 1 1.0 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $16,300.00 $16,300.00 2 2104.501 REMOVE CURB & GUTTER LF 65.0 $4.85 $315.25 $9.00 $585.00 $5.00 $325.00 $8.00 $520.00 3 2104.503 REMOVE CONCRETE SIDEWALK SF 1170.0 $1.65 $1,930.50 $1.50 $1,755.00 $5.00 $5,850.00 $1.15 $1,345.50 4 2232.501 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE 11W' SY 168.0 $8.00 $1,344.00 $7.00 $1,176.00 $37.00 $6,216.00 $6.87 $1,154.16 5 2360.503 TYPE SPWEA240B WEARING COURSE MIXTURE- 1%" SY 3970.0 $10.50 $41,685.00 $8.45 $33,546.50 $9.00 $35,730.00 $14.28 $56,691.60 6 2504.602 ADJUST GATE VALVE BOX EA 2.0 $365.00 $730.00 $295.00 $590.00 $250.00 $500.00 $350.00 $700.00 Page3 of 4 • CITY OF HUTCHINSON, 111 HASSAN ST a HUTCHINSON MN 55350 320 - 234 -4209 BID TABULATION - CITY OF HUTCHINMN LETTING NO. 3 /PROJECT NO. 14 -03 2014 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT, SOUTH GRADE ROAD TRAIL & CENTURY AVENUE TRAIL BID OPENING: 05/21/2014 AT 11:00 AM ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $987,000.00 COMPLETION DATE: 11/07/2014 Wm Mueller & Sons Inc Knife River Corporation Duininck Inc 831 Park Ave Joan Porter 408 6th St P O Box 247 4787 Shadow Wood Dr NE P O Box 208 p H ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE Hamburg MN 55339 Sauk Rapids MN 56379 Prinsburg MN 56281 2 W ITEM DESCRIPTION z H z 952 -467 -2720 320 - 258 -2943 320 - 978 -6011 LLI CL ] Q Fax 952 -457 -3894 Fax 320 - 258 -2940 Fax 320 - 978 -4978 N C7 coryh @wmmueller.com krcmn.subquotes @kniferive estimator @duininck.com $995, 421.55 $965,659.22 $1,014,177.06 $1,136,530.66 BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL 7 2521 501 4" CONCRETE WALK SF 388 0 $5.25 $2,037.00 $6.50 $2,522.00 $940 $3,647.20 $5.00 $1,940.00 8 25210501 6" CONCRETE WALK SF 790.0 $6.85 $5,411.50 $8.30 $6,557.00 $10.00 $7,900.00 $6.80 $5,372.00 9 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN 8618 LF 65.0 $27.00 $1,755.00 $29.40 $1,911.00 $26.40 $1,716.00 $26.40 $1,716.00 10 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES SF 80.0 $45.00 $3,600.00 $40.00 $3,200.001 $40.00 $3,200.00 $40.00 $3,200.00 11 2561601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LS 1.0 $850.00 $850.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 TOTAL ALTERNATE BID 3 - Century Avenue Trail 18386.8 $61,458.25 $54,342.50 $70,184.20 $89,039.26 TOTAL BASE BID $608,985.70 $585,377.22 $599,912.71 $654,834.36 TOTAL ALTERNATE BID NO. 1 $169,193.80 $165,858.60 $185,567.75 $201,176.73 TOTAL ALTERNATE BID NO. 2 $155,783.80 $160,080.90 1 $158,512.40 $191,480.31 TOTAL ALTERNATE BID NO. 3 $61,458.25 $54,342.50 1 1 $70,184.201 1 $89,039.26 TOTAL LETTING NO. 3 /PROJECT NO. 14 -03 Base + Alternate No. 1, 2 & 3 $995,421.56 $965,659.22 $1,014,177.06 $1,136,530.66 Award of Contract on this project will be based on the lowest responsible bidder of Base Bid or Base Bid with any or all of the Alternate Bids, as deemed to be in the best interest of the City. J N U Page4 of 4 RESOLUTION NO. 14305 RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5110, 5110A, 5110B LETTING NO. 3 /PROJECT NO. 14 -03 WHEREAS, cost has been determined for the improvement of: Dale Street SW from Century Avenue SW to CSAH 7, TH 15 Service Rd from Echo Drive SE to Hutchinson Health Center, Freemont Ave SE from TH15 to East Termini, Lynn Road SW from Clinton Avenue SW to South Grade Road SW and Michael Court NW and potentially other roadways by roadway mill /overlay, reclamation or reconstruction by construction of grading, curb & gutter, draintile, bituminous /concrete pavement, storm sewer, watermain, sanitary sewer, street lighting, restoration and appurtenances and South Grade Road Trail (adjacent to South Grade Rd near the Otter Lake bridge) and Century Avenue Trail Overlay (Dale St SW to TH15) by construction of grading, bituminous /concrete pavement, milling, street lighting, electronic crossing warning system, trail, sidewalk, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances; and the construction cost for such improvement is $ With expenses incurred orto be incurred in the making of such improvement in the amount of $ the total cost of the improvement is NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The portion of the cost of such improvement to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be $ and the portion of the cost to be assessed against benefited property owners is declared to be $296,033.33. 2. Assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a proposed period of ten (10) years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 2015 and shall bear interest at the rate of percent per annum from November 1, 2014. 3. The City Administrator, with the assistance of the City Engineer, shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 4. The City Administrator shall, upon the completion of such proposed assessment, notify the Council thereof. Adopted by the Council this 22nd day of July 2014. Mayor City Administrator COMPILED BY: P VANDER VEEN ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5110[ 5110At 51108 LETTING NO. 3 /PROJECT NO. 14 -03 Dale Street SW from Century Avenue SW to CSAH 7, TH 15 Service Rd from Echo Drive SE to Hutchinson Health Center, Freemont Ave SE from TH15 to East Termini, Lynn Road SW from Clinton Avenue SW to South Grade Road SW and Michael Court NW and potentially other roadways by roadway mill /overlay, reclamation or reconstruction by construction of grading, curb & gutter, draintile, bituminous /concrete pavement, storm sewer, watermain, sanitary sewer, street lighting, restoration and appurtenances. COST PER FRONT FOOT: COMPUTED BY: P VANDER VEEN $28.50 STREET COST /FF CHECKED BY: K EXNER 1ST HEARING 06/10/2014 NUMBER OF YEARS 10 2ND HEARING 08/12/2014 INTEREST RATE: 2014 BONDS 334 ADOPTED: FIN ACCT# 7750 u O CITY PID NO. COUNTY PID NO. PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER NAME OWNERADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION ADDITION OR SUBDIVISION FF CREDIT FF TOTAL FF SA5010 TOTAL ACTIVE ASSESSMENT SA5010A TOTAL ACTIVE ASSESSMENT SA5010B TOTAL DEFERRED ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASSESSMENT 1 12 116 30 06 0600 234520090 1115 DALE ST SW CHRISTOPHER &TAMARA SCHWANKE 1115 DALE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOTS, BLOCKI, RAVENWOOD WEST 195.695 - 132 63.695 $1,815.31 $0.00 $0.00 $1,815.31 2 12 116 30 06 0610 234520100 1125 DALE ST SW CHAD L &KELLYA PISCHKE 1125 DALE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOTTO, BLOCK I, RAVENWOOD WEST 90 0 90 $2,565.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,565.00 4 12 116 30 05 0010 230122100 1250 DALE ST SW RUSSELL &DORIS RICKEMAN 1360 SOUTH GRADE RDSW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 S1 /2 NW1 /4EX50.09AC, SECTION 12- 11630 -N1 /2 29.91ACRES (.-y sho.- 30.71 -G 95 0 95 $2,]0].50 $0.00 $0.00 $2,]0].50 5112 116 30 05 0010 230122100 1250 DALE ST SW RUSSELL &DORIS RICKE MAN 1360 SOUTH GRADE RDSW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 S1 /2 NW1 /4EX50.09AC, SECTION 12- 11630 -N1 /2 29.91ACRES 6-y sho.- 30.71 -G 1395 01 1395 $0.00 $0.00 $39,]5].50 1 $39,]5].50 6 12 116 30 05 0020 234520110 1135 DALE ST SW GREGORY M &LINDA KZIEMER 1135 DALE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 11, BLOCK I, RAVENWOOD WEST 95 0 95 $2,]0].50 $0.00 $0.00 $2,]0].50 7 12 116 30 05 0030 234520120 1145 DALE ST SW CHRISTOPHER M &JOLENE DENNIS 1145 DALE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 12, BLOCK I, RAVENWOOD WEST 90 0 90 $2,565.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,565.00 8 12 116 30 05 0040 234520130 1155 DALE ST SW BENJAMIN P& MISTY L GUSTAFSON 1155 DALE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 13, BLOCK I, RAVENWOOD WEST 85 0 85 $2,422.50 $0.00 $0.00 $2,422.50 9 12 116 30 05 0050 23 452 0140 1165 DALE ST SW BRUCE& DENISE L NAUSTDAL 1175 DALE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 14, BLOCK I, RAVENWOOD WEST 80 0 80 $2,280.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,280.00 10 12 116 30 05 0130 234820010 1175 DALE ST SW BRUCE& DENISE L NAUSTDAL 1175 DALE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 1, BLOCK I, FIRSTADDITION TO RAVENWOOD WEST 95 0 95 $2,]0].50 $0.00 $0.00 $2,]0].50 11 12 116 30 05 0140 234820020 1185 DALE ST SW BRUCE& DENISE L NAUSTDAL 1175 DALE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 2, BLOCK I, FIRSTADDITION TO RAVENWOOD WEST 85 0 85 $2,422.50 $0.00 $0.00 $2,422.50 12 12 116 30 05 0150 234820030 1195 DALE ST SW GLORIA NAUSTDAL REVTRUST 1195 DALE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 3, BLOCK I, FIRSTADDITION TO RAVENWOOD WEST 85 0 85 $2,422.50 $0.00 $0.00 $2,422.50 13 12 116 30 05 0160 234820040 11205 DA LE ST SW BRUCE& DENISE L NAUSTDAL 1175 DALE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 4, BLOCK I, FIRSTADDITION TO RAVENWOOD WEST 80 0 80 $2,280.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,280.00 14 12 116 30 05 0170 234820050 1215 DALE ST SW BRUCE& DENISE L NAUSTDAL 1175 DALE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 5, BLOCK I, FIRSTADDITION TO RAVENWOOD WEST 90 0 90 $2,565.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,565.00 15112 116 30 05 0180 234820060 1225 DALE ST SW KEN HELD D &JEAN MCOTE 1225 DALE ST SW PO BOX 531 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT6,BLOCK I, FIRST ADDITION TO RAVENWOOD WEST 80 0 80 $2,280.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,280.00 16 05 0702 234820070 1235 DALE ST SW JOAN)RADUNZ 1235 DALE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT7,BLOCKI, FIRST ADDITION TO RAVE NWOOD WEST 224.92 -132 9292 $2,648.22 $0.00 $0.00 $2,648.22 17 121163012 2010 230123200 1395 DALE ST SW TERRY A& TRUDY K WENDORFF 27615511TH AVE WINTHROP MN 55395 W 1 /2SW 1/4 EX 1 /4ACRE IN N W CORNER OF NW 1 /40FSW 1/4 & EX .95 ACRES 78.80 ACRES 95 0 95 $2,]0].50 $0.00 $0.00 $2,]0].50 18 12 116 30 12 0010 230123200 1395 DALE ST SW TERRY A& TRUDY K WENDORFF 27615511TH AVE WINTHROP MN 55395 W 112 SW 1/4 EX 1 /4ACRE IN NW CORNER OF NW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 & EX .95 ACRES 78.80 ACRES 1114.1 0 1114.1 $0.00 $0.00 $31,751.85 $31,751.85 SUB- TOTAL - DALE ST 1 40]4.]15 -264 3810.]15 $3],096.03 $0.00 $]1,509.35 $108,605.38 COMPILED BY: P VANDER VEEN ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5110[ 5110At 51108 LETTING NO. 3 /PROJECT NO. 14 -03 Dale Street SW from Century Avenue SW to CSAH 7, TH 15 Service Rd from Echo Drive SE to Hutchinson Health Center, Freemont Ave SE from TH15 to East Termini, Lynn Road SW from Clinton Avenue SW to South Grade Road SW and Michael Court NW and potentially other roadways by roadway mill /overlay, reclamation or reconstruction by construction of grading, curb & gutter, draintile, bituminous /concrete pavement, storm sewer, watermain, sanitary sewer, street lighting, restoration and appurtenances. COST PER FRONT FOOT: COMPUTED BY: P VANDER VEEN $43.31 STREET COST /FF CHECKED BY: K EXNER 1ST HEARING 06/10/2014 NUMBER OF YEARS 10 2ND HEARING 08/12/2014 INTEREST RATE: 2014 BONDS 334 ADOPTED: FIN ACCT# 7750 u O Q CITY PID NO. COUNTY PID NO. PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER NAME OWNERADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION ADDITION OR SUBDIVISION FF CREDIT FF TOTAL FF SA5010 TOTAL ACTIVE ASSESSMENT SA5010A TOTAL ACTIVE ASSESSMENT TOTAL DEFERRED ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASSESSMENT 19 06 116 29 13 0420 231550090 897 LYNN RD SW ALBARKEIM 20405 HWY 15N 1HUTCHINSON IMN 155350 LOT11, BLOCK I, ANDERSON'S SUBDIVISION 121.66 0 121.66 $5,269.09 $0.00 $0.00 $5,269.09 20 01116 30 16 0280 231640020 904 H W V 15 SOUTH & 900 LYNN RD SW FAHEY SALES AGENCY INC 79109TH ST GLENOCE MN 55336 LOT2, BLOCKI, HANSON'STHIRDADDITION 292.1 -132 160.1 $6,933.93 $0.00 $0.00 $6,933.93 21 01116 30 16 0290 231640030 934 HWY 15 SOUTH MICHAEL P& LESLIE CORCORAN PO BOX 322 PASSEL IMN 155325 LOT3, BLOCKI, HANSON'S THIRD ADDITION 166.45 0 166.45 $],2[8.95 $0.00 $0.00 $],2[8.95 22 01116 30 16 0300 231640040 F96-4H-WY 15 SOUTH SKY VENTURES LLC 1965 DECATU RAVE N GOLDEN VALLEY IMN 155427 LOT4, BLOCKI, HANSON'S THIRD ADDITION 124.32 0 124.32 $5,384.30 $0.00 $0.00 $5,384.30 SUB- TOTAL -LYNN RD ]04.53 -132 572.53 $24,]96.2] $0.00 $0.00 $24,]96.2] COMPILED BY: P VANDER VEEN ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5110[ 5110At 51108 LETTING NO. 3 /PROJECT NO. 14 -03 Dale Street SW from Century Avenue SW to CSAH 7, TH 15 Service Rd from Echo Drive SE to Hutchinson Health Center, Freemont Ave SE from TH15 to East Termini, Lynn Road SW from Clinton Avenue SW to South Grade Road SW and Michael Court NW and potentially other roadways by roadway mill /overlay, reclamation or reconstruction by construction of grading, curb & gutter, draintile, bituminous /concrete pavement, storm sewer, watermain, sanitary sewer, street lighting, restoration and appurtenances. COST PER FRONT FOOT: COMPUTED BY: P VANDER VEEN $37.40 STREET COST /FF CHECKED BY: K EXNER 1ST HEARING 06/10/2014 NUMBER OF YEARS 10 2ND HEARING 08/12/2014 INTEREST RATE: 2014 BONDS 334 ADOPTED: FIN ACCT# 7750 u O a z CITY PID NO. COUNTY PID NO. PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER NAME OWNERADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION ADDITION OR SUBDIVISION FF CREDIT FF TOTAL FF SA5010 TOTAL ACTIVE ASSESSMENT SA5010A TOTAL ACTIVE ASSESSMENT SA5010B TOTAL DEFERRED ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASSESSMENT 23 06 116 29 13 0060 23 209 0040 899 HWY 15 SOUTH HANTGE BROTHERS LLC 899 HWY 15S HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOTI,BLOCKTOISON'SADDITION 328.22 0 328.22 $12,275.43 $am $0.00 $12,275.43 24 06 116 29 13 0110 232120020 905 HWY 15 SOUTH RESTATE FEDERAL 201 MAIN STS HUTCHINSON MN 55350 N100' OF DOLE,BLOCKI, FIRSTADDITION TO SOUTH SIDE TERRACE 100 0 100 $3,740.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,740.00 25 06 116 29 13 0120 232110010 903 HWY 15 SOUTH ROBERT] & KATHRYN M BEELER 1205 OAKWOOD LN NW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 7EX 15' X 85', BLOCK I, SOUTH SIDE TERRACE 192.55 0 192.55 $],201.3] $0.00 $0.00 $],201.3] 26 06 116 29 13 0130 232110020 901HWY15SOUTH FLOYDCSJOSTRAND 8304 HARRISON RD BLOOMINGTON MN 55431 LOTS &15' X85' OF LOT7, BLOCKI, SOUTH SIDE TERRACE 216.86 0 216.86 $8,110.56 $0.00 $0.00 $8,110.56 270611629130580 234990010 945HWV 15SOUTH JAMES FAMILY PROPERTIES LLLP 7707TSTREET LITTLE ROCK AR 72227 LOTI,BLOCKI,WALGREEN'S ADDITION 249.63 0 249.63 $9,336.16 $0.00 $0.00 $9,336.16 290711629040050 232300285 1095HWY15SOUTH H TECH IN SO N H EALTH CARE ATTN: PAM CARSON 10955TATE HWV1550UTH HUTCHINSON MN 55350 IRREGU TAR PARCE LAPPROX. 466.09'x 1030' x 89.09' x 291' x 377'x739' LYING INTHE NW'LY 496.09' OF LOT 18, AUDITOR'S PLATOF SECTION 07- 116- 29(8.5AC) 152 0 152 $5,684.80 $0.00 $0.00 $5,684.80 30 07 116 29 04 0060 232140010 1005 IT Y15S HUTCHINSON HEALTH CARE ATTN: PAM CARSON 1095 STATE HWY 15 SOUTH HUTCHINSON MN 55350 Lot,1& 2, Block 1, Cedar A-e SUbdivison 603 -132 471 $1],615.40 $am $0.00 $1],615.40 SUB- TOTAL -TH 15SERVICE ROAD 1842.26 -132 1]10.26 $63,963.]2 $0.00 $0.00 $63,963.]2 COMPILED BY: P VANDER VEEN ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5110, 5110At 51108 LETTING NO. 3 /PROJECT NO. 14 -03 Dale Street SW from Century Avenue SW to CSAH 7, TH 15 Service Rd from Echo Drive SE to Hutchinson Health Center, Freemont Ave SE from TH15 to East Termini, Lynn Road SW from Clinton Avenue SW to South Grade Road SW and Michael Court NW and potentially other roadways by roadway mill /overlay, reclamation or reconstruction by construction of grading, curb & gutter, draintile, bituminous /concrete pavement, storm sewer, watermain, sanitary sewer, street lighting, restoration and appurtenances. COST PER FRONT FOOT: COMPUTED BY: P VANDER VEEN $47.25 STREET COST /FF CHECKED BY: K EXNER 1ST HEARING 06/10/2014 NUMBER OF YEARS 10 2ND HEARING 08/12/2014 INTEREST RATE: 2014 BONDS 334 ADOPTED: FIN ACCT# 7750 u O CITY PID NO. COUNTY PID NO. PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER NAME OWNERADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION ADDITION OR SUBDIVISION FF CREDIT FF TOTAL FF SA5010 TOTAL ACTIVE ASSESSMENT SA5010A TOTAL ACTIVE ASSESSMENT SA5010B TOTAL DEFERRED ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASSESSMENT 31 07 116 29 04 0010 232300270 3CENTURYAVE SE HUTCHINSON MEDICAL CENTER 3CENTURYAVE SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 IRREGULAR PARCE LAPPROX. 466.09'x 363'x 377' x 291' x 89.09'x 72' LYING IN THE N ETY 496.09'01 LOT 11 3.29 AC, AUDITOR'S PFAT OF SECTION 07 -11629 70 0 70 $3,30.50 $0.00 $0.00 $3,30.50 32 07 116 29 04 0040 232300290 251 FREEMONTAVE SE HUTCHINSON HEALTH CARE ATTN: PAM WRSON 1095 STATE HWY 15 SOUTH HUTCHINSON MN 55350 N63TOFLOTI6 4.73AC (633'x 325.5'), AUDITOR'S PWTOF SECTION 07 -116 -29 30 0 30 $1,417.50 $0.00 $0.00 $1,417.50 330711629040050 LOT 5, BLOCK I, BOYLE'S ADDITION 232300285 1095 HWY 15 SOUTH HUTCHINSON HEALTH CARE ATTN: PAM W RSON 1095 STATE HWY 15 SOUTH HUTCHINSON MN 55350 IRREGU FAR FARCE IF APPROX. 