09-13-1965 HUCM110. September 13, 1965 Regular Meeting A monthly meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on September 13, 1965 in the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Office. All Commissioners were present; also Supt. Kuiken. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy and seconded by Commissioner Quade to ask Northern Natural Gas Company for an additional 500 MCF of gas ( over and above present contract demand) . If request is granted, gas will be allocated to Hutchinson Creamery, Public Schools and Minnesota Mining and Manf. . Company; to be billed on a firm basis at 54¢ per MCF . Motion was unanimously carried. RESOLVED THAT, in accordance with the recommendations of the Superintendent, and after investigation and consideration, the following accounts owing by customers of the Utilities Commission be charged off as uncollectable and as bad debts and that the same be written off as of September 30, 1965, out of the current earnings of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission: Larry Paggett Ken Peterson Clifford Borg Virgil Poore The following bills were allowed: R. G. Read & Company Central Supply Company Plowman's Inc G. T. C Auto Parts Farm & Home Dist. Company Hutchinson Oil Company Aladdin Industries Inc Hoel Dist. Company Hutchinson Telephone Company Bob's Shell Service Louis Schwarze Natural Gas Division Municipal Electric Plant A. L. Hepner American Gas Journal American Meter Company Hutchinson Leader Northern States Supply Clyde Seller 1 -328 4 -446 4 -459 12 -348 880 154.3 859.1 859.1 880 859.1 154.3 859.1 921 859.2 859.2 245.1 245 880 930 890 913 874 235 There being no further business, the ATTEST :0,� R. e nt: Ppa r , res N. K01 95.68 32.55 31.37 5.10 N 5.30 286.04 1.10 2.36 2.10 9.00 12.62 44.19 26.93 37.00 20.00 37.30 312.20 3.50 5.00 349.42 35.36 13.61 17.95 meeting was ad jou ed. R• a , acre ary. - 1