08-12-1963 HUCM78. Re7iiTar Meeting. Augb' t 12, 1963. The Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson met at the Utilities Billing Office on August 12, 1963. All. members of the Commission were present, also Attorney Comer. The following bills were allowed*. Natural Gas Division 235 426 104.25 0. A. Bretzke & Son 895 40.30 KDUZ 913 130.00 Zila Hardware 891 3.47 Municipal Electric C om pan y 913 62.50 Municipal Electric Plant 245 902 903 562.91 Wylie Texaco Service 880 67.89 Erickson Oil Products 880 4.31 Municipal Electric Plant 930 23.14 Northern States Sunply Inc 880 3.20 Reinhard Brothers 895 29.66 The Hutchinson Leader Inc 913 104.00 A. L. He pner 154.2 930 31.70 Mueller Company 154.3 102.61 George A. Clark & Son 930 299.78 Hoffman Plumbing & Heating 880 5.99, Pennsalt Chemicals Corporation 880 91.80 American Meter Company 880 24.94 Fisher Governor Company 154.2 893 11481.95 There beint; no further business, the meeting was adjourned. • W T a , : ecre`tary. At`est: R. I. Sheopard, President . Special Meeting August 30, 1963. The Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson met at the Utilities Billing office on August 30, 1963. All members of the Commission were present; also Supt. Kuiken and Attorney Comer. R E S O L U T I O N "RESOLVED, That, whereas, the City Council of the City of Hutchinson Resolution 99 As per resolution #1000 adopted 11 -29 -06 Numbering resolutions from 1936 — 2006 For search purposes only