466.09'x 1030'x 89.09'x 291'x 377'x 739' LYING I N THE N W'LY 496.09' OF LOT 18, AUDITOR'S FIAT OF SECTION 07- 116- 29(8.5AC) 1006 - 132 874 $0.00 $41,296.50 $0.00 $41,296.50 34 07 116 29 04 0060 232140010 1005 HWY 15S HUTCHINSON HEALTH CARE ATTN: PAM UASON 1095 STATE HWY 15 SOUTH HUTCHINSON MN 55350 Lot, 1& 2, Block 1, Cedar A-e S.Idivison 601.35 -132 469.35 $0.00 $22,176.79 $0.00 $22,176.79 35 07 116 29 04 0140 232140090 211 FREEMONTAVE SE HUTCHINSON HEALTH CARE ATTN: PAM UASON 1095 STATE HWY 15 SOUTH HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 8, BLOCK 2, CE DAR ACRES SUBDIVISION 240.02 -132 108.02 $5,103.95 $0.00 $0.00 $5,103.95 36 07 116 29 04 0150 232140100 221 FREEMONTAVE SE ST REGIS LLC PO BOX 161361 DULUTH MN 55816 LOT 9, BLOCK 2, CEDAR ACRES SUBDIVISION 126 0 126 $5,953.50 $0.00 $0.00 $5,953.50 37 07 116 29 04 0160 232140110 231 FREEMONTAVE SE ST REGIS LLC PO BOX 161361 DULUTH MN 55816 LOT 10, BLOCK 2, CEDAR ACRES SUBDIVISION 126.83 0 126.83 $5,992.72 $0.00 $0.00 $5,992.72 38 07 116 29 04 1000 232310010 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #100 AGNES M DEMEYER 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #100 HUTCHINSON MN 155350 CONDOMINIUM NO. 2 GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $am $0.00 $137.70 39 07 116 29 04 1010 232310020 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #101 WALLACE C BERGERTRUST 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #101 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDOMINIUM NO. 2 GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $am $0.00 $137.70 40 07 116 29 04 1020 232310030 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #102 DIANE GASSMAN & MARSHA LINDEN 812 GREENSVIEW CT NW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDOMINIUM NO. 2 GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $am $0.00 $137.70 41107 116 29 04 1030 232310040 250 FEE EMONT AVE SE #103 ELDON NA M DARBARTH REV LIVING TRUST 250 FEE EMONT AVE SE #103 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDOMINIUM NO. 2 GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $0.00 2200 . $137.70 42 07 116 29 04 1040 232310050 250 FEE EMONT AVE SE #104 CAROL )OTTO 250 FEE EMONT AVE SE #104 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDOMINIUM NO. 2 GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $am $0.00 $137.70 43 07 116 29 04 1050 232310060 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #105 GLADYS M RADTKE TRUST 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #105 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDOMINIUM NO. 2 GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $am $0.00 $137.70 44 07 116 29 04 1060 232310070 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #106 NORMAN &AUDREY ZACHOW 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #106 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDOMINIUM NO. 2 GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $am $0.00 $137.70 45 07 116 29 04 1070 232310080 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #107 EUGENE E& PEARL LSCHIMMEL 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #107 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDOMINIUM NO. 2 GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $am $0.00 $137.70 46 07 116 29 04 1080 232310090 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #108 IRENE CARLSON 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #108 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDOMINIUM NO. 2 GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $am $0.00 $137.70 47 07 116 29 04 1100 232310100 1250 FREEMONTAVE SE #110 LEOTA PORATH 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #110 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDOMINIUM NO. 2 GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $am $0.00 $137.70 48 07 116 29 04 1120 232310110 250 FREEMONTAVE SE#112 DONALD & MARVEL BLOM 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #112 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDOMINIUM NO. 2 GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $am $0.00 $137.70 49 07 116 29 04 1130 232310120 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #113 SANDRA] DEMENGE ETAL 445109TH AVE NW COON RAPIDS MN 55448 CONDOMINIUM NO. 2 GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $am $0.00 $137.70 50.07 116 29 04 1140 232310130 250 FEE EMONT AVE SE #114 FREDERIKSEN FAMILY TRUST 250 FEE EMONT AVE SE #114 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDOMINIUM NO. 2 GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $am $0.00 $137.70 51 07 116 29 04 1150 232310140 250 FEE EMONT AVE SE #115 RICHARD E TOFTELY 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #115 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDOMINIUM NO. 2 GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $am $0.00 $137.70 52 07 116 29 04 1160 232310150 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #116 BESSIE A HAMMOND 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #116 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDOMINIUM NO. 2 GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $am $0.00 $137.70 53 07 116 29 04 1170 232310160 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #117 BEVERLY & BRIAN BONTE PO BOX 121 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDOMINIUM NO. 2 GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $am $0.00 $137.70 54 07 116 29 04 1180 232310170 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #118 VERNEICE VTHODE 250 FREEMONTAVE SE Jt118 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDOMINIUM NO. 2 GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $am $0.00 $137.70 55 07 116 29 04 1190 232310180 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #119 MILTON ABRINKMAN & JANET M DUFFUS 1203 FAIRWAY AVE NW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDOMINIUM NO. 2 GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $am $0.00 $137.70 56 07 116 29 04 1200 232310190 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #120 JANET M DUFFUS 1203 FAIRWAY AVE NW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDOMINIUM NO. 2 GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $am $0.00 $137.70 57 07 116 29 04 1210 232310200 1250 FREEMONTAVE SE #121 DIANE PROCHASKA 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #121 HUTCHINSON MN 155350 ICONDOMINIUM NO. 2 GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $am $0.00 $137.70 58 07 116 29 04 1220 232310210 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #122 WAYNEI& MAXINE J KENNING 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #122 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDOMINIUM NO. 2 GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $am $0.00 $137.70 59.07 116 29 04 HE 1230 232310220 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #123 CLARICE A MCKIMM 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #123 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDOMINIUM NO. 2 GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $0.00 $0.00 $137.70 60 232310230 250 FREEMONTAVE SE#125 SHIRLEYA FRICKSON 250 FREEMONTAVE SE#125 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDOMINIUM NO. 2 GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $am $0.00 $137.70 61 07 116 29 04 1270 232310240 250 FEE EMONT AVE SE #127 EUGENE L & JOANNA [HANSON 250 FEE EMONT AVE SE #127 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDOMINIUM NO. 2 GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $am $0.00 $137.70 62 07 116 29 04 1290 232310250 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #129 INEZ E SKUCIUS 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #129 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDOMINIUM NO. 2 GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $am $0.00 $137.70 63 07 116 29 04 1300 232310260 250 FEE EMONT AVE SE #130 GERALD C &ADAMAMUNDSON 1199 OAKWOOD CT NW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDOMINIUM NO. 2 GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $am $0.00 $137.70 640711629041320 232310270 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #132 REBAA RADTKE 250 FEE EMONT AVE SE #132 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDOMINIUM NO. 2 GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $am $0.00 $137.70 650711629041330 232310280 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #133 MARION F GRAF REVTRUST 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #133 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDOMINIUM NO. 2 GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $am $0.00 $137.70 660711629041340 232310290 250 FEE EMONT AVE SE #134 ANDREW W& LUELLA SIMON TRUST 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #134 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDOMINIUM NO. 2 GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $am $0.00 $137.70 67 07 116 29 04 1350 232310300 1250 FREEMONTAVE SE #135 IARDIS E MAUS 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #135 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDO MINIUMNO. 2GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $am $0.00 $137.70 68 07 116 29 04 1360 232310310 1250FREEMONTAVESE#136 ISHIRLE V EBOWENTRUST 541JUERGENSRDSW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDO MINIUMNO. 2GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $am $0.00 $137.70 69 07 116 29 04 1370 232310320 250FREEMONTAVESE# 137 JEFFREY O BRENHAUG & DIANNE B BRENHAU6 250FREEMONTAVESE#137 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDOM! N IUMNO. 2GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $0.00 $0.00 $137.70 70 07 116 29 04 1380 232310330 250FREEMONTAVESE#138 LEOW HOVERSTEN 250 FREE MONTANE SE Jt 138 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDOM INIUMNO. 2GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $0.00 $0.00 $13J.J0 71 07 116 29 04 1390 232310340 250 ERE EMONT AVE SE #139 WILLIAM L& DE LOBES M SCHONS 250 FR E E M0NTAVE SE#139 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDOMINIU MNO. 2GEEENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $am $0.00 $137.70 72 07 116 29 04 1400 232310350 250 FREEMONTAVE SE CAROL DEBELTZ 250 FREEMONTAVE SE #140 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CONDOMINI UM NO. 2 GREENCASTLE, UNIT 2.914286 0 2914285714 $137.70 $am $0.00 $137.70 SUB -TOTAL t 2302.2 -396 1906.21 $26,594.66 1 $63,473.29 1 $am $90.06].95 COMPILED BY: P VANDER VEEN ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5110, 5110At 51108 LETTING NO. 3 /PROJECT NO. 14 -03 Dale Street SW from Century Avenue SW to CSAH 7, TH 15 Service Rd from Echo Drive SE to Hutchinson Health Center, Freemont Ave SE from TH15 to East Termini, Lynn Road SW from Clinton Avenue SW to South Grade Road SW and Michael Court NW and potentially other roadways by roadway mill /overlay, reclamation or reconstruction by construction of grading, curb & gutter, draintile, bituminous /concrete pavement, storm sewer, watermain, sanitary sewer, street lighting, restoration and appurtenances. COST PER FRONT FOOT: COMPUTED BY: P VANDER VEEN $20.00 STREET COST /FF CHECKED BY: K EXNER 1ST HEARING 06/10/2014 NUMBER OF YEARS 10 2ND HEARING 08/12/2014 INTEREST RATE: 2014 BONDS 334 ADOPTED: FIN ACCT# 7750 u O CITY PID NO. COUNTY PID NO. PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER NAME OWNERADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION ADDITION OR SUBDIVISION FF CREDIT FF TOTAL FF SA5010 TOTAL ACTIVE ASSESSMENT SASOlOA TOTAL ACTIVE ASSESSMENT SA5010B TOTAL DEFERRED ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASSESSMENT 73 30 117 29 14 0010 233980010 45NORTHHIGHDRNW GOLDEN OAKS PROPERTIES LLC 610 VIRGINIA SHORES CIR EXCELSIOR MN 55331 LOT I, BLOCK I, BOYLE'S ADDITION 215 0 215 $4,300.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,300.00 74 30 117 29 14 0050 233980050 115MICHAELR NW [HET &ASSOCIATES 16377SO BOND WKE ESTATES MINON6 WI 54859 LOT 5, BLOCK I, BOYLE'S ADDITION 34 0 34 2"m $0.00 $680.00 $680.00 75 30 117 29 14 0060 233980060 105MICHAELCTNW CHET &ASSOCIATES 16377 SO BOND UAE ESTATES IMINONG IWI 15,ES59 LOT 6, BLOCK I, BOYLE'S ADDITION 181 0 181 $0.00 $0.00 $3,620.00 $3,620.00 SUB -TOTAL 430 0 430 $4,300.00 $0.00 $4,300.00 $8,600.00 TOTAL-ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5130, 5130A, 511M 71475.169 - 792.000 6719A45 $156,750.69 $63,473.29 $75,809.35 $296,033.33 RESOLUTION NO. 142306 RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5110, 5110A, 5110B LETTING NO. 3 /PROJECT NO. 14 -03 WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the Council on the 22nd day of July 2014, the City Engineer was directed to prepare a proposed assessment of the cost of improving: Dale Street SW from Century Avenue SW to CSAH 7, TH 15 Service Rd from Echo Drive SE to Hutchinson Health Center, Freemont Ave SE from TH15 to East Termini, Lynn Road SW from Clinton Avenue SW to South Grade Road SW and Michael Court NW and potentially other roadways by roadway mill /overlay, reclamation or reconstruction by construction of grading, curb & gutter, draintile, bituminous /concrete pavement, storm sewer, watermain, sanitary sewer, street lighting, restoration and appurtenances and South Grade Road Trail (adjacent to South Grade Rd near the Otter Lake bridge) and Century Avenue Trail Overlay (Dale St SW to TH15) by construction of grading, bituminous /concrete pavement, milling, street lighting, electronic crossing warning system, trail, sidewalk, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances. WHEREAS, the City Engineer has notified the Council that such proposed assessment has been completed and filed in his office for public inspection. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. A hearing shall be held on the 12th day of August 2014, in the Council Chambers at Hutchinson City Center at 6:00 P.M. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property affected by such improvement will be given an opportunity to be heard with reference to such assessment. 2. The City Administrator is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and he shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. He shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearing. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Administrator, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by November 17th, 2014. He may at any time thereafter, pay to the City Administrator, the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the succeeding year. Adopted by the Council this 22nd day of July 2014. Mayor City Administrator PUBLICATION NO. 8072 NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. SA -5110, SA- 5110A, SA -5110B LETTING NO. 3 /PROJECT NO. 14 -03 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the City Council will meet at 6:00 P.M. on the 12th day of August, 2014, in the Council Chambers at City Hall at Hutchinson, Minnesota, to consider and possibly adopt the proposed assessment for the improvement of: Dale Street SW from Century Avenue SW to CSAH 7, TH 15 Service Rd from Echo Drive SE to Hutchinson Health Center, Freemont Ave SE from TH15 to East Termini, Lynn Road SW from Clinton Avenue SW to South Grade Road SW and Michael Court NW and potentially other roadways by roadway mill /overlay, reclamation or reconstruction by construction of grading, curb & gutter, draintile, bituminous /concrete pavement, storm sewer, watermain, sanitary sewer, street lighting, restoration and appurtenances and South Grade Road Trail (adjacent to South Grade Rd near the Otter Lake bridge) and Century Avenue Trail Overlay (Dale St SW to TH15) by construction of grading, bituminous /concrete pavement, milling, street lighting, electronic crossing warning system, trail, sidewalk, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances. Adoption by the Council of the proposed assessment against abutting property may occur at the hearing This assessment is proposed to be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January 2015, and will bear interest at the rate of 10 percent (plus or minus) per annum from the date of the adoption of the assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the November 1, 2014 until December 31, 2015. To each subsequent installment when due shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. You may at anytime prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the entire assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Administrator. No interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by November 17th, 2014. You may, at anytime thereafter, pay to the City Administrator the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 st of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15th or interest will be charged through December 31 st of the succeeding year. If you decide not to prepay the assessment before the date given above, the rate of interest that will apply is 10 percent (plus or minus) per year. The right to partially prepay the assessment shall be until November 17, 2014. The proposed assessment is on file for public inspection at the City Administrator's Office. The total amount of the proposed assessment is $296,033.33. Written or oral objections will be considered at the meeting. No appeal may be taken as to the amount of an assessment unless a signed, written objection is filed with the City Administrator prior to the hearing or presented to the presiding officer at the hearing. The Council may, upon such notice, consider any objection to the amount of a proposed individual assessment at an adjourned meeting upon such further notice to the affected property owners as it deems advisable. If an assessment is contested or there is an adjourned hearing, the following procedure will be followed: The City will present its case first by calling witnesses who may testify by narratives or by examination, and by the introduction of exhibits. PUBLICATION NO. 8072 ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. SA -5110, SA- 5110A, SA -5110B LETTING NO. 3 /PROJECT NO. 14 -03 PAGE 2 After each witness has testified, the contesting partywill be allowed to ask questions. This procedure will be repeated with each witness until neither side has further questions. 2. After the City has presented all its evidence, the objector may call witnesses or present such testimony as the objector desires. The same procedure for questioning of the City's witnesses will be followed with the objector's witnesses. 3. The objector may be represented by counsel. 4. Minnesota rules of evidence will not be strictly applied; however, they may be considered and argued to the Council as to the weight of items of evidence or testimony presented to the Council. 5. The entire proceedings will be tape- recorded. 6. At the close of presentation of evidence, the objector may make a final presentation to the Council based on the evidence and the law. No new evidence may be presented at this point. An owner may appeal an assessment to District Court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or City Administrator within 30 days afterthe adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the District Court within ten days after service upon the Mayor or City Administrator. Under Minnesota Statutes, Section 435.193 to 435.195, the Council may, in its discretion, defer the payment of this special assessment for any homestead property owned by a person 65 years of age or older for whom it would be a hardship to make the payments. When deferment of the special assessment has been granted and is terminated for any reason provided in that law, all amounts accumulated, plus applicable interest, become due. Any assessed property owner meeting the requirements of the law and the resolution adopted under it, may within 30 days of the confirmation of the assessment, apply to the City Clerk, for the prescribed form for such deferral of payment of this special assessment on his property. Jeremy J. Carter, City Administrator City of Hutchinson, Minnesota PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER ON SUNDAY, JULY 27TH, 2014 AND SUNDAY, AUGUST 3RD, 2014. HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci=V�f� Request for Board Action 79 M-W Agenda Item: Transient Merchant License - Keith Heikes Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/22/2014 Application Complete Yes Contact: Marc A. Sebora Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Marc A. Sebora Reviewed by Staff ✓❑ consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: Keith Heikes of Factory Direct Furniture has submitted a transient merchant license application to hold a furniture tent sale in the Hutchinson Mall parking lot from July 25 - August 3, 2014. Mr. Heikes conducted the same type of sale in the same location in 2011, 2012 and 2013. The Hutchinson Police Department conducted the required background investigation on Mr. Heikes and found no criminal history on him. In addition, there were no documented complaints regarding Mr. Heikes' sale in 2011, 2012 or 2013. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve issuing transient merchant license to Keith Heikes in Hutchinson Mall parking lot from July 25 - August 3, 2014. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: T4� i 1 i Hassan Street Southeast Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320)587- 5151JFax: (320)234 -4240 City of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR PEDDLERS, SOLICITORS, AND TRANSIENT MERCHANTS A lication Type choose one p Solicitor $125.04 Date of Application 0 Transient Merchant © Peddler _06/4114 $125.00 Date(s) of Event: 7125114— 813114 $125,00 ❑ Parade Peddler $ 30.00 A licant Information 2" X 2" Picture Required Name: Keith Brian Heikes Height: 6'2" Weight: 350 Eye Color: BLU r Driver's License Number: State: MN Permanent Address: 367 School Rd. SW Hutchinson MN 55350 Citp State Zip r Permanent Telephone: 320 -587 -7283 + . Temporary Address. 1015 Hwy. 15 South Hutchinson MN 55350 city Stare 'Lip Temporary Telephone Access. 320- 582 -6969 Have you been convicted of any crime, misdemeanor, or violation of any municipal ordinance, other than traffic violations? ❑ yes © no If yes, state the nature of offense and punishment or penalty assessed therefore: City of Hutc'I�inson .application for Peddlers, Soiicirors, and Transiew Merchants Page 2 of 4 I.ocakion Information Hutchinson Mall Parking Lot Location Name.(CArWQTQCCUPYPUBLIC RIGHT -OF -WAY) 1015 Fhvv. 15 South Hutchinson MN 55350 Location Address City State 'Zip F i.1.• i ( r Lexington Realty Intl ; Property ran ner signature Prvpera} owned name Business Information Describe relationship between applicant and employer. Owner Describe nature of business and describe item(s) offered: Factory Direct Furniture plans to conduct a "tent sale " in the parking lot of the Hutchinson Mall. This sale will be conducted in the same location and manner as the sale has been conducted there in previous years. Describe method of delivery: Describe source of supply: ] Existing suppliers Supplier Name Suppler Phone Number Supplier Address City state Zip Supplier Name Suppler Phone Nsember Supplier Address City State Zip Supplier Name Suppler Phone Number SupplierAddress Cit y 7.i Reference Information Provide two (2) property owners {preferably in McLeod County) for character references: Carole He -kes 320- 587 -3871 Property Chvner Name Property Chkjner, PhorPe Number 15873 Hwv. 7 East Hutchinson MN 55350 Properly Owner Address City Stale Zip Gus Wardell 612 -750 -4018 Proper {v Owner Name Property O vmer Phone Number 20455 248"1 Circle Hutchinson MN 55350 - -• Property Owner Address - -�� — Ory — 5'taae "Lip City ofHiaelrinson APpllcalion for• Peddlers, Solicitors, and Transient Wer•chants Page of4 Reference Information (continued) List last tup to three (3)) previous city(ies) where you carried on same activity: Hutchinson MN August 2011 to August 2013 City State Date(s) ofActivrty City State Ciry State to Dates) ofAcavity to Tate(s) afActivity Checklist The following items need to be completed and/or attached in order for the application to be processed: Application/Investigation fee paid in full (check or money order): Elyes Ll no Application completed in full and signed: ❑ yes ❑ no I hereby certify I have completely filled out the entire above application and that the application is true, correct, and accurate I fully understand that any person who violates any provision of the Peddlers, Solicitors, and Transient Merchants Ordinance No. 673 is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $1,000.00 or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding 90 days or both, plus, in either case, the costs of prosecution. 614114 .'Applicant's Signaru Internal Use Only Police ;&pproved ❑ denied Note City Council ❑ approved © denied Notes: I': Lice�LSea:Applitatioag:Peddler, S01ticitar.1-muient.doc Date HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci=V�f� Request for Board Action 79 M-W Agenda Item: Transient Merchant License - Jay Malone Motors Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/22/2014 Application Complete Yes Contact: Marc A. Sebora Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Marc A. Sebora Reviewed by Staff ✓❑ consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: Jay Malone of Jay Malone Motors has submitted a transient merchant license application to hold a car tent sale in the Hutchinson Mall parking lot from August 11 - 16, 2014. Mr. Malone has conducted the same type of sale in the same location since 2007. The Hutchinson Police Department conducted the required background investigation on Mr. Malone and found no criminal history on him. In addition, there were no documented complaints regarding Mr. Malone's sale since 2007. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve issuing transient merchant license to Jay Malone in Hutchinson Mall parking lot from August 11 - 16, 2014. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: ] ] t Iii SS 11II %i[rtI SoLit Ilea S[ 1i[il�•]liiltiim. �I\ ii3SU Q0 SST -51 P a.x: (320) 234.4240 City of Iltif£hitlsou APPLICAuON FOR VEDOIA. RS, SOLICITORS, ANI3 TRANSIENT M.ERCI-IANT,S (Under Ortlimmice No. 111) Application Type {choose Q Solicitor 5125.60 Date of Appliemion Transient Merchant $125,00 Date(s) of Event: u Peddler $125.00 U Parade Peddler 5 30.00 Applicant Information 2" X 2" Picture Required as -7//1 Name. k w AV Height: Weight: Eye Color: Driver's License Number: State: Permaitent AddiCm: & th C'i } (,3zd5s-----s .Suffer Zip Permanent Telephone: Temporary Address: C'iry Slate 4p _ I Temporary Telephone Access: Have you been caiwicle o all), crime, misdemeanor, or violation of any Ittlelticipal ordiltance, other than traffic violations'? ❑ yes )q If Yes. slate the nature of offense and punishment or penalty assessed therefore: •=7),[hilrr,,litua f'.•rr,fh.rI..SWi[rld,t I of, IMulII,YirA1'.1cli,rerls 1',+7;.• : aj 7 1. n'r+fi,nr A ns it (f,',! ASL'U 1' (JL'[' f.7J +j' J +t 7H r -1[' If li � 111 =D1' • i f :•11% t.a rrr;.klrlrrsr i'irl NOW li'tlt npLlieant is n[il Ilit property owner. [lie 11ia1 Il�LU15'13C1''n1llSl sihll below gnil ing >�r l( r Iur mu kit slid 1)ral10 lye r _J��'�: � 'f • j �� �.e I.]r . �rg1r,•r �• irr7_r_Sr Srrfr7r11 �' 1'IV1.ti7f1'U�tilrtir lrlrfi4' j l 13tI51f3G5$ IllfQl'311S1119F1 IksSrik)e relalivlrsilip beltt'Cti1 app liCaII and employer: Nuf . f .Ja_m4. Mabq - -- - Oincrilie nalmc ol'busitless and describe ilem(s) Offered: lkvi 08 used - OM 1 vyi Oese/II�GC fill Ill(7[k ilk deIwely: 1]iss;l'il+e suilrc+: Qt'su1r1ll)': _____. �. _._� �_...... .. _ ....... .._ -• Snl +phir r5ir+ur - .Sigyd; r !'hum, Number . .. --- ,Sirglrfi� ^r .1�11rrsa ('i[j r.__. ...- 'Sirrfr• frfr ,Siyrlllk'r Aiurrr - - Sr +��rlrr l'lmrre,l'r�rubrr 1'rr�7171rc'rrl f.Iri.sf C'rn' Male J.,p _ - - - -~�~ 1'iry +� +fi�•r ,k4rrrr� � ,SYr�yrlrr 1'lrorrr ,1'ruuber ' - - - -- . 5'r�rlrlli'r�lrlilrr °ss........ _ .... - ('k1'...._..... :ti ►rr[r %i r ltckcrcucc inrormadon 1'i[»'lcic [55'o (2) pride' 1y owl I} vs (i11 Vfel.en(I C'ounl)') fur clrifacier referci3ct _.��fY1 _...... ... . �.12_U�9] !'ra a•rr }•Ch, a,•r Aam'. �. 1 r A'rl ' ( , - y�.'r 1lrnirr di +rrrh, r 1'rularrr(liirw:[r!(nsi w� ALLmL !. }Ir Slur. I'rulr.• +1} Chrur '.- 1'ir ++rd 1 vin rfj• IJirOrrr P Derr rSSrr+rlr.•r I�Alwmn I —W 5- �.._..._— 1'r u a rr r (ar,r,•r ,lrlrGi f s C if Slq li + C'iry 2fI1011 ,11osol+ Appflamcn for Pcdriler,i..Soltc'rlars. r:nrl'1'rr rrsre+il ,ticrchn+zis Pnga 3 o f a Reference I n forn i atioil (col- itir,ued List last {lip to t }tree (3)) previous city(ies) where yott carried on same activity (iin tiled iately iareceding today's, date): _ to City Stare DaWsj gfAciiviry - - - to chy Sole Ikale(s} O(Aclivily — — - to S1Rle Doie(s) of Acf ray I_tecklist The following items need to be completed andlor attached in order For the application to be processed: Applicationllnvestigation fee paid in full (check or money order): ❑ yes ❑ no lication completed in full aild signed: ❑ yes ❑ no 1 hereby certify I have completely filled out the entire above application and that the application is true, correct, and accurate. I fully understand that any person xvho violates any provision of tile Peddlers, Solicitors, and 'Ftansiertt Merchants Ordinance No. 673 is guilty ofa misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $1,000.00 or by imprisonment t' r a pel'iod not exceeding 90 days or both, plus, in either case, the costs orprosecution. _ 7 . -7- r 21pp11cram's Signature Dwe internal use-911l - Police Aapproved ❑ denied Notera�k City Council ❑ approved ❑ denied Notes: 11.Wrcn ,s1APp1jCdkrons•Peddlt,, 5ohci I Or. Tramkm d" HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci vof 0, a_ � Request for Board Action 79 M-W Agenda Item: Food Vendor License Renewal - Rafael Jimenez Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/22/2014 Application Complete Yes Contact: Marc A. Sebora Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Marc A. Sebora Reviewed by Staff 0 Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency No Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: Rafael Jimenez has submitted a food vendor renewal application. Mr. Jimenez operates an ice cream truck throughout the community with the business name of Chitos. Mr. Jimenez has submitted the appropriate documentation and license renewal fee. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve issuing a 2014 food vendor license to Rafael Jimenez to operate a food truck. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: City of Hutchinson 111 Hassan St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320) 234 -4215 Rafael Jimenez Rafael Jimenez 306 S. Donnelly Litchfield MN 55355 LICENSE Issued To: Rafael Jimenez DBA: Address: 306 S. Donnelly Litchfield MN 55355 APPLICANT Name: Rafael Jimenez Address: 306 S. Donnelly Litchfield MN 55355 ContactJAttw Telephone: Fax: Federal Tax ID: State Tax ID: SSN: Exempt: Rafael Jimenez 3205931125 472929213 APPLICATION FOR LICENSE RENEWAL for Food Vendor Descripfflon Food Vendor License Nbr: 00004283 Applicant: 336 INSTRUCTIONS: Make any corrections, sign and return this application along with the license fee to the City of Hutchinson by 11141/2013. Make check payable to: City of Hutchinson License Expires: 1 213 112 01 3 Amount $125 -00 INSURANCE Pursuant to Minnesota Statute, Section 176.182 proof of Workers' Compensation Liability is required. Please include a Certificate of Insurance naming the City of Hutchinson as additional insured with the fallowing information: Insurance Company Name (NOT the insurance agent), Policy Number, Dates of Coverage (Must be exact Term of License)- am not required to have workers' compensation liability coverage because: i have no employees am self- insured (include permit to self - insure) ( } I have no employees who are covered by the workers' compensation law (these include: Spouse, Parents, Children, and certain farm employees) I certify that the info a.1 n provided is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and that a valid workers' compensation policy will be kep�e ct at all times as required by law. CITY USE ONLY. �I /. ' r Date Recd Check # �igwat re of Applicant Date Amount m a 1d a 0_ iry H H H y w a LEI m J, r- rr cn La in C', m r� r� RI 4 c SS N LO n Nilnur -wore Deparurn nI of Agncullurc MINNESOTA nFPARTM NT OF AGIRJCLJf TUPJt -. RETAIL 1003ILE F0GD HANDLER 625 ROHERI S]REFT NOR TTLST PAUL, MWNTSOTA 5 5 15 5 -2 538 JIMENF -Z RAFAEL DQA CRITICS COW-ESSIONS RETAIL MOBILE FOOD HANDLER 306 SOUTH DONNELLY AVE L[TCHFIELD MN 65355 JII,AENE2 RAFAEL DBA L +censt Plate CHfTQS CoNCES^sIONS #YA %118441 -G 306 SOUTH DONNELLY AVE LITCHFIELD MN 55355 2010402E 41112014 3131/2015 License Nw-nba Fftertive slate E•xpxation Daly Llcense Categories JIMENEZ RAFAEL DSA CHITOS CONCESSIONS 3D6 SOLITH DONNELLY AVE 20104028 $ 7700 41112014 MV2015 20104028 $ 77.00 3/31/2015 Liuensc Number Licease Fee Paid Effect,.re Dale Expirahan Date Lacense Numbte Liccose Fee Paid ExprralLon Date Ai.r Iieenre rnust be posted in a consp►cuous place and is rrof transfern6le. A 047853 U amid, •rr n h Ck Aeerisrv! H51h 1 ,60al ti— Act an O n kbr- reran f ii. blw y m.r3ccs 07/16/2014 08: 15 Lake Region COkat❑ LAKE REGION AGCY PO Box 759 COKATO, MN 55321 1.320. 286.2231 Certificate of insurance (FAX)3262862ij,q` P 001/001 PRLAGRE.l MEe Policy number: 05378358.6 Underwritten by, UNITED FINANCIAL CASUALTY COMPANY tiny 16, 1014 Page t of 1 Cenifl&ate Holder Insured Agam Addltirjna� lnsur d ........... AAFAtL 11MENE2 .. .................. L4Kf ......... RF ... GIDN. 1.O.. AGLY ...,... ...................... .................. CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHITOS CONCESSIONS PO BOX 759 111 HASSAN 5T 5 346 S DONNEtLY AVE COKA7 0. MN 55311 HUTCHINSON. MN 55350 LITCHFIELD, MN 55355 This document certifies that insurance policl25 Identifled below have been issued by the designated Insurer to the Insured named above for the period(s) Indicated. Th1s Certificate 15 issued for information purposes only. It confers no rights upon the certificate holder and does not change, alter, modify, Or extend the coverages afforded by the policies listed below. The coverages afforded by the policles listed below are subject to all the terms, exduslons, Ilmltadons, endorsements, and conditions of these policies, ..I ........... ..,......................... o! ry EffertIve Date; May 1, 2D14 Policy EKpiratlOn Date: Nov t, 2014 In {urine tevrragetsl Llmlts BODILY INIURY�PROPERTY DAMAGE ,,,,,,,,,• S3D0.000 COM6lNEI] SiNGIE LIMN UNINSUAWUNDERINSUREOMOTORlST S3b0.66015300,000 PERSONALlN1URYPROTECTIQN .. .................. ...,.. ,,...........,...,..,.......... S2 D, 000 MED & ECON LOSS W1WORKERS COMP-NON-STACKED Descrlptlon of LocationlVeltlrles«peclall items Scheduled autos only 1988 CHEVROLET P30 1 GGP32J1J33 03563 COMPREHENSIVE COLUSION 1989 CHEVROLET P3D 1GCJP31J3J3304687 COMPREHENSIVE COLLISION ... . ................ I ......................................... I....... Staled Aotim S7,0 5500 DED WI$0 GLASS pED S7,00 5500 DED ............. $500 DED WISO GLASS DE D Stated Amount $7,000 $540 DED certificate number 19714NEMS Please be advised that additional insureds and lass payees will be notified in the event of a mid-term canteilatlon, ram 52.1 11W911 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL Request for Board Action Agenda Item: Short Term 3,2 %[Temp Liquor License - McLeod County Agriculture Association Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/22/2014 Application Complete Yes Contact: Marc A. Sebora Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Marc A. Sebora Reviewed by Staff 0 Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: The McLeod County Agriculture Association has submitted a short -term 3.2% malt liquor license and a temporary liquor license to dispense malt liquor and liquor at the McLeod County Fair from August 13 - 17, 2014. The McLeod County Agriculture Association is a non- profit organization that meets the requirements for both a short --term 3.2% malt liquor license and a temporary liquor license. Although the McLeod County Agriculture Association's preference would be to dispense intoxicating liquor for the entire five days of the fair, the maximum number of days allowed by state statute to dispense intoxicating liquor is four days, therefore the Association has applied to dispense 3.2% malt liquor for one day of the McLeod County Fair and intoxicating liquor for the remaining four days of the Fair. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve issuing a short -term 3.2% malt liquor license to McLeod County Agriculture Association on August 13, 2014. and a temporary liquor license from August 14 -17, 2014. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: OF �;h Minnesota Department of Public Safety ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 444 Cedar Street Suite 222, St. Paul MN 55101 (651) 201 -7507 Fax (651) 297 -5259 TTY (651) 282-6555 WWW.DPS.STATE.MN.US APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR A 1 TO 4 DAY TEMPORARY ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSE TYPE OR PRINT INFORMATION NAME OF ORGANIZATION DATE ORGANIZED TAX EXEMPT NUMBER Oc ,evot C44 ric.Al v6I ASSN S 7'" 6494051 STREET ADDRESS j 3"lC) 6e,, v V CITY STATE 4''We.4i v%"0 i ZIP 55-35-0 CODE "t,i tJ NAME OF PERSON MAKING APPLICATION Cas-e vela. L4-r- v-s, BUSINESS PHONE HOME PHONE tva) 58-1 - 27 °r 020) sa 3 - -19 a ) DATES LIQUOR WILL BE SOLD 9114-011-1 TYPE OF ORGANIZATION CLUB E RELIGIOUS CFH�N� ORGANIZATION OFFICER'S NAME ADDRESS &WWI► Avi S633Lv ORGANIZATION OFFICER'S NAME ADDRESS JC S[/ l" I P {'C)' sr n -1 -1 Llf J7,7013,% 6+ �A&V oCt A4?4 G42-"(W ORGANIZATION OFFICERS NAME ADDRESS i> 1) VV I T. 1.& VK jAriY 2-1-1519 " l -L►'t sa t A-vj 5.5 Location license will be used. If an outdoor area describe L4 "rA S Q ,r `°t+'e- AAG Lc-nvC 4�,, FA 'tom ramie -r� S I� Its �f j Ir►'d 1 i� ��! M t A NaIJIN1GF . rCr1� -� i^+ YC __ r Will the applicant contract for intoxicating liquor service? If so, give the name and address of the liquor licensee providing the service. NO Will the applic nt carry liquor liability insurance? If so, please provide the car`rier's name and amount of ^ it f_+M1 coverage. ��r APROVAL APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED BY CITY OR COUNTY BEFORE SUBMITTING TO ALCOHOL & GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT CITYICOUNTY 44por- DATE APPROVED CITY FEE AMOUNT $ ?5, ov LICENSE DATES DATE FEE PAID SICNATt RE CITY CLERK OR COUNTY OFFICIAL APPROVED DIRECTOR ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT NOTE: Submit this form to the city or county 30 days prior to event. Forward application signed by city and/or county to the address above. If the application is approved the Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division will return this application to be used as the License for the event PS -09079 (05106) c)y °f Short Term 3.2 Malt Liquor Fee: 5125.00 111 Hassan Street Southeast P-1 ' Y201111 Hutchinson, INN 55350 a�{�87 (320) 587- 51511Fax:(320)234 -4240 City of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR SHORT TERM 3.2 MALT LIQUOR LICENSE — ON SALE In provisions of the City of Hutchinson Municipal Code Chapter 112 All applications must be received at least 14 days before City Council Meeting in order to be considered icant Information e v h trt taA Busine /Organizalion Name Pd i - 6?43 cC m JvLN Ave Svc hk*4,i Aso BusinesslOrganizalion Address City A&L"d Gv" ), F-j T:;4 W__ Type of ftslnessi0rL�rrnizalion Applicant Name fZl r+' AIA 11.1 Phone Number "tJy3 State Lip &PIP • 5$7 - a4_m9 Phone Number Applicant Address City Slate zip-- Officers) /Darr s of the Organ ization /B usiness Ofnecessarv, list additional names on separate sheet] 1 !fame Jrn( 15t Wi mel i A+ame LoLkK Name Malt Liquor Title Title 717V�-eAS tti try_ Title %►l t Leos 6,m4 CA vo S A4401 • L �;60 1'4 Location o ales I Date (S) of Sales � ► C ,aC�O antact Person 4VL+C, Checklist The following items need to be completed and/or attached in order for the application to be processed: Application fee paid in full (check or money order): Vyes ❑ no Application com feted in full and signed by applicant: es ❑ no The above listed business hereby applies for a license to sell short-term 3.2 MALT LIQUOR for consumption "ON" those certain premises in the City of Hutchinson described above and to that end represents and state as follows: That said applicant is a citizen of the United States; of good moral character and repute; and has attained the age of 21 years; that he/she is proprietor of this establishment for which the license will be issued if this application is granted. That no manufacturer of such non - intoxicating malt liquors has any ownership, in whole or in part, in said business of said applicant or any interest therein. City of Hutchinson Application for Short Term 3.2 Mali Liquor License — On -Sale Page ? of 2 That said applicant makes this application pursuant and subject to all the laws of the State of Minnesota and the ordinances and regulations of said City of Hutchinson applicable thereto, which are hereby made a part hereof, and hereby agrees to observe and obey the same. Each Applicant further states that he/she is not now the holder of, nor has he/she made application for, nor does he intend to make application for a Federal Retail Dealer's Special tax stamp for the sale of intoxicating liquor. declare that the information 1 have provided on this application is truthful, and I authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. o)rattahor•i_ed applicant C, 114 Bale Police Chief Recommendation ,approved LJ denied Notes: Police Chie Si nalw -e bate Jul 16 2014 4:49PM McLeod Cnunt�d Fair 320- 587 -0096 page 2 Ju1/1812014 10:4 8 58 AM Cat ren6 IneuranCe Agency 320- 587 -1174 111 LIQUOR LIABILITY MINNESOTA. JOINT UNDERWRITING ASSOCIATION CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE 12404 PCRTLAND AVE S. STE 190 Page BURNSVILLE, MN 55337 This r,artifi[ ate of inevranee is Lasued as a natter as tnfarrmtaon �,nfy Arut cQ,htra me rights upon the certificate Holdor, This CertilkCete d"s not onend, extend or a:te.r the cvverego a(tsrdsd by the policy [toted bslDw. POiiCy NUMber: L140325 Policy Period: FR014 $/13/2014 To 8/18/2014 12:01 Am Standard Time IHSVEi D; A=NT: 171 MCLECD COVNTY AGRICULTURE ASSN, CITIZENS INS AGCY OF HUTCHINSON LLC PQ BOX 142 P.Q. BOX 339 940 CENTl1RY AvE SW HQTCHiNSON MN 55350 HUTC4INSCN W 55354 1 VR* s JUJL IS FACHIETTMD DY STATVTZ FROM AAOVIDINc- PRODUCTS Am cowNLxTrzo OPIRATICWS COVSRIICA a&W POLICY 4IQUOR LIABILITY 'his is en r'udited pCiiCy a +[d pfer.i'4m Adjistmnts are rase it the end of the polity period. 11.43 It to Celtify MR the Poltcy described beggar, has here i"UOd to tye insured aawd shore and is in fotce it this [lna. 'ota :thstendirg any taqulrenent, Trim ar Conditlan of say fo3icy or other document with rtipoat to u'11ch tlt$ Certificate may bt aauad or may certain, the Coverage afforesd by tht polity 4redribed h@celn Is aublact to all .erne, exc :uaiaae acrd Conditions of ugh PoLLcy. he ©sai:rlbsd i4CStiahl6l covered by :;:is iioliry trek as follows: KO DOD COUNTY FA1RijR0UWD91 640 CENTtMy AVE $1i, HUTCHIWBDN, HN 33330 CQVERAGS LIMIT Deductible Amount: Nohm �. Bodily Iniury (Each Perron) 350,000 (Each Occurrences) $1D0, D00 Property Damage [Each Occurrence] Slo,C)OU Loss of Meetns of Support (Each Person) $50, D00 Pecuniary Loss i8aCh Occurrence) $104,000 ;Each Person) $50,Cf }o ;Each Occurrence} $100,000 Annual Aggregate 530 303, $303,000 Per Claimant Business Description: SPECIAL EVENT — SHORT TERM, LIQUOR LIQUOR LIABILITY Certificate Holder: CITY OF MUTCHINSON 111 HASSAN ST, SE NUTCKINSON MN 55359 ,ho`Ltld t110 above, nolicY be cancelled before the eRpivatiQn date tFYSCAaf, tha Asaociotion will +ndeavor to mail 60 days written notice to rhr above flamed certificate holder, but = ailure tc, pail such noticO shil11 .t.alpnse no obligation or iiabtlity of mpy kind -pan the Association. [r he` 5vant the car[cel lation is for non paymssnt of presni trm, the Association will mail a 10 day prit;ten notice. 7/1fi114 �x k frti.��J7.� . tetFSa7's1talG iTiaRS nnss CXRT1rXC7kTE SOLDER + OUR AUVRO6tYSED j=VzIzri &TzVz 8/.3/14 End Of Declaration For Location 1 Building 1 8713114 July 16, 2014 Dear City Council Members, There are currently three openings on the Park, Recreation and Community Education Board due to people withdrawing for different reasons. I would like to make the following appointments for two of the openings and PRCE Director Dolf Moon supports the appointments. I ask your approval. Thank you, Mayor Steve Cook Marlys Hoeft - Filling an unexpired term to August 2015. Marlys is a 38 year resident of Hutchinson and is a retired teacher. She had an early background in Physical Education, Health and Parks and Recreation. Don DeMeyer - Filling an unexpired term to August 2016. Don is a 32 year resident of Hutchinson. Don has served on the Faith Lutheran Church Council and is currently going through the Chamber of Commerce Leadership Institute. Check Number Check Issue Date 181699 7/9/2014 181700 7/11/2014 181701 7/22/2014 181702 7/22/2014 181703 7/22/2014 181704 7/22/2014 181705 7/22/2014 181706 7/22/2014 181707 7/22/2014 181708 7/22/2014 181709 7/22/2014 181710 7/22/2014 181711 7/22/2014 181712 7/22/2014 181713 7/22/2014 181714 7/22/2014 181715 7/22/2014 181716 7/22/2014 181717 7/22/2014 181718 7/22/2014 181719 7/22/2014 181720 7/22/2014 181721 7/22/2014 181722 7/22/2014 181723 7/22/2014 181724 7/22/2014 181725 7/22/2014 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Check Register 1 7/16/2014 Check Issue Dates: 7/9 /14 - 7/22/14 Amount Vendor Account Description 17,400.00 SCHIMMEL CONSTRUCTION LLC HRA Loan 316,825.00 COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATIONS SYSTEMS INC Machinery & Equipment 242.27 3D SPECIALTIES Sign Repair Materials 605.00 AARP Other Professional Services 16,325.00 ABDO EICK & MEYERS Auditing Services 816.27 ACE HARDWARE Repair & Maintenance Supplies 241,984.36 ALLIED BLACKTOP COMPANY Improv other than Buildings 3,232.44 ALPHA WIRELESS Phone Services 135.96 AMERICAN BOTTLING CO Cost of Sales - Miscellaneous 140.00 AMERICAN LEGION Advertising 372.00 AMERICAN RED CROSS Contractual R &M 12.90 AMERICAN WELDING & GAS Automotive R &M 73.64 AMERIPRIDE SERVICES Contractual R &M 2,010.32 ANDERSON CHEMICAL COMPANY Chemicals & Chemical Products 35.00 ANGELS & IVY Flowers - Employee 828.00 ANIMAL MEDICAL CENTER ON CROW RIVER Other Professional Services 1,130.95 ARCTIC GLACIER USA INC. Cost of Sales - Miscellaneous 225.00 ARNDORFER, RITA Refund Activity Fees 954.80 ARNESON DISTRIBUTING CO Cost of Sales - Beer 358.51 ARNOLD'S OF GLENCOE INC Automotive R &M 89.12 ARROW TERMINAL LLC Equipment Parts 390.66 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Cost of Sales - Beer 8,254.43 ASSURANT EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Premiums - Dental 76.00 ATKINSON, TRACI Refund Activity Fees 974.29 AUTO VALUE - GLENCOE Equipment Parts 160.08 BEACON ATHLETICS Repair & Maintenance Supplies 1,112.77 BELLBOY CORP Cost of Sales - Miscellaneous 181726 7/22/2014 143.72 BENNY'S MEAT MARKET Firemen's Pinning Ceremony 181727 7/22/2014 176.99 BERGER PLUMBING HEATING AC Contractual R &M 181728 7/22/2014 384.94 BERNICK'S Cost of Sales - Miscellaneous 181729 7/22/2014 1,234.57 BFG SUPPLY CO Freight -in 181730 7/22/2014 38.00 BJORGE, CYNTHIA Refund Activity Fees 181731 7/22/2014 668.40 BLACK GOLD ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Contractual R &M 181732 7/22/2014 188.50 BRANDON TIRE CO Automotive R &M 181733 7/22/2014 1,572.00 BRAUN INTERTEC CORP Other Professional Services 181734 7/22/2014 49.56 BUFFALO CREEK ENTERPRISES Cost of Sales - Miscellaneous 181735 7/22/2014 390.00 BUREAU OF CRIM APPREHENSION Communication Maintenance 181736 7/22/2014 4,000.00 BURNHAM COMPANIES LLC Inventory - Material 181737 7/22/2014 3,171.62 BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS Small Tools & Minor Equipment 181738 7/22/2014 19,103.05 C & L DISTRIBUTING Cost of Sales - Liquor 181739 7/22/2014 179.40 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS SUPPLIES Equipment Parts 181740 7/22/2014 41.57 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS Automotive R &M 181741 7/22/2014 898.86 CENTRAL MCGOWAN Shop Supplies 181742 7/22/2014 906.38 CENTRAL TURF & IRRIGATION SUPPLY Repair & Maintenance Supplies 181743 7/22/2014 13,590.00 CLARKE ENVIRONMENTAL MOSQUITO MANAGEMENT Other Professional Services 181744 7/22/2014 100.00 CMK SERVICES LLC Other Professional Services 181745 7/22/2014 231.92 COLD SPRING GRANITE CO Cemetery Marker 181746 7/22/2014 346.11 COMDATA CORPORATION Operating Supplies 181747 7/22/2014 189.00 COMMON GROUND BROADCASTING INC. Advertising 181748 7/22/2014 444.38 CROW RIVER AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR Automotive R &M 181749 7/22/2014 4,967.50 CROW RIVER COATINGS Contractual R &M 181750 7/22/2014 81.50 CROW RIVER FLORAL & GIFTS Flowers - Employee 181751 7/22/2014 185.19 CROW RIVER PRESS INC Printing & Publishing 181752 7/22/2014 100.00 DAKOTA COUNTY Bail Money 181753 7/22/2014 8,858.45 DAY DISTRIBUTING Cost of Sales - Beer 181754 7/22/2014 395.00 DIGITAL ALLY INC Operating Supplies 181755 7/22/2014 1,054.75 DROP -N -GO SHIPPING INC Printing & Publishing 181756 7/22/2014 1,480.00 E. G. RUD & SONS INC. Other Professional Services 181757 7/22/2014 1,574.33 E2 ELECTRICAL SERVICES INC Contractual R &M 181758 7/22/2014 3,320.00 EATON CORPORATION Contractual R &M 181759 7/22/2014 58.25 ECOLAB PEST ELIMINATION Contractual R &M 181760 7/22/2014 74.00 ELDER, JULIE Refund Activity Fees 181761 7/22/2014 225.00 ELK, DREW Refund Activity Fees 181762 7/22/2014 5,329.00 EVERETT & VANDERWIEL PLLP Other Professional Services 181763 7/22/2014 33.50 EXTREME BEVERAGE LLC Cost of Sales - Miscellaneous 181764 7/22/2014 51.42 FASTENAL COMPANY Equipment Parts 181765 7/22/2014 276.93 FINANCE & COMMERCE Advertising 181766 7/22/2014 2,148.00 FIRE SAFETY USA INC Small Tools & Minor Equipment 181767 7/22/2014 192.00 FIRST ADVANTAGE LNS OCC HEALTH SOLUTIONS Drug Testing 181768 7/22/2014 132.00 FIRST CHOICE FOOD & BEVERAGE SOLUTIONS Operating Supplies 181769 7/22/2014 386.63 FOSTER MECHANICAL Contractual R &M 181770 7/22/2014 141.58 G & K SERVICES Operating Supplies 181771 7/22/2014 15,848.00 GARICK CORPORATION Inventory - Process Material 181772 7/22/2014 40.71 GARTNER, RACHEL Refunds & Reimbursements 181773 7/22/2014 476.00 GERTENS Inventory - Process Material 181774 7/22/2014 366.98 GLENCOE POLICE DEPT Safe & Sober Grant 181775 7/22/2014 515.51 GOPHER STATE FIRE EQUIPMENT CO. Safety Supplies 181776 7/22/2014 179.74 GRAINGER Repair & Maintenance Supplies 181777 7/22/2014 1,621.52 HACH COMPANY Equipment Parts 181778 7/22/2014 1,241.69 HANSEN TRUCK SERVICE Automotive R &M 181779 7/22/2014 7,355.00 HANSON & VASEK CONSTRUCTION Contractual R &M 181780 7/22/2014 122.43 HENRYS FOODS INC Concession Supplies 181781 7/22/2014 1,837.50 HENRY'S WATERWORKS INC Equipment Parts 181782 7/22/2014 200.25 HILLYARD / HUTCHINSON Cleaning Supplies 181783 7/22/2014 210.00 HOMETOWN SPORTS Uniforms & Personal Equip 181784 7/22/2014 7,217.43 HUTCHINSON CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU Lodging Tax Reimb 181785 7/22/2014 8,592.71 HUTCHINSON CO -OP Operating Supplies 181786 7/22/2014 1,618.50 HUTCHINSON HEALTH Other Professional Services 181787 7/22/2014 3,061.01 HUTCHINSON LEADER Advertising 181788 7/22/2014 110,960.07 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES Utilities 181789 7/22/2014 638.04 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE Automotive R &M 181790 7/22/2014 4,865.49 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF Utilities 181791 7/22/2014 5,000.00 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF ATM Reimbursement 181792 7/22/2014 8.35 INDEPENDENT EMERGENCY SERVICES Equipment Rental 181793 7/22/2014 42,347.00 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DIST #423 Activity Fees 181794 7/22/2014 200.78 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM MINNEAPOLIS Equipment Parts 181795 7/22/2014 600.96 J & R COMPLETE AUTO & RADIATOR Automotive R &M 181796 7/22/2014 233.40 JACK'S UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT Safety Supplies 181797 7/22/2014 868.55 A TAYLOR DIST OF MN Cost of Sales - Wine 181798 7/22/2014 569.75 JOES SPORT SHOP Operating Supplies 181799 7/22/2014 11,582.50 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. Cost of Sales - Liquor 181800 7/22/2014 193.28 JOHNSON, CRAIG Sign Repair Materials 181801 7/22/2014 74.22 KAESER COMPRESSORS Equipment Parts 181802 7/22/2014 768.24 KAHNKE BROTHERS NURSERY Buildings & Structures 181803 7/22/2014 1,800.00 KARVAKKO ENGINEERING P A Engineering Fees 181804 7/22/2014 21.48 KASHUBA, ROBIN Operating Supplies 181805 7/22/2014 704.00 KDUZ KARP RADIO Advertising 181806 7/22/2014 810.00 KOLV K100 Advertising 181807 7/22/2014 76.00 KOSEL, KIRK Refund Activity Fees 181808 7/22/2014 331.00 KRANZ LAWN & POWER Automotive R &M 181809 7/22/2014 740.20 KRIS ENGINEERING Automotive R &M 181810 7/22/2014 2,341.10 L & P SUPPLY CO Equipment Rental 181811 7/22/2014 85.00 LANDSCAPE CONCEPTS INC Contractual R &M 181812 7/22/2014 258.62 LANO EQUIPMENT OF NORWOOD Shop Supplies 181813 7/22/2014 225.00 LARSEN, TONYA Refund Activity Fees 181814 7/22/2014 119.00 LIEN, MIKE Safety Supplies 181815 7/22/2014 500.00 LIFE LINK III Deposit Return 181816 7/22/2014 29,750.95 LOCHER BROTHERS INC Cost of Sales - Beer 181817 7/22/2014 225.00 MACK, HEIDI Refund Activity Fees 181818 7/22/2014 220.63 MACQUEEN EQUIP INC Automotive R &M 181819 7/22/2014 4,800.00 MANTY & ASSOCIATES P.A. Bad Debt Expense 181820 7/22/2014 55.00 MARK BETKER CONSTRUCTION LLC Permit Fee Refund 181821 7/22/2014 13.65 MATHESON TRI -GAS INC Equipment Rental 181822 7/22/2014 520.85 MAYTAG LAUNDRY & CAR WASH Other Professional Services 181823 7/22/2014 802.00 MCLEOD COUNTY COURT ADMINISTRATOR Other Revenues 181824 7/22/2014 56.00 MCLEOD COUNTY MASTER GARDENERS Repair & Maintenance Supplies 181825 7/22/2014 184.00 MCLEOD COUNTY RECORDER Printing & Publishing 181826 7/22/2014 1,467.54 MCLEOD COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Safe & Sober Grant 181827 7/22/2014 101,582.55 MEDICA Medical Insurance 181828 7/22/2014 1,709.57 MEEKER COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Safe & Sober Grant 181829 7/22/2014 10,772.17 MEEKER WASHED SAND & GRAVEL Cost of Sales - Bulk Product 181830 7/22/2014 1,568.43 MENARDS HUTCHINSON Equipment Parts 181831 7/22/2014 4,016.25 MESERB Other Professional Services 181832 7/22/2014 30.08 MESSAGE MEDIA Phone Services 181833 7/22/2014 180.59 MINI BIFF Small Tools & Minor Equipment 181834 7/22/2014 94.50 MINNEAPOLIS, CITY OF Other Professional Services 181835 7/22/2014 380.00 MINNESOTA BUREAU OF CRIMINAL APPREHENSIO Travel /Conference Expense 181836 7/22/2014 784.00 MINNESOTA CHIEFS OF POLICE Operating Supplies 181837 7/22/2014 38.00 MINNESOTA COUNTY ATTORNEY ASSN Printing & Publishing 181838 7/22/2014 10.00 MINNESOTA DEPT OF AGRICULTURE Licenses & Permits 181839 7/22/2014 7,364.00 MINNESOTA DEPT OF HEALTH Water - State Testing Fee 181840 7/22/2014 100.00 MINNESOTA FIRE SERVICE CERTIF BOARD Travel /Conference Expense 181841 7/22/2014 499.00 MINNESOTA NURSERY & LANDSCAPE ASSN Dues & Subscriptions 181842 7/22/2014 441.00 MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOC Dues & Subscriptions 181843 7/22/2014 149.52 MINNESOTA UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE Unemployment Insurance 181844 7/22/2014 1,881.00 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LAB Other Professional Services 181845 7/22/2014 3,225.00 MMBA Dues & Subscriptions 181846 7/22/2014 2,534.40 MN DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY /CODE Building Permit Surcharges 181847 7/22/2014 3,550.00 MN DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Contractual R &M 181848 7/22/2014 225.00 MODERN TOWING Other Professional Services 181849 7/22/2014 38.00 MUELLERLEILE, SONJA Refund Activity Fees 181850 7/22/2014 250.00 MWOA Travel /Conference Expense 181851 7/22/2014 297.00 NEOPOST USA INC Equipment Rental 181852 7/22/2014 502.06 NORTH CENTRAL LABORATORIES Operating Supplies 181853 7/22/2014 410.00 NORTH SHORE ANALYTICAL INC Other Professional Services 181854 7/22/2014 660.05 NORTHERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS Operating Supplies 181855 7/22/2014 205.96 NORTHERN SAFETY & INDUSTRIAL Uniforms & Personal Equip 181856 7/22/2014 54.17 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC Equipment Parts 181857 7/22/2014 1,199.75 OLSEN CHAIN & CABLE CO. Other Professional Services 181858 7/22/2014 350.61 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS Automotive R &M 181860 7/22/2014 2,683.80 OVERHEAD DOOR OF ST.CLOUD INC Contractual R &M 181861 7/22/2014 125.44 PAULSON, DEB Travel /Conference Expense 181862 7/22/2014 2,326.50 PEAT INC. Inventory - Bulk Product 181863 7/22/2014 17,949.09 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS Cost of Sales - Wine 181864 7/22/2014 200.00 PRECISION CONCRETE CUTTING Contractual R &M 181865 7/22/2014 1,705.60 PREMIERTECH PACKAGING Equipment Parts 181866 7/22/2014 75.00 PRIEVE LANDSCAPING & LAWN CARE Contractual R &M 181867 7/22/2014 253.85 PRO AUTO MN INC. Automotive R &M 181868 7/22/2014 29.90 QUADE ELECTRIC Repair & Maintenance Supplies 181869 7/22/2014 94.06 QUALITY SALES & SERVICE INC Equipment Parts 181870 7/22/2014 168.56 QUILL CORP Office Supplies 181871 7/22/2014 4.99 RADIOSHACK CORPORATION Phone Services 181872 7/22/2014 40,000.00 REDLINE SYSTEMS INC. EDA Equipment Loan 181873 7/22/2014 478.19 REFLECTIVE APPAREL FACTORY INC Safety Supplies 181874 7/22/2014 12,740.34 REINER ENTERPRISES INC Freight - Bagged 181875 7/22/2014 400.00 RIDGEWATER COLLEGE Other Professional Services 181876 7/22/2014 746.00 ROYALTIRE Equipment Parts 181877 7/22/2014 1,341.84 RUNNING'S SUPPLY Cleaning Supplies 181878 7/22/2014 34.00 SALOUM, CONNIE Refund Activity Fees 181879 7/22/2014 45.99 SCHUMANN, MIKE Miscellaneous Expense 181880 7/22/2014 150.00 SHAW, KAREN Other Professional Services 181881 7/22/2014 157.00 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP Software & Licensing 181882 7/22/2014 47.94 SHRED -IT USA INC- MINNEAPOLIS Refuse - Recycling 181883 7/22/2014 11,276.50 SMSC ENTERPRISES Inventory - Bulk Product 181884 7/22/2014 7,801.96 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF MN Cost of Sales - Liquor 181885 7/22/2014 7,145.24 SPARTAN STAFFING Other Professional Services 181886 7/22/2014 94.40 SPS COMMERCE Dues & Subscriptions 181887 7/22/2014 162.00 STANDARD PRINTING Office Supplies 181888 7/22/2014 955.39 STAPLES ADVANTAGE Copying Supplies 181889 7/22/2014 86.45 STAR TRIBUNE Dues & Subscriptions 181890 7/22/2014 5,120.07 STEVENS ENGINEERS INC Other Professional Services 181891 7/22/2014 5,217.92 STREICH TRUCKING Contractual R &M 181892 7/22/2014 76.34 TASC Admin Fees - HSA /Flex 181893 7/22/2014 2,999.00 TEK MECHANICAL Contractual R &M 181894 7/22/2014 1,763.04 TESSMAN COMPANY Chemicals & Chemical Products 181895 7/22/2014 1,787.30 THOMSON REUTERS -WEST Other Professional Services 181896 7/22/2014 23.02 TOWN & COUNTRY TIRE Automotive R &M 181897 7/22/2014 425.00 TRAINED MONKEY TRUCKIN Freight- Bagged 181898 7/22/2014 273.50 TRI COUNTY WATER Operating Supplies 181899 7/22/2014 64.11 TWO WAY COMMUNICATIONS INC Contractual R &M 181900 7/22/2014 4,050.00 U.S. WATER SERVICES Chemicals & Chemical Products 181901 7/22/2014 239.00 ULTRAMAX Operating Supplies 181902 7/22/2014 82.50 US IDENTIFICATION MANUAL Dues & Subscriptions 181903 7/22/2014 139.95 USA BLUE BOOK Repair & Maintenance Supplies 181904 7/22/2014 38.00 VACEK, TANYA Refund Activity Fees 181905 7/22/2014 38.00 VEDDER, RACHEL Refund Activity Fees 181906 7/22/2014 69.95 VERTECH SOLUTIONS & SERVICES Contractual R &M 181907 7/22/2014 3,821.76 VIKING BEER Cost of Sales - Beer 181908 7/22/2014 1,565.75 VIKING COCA COLA Concession Supplies 181909 7/22/2014 409.40 WALL STREET JOURNAL Dues & Subscriptions 181910 7/22/2014 2,210.44 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI -MN Refuse - Recycling 181911 7/22/2014 51,270.68 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI -MN Refuse - Services 181912 7/22/2014 225.00 WEGNER, KIM Refund Activity Fees 181913 7/22/2014 60.00 WELCOME NEIGHBOR Advertising 181914 7/22/2014 3,695.57 WELLS FARGO Licenses & Permits 181915 7/22/2014 3,554.00 WESTAFER ENTERPRISES Other Professional Services 181916 7/22/2014 609.90 WINE COMPANY, THE Cost of Sales - Wine 181917 7/22/2014 618.19 WINSTED POLICE DEPARTMENT Safe & Sober Grant 181918 7/22/2014 3,809.00 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA Cost of Sales - Beer 181919 7/22/2014 1,428.00 WITTE SOD FARMS INC Buildings & Structures 181920 7/22/2014 2,641.32 WM MUELLER & SONS Contractual R &M 181921 7/22/2014 15,000.00 ZELLER STUDIO Police Park Sculpture 181922 7/22/2014 1,123.13 ZEP SALES AND SERVICE Equipment Parts Grand Totals: 1,338,232.93 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Check Register - Council Check Register Page: 1 Report Dates: 6/22/2014 - 7/5/2014 Jul 09, 2014 12:33PM Report Criteria: Transmittal checks included Pay Period Journal Check Check Date Code Issue Date Number Payee Amount 07/05/2014 CDPT 07/09/2014 181697 HART 583.70- 07/05/2014 CDPT 07/09/2014 181698 NCPERS Minnesota 352.00- 07/05/2014 CDPT 07/09/2014 709141 AFLAC 111.31- 07/05/2014 CDPT 07/09/2014 709142 EFTPS 14,939.64- 07/05/2014 CDPT 07/09/2014 709142 EFTPS 14,939.64- 07/05/2014 CDPT 07/09/2014 709142 EFTPS 4,249.37- 07/05/2014 CDPT 07/09/2014 709142 EFTPS 4,249.37- 07/05/2014 CDPT 07/09/2014 709142 EFTPS 28,096.70- 07/05/2014 CDPT 07/09/2014 709143 ICMA 1,310.00- 07/05/2014 CDPT 07/09/2014 709144 ING 975.00- 07/05/2014 CDPT 07/09/2014 709145 Minnesota Dept. of Revenue 12,414.55- 07/05/2014 CDPT 07/09/2014 709146 MN Child Support System 839.84- 07/05/2014 CDPT 07/09/2014 709147 MN Department of Revenue 269.00- 07/05/2014 CDPT 07/09/2014 709148 MNDCP 250.00- 07/05/2014 CDPT 07/09/2014 709149 PERA 12,069.41- 07/05/2014 CDPT 07/09/2014 709149 PERA 12,069.41- 07/05/2014 CDPT 07/09/2014 709149 PERA 5,635.24- 07/05/2014 CDPT 07/09/2014 709149 PERA 8,452.88- 07/05/2014 CDPT 07/09/2014 709149 PERA 36.16- 07/05/2014 CDPT 07/09/2014 709149 PERA 36.16- 07/05/2014 CDPT 07/09/2014 709149 PERA 21.02- 07/05/2014 CDPT 07/09/2014 709149 PERA 1,910.02- 07/05/2014 CDPT 07/09/2014 709150 TASC -Flex 225.00- 07/05/2014 CDPT 07/09/2014 709150 TASC -Flex 1,514.55- 07/05/2014 CDPT 07/09/2014 709151 TASC -HSA 4,451.09- 07/05/2014 CDPT 07/09/2014 709151 TASC -HSA 3,499.60- 07/05/2014 CDPT 07/09/2014 709151 TASC -HSA 1,008.44- 07/05/2014 CDPT 07/09/2014 709151 TASC -HSA 592.24- 07/05/2014 CDPT 07/09/2014 709151 TASC -HSA 849.22 - Grand Totals: 29 135,950.56- ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS 7/22/2014 TAX FUND PAYABLE TO AMOUNT FUEL, HATS MN DEPT OF REV $1,548.69 SALES TAX LIQUOR MN DEPT OF REV $43,350.00 SALES TAX PRCE CIVIC ARENA MN DEPT OF REV $2,523.00 SALES & USE TAX WATER SEWER CREEKSIDE MN DEPT OF REV $11,507.00 $58,928.69 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Check Register 2 Check Issue Dates: 7/9/14 - 7/22/14 181859 7/22/2014 423.97 OUTDOOR MOTION Equipment Parts Grand Total: 423.97 7/16/2014 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci=V�f� Request for Board Action 79 M-W Agenda Item: Summary review of 2013 Audited Financial Statements Department: Finance LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/22/2014 Application Complete N/A Contact: Andy Reid Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Kyle Meyers Reviewed by Staff ❑ New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency N/A Attachments: No BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: Kyle Meyers, partner of the accounting firm Abdo Eick & Meyers, will present a summary review of the City's 2013 audited financial statements. A more detailed review will take place at the 4pm council workshop prior to the council meeting. Summary financial statements will be printed in the July 23rd edition of the Hutchinson Leader and an electronic copy of the audited financial report is available on the City website. A hard copy of the financial report is available to the public at the Hutchinson library as well as City Center. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the 2013 audited financial report. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci=V�f� Request for Board Action 79 M-W Agenda Item: Ordinance No. 14 -0731 - Licenses Related to Brewers Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/22/2014 Application Complete N/A Contact: Marc Sebora Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Marc Sebora Reviewed by Staff ✓❑ New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: At the last Council meeting, the Council reviewed a draft of an ordinance related to the licensing of brewers. The Council also set a public hearing for August 12, 2014, to allow the public an opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed ordinance. The item on the agenda for the July 22, 2014, Council meeting will be considered the first reading of the ordinance, with the second reading and potential adoption of the ordinance being considered on August 12, 2014. Again, staff welcomes any further comments or feedback on the proposed ordinance. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Set second reading of Ordinance No. 14 -0731 for August 12, 2014. Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: 0.00 Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Ordinance No. 14 -4731 Publication No. AN ORDINANCE ADDING SECTIONS TO CHAPTER 112 — LIQUOR REGULATIONS LICENSES RELATED TO BREWERS The City Council hereby ordains: §112.200 Licenses related to Brewers. Definitions: Brewers: Persons who manufacture malt liquor for sale. Taprooms: Allows for sale of the brewer's own beer for consumption at the brewery location Brewer Off -Sale (Growlers): A brewer who brews less than the amount of barrels indicated in Minnesota Statute Section 340A.301, Subd. 6d(c) of malt liquor in a year may sell malt liquor brewed by the brewer for consumption off - premise. Brew Pubs. Brewer that is a restaurant with a full on -sale intoxicating liquor license that brews their own beer for consumption on their licensed premise only. Brew Pubs Off -Sale: Brewpubs (as defined above) may sell product (growlers) brewed on- premise to be consumed off - premise in 64 oz. bottles or 750 mi. bottles. Brew On- Premise Store: Facility that provides the ingredients and equipment for a customer to use to brew malt liquor at the store. License Regulations § 112.201 Taproom License (a) A brewer licensed under Minnesota Statute Section 340A.301, Subd. 6(c), (i), or 0) may be issued an on -sale liquor license for the "on sale" of malt liquor produced on the licensed premises, subject to the following conditions: (1) The on -sale of malt liquor may only be made during the days and hours that "on- sale" of liquor may be made. (2) A brewer may only hold one (1) brewer taproom license under this chapter. (3) The only beverage alcohol that may be sold or consumed on the premises of a brewery taproom will be the malt liquor produced by the brewer upon the brewery premises. (4) The annual license fee shall be set in accordance with Minnesota Statute Section 340A.408. (5) Liquor liability insurance is in effect in the coverage amounts indicated in Section 112.026 of this chapter. (6) Licensed brewer taprooms may operate a restaurant on the premises without additional 1 i cen sur e . (7) License holders under this section are exempt from the restaurant requirements as defined in Section 112.001 of this chapter. § 112.202 Small Brewer Off -Sale License (a) A brewer licensed under Minnesota Statute 340A.301, Subdivision 6(d), (i), or 0) may be licensed for the "off -sale" of malt liquor produced and packaged on the licensed premises, subject to the following conditions: (1) Off -sale of malt liquor may only be made during the hours that "off -sale" of liquor may be made; (2) The malt liquor shall be packaged in sixty - four -ounce containers commonly known as "growlers" or in seven hundred fifty (750) milliliter bottles; (3) The malt liquor sold at 'off- sale" must be removed from the licensed premise before the applicable closing time at exclusive liquor stores; (4) The "growler" must be sealed in such a manner that the seal must be broken in order to open the container and the seal must bear the name and address of the brewer, and the legend "Not for Consumption in Public" must be prominently displayed on the seal. (5) The annual license fee shall be set in accordance with Minnesota Statute Section 340A.408. (6) Liquor liability insurance is in effect in the coverage amounts indicated in Section 112.426 of this chapter. (7) The establishment must pass inspection by the Minnesota Alcohol and Gambling Division. §112.203 Brew Pub On -Sale License (A) A brew pub license holder must be a restaurant as defined in Section 112.001 of this chapter with a full on -sale intoxicating liquor license. (B) An applicant for the brew pub on sale license must meet all of the requirements imposed by the city for the issuance of an on — sale intoxicating liquor license. (C) A brew pub on -sale license holder may brew their own malt liquor for consumption on their licensed premise only. (D) A brew pub on -sale license holder must be in conformity with Minnesota Statute Section )40A.' )01, Subd. 7(b). (E) The license holder must pass inspection by the Minnesota Alcohol and Gambiing Division. §112.204 Brew Pub Off -Sale License (A)An applicant for the brew pub off sale license must meet all of the requirements imposed by the city for the issuance of an on — sale intoxicating liquor license. (B) The malt liquor to be sold for off - premise consumption shall be packed in 64 oz. bottles commonly known as "growlers" or in 750 ml. bottles in conformity with Minnesota Statute Section 340A.301, Subd. 7(b). (C) The annual license fee shall be set in accordance with Minnesota Statute Section 340A.408. (D) Hours and days of malt liquor sales under this license by the brewer cannot exceed those days and hours of sale of the exclusive municipal liquor store. (E) The establishment must pass inspection by the Minnesota Alcohol and Gambling Division. §112.205 Brew On- Premise Store (A) Alcoholic beverages may not be sold or otherwise provided to customers of a brew on premises store, unless the owner of the brew on premises store holds the appropriate liquor license. (B) Customers using the brew on premises store must be of the minimum age required to purchase intoxicating liquor. (C) Malt liquor brewed by a customer in the store must not be sold and must be used by the customer solely for personal or family use. Adopted by the City Council this day of Attest: Marc A. Sebora, City Administrator Steven W. Cook, Mayor , 2014. HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci=V�f� Request for Board Action 79 M-W Agenda Item: Project Award for Bicycle- Friendly Route Improvements (L10/P14 -10) Department: PW /Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/22/2014 Application Complete N/A Contact: Kent Exner Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Kent Exner Reviewed by Staff ❑ New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency N/A Attachments: No BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: Per the City Council's previous approval, quotations were received for the implementation of the proposed Bicycle - Friendly Route Improvements (sign installations and pavement markings). Two quotations were received for the pavement markings work from two local contractors in the amounts of $10,200 and $12,400 respectively. Only one quotation in the amount of $27,000 was received for the sign installation work (please note that the two regional contractors that typically perform this type of work were notified). However, this quote for the sign installations is slightly less than what City staff originally estimated and is less than what contracted work of this nature has historically cost per unit. Also, we plan to purchase the necessary marking stencils ($1,200 estimated), so the City can utilize them to replace /install markings as needed. Based on these work quotations, City staff requests that the City Council consider approving this project at a not -to- exceed cost of $42,500 which includes an approximate 10% contingency amount for construction unknowns /variations. Please see the attached Resolution for your consideration. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Resolution Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 42,500.00 Total City Cost: $ 42,500.00 Funding Source: Community Improvement Fund Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: RESOLUTION NO. 14307 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING QUOTATION LETTING NO. 10 /PROJECT NO. 14 -10 WHEREAS, pursuant to previous approval by the City Council, quotations have been received for the improvement of: Multiple City street corridors by construction of sign installations, pavement markings, and appurtenances. WHEREAS, two quotations were received for the pavement markings work in the amounts of $10,200.00 and $12,400.00 and one quotation was received for the sign installation in the amount of $27,000.00. WHEREAS, based on estimated costs, the purchase prices of the necessary pavement marking stencils will be $1,200.00. WHEREAS, based on these quotations, City staff requests approval of this project at a not -to- exceed cost of $42,500.00, which includes a contingency. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The project is hereby approved at a not -to- exceed cost of $42,500. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 22nd day of July 2014. Mayor City Administrator HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL c'=y -f Aa� Request for Board Action 7AL =-ft Agenda Item: Discussion of McLeod County Fairgrounds Directional Sign Department: Planning LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/22/2014 Application Complete N/A Contact: Dan Jochum Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Dan Jochum Reviewed by Staff ❑ New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 10 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: Council Member Forcier reported to the Planning Department that he has been working with the McLeod County Fair Board and McCormick's Family Restaurant about the possibility of adding a sign on top of the existing McCormick's sign that is a directional sign for the McLeod County Fairgrounds. (See attached Photo). Discussion about signage directing users to the Fairgrounds has been ongoing and this sign may help users find the Fairgrounds. The proposed sign would be considered off - premise unless the City Council deemed this a "Community Sign" in which case this sign would be allowable under the zoning ordinance. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval or denial of Community Sign request. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Company: City of Hutchinson Contact: GarxForder _ Phone: Address: rr rr rr : ry - Email: so 11WW" 7WMAMolm"M MR Mod ® MCLEOD COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS M4 R does not did Price:$ connection C&nt heck s-t LayouttPlacernent laaiti� Spelling (snarraq Grammar n a Color rfirrra Phone Number (!nklal} Website n a 2"Tall, Double Sided Installed Design time - Customsre are responsible for ail dsslgn Ohargsa - Yau wIFI be provldatl with an original design ocnoept, from this aonoept you are allowed unlimited changes one time. a9saond proof will to sent out with ohsngae and you arc sllowod two changes on the second proof. 1 /more ehsnQes sr• required you win be charged per hour for ohangeo. INITAL Pisses review the ENTIRE proof carefully. verify any isauea end following proof pages, prior to signing. WHAT lID •dWN ON YOUR SIGNED PROOF DIRECTS US TO PROCEED WITH THE DESIGN AID IS. IT IS WHAT MILL BE H PRINTED ON YOUR ORDER. We will not bo hold moponalblo for orrore If the work to printed a000rding to 8 auutomcf a signed proof. ! lTAL Crow River IDigne Is not responsible for any damsgo to customer provider! materials. Rush charges may apply to ecrvicoe requiring lees than a seven doy leod time. INITAL Date: 00/00/0000 Sign and return by: 00/00/1 I HAVE READ AND FULLY UNLL ROYAP SIGNATURE.__ HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci=V�f� Request for Board Action 79 M-W Agenda Item: Consideration of Setting August 15, 2014, to Canvass Primary Election Results Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/22/2014 Application Complete N/A Contact: Marc A. Sebora Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Marc A. Sebora Reviewed by Staff ❑ New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 2 License Contingency N/A Attachments: No BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: Minnesota Statute Section 205.065 requires that the governing body of the municipality canvass the returns of the municipal primary election. State law requires that the canvassing of the returns be conducted on the third day after the primary, which is August 15, 2014. The time of the meeting to canvass the returns will be at the discretion of the Council. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve setting August 15, 2014, to canvass the results of the primary election. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Hutchinson Public Library Board Minutes Monday, June 23, 2014 Present: Steve Bailey, Dianne Wanzek, Jon Ross, Mary Christensen, Roger Vacek, and Pam Dille, Ex- Officio. Absent: Julie Lofdahl and Stacey Nass Meeting called to order at 4:30 PM by Roger Vacek and the Meeting Minutes of April 28, 2014 were approved. PLS Update: Summary by Roger on the two June 19 PLS meetings held in Willmar. PLS is interviewing candidates for the Willmar Head Librarian position. Vicki Grimley gave an update on all the activities and programs at the Public Libraries in the PLS area. Cosmos has received approval and funds from the State to build a combined city office and library. Handouts on programs and budget will be prepared for the Hutch Library board at the next meeting. Summer Reading Programs: Record participation (369) in Summer Reading. "Animal Talks" with U of M's Christian Lilianthal was held at the McLeod County Fairgrounds Ag Building due to the rain. About 170 young folks attended and all reports were excited about the contact with all the animals that Christian exhibited. Kris Jones is leading the teen component effort. Her expertise was vital for the "Paws to Read Bingo" and Teen Bookmark Design Contest. She has led an effort to highlight a teen library section with special shelving and teen book advertisements. Other Library Strategic Plan progress: The new fiber optic cable will be installed in July. Our teen program is successful. Kris Jones is meeting with teens and leads the teen book club. She also chairs the "Readers Advisory Roundtable ". The board signed a "Thank you card" for the Ralph Bergstron family for the Robert Wilde Studios repair of the portrait of Ralph Bergstrom. On July 201h at 4 PM Marty Berglund will present a Sunday program on "Heritage Garden" and heirloom seeds in partnership with the McLeod County Extension Service. This program is planned to be held at the McLeod County Fairgrounds. Library Building Status: The board toured the library building and Pam showed some of the areas that need repair such as tiles in the bathroom and damage to the bath room doors. Pam pointed out that the elevator repairs were high ($444) for only a short visit by the elevator company. Also Pam said that the automatic front door was repaired for $200, but that it remains sensitive to wet weather. May donations: American Legion Auxiliary — 5 books in memory of Elaine Black, Delores Reinke, Effie Bingenheimer, Reva Bohnen, Isla Mae Perrill) $110. Frauenshuh Hospitality (Dairy Queen) $119.34 Next meeting: July 28, 2014 at 4:30 PM Meeting adjourned at 5:25 PM Notes submitted by Mary Christensen (June 23, 2014) RA Hutchinson Housing & Redevelopment Authority Regular Board Meeting Tuesday, June 17, 2014, 7:00 AM Minutes CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chairman Joel Kraft called the meeting to order. Members Present: LouAnn Holmquist and Steve Jensen_ Staff Present: Jean Ward and Judy Flemming. 2. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING ON MAY 20, 2014 Steve Jensen moved to approve the Minutes of the regular board meeting as written. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. FINANCIAL REPORTS a. Steve Jensen moved to approve the City Center General Fund payments of $19,987.93 for checks 8459 to 8474. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously, b. Steve Jensen moved to approve the City Center May 31, 2014 Financial Reports. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. c. Steve Jensen moved to approve the Park Towers operating account payments of $44,708.92 for checks 12839 to 12871 Consideration of approval of Park Towers Security account payments of $891.41 for check numbers 1509 and 1510. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. d. Steve Jensen moved to approve the April 2014 Park Towers financial statements. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. PARK TOWERS UPDATE a. Jean Ward reviewed with the Board the Occupancy summary report: end of month will be at 100% occupancy. b. Jean reviewed with the Board the Move -In Sununary Report of Incomes of 2014 Admitted Families. Statute requires 40% of newly admitted families have an income less than 30% area median income and the actual is 78 %. The Board discussed possibly changing admission preferences, Everyone was in favor of working, elderly, and disabled preferences. c. Steve Jensen moved to award the contract for the 2014 CFP project to replace air handlers, unit programmable thermostats, and unit zone valves to B & C Plumbing & Heating for $93,912.00; funding sources: $89,177 from 2414 CFP funds and $4,735 from 2014 operating reserves. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. d. Steve Jensen moved to set the Public Hearing September 16th at 7:30 A.M. at City Center Main Conference Room for HRAIPark Towers 2015 Annual & 5 Year Plan and 2015 CFP Annual & 5 Year Plan. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. F. SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM a. 907 Lewis Avenue: Anticipated completion for the interior of the home is June 20`h and the rest by the end of the month. b. 445 Adams Street: The Board discussed the revised budget and the final house plan for a 1 `/2 story house that will fit into neighborhood. After reviewing the budget and taking into consideration the larger square footage and the 3 stall garage, the Board felt the sale price would be high enough to use either siding option the school felt comfortable building. .Tune 17, 2014 Minutes Page 1 of 2 Steve Jensen moved to execute the Memorandum of Understanding for 2014/2015 School project at 445 Adams Street. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 4. PUBLIC HEARING 7:30 A.M. for 2014 CFP Annual & 5 yr. plan Vice Chairman, Joel Kraft opened the public hearing. Jean Ward reviewed the 2014 CFP Annual & 5 year plan. The Board approved. the 2014 CFP Annual & 5 Year Plan, There being no other comments, Vice Chairman, Joel Kraft closed the public hearing. 7. SCDP 2014 PRELIMINARY PROPOSAL DUE NOVEMBER 2414 Recommend to keep waiting list first come first serve due to minimal change in impact in changing to Main Street preference. Steve Jensen moved to use first -come- first -serve for the waiting list. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF 2014 APPLICATION TO IMPACT PROGRAM FOR VALUE GAP FOR 561 ADAMS STREET The Board reviewed the application that is due to MHFA June 17, 2014. 12. CITY CENTER 2015 DRAFT BUDGET Jean reviewed with the Board the revisions from last month to the draft budget, showing a tax levy of $155,553.00. The comments were favorable but tabled any formal action until next month when all Board members will be present. 9. ADJOURNMENT LouAnn Holmquist moved to adjourn and Steve Jensen seconded. There being no other business, Vice Chairman Joel Kraft declared the meeting adjourned. Recorded by Jean Ward, HRA Executive Director Gary Forcier, Secretary /Treasurer June 17, 2014 Minutes Page 2 of 2 Planning and Zoning Monthly Activities MonthNear: June, 2014 Activity Number Additional Info. Number of Planning Applications Reviewed and 1 Conditional Use Permit at Mid Country Processed Bank Number of Joint Planning Board Applications 0 Reviewed and Processed Number of Planning Commission Meetings 1 Conditional Use Permit to allow 50% lot coverage on a shoreland property location at 1260 7th Ave NW Number of Joint Planning Meetings 1 Feedlot Discussion Number of Zoning Reviews for Building Permits 13 (Compliance with Zoning Code) Number of Land Use Permits Issued -(Fences, 24 small sheds, patios, driveways, detached decks, etc.) Number of Zoning Review for Sign Permits 0 Number of Predevelopment/Pre Application 2 Wurdell Ravenwood Development, Meetings National Chain Co. Number of Misc. Planning Meetings 21 Management Team - 5 Public Arts Commission Resource Allocation City Council - 2 Planning Staff Facilities Committee Emergency Management Training UBC Building Project Rental Inspection Meeting Dave Carlson Dr. Lance Ketchum TH 15 /Main St Open House Detachment Hearing City Administrator Recruiter Meeting Jay Moore Riversong Site and Security Number of Zoning Enforcement Cases 3 Number of Walk -In Customers Served 386 Site Visits 4 Planning, Zoning and Building Dept. Monthly Report June 2014 Building Department Permit Activities A Commercial New 177 3rd Ave NW- Disabled American Vets $120,000 B Commercial /Ind. Remodel 1095 Hwy 15 S - remove wall and cabinets $15,000; 915 Adams St SE - concrete pad $156,000; C New Single Family 1419 Heritage Ct NW - $181,300; 1392 Heritage Ave NW - $253,000 Other Building Inspection Activities June 4 - AMBO mtg Minnetonka; June 23 - IMC mtg Bloomington Evergreen Meals served in June Week of 06/2013 06/2014 2013 Year to Date 2014 Year to Date Total Number Inspections 150 173 925 991 % of Inspections done within 24 HRS 100.0% 100% 99.90% 100% Total Number Plan Review 20 30 74 118 % of Plan Reviews completed in 21 Days 100% 100% 100% 100% Building Permits Issued by Type Number of Permits & Valuation Number of Permits & Valuation Year to Date Number Permits & Valuation Year to Date Number Permits & Valuation Commercial (new) 0 $0.00 1 $120,000.00 A 1 $38,400.00 2 $504,000.00 Commercial ( additions /remodels) 8 $86,399.00 4 $24,700.00 B 35 $915,601.00 24 $561,400.00 Total Commercial 8 $86,399.00 5 $144,700.00 36 $954,001.00 26 $1,065,400.00 Industrial (new) 0 0 Industrial (additions /remodels) 0 $0.00 1 $156,000.00 1 $20,000.00 1 $156,000.00 Total Industrial 0 $0.00 1 $156,000.00 1 $20,001.00 1 $156,000.00 Fire Sprinkling 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 4 $36,885.00 2 $6,350.00 New Residential 1 $222,000.00 2 $434,300.00 C 3 $631,133.00 4 $887,300.00 Residential misc (additions /remodels) 13 $95,050.00 21 $349,100.00 67 $592,050.00 70 $1,204,720.00 Set Fee permits (reside, reroof, window) 87 78 222 212 HRA Permits 1 $0.00 0 1 $0.00 0 Waived Fees (started in march) 2 $3,000.00 5 $95,500.00 Subtotal Building Permits 110 $403,449.00 109 $1,087,100.00 334 $2,234,070.00 320 $3,415,270.00 Mechanical 11 $31,675.00 21 $888,926.00 75 $222,048.00 1001 $1,067,158.00 HRA Mechanical 0 0 2 1 Plumbing 7 11 29 32 HRA Plumbing 0 0 1 0 Signs 1 $0.00 0 $0.00 53 $679.00 32 $31.00 Total Valuation 11291 $435,124.00 141 $1,976,026.00 494 $2,456,797.00 485 $4,482,459.00 *Set fees not included in valuation A Commercial New 177 3rd Ave NW- Disabled American Vets $120,000 B Commercial /Ind. Remodel 1095 Hwy 15 S - remove wall and cabinets $15,000; 915 Adams St SE - concrete pad $156,000; C New Single Family 1419 Heritage Ct NW - $181,300; 1392 Heritage Ave NW - $253,000 Other Building Inspection Activities June 4 - AMBO mtg Minnetonka; June 23 - IMC mtg Bloomington Evergreen Meals served in June Week of Hutchinson Park Towers Silver Lake Glencoe Brownton Stewart 6/1 -6/7 345 107 57 139 48 66 6/8 -6/14 284 112 109 240 73 76 6/15-6/211 300 108 67 128 42 67 6/22 -6/28 307 130 40 103 37 44 6/29-6/30 57 25 8 28 0 26 Total 1293 482 281 638 200 279 Total Meals served in June 3173 Dates Closed HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci=V�f� Request for Board Action 79 M-W Agenda Item: June 2014 Financial and Investment Reports Department: Finance LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/22/2014 Application Complete N/A Contact: Andy Reid Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff ❑ Governance Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: For Council review, attached are the June Financial Reports for the general fund and enterprise funds. Also attached is the June Investment Report. Any questions can be directed to Andy Reid. Thank you. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Summary Income Statement General Fund June 30, 2014 TOTAL REVENUES 2,542,823.56 4,059,624.22 10,879,792.00 (6,820,167.78) 37.3% 3,990,617.10 10,495,938.00 38.0% EXPENDITURES: Wages & Benefits Month of YTD Actual 7,009,709.00 2014 Budget 44.5% YTD Actual 6,778,616.00 47.4% Supplies June 2014 June 2014 2014 Budget Balance % Used June 2013 2013 Budget % Used REVENUES: 177,161.49 1,109,543.89 2,262,536.00 1,152,992.11 49.0% 1,060,258.09 2,393,441.00 44.3% Taxes 2,295,250.90 2,295,387.29 4,491,446.00 (2,196,058.71) 51.1% 2,280,855.16 4,491,446.00 50.8% Other Taxes 9,506.83 57,779.87 245,000.00 (187,220.13) 23.6% 52,050.18 140,000.00 37.2% Licenses & Permits 36,200.73 138,393.51 240,000.00 (101,606.49) 57.7% 115,835.17 222,775.00 52.0% Intergovernmental Revenue 12,013.31 48,866.18 1,094,270.00 (1,045,403.82) 4.5% 64,472.71 1,099,265.00 5.9% Charges for Services 124,663.84 835,847.57 2,045,923.00 (1,210,075.43) 40.9% 820,342.05 2,056,731.00 39.9% Fines & Forfeitures 4,329.84 29,675.38 50,000.00 (20,324.62) 59.4% 32,262.49 45,000.00 71.7% Miscellaneous Revenues 60,858.11 243,191.42 646,500.00 (403,308.58) 37.6% 189,633.30 325,625.00 58.2% Transfers -In - 410,483.00 2,066,653.00 (1,656,170.00) 19.9% 435,166.04 2,108,846.00 20.6% Capital Contributions - 0.0% - 6,250.00 0.0% TOTAL REVENUES 2,542,823.56 4,059,624.22 10,879,792.00 (6,820,167.78) 37.3% 3,990,617.10 10,495,938.00 38.0% EXPENDITURES: Wages & Benefits 546,719.05 3,115,921.51 7,009,709.00 3,893,787.49 44.5% 3,211,011.29 6,778,616.00 47.4% Supplies 53,366.51 372,040.11 781,887.00 409,846.89 47.6% 363,502.84 783,840.00 46.4% Services & Charges 177,161.49 1,109,543.89 2,262,536.00 1,152,992.11 49.0% 1,060,258.09 2,393,441.00 44.3% Miscellaneous Expenses 20,966.07 137,887.81 533,068.00 395,180.19 25.9% 147,974.08 446,805.00 33.1% Transfers -Out - 47,015.00 96,000.00 48,985.00 49.0% 46,618.00 93,236.00 50.0% Capital Outlay - 1,519.60 - (1,519.60) 100.0% 6,960.20 - 100.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 798,213.12 4,783,927.92 10,683,200.00 5,899,272.08 44.8% 4,836,324.50 10,495,938.00 46.1% TOTAL REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES 1,744,610.44 (724,303.70) 196,592.00 (920,895.70) (845,707.40) Comments REVENUES: Miscellaneous Revenues The increase in this category is related to the hospital security payroll reimbursements totaling $103.350 through June. While we are showing an increase over the 2013 miscellaneous revenue, the 2014 security revenue is underbudget by $50,000. The security program has not been fully staffed, providing 24/7 coverage until the beginning of July, therefore we were not able to bill the full contract rate of $25,579 per month which was budgeted for the entire year. The billings to date have simply reimbursed the city for wages and benefits actually incurred. EXPENSES: Services & Charges Tree pruning expenses totaling $39,500 and roadway crack repairs of $89,900 have been incurred to date. Automotive R &M is running about $38K higher this year due mostly to breakdowns incurred during the long snow removal season. General Fund Expenditures by Department Department Month of YTD Actual 2014 Budget YTD Actual June 2014 June 2014 2014 Budget Balance % Used June 2013 2013 Budget % Used Mayor & City Council 2,677.22 24,108.31 48,823.00 24,714.69 49.4% 18,400.01 52,016.00 35.4% City Administrator 27,016.06 197,674.68 412,884.00 215,209.32 47.9% 194,475.08 387,401.00 50.2% Elections 443.12 1,192.68 15,962.00 14,769.32 7.5% 601.68 10,000.00 6.0% Finance Department 18,229.54 131,336.95 295,894.00 164,557.05 44.4% 177,825.86 371,863.00 47.8% Motor Vehicle 28,262.89 139,697.80 254,100.00 114,402.20 55.0% 149,466.82 275,413.00 54.3% Assessing - - 60,963.00 60,963.00 0.0% - 61,911.00 0.0% Legal 22,019.85 105,981.08 256,142.00 150,160.92 41.4% 110,776.17 252,067.00 43.9% Planning 14,056.30 54,854.08 135,012.00 80,157.92 40.6% 69,956.52 123,210.00 56.8% Information Services 25,579.45 194,195.34 427,012.00 232,816.66 45.5% 254,607.91 499,332.00 51.0% City Hall Building 5,682.20 44,682.20 83,494.00 38,811.80 53.5% 45,732.99 121,096.00 37.8% Police Department 240,588.87 1,438,775.78 3,197,339.00 1,758,563.22 45.0% 1,393,421.81 2,889,291.00 48.2% Emergency Management 99.80 1,715.60 14,839.00 13,123.40 11.6% 11,595.75 13,000.00 89.2% Safety Committee - 7,937.32 13,276.00 5,338.68 59.8% 7,970.49 13,450.00 59.3% Fire Department 17,066.33 126,499.79 273,924.00 147,424.21 46.2% 151,878.34 309,187.00 49.1% Protective Inspections 14,632.69 86,149.59 178,407.00 92,257.41 48.3% 91,788.75 208,350.00 44.1% Engineering 31,378.20 189,007.21 424,543.00 235,535.79 44.5% 249,775.02 465,756.00 53.6% Streets &Alleys 133,892.11 734,743.26 1,374,733.00 639,989.74 53.4% 592,168.43 1,369,738.00 43.2% Park/Recreation Administration 15,709.29 108,732.85 218,929.00 110,196.15 49.7% 107,176.41 213,127.00 50.3% Recreation 30,454.31 116,462.36 218,072.00 101,609.64 53.4% 125,954.21 217,610.00 57.9% Senior Citizen Center 6,487.32 34,633.79 68,620.00 33,986.21 50.5% 40,634.09 69,749.00 58.3% Civic Arena 12,009.95 160,261.67 309,957.00 149,695.33 51.7% 177,707.60 331,469.00 53.6% Park Department 87,680.44 356,152.67 794,003.00 437,850.33 44.9% 367,519.40 757,260.00 48.5% Recreation Building & Pool 22,698.02 78,491.54 190,756.00 112,264.46 41.1% 81,025.34 185,885.00 43.6% Events Center 16,704.51 104,438.69 219,027.00 114,588.31 47.7% 98,589.95 213,650.00 46.1% Evergreen Building 875.34 5,370.33 17,393.00 12,022.67 30.9% 8,655.49 11,880.00 72.9% Library 3,274.56 94,802.31 190,606.00 95,803.69 49.7% 95,621.56 190,937.00 50.1% Cemetery 11,421.82 43,947.40 107,072.00 63,124.60 41.0% 35,295.37 109,104.00 32.4% Airport 9,072.00 42,667.87 99,776.00 57,108.13 42.8% 34,424.16 99,700.00 34.5% Revenue Department - - - - 0.0% - - 0.0% Unallocated General Expense 200.93 159,414.77 781,642.00 622,227.23 20.4% 143,279.29 672,486.00 21.3% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 798 213.12 4,783,927.92 10 683 200.00 5,899,272.08 44.8% 4,836,324.50 10 495 938.00 46.1% Summary Income Statement Water Fund June 30, 2014 Month of YTD Actual 2014 Budget YTD Actual June 2014 June 2014 2014 Budget Balance % Used June 2013 2013 Budget % Used REVENUES: Local Sales Tax 62,030.68 224,106.94 650,000.00 (425,893.06) 34.5% 177,124.96 420,000.00 42.2% Water Sales 186,559.84 1,081,290.39 2,381,500.00 (1,300,209.61) 45.4% 1,051,094.83 2,347,500.00 44.8% Intergovernmental Revenue - - - 208,617.88 0.0% - - 0.0% Charges for Services 1,159.27 36,667.16 42,500.00 (5,832.84) 86.3% 43,402.08 41,000.00 105.9% Investment Earnings - - 20,000.00 (20,000.00) 0.0% (5,921.68) 20,000.00 - 29.6% Reimbursements 50.00 965.00 64,192.00 (63,227.00) 1.5% 1,550.16 64,148.00 2.4% Other Financing Sources - - - 1,032,125.80 0.0% - - 0.0% Fund Balance - - 43,145.00 43,145.00 0.0% - 43,145.00 0.0% TOTAL REVENUES 249,799.79 1,343,029.49 3,158,192.00 (1,815,162.51) 42.5% 1,267,250.35 2,892,648.00 43.8% EXPENDITURES: Wages & Benefits 32,465.27 180,487.85 427,480.00 246,992.15 42.2% 211,601.68 465,623.00 45.4% Supplies 12,823.88 46,608.58 124,250.00 77,641.42 37.5% 44,897.07 128,825.00 34.9% Services & Charges 50,013.06 201,000.12 409,618.00 208,617.88 49.1% 202,660.02 440,470.00 46.0% Miscellaneous Expenses 129.24 8,736.73 22,000.00 13,263.27 39.7% 8,084.06 15,850.00 51.0% Depreciation Expense - - 1,105,500.00 1,105,500.00 0.0% - 1,057,860.00 0.0% Capital Outlay - 250,000.00 250,000.00 0.0% 313,090.31 250,000.00 125.2% Debt Service 197,790.20 1,229,916.00 1,032,125.80 16.1% 189,910.34 1,218,848.00 15.6% Transfers -Out - - 43,145.00 43,145.00 0.0% - 43,145.00 0.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 95,431.45 634,623.48 3,611,909.00 2,977,285.52 17.6% 970,243.48 3,620,621.00 26.8% TOTAL REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES 154,368.34 708,406.01 (453,717.00) 1,162,123.01 297,006.87 (727,973.00) Comments REVENUES: Water Sales EXPENSES: Wages & Benefits YTD water usage is up 3.3 %, driven by a 14.9% increase in Industrial usage. One specific Industrial user is up 52.5% while the other two are showing moderate increases of 2 -3 %. Residential is holding steady while Commercial is down 1.4 %. Water connection revenue (WAC) is up $5,250, or 70 %. WATER USAGE YTD 2014 YTD 2013 Change % Residential 125,418,000 125,207,000 211,000 0.2% Commercial 36,703,000 37,243,000 (540,000) -1.4% Industrial 56,734,000 49,373,000 7,361,000 14.9% Totals 218,855,000 211,823,000 7,032,000 3.3% The 2014 expense is lower than 2013 due to the retirement of the Water Systems Supervisor on 12/31/2013. Brian Mehr, the Wastewater Superintendent, is now overseeing the Water department and his wages and benefits are being split 50/50 between the Water & Wastewater funds. Summary Income Statement Sewer Fund June 30, 2014 TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES: Wages & Benefits Supplies Services & Charges Miscellaneous Expenses Depreciation Expense Capital Outlay Debt Service Transfers -Out TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES Comments REVENUES: Sewer Sales 338,281.32 1,880,707.41 3,880,192.00 (1,999,484.59) 48.5% 1,978,801.73 3,868,148.00 51.2% 51,156.61 Month of YTD Actual 330,670.22 2014 Budget 277,315.34 YTD Actual 42.4% 9,157.67 97,724.72 June 2014 June 2014 2014 Budget Balance % Used June 2013 2013 Budget % Used REVENUES: 415,869.23 44.1% 350,373.84 837,960.00 41.8% 172.24 18,729.45 26,100.00 Local Sales Tax 62,030.69 224,452.55 650,000.00 (425,547.45) 34.5% 244,448.34 580,000.00 42.1% Sewer Sales 274,669.53 1,630,260.69 3,132,000.00 (1,501,739.31) 52.1% 1,723,224.65 3,190,000.00 54.0% Permits - 6,700.00 7,000.00 (300.00) 95.7% 6,800.00 7,000.00 97.1% Charges for Services 449.26 4,669.74 7,000.00 (2,330.26) 66.7% 446.76 7,000.00 6.4% Investment Earnings - - 20,000.00 (20,000.00) 0.0% (8,528.86) 20,000.00 - 42.6% Reimbursements 1,131.84 14,624.43 64,192.00 (49,567.57) 22.8% 12,410.84 64,148.00 19.3% Other Financing Sources - - - 0.0% - - 0.0% Fund Balance 0.0% 0.0% TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES: Wages & Benefits Supplies Services & Charges Miscellaneous Expenses Depreciation Expense Capital Outlay Debt Service Transfers -Out TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES Comments REVENUES: Sewer Sales 338,281.32 1,880,707.41 3,880,192.00 (1,999,484.59) 48.5% 1,978,801.73 3,868,148.00 51.2% 51,156.61 277,513.78 608,184.00 330,670.22 45.6% 277,315.34 653,623.00 42.4% 9,157.67 97,724.72 249,810.00 152,085.28 39.1% 93,939.53 254,700.00 36.9% 70,219.11 327,895.77 743,765.00 415,869.23 44.1% 350,373.84 837,960.00 41.8% 172.24 18,729.45 26,100.00 7,370.55 71.8% 15,250.87 27,000.00 56.5% - - 1,589,300.00 1,589,300.00 0.0% - 1,647,960.00 0.0% - 350,000.00 350,000.00 0.0% - 350,000.00 0.0% 442,971.37 1,590,266.00 1,147,294.63 27.9% 428,822.38 1,528,394.00 28.1% - 43,145.00 43,145.00 0.0% - 43,145.00 0.0% 130,705.63 1,164,835.09 5,200,570.00 4,035,734.91 22.4% 1,165,701.96 5,342,782.00 21.8% 207,575.69 715,872.32 (1,320,378.00) 2,036,250.32 813,099.77 (1,474,634.00) Total YTD sales are up 1.5% when compared to last year's sales without the Ethanol Plant billings of $128,214. Flow revenue is up 2.9% and Surcharge revenue is down 14.9 %. Sewer connection charges (SAC) are up $9,200, or 133 %. YTD 2014 FLOW REVENUE YTD 2013 Change % YTD 2014 LOAD SURCHARGES YTD 2013 Change % Residential $ 979,966 $ 956,055 $ 23,911 2.5% $ - $ $ 0.07/0 Commercial 233,478 240,884 (7,407) -3.1% - 0.0% Industrial 255,591 231,149 24,442 10.6% 137,948 162,078 24,131 - 14.9% Totals $ 1,213,444 $ 1,196,940 $ 16,504 1.4% $ 137,948 $ 162,078 $ (24,131) - 14.9% Summary Income Statement Stormwater Fund June 30, 2014 Comments REVENUES: Storm Water Sales YTD sales are up 8.6% due to the increase in 2014 storm water rates of 8.3 %. Month of YTD Actual 2014 Budget YTD Actual June 2014 June 2014 2014 Budget Balance % Used June 2013 2013 Budget % Used REVENUES: Storm Water Sales 61,215.30 361,992.09 719,500.00 (357,507.91) 50.3% 333,340.02 664,350.00 50.2% Licenses & Permits 70.00 475.00 - 475.00 100.0% 1,015.00 - 100.0% Charges for Services - - 1,000.00 (1,000.00) 0.0% - 1,000.00 0.0% Investment Earnings - - 1,000.00 (1,000.00) 0.0% (2,349.96) 1,000.00 - 235.0% Reimbursements 2,191.79 2,673.00 250.00 2,423.00 1069.2% 1,917.81 - 100.0% Fund Balance - - - - 0.0% - - 0.0% TOTAL REVENUES 63,477.09 365,140.09 721,750.00 (356,609.91) 50.6% 333,922.87 666,350.00 50.1% EXPENDITURES: Wages & Benefits 10,804.32 49,876.07 208,737.00 158,860.93 23.9% 52,993.66 211,877.00 25.0% Supplies 6,038.43 12,000.02 33,150.00 21,149.98 36.2% 2,343.81 29,100.00 8.1% Services & Charges 10,195.50 46,394.98 146,450.00 100,055.02 31.7% 32,784.56 144,300.00 22.7% Miscellaneous Expenses 74.23 4,080.60 8,050.00 3,969.40 50.7% 3,248.89 2,200.00 147.7% Depreciation Expense - - 111,200.00 111,200.00 0.0% - 113,060.00 0.0% Capital Outlay - 128,000.00 128,000.00 0.0% - 120,000.00 0.0% Debt Service 130,539.30 193,932.00 63,392.70 67.3% 129,666.80 198,857.00 65.2% Transfers -Out - - - - 0.0% - - 0.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 27,112.48 242,890.97 829,519.00 586,628.03 29.3% 221,037.72 819,394.00 27.0% TOTAL REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES 36,364.61 122,249.12 (107,769.00) 230,018.12 112,885.15 (153,044.00) Comments REVENUES: Storm Water Sales YTD sales are up 8.6% due to the increase in 2014 storm water rates of 8.3 %. Summary Income Statement HATS Fund June 30, 2014 Month of YTD Actual 2014 Budget YTD Actual June 2014 June 2014 2014 Budget Balance % Used June 2013 2013 Budget % Used REVENUES: Intergovernmental 6,027.50 73,535.00 147,070.00 (73,535.00) 50.0% 68,198.02 136,396.00 50.0% Charges for Services 43,278.60 296,563.02 535,000.00 (238,436.98) 55.4% 264,573.91 535,000.00 49.5% Investment Earnings - - 1,100.00 (1,100.00) 0.0% (368.28) 1,000.00 - 36.8% Reimbursements 125.00 125.00 2,500.00 (2,375.00) 5.0% 18,415.38 2,000.00 920.8% Transfers -In - 47,015.00 94,030.00 (47,015.00) 50.0% 46,618.00 93,236.00 50.0% TOTAL REVENUES 49,431.10 417,238.02 779,700.00 (362,461.98) 53.5% 397,437.03 767,632.00 51.8% EXPENDITURES: Wages & Benefits 4,219.04 34,541.94 52,235.00 17,693.06 66.1% 33,868.81 52,665.00 64.3% Supplies 63,280.58 296,912.01 536,825.00 239,912.99 55.3% 258,057.50 535,000.00 48.2% Services & Charges 8,075.82 67,626.98 147,500.00 79,873.02 45.8% 81,647.91 150,080.00 54.4% Miscellaneous Expenses - - 5,100.00 5,100.00 0.0% 35.00 5,077.00 0.7% Depreciation Expense - - 0.0% - - 0.0% Capital Outlay 37,960.00 37,960.00 0.0% 20,500.00 0.0% Debt Service - - 0.0% - 0.0% Transfers -Out - - - - 0.0% - - 0.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 75,575.44 399,080.93 779,620.00 380,539.07 51.2% 373,609.22 763,322.00 48.9% TOTAL REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES (26,144.34) 18,157.09 80.00 18,077.09 23,827.81 4,310.00 Comments REVENUES: Charges for Services This income category consists of the fuel revenue from various governmental entities and City departments. EXPENSES: Supplies This expense category consists of the fuel purchased for use by various governmental entities and City departments. Summary Income Statement Liquor Fund June 30, 2014 Month of YTD Actual 2014 Budget YTD Actual June 2014 June 2014 2014 Budget Balance % Used June 2013 2013 Budget % Used REVENUES: Sales - Liquor 162,977.51 873,576.30 1,811,000.00 (937,423.70) 48.2% 823,108.68 1,803,150.00 45.6% Sales - Wine 58,859.95 392,921.40 951,000.00 (558,078.60) 41.3% 399,040.05 898,430.00 44.4% Sales - Beer 284,213.58 1,283,124.32 2,631,000.00 (1,347,875.68) 48.8% 1,210,605.99 2,709,500.00 44.7% Sales - Other 3,506.78 13,028.22 2,000.00 11,028.22 651.4% 9,182.35 14,470.00 63.5% Other Revenues 118.81 1,688.90 3,000.00 (1,311.10) 56.3% 3,543.84 3,000.00 118.1% TOTAL REVENUES 509,676.63 2,564,339.14 5,398,000.00 (2,833,660.86) 47.5% 2,445,480.91 5,428,550.00 45.0% Gross Margin % 22.6% 24.9% 25.0% 24.6% 24.1% EXPENDITURES: Cost of Sales 394,233.74 1,925,013.26 4,045,650.00 2,120,636.74 47.6% 1,841,707.32 4,115,697.00 44.7% Wages & Benefits 40,296.67 246,733.76 502,400.00 255,666.24 49.1% 233,747.71 488,190.00 47.9% Supplies 1,062.73 9,435.77 15,600.00 6,164.23 60.5% 9,621.24 16,600.00 58.0% Services & Charges 12,639.36 74,921.54 186,264.00 111,342.46 40.2% 92,910.28 196,750.00 47.2% Miscellaneous Expenses - 257.00 5,500.00 5,243.00 4.7% 4,869.21 3,650.00 133.4% Depreciation Expense 509,558 - 73,600.00 73,600.00 0.0% - 70,940.00 0.0% Capital Outlay -2.6% 19,523.00 27,000.00 7,477.00 72.3% 14,098.05 31,000.00 45.5% Debt Service - 128,385.00 128,385.00 0.0% - 128,295.00 0.0% Transfers -Out - 450,000.00 450,000.00 0.0% 435,000.00 0.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 448,232.50 2,275,884.33 5,434,399.00 3,158,514.67 41.9% 2,196,953.81 5,486,122.00 40.0% TOTAL REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES 61,444.13 288,454.81 (36,399.00) 324,853.81 248,527.10 (57,572.00) Comments REVENUES: Sales Revenue: June sales decreased 0.4% from last year with Liquor and Beer sales holding steady for the month while Wine sales dropped 8.3 %. Despite the slow sales and 2.6% drop in customer count for June, the YTD sales are up 4.9 %. Year to Date Sales Monthly Sales 2014 2013 Change 2014 2013 Change Liquor 873,576 823,109 6.1% 162,978 161,649 0.8% Wine 392,921 399,040 -1.5% 58,860 64,173 -8.3% Beer 1,283,124 1,210,606 6.0% 284,214 282,213 0.7% Other 13,028 9,182 41.9% 3,507 3,712 -5.5% Total Sales 2,562,650 2,441,937 4.9% 509,558 511,746 -0.4% YTD Customer Count 106,310 103,475 2.7% 20,004 20,535 -2.6% Average Sale per Customer $24.11 $23.60 2.1% $25.47 $24.92 2.2% REVENUES: Refuse Sales Intergovernmental Investment Earnings Reimbursements Fund Balance TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES: Wages & Benefits Supplies Services & Charges Miscellaneous Expenses Depreciation Expense Capital Outlay Debt Service Transfers -Out TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES Summary Income Statement Refuse Fund June 30, 2014 Month of YTD Actual 75,647.59 2014 Budget 77,702.41 YTD Actual 87,696.26 172,065.00 June 2014 June 2014 2014 Budget Balance % Used June 2013 2013 Budget % Used 61,700.00 35.0% 56,604.09 294,876.52 720,873.00 425,996.48 40.9% 95,264.82 565,666.63 1,138,287.00 (572,620.37) 49.7% 564,864.64 1,145,150.00 49.3% - 2,475.00 12,500.00 (10,025.00) 19.8% 2,216.25 12,500.00 17.7% - 2,500.00 (2,500.00) 0.0% (2,180.44) 2,500.00 - 87.2% 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 100.0% 31,930.00 - 0.0% - 24,260.00 - 0.0% 1,808.80 24,261.00 0.0% 95,264.82 569,141.63 1,153,287.00 (584,145.37) 49.3% 564,900.45 1,160,150.00 48.7% 13,998.50 75,647.59 153,350.00 77,702.41 49.3% 87,696.26 172,065.00 51.0% 2,071.75 22,331.02 68,500.00 46,168.98 32.6% 21,606.54 61,700.00 35.0% 56,604.09 294,876.52 720,873.00 425,996.48 40.9% 282,615.94 687,625.00 41.1% 74.24 913.69 1,250.00 336.31 73.1% 54.00 - 100.0% - - 116,100.00 116,100.00 0.0% - 132,510.00 0.0% - 110,000.00 110,000.00 0.0% 38,952.34 31,930.00 122.0% 1,311.92 24,260.00 22,948.08 5.4% 1,808.80 24,261.00 7.5% - - 55,000.00 55,000.00 0.0% - 55,000.00 0.0% 72,748.58 395,080.74 1,249,333.00 854,252.26 31.6% 432,733.88 1,165,091.00 37.1% 22,516.24 174,060.89 (96,046.00) 270,106.89 132,166.57 (4,941.00) Summary Income Statement Compost Fund June 30, 2014 Month of YTD Actual 2014 Budget YTD Actual June 2014 June 2014 2014 Budget Balance % Used June 2013 2013 Budget % Used REVENUES: Sales - Bagged Product 361,084.54 2,106,898.11 2,288,300.00 (181,401.89) 92.1% 1,911,411.90 1,982,500.00 96.4% Sales - Bulk Product 42,190.90 141,913.05 175,000.00 (33,086.95) 81.1% 103,639.08 200,000.00 51.8% Sales - Other 12,748.63 105,505.61 45,550.00 59,955.61 231.6% 78,096.59 52,250.00 149.5% Charges for Services 3,942.50 1,103.60 133,500.00 (132,396.40) 0.8% 10,315.16 129,000.00 8.0% Investment Earnings - - 5,000.00 (5,000.00) 0.0% (2,355.81) 2,500.00 - 94.2% Reimbursements 24,320.00 243.98 1,000.00 (756.02) 24.4% 486.00 1,000.00 48.6% Other Revenues 159.68 - - 10,445.59 0.0% - - 0.0% TOTAL REVENUES 419,966.57 2,355,664.35 2,648,350.00 (292,685.65) 88.9% 2,101,592.92 2,367,250.00 88.8% EXPENDITURES: Cost of Sales 298,793.03 1,747,454.14 1,947,380.00 199,925.86 89.7% 1,660,388.63 1,467,050.00 113.2% Inventory Cost Adjustment (94,000.00) (518,814.89) (839,240.00) (320,425.11) 61.8% (642,976.18) (423,100.00) 152.0% Wages & Benefits 43,727.75 269,807.15 571,684.00 301,876.85 47.2% 271,117.84 572,935.00 47.3% Supplies 17,745.11 65,178.74 134,500.00 69,321.26 48.5% 86,376.39 128,500.00 67.2% Services & Charges 35,798.19 184,035.94 360,555.00 176,519.06 51.0% 175,279.74 292,500.00 59.9% Freight 24,320.00 69,307.43 180,000.00 110,692.57 38.5% 96,018.32 170,000.00 56.5% Miscellaneous Expenses 159.68 2,554.41 13,000.00 10,445.59 19.6% 4,122.05 14,340.00 28.7% Depreciation Expense - - 6,938.00 6,938.00 0.0% - 56,680.00 0.0% Capital Outlay 52,609.18 157,888.00 105,278.82 33.3% 11,690.56 10,833.00 107.9% Transfers -Out - - 102,847.00 102,847.00 0.0% - 90,775.00 0.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 326,543.76 1,872,132.10 2,635,552.00 763,419.90 71.0% 1,662,017.35 2,380,513.00 69.8% TOTAL REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES 93,422.81 483,532.25 12,798.00 470,734.25 439,575.57 (13,263.00) Comments REVENUES: Sales - Bagged Product YTD sales of bagged product through June has surpassed 2,083,000 bags versus 1,919,000 bags through June last year. Creekside staff is forecasting a total of 2,403,000 bags sold in 2014, which is a 25K increase over 2013. UBS Executive summary as of June 30, 2014 Asset allocation summary Value on % of 06/30/2014 ($) portfolio A Cash 2,210,592.80 16.14 Cash 2,210,592.80 16.14 B Fixed Income 11,487,814.33 83.86 us 11,039,725.40 80.59 International 448,088.93 3.27 C Equity 0.00 0.00 D Commodities 0.00 0.00 E Non - Traditional 0.00 0.00 F Other 0.00 0.00 Total Portfolio $13,698,407.13 100% Balanced mutual funds are allocated in the 'Other' category Equity sector analysis B 0 A Portfolio does not contain applicable holdings - exhibit intentionally left blank. Prepared for City of Hutchinson RP 38446 • City of Hutchinson • Business Service Account Risk profile: Conservative Return Objective: Current Income Expected cash flow $ Thousands 36 30 24 18 12 6 0 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 2014 2015 2015 0 Taxable income Total expected cash flow: $146,196.32 Cash flows displayed account for known events such as maturities and mandatory puts. Credit quality of bond holdings Value on % of Effective credit rating Issues 06/30/2014 ($) port. A Aaa/AAA/AAA 5 4,432,922.80 38.53 B Aa /AA/AA 4 3,031,943.43 26.41 C A/A/A 0 0.00 0.00 D Baa/BBB /BBB 0 0.00 0.00 E Non - investment grade 0 0.00 0.00 F Certificate of deposit 18 4,022,948.09 35.06 G Not rated 0 0.00 0.00 Total 27 $11,487,814.33 100% Report created on: July 01, 2014 Page 1 of 3 N Prepared for City of Hutchinson RP 38446 • City of Hutchinson • Business Service Account Risk profile: Conservative Return Objective: Current Income summaryIncludes all fixed -rate securities in the selected porfolio. Average yields and durations exclude Structured Product, Pass - Through, Perpetual Preferred, and Foreign securities. as of June 30, 2014 Bond overview Total quantity 11,382,000 Total market value $11,450,573.57 Total accrued interest $37,240.76 Total market value plus accrued interest $11,487,814.33 Total estimated annual bond interest $151,45125 Average coupon 1.35% Average current yield 1.32% Average yield to maturity 0.90% Average yield to worst 0.90% Average effective maturity 5.32 Credit quality of bond holdings Value on Effective credit rating Issues 06/30/2014 ($) A Aaa/AAA/AAA 5 4,432,922.80 B Aa /AA/AA 4 3,031,943.43 C A/A/A 0 0.00 D Baa/BBB /BBB 0 0.00 E Non - investment grade 0 0.00 F Certificate of deposit 18 4,022,948.09 G Not rated 0 0.00 Total 27 $11,487,814.33 % of port. 38.53 26.41 F A 0.00 0.00 0.00 35.06 s 0.00 100% Investment type allocation Report created on: July 01, 2014 Page 1 of 2 % of Tax - exempt / bond Investment type Taxable ($) deferred ($) Total ($) port. Certificates of deposit 4,022,948.09 0.00 4,022,948.09 35.02 Municipals 1,534,215.10 0.00 1,534,215.10 13.36 U.S. federal agencies 5,930,651.14 0.00 5,930,651.14 51.63 Total $11,487,814.33 $0.00 $11,487,814.33 100% Bond maturity schedule $ Millions 3.5 26.0% 3.0 22.3% 21.3 2.5 2.0 1.5 LA 1.0 4.4% 4.3 0.5 �0 1.2% 0.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2025 + Other 0 Effective maturity schedule Cash, mutual funds and some preferred securities are not included. Report created on: July 01, 2014 Page 1 of 2 N as of June 30, 2014 Prepared for City of Hutchinson RP 38446 • City of Hutchinson • Business Service Account Risk profile: Conservative Return Objective: Current Income SIncludes all fixed -rate securities in the selected porfolio. Average yields and durations exclude Structured Product, Pass - Through, Perpetual Preferred, and Foreign securities. Summary of bond holdings Maturity Year Issues Quantity Est. annual income ($) Current Yield to yield ( %) maturity ( %) Yield to worst ( %) Adjusted cost basis ($) Unrealized gain /loss ($) Mkt. value ($) 2014 1 249,000 1,992.00 0.80% 0.20 % 0.20 % 249,000 689.73 249,771.59 2015 11 2,550,000 20,884.00 0.82% 0.42 % 0.42 % 1,853,000 705,281.17 2,563,255.161 2016 1 145,000 1,812.50 1.24% 0.71 % 0.71 % 145,000 1,624.00 147,324.171 2017 6 1,748,000 44,348.75 2.44% 0.92 % 0.92 % 1,790,070.18 30,033.99 1,837,741.781 2018 1 240,000 3,240.00 1.38% 1.82 % 1.82 % 240,000 - 4,596.00 235,634.791 2019 1 500,000 11,725.00 2.31% 2.04 % 2.04 % 507,419.41 -54.41 508,374.651 2020 1 500,000 10,450.00 2.09% 2.07 % 2.07 % 499,995 565.00 501,488.891 2021 0 0 NA NA 2022 2 2,450,000 24,500.00 1.00% NA NA 2,450,000 - 3,124.50 2,449,386.611 2023 3 3,000,000 32,500.00 1.09% NA NA 3,000,000 - 14,330.00 2,994,836.671 2024 0 0 NA NA 2025 0 0 NA NA 2026 0 0 NA NA 2027 0 0 NA NA 2028 0 0 NA NA 2029 0 0 NA NA 2030 0 0 NA NA 2031 0 0 NA NA 2032 0 0 NA NA 2033 0 0 NA NA 2034 0 0 NA NA 2035 0 0 NA NA 2036 0 0 NA NA 2037 0 0 NA NA 2038 0 0 NA NA 2039 0 0 NA NA 2040 0 0 NA NA 2041 0 0 NA NA 2042 0 0 NA NA 2043 0 0 NA NA 2043 + 0 0 NA NA Other 0 0 NA NA Total 27 11,382,000 $151,452.25 1.32% 0.90% 0.90% $10,734,484.59 $716,088.98 $11,487,814.33 % of bond portfolio maturi - 2.18% 22.34% 1.28% - 15.9% 2.06% 04.43% ■ 4.37% 21.37 % 26.07% Report created on: July 01, 2014 Page 1 of 6 N Bond holdings - as of June 30, 2014 (continued) Details of bond holdings Prepared for City of Hutchinson RP 38446 • City of Hutchinson • Business Service Account Risk profile: Conservative Return Objective: Current Income Maturing 2015 Effective rating/ Est. annual Adjusted % of ALLY BANK UT US RT 00.9500% Underlying rating 248,000 0.95% Effective Call date/ income ($)/ YTM ( %)/ cost basis ($)/ Market Mkt. value ($)/ bond MAT 02/09/15 FIXED RATE CD (Mdy /Fitch /S &P) Quantity Coupon maturity Call price ($) Curr. yield ( %) YTW ( %) Unreal. g/I ($) price ($) Accr. interest ($) port. /UT 11,382,000 1.35% 10/23/2019 NA $151,452.25 0.90% $10,734,484.59 NA $11,450,573.57 100% Total Bond Portfolio 248,000 1.05% 02/09/2015 1.32% 0.90% $716,088.98 100.325 $37,240.76 2.17% RT 01.0500% MAT 02/09/15 1.05% 0.52% 806.00 $11,487,814.33 FIXED RATE CD /NY Effective rating/ Est. annual Adjusted % of DORAL BANK PR RT 00.9500% Underlying rating 248,000 0.95% Effective Call date/ income ($)/ YTM ( %)/ cost basis ($)/ Market Mkt. value ($)/ bond MAT 02/10/15 FIXED RATE CD (Mdy /Fitch /S &P) Quantity Coupon maturity Call price ($) Curr. yield ( %) YTW ( %) Unreal. g/I ($) price ($) Accr. interest ($) port. Maturing 2014 HUNTINGTON NATL BK OH US RT CD 249,000 0.80% 12/15/2014 1,992.00 0.20% 249,000.00 100.277 249,689.73 2.18% 00.8000% MAT 12/15/14 FIXED 0.80% 0.20% 689.73 81.86 RATE CD /OH Total 2014 CD 249,000 0.80% 12/15/2014 $1,992.00 0.20% $249,000.00 100.546 $249,689.73 2.18% 00.8000% MAT 06/15/15 FIXED 0.80% 0.20% $689.73 $81.86 RATE CD /NY Effective rating/ Est. annual Adjusted % of DISCOVER BANK DE US RT Underlying rating 248,000 1.05% Effective Call date/ income ($)/ YTM ( %)/ cost basis ($)/ Market Mkt. value ($)/ bond 01.0500% MAT 06/15/15 FIXED (Mdy /Fitch /S &P) Quantity Coupon maturity Call price ($) Curr. yield ( %) YTW ( %) Unreal. g/I ($) price ($) Accr. interest ($) port. Maturing 2015 ALLY BANK UT US RT 00.9500% CD 248,000 0.95% 02/09/2015 2,356.00 0.11% 248,000.00 100.513 249,272.24 2.18% MAT 02/09/15 FIXED RATE CD 0.95% 0.1 1 % 1,272.24 916.58 /UT GOLDMAN SACHS BANK NY US 248,000 1.05% 02/09/2015 2,604.00 0.52% 248,000.00 100.325 248,806.00 2.17% RT 01.0500% MAT 02/09/15 1.05% 0.52% 806.00 1,013.06 FIXED RATE CD /NY DORAL BANK PR RT 00.9500% CD 248,000 0.95% 02/10/2015 2,356.00 0.12% 248,000.00 100.514 249,274.72 2.18% MAT 02/10/15 FIXED RATE CD 0.95% 0.12% 1,274.72 903.67 /PR GE CAP BK UT US RT 01.1000% CD 115,000 1.10% 06/08/2015 1,265.00 0.63% 115,000.00 100.438 115,503.70 1.01% MAT 06/08/15 FIXED RATE CD 1.10% 0.63% 503.70 69.32 /UT BANK LEUMI NY US RT CD 249,000 0.80% 06/15/2015 1,992.00 0.23% 249,000.00 100.546 250,359.54 2.19% 00.8000% MAT 06/15/15 FIXED 0.80% 0.23% 1,359.54 81.86 RATE CD /NY DISCOVER BANK DE US RT CD 248,000 1.05% 06/15/2015 2,604.00 0.48% 248,000.00 100.546 249,354.08 2.18% 01.0500% MAT 06/15/15 FIXED 1.04% 0.48% 1,354.08 121.28 RATE CD /DE Report created on: July 01, 2014 Page 2 of 6 N Bond holdings - as of June 30, 2014 (continued) Prepared for City of Hutchinson RP 38446 • City of Hutchinson • Business Service Account Risk profile: Conservative Return Objective: Current Income Effective rating/ Est. annual Adjusted % of Underlying rating Effective Call date/ income ($)/ YTM ( %)/ cost basis ($)/ Market Mkt. value ($)/ bond (Mdy /Fitch /S &P) Quantity Coupon maturity Call price ($) Curr. yield ( %) YTW ( %) Unreal. g/I ($) price ($) Accr. interest ($) port. Maturing 2017 Effective rating/ 513,248.78 103.673 MASSACHUSETTS DEPT TRANS Aa3 /AA - /NR Est. annual TAX SR B RV BE /R/ 2.408 Adjusted 21,011.25 010117 DTD 113011 /MA % of 476,914.43 4.16% Underlying rating Aaa /AAA/AA+ 431,000 4.88% 01/17/2017 Effective Call date/ income ($)/ YTM ( %)/ cost basis ($)/ Market Mkt. value ($)/ bond CD (Mdy /Fitch /S &P) Quantity Coupon maturity Call price ($) Curr. yield ( %) YTW ( %) Unreal. g/I ($) price ($) Accr. interest ($) port. Maturing 2015 BANK OF CHINA LTD US RT CD 249,000 0.30% 06/18/2015 747.00 0.58% 0.00 99.735 248,340.15 2.17% 00.3000% MAT 06/18/15 FIXED 0.30% 0.58% 248,340.15 24.56 RATE CD EVERBANK FL US RT 00.5000% CD 248,000 0.50% 06/19/2015 1,240.00 0.64% 0.00 99.867 247,670.16 2.16% MAT 06/19/15 FIXED RATE CD /FL 0.50% 0.64% 247,670.16 37.37 STATE BK US RT 00.5000% MAT CD 200,000 0.50% 06/26/2015 1,000.00 0.64% 0.00 99.858 199,716.00 1.74% 06/26/15 FIXED RATE CD 0.50% 0.64% 199,716.00 8.22 SALLIE MAE BANK UT US RT CD 248,000 1.10% 08/10/2015 2,728.00 0.57% 248,000.00 100.591 249,465.68 2.18% 01.1000% MAT 08/10/15 FIXED 1.09% 0.57% 1,465.68 1,061.30 RATE CD /UT SAFRA NATL BK NY US RT CD 249,000 0.80% 08/17/2015 1,992.00 0.26% 249,000.00 100.610 250,518.90 2.19% 00.8000% MAT 08/17/15 FIXED 0.80% 0.26% 1,518.90 736.77 RATE CD /NY Total 2015 2,550,000 0.82% 05/22/2015 $20,884.00 0.42% $1,853,000.00 $2,558,281.17 22.34% 0.82% 0.42% $705,281.17 $4,973.99 Effective rating/ Est. annual Adjusted % of Underlying rating Effective Call date/ income ($)/ YTM ( %)/ cost basis ($)/ Market Mkt. value ($)/ bond (Mdy /Fitch /S &P) Quantity Coupon maturity Call price ($) Curr. yield ( %) YTW ( %) Unreal. g/I ($) price ($) Accr. interest ($) port. Maturing 2016 AMERICAN EXPRESS C NY US RT CD 145,000 1.25% 08/09/2016 1,812.50 0.71% 145,000.00 101.120 146,624.00 1.28% 01.2500% MAT 08/09/16 FIXED 1.24% 0.71% 1,624.00 700.17 RATE CD /NY Total 2016 145,000 1.25% 08/09/2016 $1,812.50 0.71% $145,000.00 $146,624.00 1.28% 1.24% 0.71% $1,624.00 $700.17 Effective rating/ Est. annual Adjusted % of Underlying rating Effective Call date/ income ($)/ YTM ( %)/ cost basis ($)/ Market Mkt. value ($)/ bond (Mdy /Fitch /S &P) Quantity Coupon maturity Call price ($) Curr. yield ( %) YTW ( %) Unreal. g/I ($) price ($) Accr. interest ($) port. Maturing 2017 0.92% 513,248.78 103.673 MASSACHUSETTS DEPT TRANS Aa3 /AA - /NR 500,000 2.41% 01/01/2017 TAX SR B RV BE /R/ 2.408 NR/NR /NR 21,011.25 010117 DTD 113011 /MA 459,821.40 110.653 476,914.43 4.16% FED FARM CREDIT BANK 04.875 Aaa /AAA/AA+ 431,000 4.88% 01/17/2017 % DUE 011717 DTD 010907 FC NR/NR /NR 1.17% 07172007 199,900.00 1.75% 1.15% COMENITY BANK DE US RT CD 200,000 1.15% 06/19/2017 01.1500% MAT 06/19/17 FIXED RATE JUMBO CD /DE 12,040.00 0.92% 513,248.78 103.673 518,365.00 4.53% 2.32% 0.92% 5,116.22 5,986.56 21,011.25 0.65% 459,821.40 110.653 476,914.43 4.16% 4.41% 0.65% 17,093.03 9,513.43 2,300.00 1.17% 200,000.00 99.950 199,900.00 1.75% 1.15% 1.17% - 100.00 75.62 Report created on: July 01, 2014 Page 3 of 6 N Bond holdings - as of June 30, 2014 (continued) Prepared for City of Hutchinson RP 38446 • City of Hutchinson • Business Service Account Risk profile: Conservative Return Objective: Current Income Report created on: July 01, 2014 Page 4 of 6 Effective rating/ Est. annual Adjusted % of Underlying rating Effective Call date/ income ($)/ YTM ( %)/ cost basis ($)/ Market Mkt. value ($)/ bond (Mdy /Fitch /S &P) Quantity Coupon maturity Call price ($) Curr. yield ( %) YTW ( %) Unreal. g/I ($) price ($) Accr. interest ($) port. Maturing 2017 GE CAP BK UT US RT 01.7500% CD 130,000 1.75% 08/03/2017 2,275.00 1.34% 130,000.00 101.242 131,614.60 1.15% MAT 08/03/17 FIXED RATE CD 1.73% 1.34% 1,614.60 162.05 /UT GE CAP RETAIL BK UT US RT CD 247,000 1.75% 08/03/2017 4,322.50 1.34% 247,000.00 101.242 250,067.74 2.18% 01.7500% MAT 08/03/17 FIXED 1.73% 1.34% 3,067.74 1,729.00 RATE CD /UT SUN NATL BK NJ US RT CD 240,000 1.00% 10/03/2017 2,400.00 0.58% 240,000.00 101.351 243,242.40 2.12% 01.0000% MAT 10/03/17 FIXED 0.99% 0.58% 3,242.40 170.96 RATE CD /NJ Total 2017 1,748,000 2.59% 04/16/2017 $44,348.75 0.92% $1,790,070.18 $1,820,104.17 15.90% 2.44% 0.92% $30,033.99 $17,637.61 Effective rating/ Est. annual Adjusted % of Underlying rating Effective Call date/ income ($)/ YTM ( %)/ cost basis ($)/ Market Mkt. value ($)/ bond (Mdy /Fitch /S &P) Quantity Coupon maturity Call price ($) Curr. yield ( %) YTW ( %) Unreal. g/I ($) price ($) Accr. interest ($) port. Maturing 2018 ENERBANK UT US RT 01.3500% CD 240,000 1.35% 10/04/2018 3,240.00 1.82% 240,000.00 98.085 235,404.00 2.06% MAT 10/04/18 FIXED RATE CD 1.38% 1.82% - 4,596.00 230.79 /UT Total 2018 240,000 1.35% 10/04/2018 $3,240.00 1.82% $240,000.00 $235,404.00 2.06% 1.38% 1.82% $- 4,596.00 $230.79 Effective rating/ Est. annual Adjusted % of Underlying rating Effective Call date/ income ($)/ YTM ( %)/ cost basis ($)/ Market Mkt. value ($)/ bond (Mdy /Fitch /S &P) Quantity Coupon maturity Call price ($) Curr. yield ( %) YTW ( %) Unreal. g/I ($) price ($) Accr. interest ($) port. Maturing 2019 RIVERSIDE CA CMNTY COLGE Aa2 /NR/AA 500,000 2.35% 08/01/2019 11,725.00 2.04% 507,419.41 101.473 507,365.00 4.43% TAX SR B BE/R/ 2.345 NR/NR /NR 2.31% 2.04% -54.41 1,009.65 080119 DTD 052914 /CA Total 2019 500,000 2.35% 08/01/2019 $11,725.00 2.04% $507,419.41 $507,365.00 4.43% 2.31% 2.04% $ -54.41 $1,009.65 Effective rating/ Est. annual Adjusted % of Underlying rating Effective Call date/ income ($)/ YTM ( %)/ cost basis ($)/ Market Mkt. value ($)/ bond (Mdy /Fitch /S &P) Quantity Coupon maturity Call price ($) Curr. yield ( %) YTW ( %) Unreal. g/I ($) price ($) Accr. interest ($) port. Maturing 2020 MASS ST GO CONSOL LN TAX SR Aa1 /AA + /AA+ 500,000 2.09% 05/01/2020 10,450.00 2.07% 499,995.00 100.112 500,560.00 4.37% B BE/R/ 2.090 050120 DTD NR/NR /NR 2.09% 2.07% 565.00 928.89 052814 /MA Total 2020 500,000 2.09% 05/01/2020 $10,450.00 2.07% $499,995.00 $500,560.00 4.37% 2.09% 2.07% $565.00 $928.89 Report created on: July 01, 2014 Page 4 of 6 N Bond holdings - as of June 30, 2014 (continued) Prepared for City of Hutchinson RP 38446 • City of Hutchinson • Business Service Account Risk profile: Conservative Return Objective: Current Income Maturing 2023 Effective rating/ Est. annual Adjusted % of Underlying rating Aaa/NR/AA+ 1,000,000 Effective Call date/ income ($)/ YTM ( %)/ cost basis ($)/ Market Mkt. value ($)/ bond 997,700.00 (Mdy /Fitch /S &P) Quantity Coupon maturity Call price ($) Curr. yield ( %) YTW ( %) Unreal. g/I ($) price ($) Accr. interest ($) port. Maturing 2022 4,166.67 07302013 FHLB STEP UP CALL BOND 01.000 Aaa/NR/AA+ 950,000 1.00% 09/28/2022 09/28/2014 9,500.00 NA 950,000.00 99.919 949,230.50 8.29% % DUE 092822 DTD 092812 FC NR/NR /NR 99.704 97,040.00 100.00 1.00% NA - 769.50 2,427.78 100.00 03282013 NA - 2,960.00 4,166.67 07302013 FHLB STEP UP CALL BOND 01.000 NR/NR/AA+ 1,500,000 1.00% 12/28/2022 09/28/2014 15,000.00 NA 1,500,000.00 99.843 1,497,645.00 13.08% % DUE 122822 DTD 122812 FC NR/NR /NR 12,500.00 NA 100.00 1.00% NA - 2,355.00 DUE 060623 DTD 060613 FC 83.33 06282013 100.00 1.26% NA - 9,070.00 833.33 12062013 Total 2022 2,450,000 1.00% 11/23/2022 $24,500.00 NA $2,450,000.00 $2,446,875.50 21.37% Total 2023 3,000,000 1.08% 03/13/2023 1.00% NA $- 3,124.50 $3,000,000.00 $2,511.11 $2,985,670.00 26.07% Effective rating/ Est. annual 1.09% Adjusted $- 14,330.00 % of Underlying rating Effective rating/ Effective Call date/ income ($)/ YTM ( %)/ cost basis ($)/ Market Mkt. value ($)/ bond (Mdy /Fitch /S &P) Quantity Coupon maturity Call price ($) Curr. yield ( %) YTW ( %) Unreal. g/I ($) price ($) Accr. interest ($) port. Maturing 2023 FHLB STEP UP CALL BOND 01.000 Aaa/NR/AA+ 1,000,000 1.00% 01/30/2023 07/30/2014 10,000.00 NA 1,000,000.00 99.770 997,700.00 8.71% % DUE 013023 DTD 013013 FC NR/NR /NR 100.00 1.00% NA - 2,300.00 4,166.67 07302013 FHLB STEP UP CALL BOND 01.000 1 Aaa/NR/AA+ 1,000,000 1.00% 01/30/2023 07/30/2014 10,000.00 NA 1,000,000.00 99.704 97,040.00 8.71% % DUE 013023 DTD 013013 FC NR/NR /NR 100.00 1.00% NA - 2,960.00 4,166.67 07302013 FHLB BOND STEP -UP 1.2500% Aaa/NR/AA+ 1,000,000 1.25% 06/06/2023 09/06/2014 12,500.00 NA 1,000,000.00 99.093 990,930.00 8.65% DUE 060623 DTD 060613 FC NR/NR /NR 100.00 1.26% NA - 9,070.00 833.33 12062013 Total 2023 3,000,000 1.08% 03/13/2023 $32,500.00 NA $3,000,000.00 $2,985,670.00 26.07% 1.09% NA $- 14,330.00 $9,166.67 Effective rating/ Est. annual Adjusted % of Underlying rating Effective Call date/ income ($)/ YTM ( %)/ cost basis ($)/ Market Mkt. value ($)/ bond (Mdy /Fitch /S &P) Quantity Coupon maturity Call price ($) Curr. yield ( %) YTW ( %) Unreal. g/I ($) price ($) Accr. interest ($) port. 11,382,000 1.35% 10/23/2019 NA $151,452.25 0.90% $10,734,484.59 NA $11,450,573.57 100% Total Bond Portfolio 1.32% 0.90% $716,088.98 $37,240.76 $11,487,814.33 Report created on: July 01, 2014 Page 5 of 6